Character Name
Nicknames/other namesCHARACTER IMAGE - no anime is possible
Age - Sex - Pronouns - Title - Sexuality
"Insert a character quote here"—Character name or nickname [
NAMERACEWho are they and where do they hail from?
CLASSPlease provide a breakdown of what class your character is. If you are a warlock, please break down the pact of your warlock, if you are a wizard please also tell me where you did your studies.
AppearanceWhat do they look like? Please try and be as descriptive as you can here. Feel free to link photos when relevant.
HISTORYYou don’t have to provide me a ton, 2-3 paragraphs if detailed will be sufficient here.
FEARSWhat keeps your character up at night?
GOALSWhat were your goals prior to being fated, and what are your goals now that you are?
SECRETSAre there any secrets that your character has of note?
FLAWWhat flaws does your character have?
SkillsWhat skills does your character bring to the party
ABILITIESHigh-level overview of what your character can do. I would do a few sentences if needed
Now go into detail here. Please breakdown what they can do, how they do it, etc here.
FATED WEAPONPlease be very detailed about the Fated Weapon and what it can do,
I would separate it to two sections. The above for the weapon itself, and this for the Fated Powers. With your fated powers please include limitations for it as well.
FATED WEAPONAnything else?