Port Algec | Briefing Room | Back of the Room
Sagi Pluton & Briefing Attendees | @Phoenix347 @Crosswire
What sounded like a rebuttal or disagreement had been amplified by the stark silence in the room. A blue-haired girl, who reminded him of an old friend who liked to push his luck, was vying for an intercepting strike. Bold and brash but like his old friend, this one seemed to lack that air of luck. She would die in a blaze of glory if left to herself. That was funny to him, an open-mouth smile on his face. Already he could feel the excitement of the upcoming space excursion running through him. He felt like the kid he should had been.
He slipped through the shadows produced by the back and forth, followed shortly by his two taller babysitters. Sagi caught sight of the only man he felt a sense of familiarity off to the side of the fresh Centurion. The usual bolt of fear struck his spine, making him shiver but as usual, he quickly wrestled it under control. General George Eltz, the perfect example of a wolf in sheep clothing, seemed in complete control and frankly exasperated by the interruption. Least, that's what it felt like to him. A large hand squeezed his shoulder firmly; a quiet reminder of his semi-freedom and of the fact he had stopped near the doorway.
He shot the babysitter a icy glare before moving to a small corner. The guards positioned themselves on either side, one of them relaxing against the wall. "It's nearly a full workout watching you brat."
The burlier of the two punched the other in the arm. "Respect these soldiers and their mission, Norman. Zip it."
Sagi snickered between them but it went largely unnoticed. He scratched his cheek absently while following the meager argument. The Centurion was failing at putting the loud-mouth in her place. Apparently this side of the military was drastically different than the one he was use to. Though he could relate with her desire to kill her enemies (it was only natural after all); he felt angry at the lack of correction if for nothing else other than her tone. He could still feel the aches of his 'corrections' and wondered if she had ever received one.
He looked over at the guard (the one who had punched the other). "Shouldn't she get hit or something?" he asked out loud, mirth heavy in his voice. "These guys are kinda laxed over here. I like it, if that was me I'd be beaten so bad."
The uniformed officer shot him stare that said, 'Zip it, Pluton or you will be beaten.'
Sagi shrunk into himself playfully. He didn't fear them the way he was afraid of The General. All they could do was hurt him physically, physical pain was easy to bear. What The General tortured was his spirit and that was much harder to endure. "Sooorry"
The burly soldier gripped his shoulder hard, really hard, and started pushing him towards the exit. He leaned down and whispered, "The General was kind enough to let you sit in on the briefing and this is how you show gratitude. We'll beat you short of being a hinderance on the mission, Pluton."
Sagi's face fell as he planted his feet down. "Sheesh, I was just joking," he lied. He honestly did want to see the blue-haired girl get 'corrected', cause if it was good enough to happen to him, it was good enough to happen to her. Sagi found the General's eyes, a question in them that asked if he had gone too far. Said too much. "General Eltz, my bad."
He slipped through the shadows produced by the back and forth, followed shortly by his two taller babysitters. Sagi caught sight of the only man he felt a sense of familiarity off to the side of the fresh Centurion. The usual bolt of fear struck his spine, making him shiver but as usual, he quickly wrestled it under control. General George Eltz, the perfect example of a wolf in sheep clothing, seemed in complete control and frankly exasperated by the interruption. Least, that's what it felt like to him. A large hand squeezed his shoulder firmly; a quiet reminder of his semi-freedom and of the fact he had stopped near the doorway.
He shot the babysitter a icy glare before moving to a small corner. The guards positioned themselves on either side, one of them relaxing against the wall. "It's nearly a full workout watching you brat."
The burlier of the two punched the other in the arm. "Respect these soldiers and their mission, Norman. Zip it."
Sagi snickered between them but it went largely unnoticed. He scratched his cheek absently while following the meager argument. The Centurion was failing at putting the loud-mouth in her place. Apparently this side of the military was drastically different than the one he was use to. Though he could relate with her desire to kill her enemies (it was only natural after all); he felt angry at the lack of correction if for nothing else other than her tone. He could still feel the aches of his 'corrections' and wondered if she had ever received one.
He looked over at the guard (the one who had punched the other). "Shouldn't she get hit or something?" he asked out loud, mirth heavy in his voice. "These guys are kinda laxed over here. I like it, if that was me I'd be beaten so bad."
The uniformed officer shot him stare that said, 'Zip it, Pluton or you will be beaten.'
Sagi shrunk into himself playfully. He didn't fear them the way he was afraid of The General. All they could do was hurt him physically, physical pain was easy to bear. What The General tortured was his spirit and that was much harder to endure. "Sooorry"
The burly soldier gripped his shoulder hard, really hard, and started pushing him towards the exit. He leaned down and whispered, "The General was kind enough to let you sit in on the briefing and this is how you show gratitude. We'll beat you short of being a hinderance on the mission, Pluton."
Sagi's face fell as he planted his feet down. "Sheesh, I was just joking," he lied. He honestly did want to see the blue-haired girl get 'corrected', cause if it was good enough to happen to him, it was good enough to happen to her. Sagi found the General's eyes, a question in them that asked if he had gone too far. Said too much. "General Eltz, my bad."