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Hanson Seuclid, Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

Ayame thought on Sirius's question, why are we fighting them? To take over the Earth? If so what for? Resources? Control? She was a soldier and the reason why she would be fighting them were above her paygrade, and station. But she was interested in the reasoning on how this all started. Something to ask later, but she wondered if she could get more out of Hanson. This is the most she found out about him so far and they were having an okay conversation.

"Were were you from Hanson? Honestly from the most conflicted times doesn't narrow it down. My parents are from two different points of the U.C. time period and both talked about how they were in brutal conflicts." Ayame asked very curious about this man she has known very little "And what was is like besides constant fighting. My parents talked about Earth during their time, I wanna know what Earth was like from your time period. That is if you were even on the planet."


Hanson Seuclid, Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

Ayame wasn't sure what to say for a moment, this wasn't the answer she expected. She has heard of Advanced humans, hell one of her teachers in the acadamy was one. She didn't expect to have one here in a young man like Sirius, but she also had heard tales from her parents about advanced humans younger then Sirius doing such things she could only dream of doing, but she was sure that most of the stories were fluffed.

"War huh? Never thought of the situation with the earthlings that way." she thought out load, sure she had a tussle with the earthling once or twice when they popped their head into space, but would what's going on be considered a war? She highly doubted it, but the earthlings were persistent to get into space.

"But its great to have pilots like you, not everyday I get an answers like yours. But when the call is made to fly out, It'll be nice to have you watching my back."

Port Algec

Nathaniel Hesse, Teras Yiloc

Nathan knew of the Canners, the spacenoids who the empire have been in conflict with for the past few years. He didn't know it was bad, he wonder how many people have been lost before he was snagged by the General for this launch. Judging by Teras's expression it hasn't been great on there end, but also a chance to show his skills

'This is sounding worse then I thought, well no taking it easy for my first launch... Not that I'm not taking this seriously. But lets not disappoint the other, especially the General'

"I got your back guys, and doubly for you Tear so I will be able to take you up on offer for fresh bread. Now comon lets get the good seats before they are taken and we got to sit in the back." Nathan winked and put on a big grin on his face to help cheer Teras up as he made his way up towards the front row of the chairs and took a seat. He was hoping this would be quick so they can launch ASAP, but knowing the General this would take over an hour so he would have to get comfortable.


Hanson Seuclid, Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

As she but in she could tell it was one of THOSE conversations, where they were in there own little world and don't pay attention to anything until they were done chatting. So she waited, and listening in on the conversation she was surprised this was the most civil conversation she has seen from Hanson, mostly he was brash or rude. This was different, maybe he wasn't as bad as she thought he was? Were these rumors of him wrong? Best to find out about him herself.

"Corporal Ayame Izumi, Mobile Suit. Must say Seulucid never thought you to talk so civilly, especially with someone so," she paused as she looked at Sirius and could tell he was no soldier "Pure? You finally find that heart of yours?" she asked playfully, she may have been going a bit too far with Hanson with the jokes but felt like it was worth it before the mission started,

"But enough poking at Seulecid, I haven't see you around Sirius Free was it?" she asked curios about this young man and why he was here, and she has been here for years and he is a new comer. "You don't look like a soldier or a maintenance worker, so what brings you here to PORT-1?"

Port Algec

Mess Hall >Briefing
Tyr Fin, Nathaniel Hesse

"Ahh, already on first name basis Skye? See you in a bit!" he knew the risks of annoying her, but he didn't care. But he would keep the secret, even without the threat of disembowelment. When she left he went back to eating

"On your six boss, and don't worry about Skye it was all in good fun." he said after he swallowed the rest of his sandwich and followed behind Tyr who was leading him towards the Admin building he had just left. It was funny, even though he had been threatened by Skye he found it more adorable and funny then actually threatening, reminded him of his younger sister

Looking around the briefing room he mostly saw new faces, but some were faces he recognized, one who recognized him as well, "Hey there Tear, yeah I've been chosen to launch as well. It was quiet in Gol when was snagged by the General, the constant combat was fun and all but I will not be missing the cold that's for sure. So how does it feel to be back home, If I remember correctly you grew up around here correct?" he asked Teras with a smile, they had both been part of the eastern front and had met a few times in between combat. It was great to hear someone else he recognized was here, maybe catch up with her after the mission.

Port-1 Hall > Cafeteria

Ayame huffed as she left her room, she had woken up not even twenty minutes ago, later then she hoped for and all because of this double life of hers. She had been up late finishing her current song and it took longer then expected as she found a certain track in the song was corrupted and had to recreate it, then make sure the other tracks in the song weren't corrupted and had taken longer then she expected. She double checked her hair was in a bun and slapped her face with her hands to wake herself up, she didn't look pretty but passable for the military standards.

Once she knew she was good she made her way towards the Cafeteria walking with purpose, food, she was starving when she woke up and wanted to get something in her stomach before anything else today. When she arrived she looked around the room, it was decently busy, but she spotted a figured she did not want to deal with, Hanson. She has seen him in combat and met him once or twice ad well as heard the stories of this man, all not positive besides his piloting skills that even she had to admit was great. she loathed the idea of even being in the same room as him but hunger won over spite and made her way over to the table and grabbed her own food before looking for a place to sit. There was no place for her to sit down by herself, but she noticed a young man was chatting with Hanson and god knows what he could be talking about with a young man, 'Well better go save him from Seuclid' she thought as she made her way towards the two hearing there conversation she heard the young man talking about war and how it was ingrained into human genes and decided to join in this conversation,

"Forgive me for interrupting Seuclid, you guys don't mind if I join in do you? So what are you guys talking about, Philosophy?" she asked curious as she sat down next to Sirius, as far as she was concerned she was joining in to protect Sirius from Hanson not realizing they've been having a pleasant conversation the entire time.

Port Algec

Mess Hall
Tyr Fin, Everin Skye, Roose Tadmoore, Nathanial Hesse

Nathan loved the fact he had such high praise from an older soldier was a good sign for him, and an Armen as well. Having him call him his grace was a bit much, he wasn't a Hessen but its been forever since he was called such a name. When they joined the Empire such tiles like Grace, King, Prince were no longer used in Hesse to represent his family as the crown was politically destroyed and the kingdom shattered into smaller administration zone, it was easier to control them that way.

"Well, it a pleasure to meet you as well, wish I was here a tad earlier, been forever since I had proper meat." Nathan said who showed his dismay as they were feasting on to him the most divine meal in half a decade, it was also depressing to here Skye have trouble figuring out what she was calling her meal and had to correct her, "Its a steak Skye. Pork chop is from pigs, boars may look like pigs but pigs don't have the meat to have steak cuts like boars do. And if you want to compare kill counts, you would find your count woefully under mine Skye."

He was a fighter, a soldier, an assassin, he was sent to battlefields were the fighting was the most brutal "Your skills as a pilot are well known even out in Gol, but there is a reason I was top dog in combat out there" it brought him back to the days were he would run wild, stalk the enemy commanders and cause havoc behind enemy lines before the true assault would start. Some would say his kill count was a bit over blown, about two hundred. Of course plenty of them were surprised enemies who had no chance to form a defense and them them apart.

"But I hate to say it and laugh it up, I'm woefully underprepared for space combat. Three training missions is what I have underneath my belt, hate to say it but I might be a bit outmatched by those who have had experience in space. Also yes I will be deployed in the HMT, thing moves like butter in space compared to terrestrial combat." They were more sensitive as well, without gravity he has to be be more conservative with his movements mainly the HMT's main thrusters, a single mistake and he is flailing in space for a few seconds to re-adjust himself. It was something he would need to work on if they were going to be facing any Canners or Ghosts, thankfully his last training mission he did great, or so he thought not a single crash or unintended thrust.

"Also Skye, I saw what you did to that one guy in a nice outfit, what did he do to have you bash his head open? Did he fuck with your machine? Did he comment on your legs?" he was curious and had to know, also not to mess with the poster girl.

Port Algec

Mess Hall

As he left he made his way towards the Mess hall as he hasn't had anything since breakfast and wanted to get something to eat before launch. When he entered, he noticed the smell of something he hasn't had in years, meat, cooked meat, real meat, and ran towards the table. Sadly for him they had just ran out of easily prepared meat and would take too long to get one prepared for him so he went with something hand held for his lunch as he didn't want to waste too much time with something that required a utensil and went with a sandwich with vegetables. It wasn't the best food but it would do better then that "Meat" they were serving and left the line as he looked around for a place to sit and maybe sulk over his bad luck.

While he was searching he noticed that Skye was with some guys, they both looked older then her. They seemed to be having a good time, well at least her and the older Armen guy. The man with the headphones seemed like he was serious, or it was his resting expression he couldn't tell. He was also extremely jealous that they got the meat, even though it was charred it still smelt divine in his nose. God when was the last time he had a meal that good? Too long and he missed his chance to enjoy himself with good food before the mission briefing, this was turning out to be a bad day to be him right now. He would hope that getting out into combat would lighten up his mood up significantly though.

He looked over the tables and decided he would crash Skye's party and joined them in their conversation sitting down next to Tyr, "So is this were the cool kids sit Skye? Carius Nathanial Hesse, its a pleasure to meet you two as well." he said introducing himself before taking a bite out of his sandwich, it was crunchy and dry, he wished he had gotten water as well.
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