Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Background Information

Humans had always been on top of the animal kingdom. However, one defining moment arrived that would threaten to change this status quo of thousands of years, all in an instant. World War 3 came to Earth in the far future when almost everything relied on advanced technology. Many of our current inventions are considered antique and almost never used or even heard of such as guns that fire metal. It would be like a modern day human trying to use a wooden bow and arrow in combat. They now have technology that would be indistinguishable from magic. It made life incredibly easy for them, but it would also lead to their downfall.

Both sides of the conflict attempted many things to get on top of the other, but two in particular were of the upmost of importance. The first was an attempt to infuse humans with animal DNA in order to give them the wondrous physical qualities that said animals naturally possess, creating unstoppable super soldiers better then any android could be. The second world changing event was a wave of energy similar in function to an EMP of today, which wiped out all of the advanced technology worldwide, throwing mankind back to the stone age. They had no idea how to work the less technological inventions, far less have any just laying around for them to use. Of course they had info related to such things on their computers, but those were all fried in the wave of energy; just useless hunks of metal now. With their technology no longer working their human/animal mixer was unleashed from their vaults, spilling the stockpiled gas all over the world.

It didn't help humans as originally planned. Well, some gained the qualities of animals, but they were the oddities. It had much more of an effect on the animals. The less intelligent they were, the more of an IQ boost they got so that most animals became a similar level of intellect. Therefore, humans were not the only ones who didn't get much of a boost, but also animals such as chimps. It was not just IQ boosts the animals got, but many even took on a more humanoid shape. For example, many now stand on two legs and have developed humanoid looking hands with opposable thumbs. Animals that need their four or more legs to support themselves don't have such a trait, and birds don't just spontaneously grow arms and hands, but if there's not a reason why they wouldn't, most species would take on these human-like qualities. Animals that live only in the ocean were mostly immune from this because the gas didn't reach them, but animals that occasionally get close to shore or are mammals so come up to breath are effected.

The humans were quick to realize the potential problems that could arise as the animals now had equal intelligence. They were threatened to say the least. They refused to allow mere animals to gain such importance as to put humans down from the top of the food chain. Most of the livestock were slaughtered instantly when they started to try and revolt, their newfound intelligence compelling them to flee or attack their previous owners. That's why the humans justified the killing; a necessary process to restore the peace. Humans had to then rely either on vegetation or killing other animals for consumption. The second option would kill two birds with one stone (sometimes literally), allowing them to remove more threats and have the public support all the while because they needed the meat to survive.

Animals were not all, "let's band together and have peace!" either. Many of them continued to fight amongst themselves for some time. Anteaters and ants, hyena and lions, cats and dogs, predators and their natural prey, etc, rivalries that only increased with their advanced intelligence that gave them more ways to be able to kill one another and emotions to hold grudges and get angry. In fact, some rivalries were so bad that some animals were driven to near extinction while others came out on top as new superpowers, much like how human countries used to be. Borders were drawn, cities created, alliances formed and broken.

489 years went by since the end of WW3 and the rise of the animals. The level of technology is medieval with gunpowder just now being invented but not far enough for practical use yet. Some species have lower technology then others, but being of similar intelligence, most have about the same level of technology, just with different styles to it.

Animal List

Humans- They're still the most powerful species that can be found almost all around the world. They're largely militaristic in nature, both men and women trained in combat and often all too eager to bring down other animals to reinstate the undeniable superiority of the human race and ensure their survival in these chaotic times. Their primary advance is that they're one of the largest species around that also has an incredibly large population size that borders on overpopulation while simultaneously driving out the other animals. In these terms, no other species comes close to competing with them. Even a child is larger then most of the more common animal adults, so imagine a world where a single child can crush thousands of your troops, and that's how a lot of insects and other small animals feel about them. Due to genetic engineering, both men and women are tough and beautiful, genetic defects all but eliminated from the gene pool while they still had the technology do to so. They can't do further tampering with DNA, but they basically didn't feel the need to anyways because they achieved the best humanly possible. That is why they wanted to turn to animal DNA next. The humans are forming a powerful empire, starting in North America, that hopes to expand worldwide and restore humans at the top of the food chain.

Dogs- They were the biggest and most loyal ally of the humans for many years. Because of this they were spared from being massacred like a lot of the other animals often in human contact such as the farm animals. They were considered by other animals to be traitors to them, viewed in poor taste that has continued even now. Their military was able to fend off many enemies such as the cats for a long time, their most bitter enemy during the war. However, the dogs alone, even if a mighty species, could not last forever and were just being used by the humans from the beginning, not receiving adequate reinforcements from them in their hour of need. Their defeat finally came after the arrival of the then neutral wolves, adding one powerful enemy too many. A lot of dogs were outright killed or later executed after their defeat, although some managed to escape, their largest settlement being in North Carolina. Others did not ally with the humans from the get go and joined the other side, but these are rare.

Bears- They feel too high and mighty to ally with other species. They instead keep largely to themselves. They will attack when provoked and will maintain strict borders to keep outsiders away from their territory. Polar bears are the most exclusionist of all of them. Bears are at their most powerful in Russia but can be found a lot in North America as well.

Cats- Even the housecats did not have the same level of loyalty to the humans as dogs did, and as such were not spared from attack. Luckily the cats are known for their high skill and mobility so were able to escape long before the military was able to form and start cracking down on them, and plus a lot of their owners at the time allowed them to escape, not yet having the hard feelings that came about as the war progressed. Due to their close proximity to dogs they were the primary ones to face them in combat in the opening years of the war. The cats like to fight as if they were ninjas, as they would lose in a straight fight with the dog army unless they had superior numbers. Many cats who were in no shape/intention to fight or were simply stuck behind enemy lines in the human territory traveled to South Carolina to regroup, which soon became their primary base of operations. From there they were able to keep a close eye on the dogs that fled to North Carolina after the war was over with. Escaped large cats from the zoo, such as the tigers and lions, also found their way here and allied with the housecats, as in they didn't try eating them very much and rather set their sights on others. There are not many of these larger cats still alive, and there wasn't that many to begin with anyways. Some lions have made it a point to command the rest of the cats as generals, considering themselves the greatest of cats who should lead other cats to victory.

Wolves- They have a strong presence in a lot of forests in North America and Europe, being one of the most powerful animals due to their decent population size for an animal of their respectable size and level of physical abilities. Even unarmed they can fight tooth and nail to kill animals of much larger size then their own, and hunting in packs increases their chances even further. Wolves originally kept to themselves when a lot of other animals were busy fighting amongst themselves, and then the wolf packs made their move once they had the advantage, defeating the dogs and going at war with the humans in a bid for more territory and food.

Primates/Monkies/etc.- With their higher intelligence then most other animals no longer a factor, their importance has fallen by the way side. Most of them keep to themselves like hermits.

Crocodiles/Alligators- They have formed small groups within rivers and hold their strongest presence around the Americas. They kill any other animal they find, often getting at odds with the humans as well. They want to take more land for hunting ground or other reasons, but whenever they form larger groups they quickly have large amounts of infighting and cannot accomplish much of anything in terms of large scale invasion.

Bugs/Insects/etc- Due to the mutations, a lot of diseases originally found within certain animals such as mosquitoes no longer survive inside their bodies so they have nothing bad to transmit. As such they're often not very powerful on their own and join with other alliances or try to avoid others in order to survive. Some can be very skilled fighters on their own, but this is rare. A notable example is some grasshoppers who excel in jumping round the battlefield and delivering quick strikes to vital points.

United Animal Republic- This is made up largely of animals who cannot fend for themselves, including birds, reptiles, bugs, mammals, etc. Important members are the eagles, hawks, foxes, rabbits, cats, ants, and bees, being the so called "High Seven" and hold the most voting power in the republic both based on population size and over-all usefulness. Wolves are considered potential allies but do not technically fall under this republic. There are many, many more species involved, and they all have some representation, but obviously the needs of the caterpillars, which are mostly defenseless civilians, for example, do not have as much power in the republic as others. The republic still strives to treat all members as fairly as reasonably possible. They wish to create a peaceful world, but are willing to go at war with the humans and any other species who are threatening this peace and continuing to oppress the other animals.

Wasps/Hornets- They are often bandits working only for the good of themselves or their hives, ambushing travelers and those that enter too closely and steal their possessions, as well as using their body for food and resources.

Army Ants- The army ants wish to conquer the world and currently control a portion of Brazil. They're a highly numerous and organized force that charges into enemy bases and swarms them, biting and stinging the whole time, until the enemy falls. They can create massive fortifications and trenches relative to their size with their newfound intellect and planning ability. They are not to be underestimated, having defeated most humans native to Brazil who foolishly stood in their way.

The Mercenary Guild- This is a global guild centered in Great Britain that is run by a group of humans allied with many individual animals. They sell out the services to those with enough valuable things to offer. Their members travel the globe by way of boats based off of designs they found in some ancient paper books. Due to their ability to travel the globe better then any others they have picked up mercenaries from all over, resulting in such a wide variety of animal species that it's even possible to see a rhino talking to an emu, for example.

Uprising- A so called "animal uprising" effort made by animals forming into a group bent on conquering the world to make a better place for all animals. At least that's their mission objective in theory. However, many of them are power hungry and just want to rise themselves up into power at the cost of all others. This group has the highest membership of bats, spiders, snakes, crows, vultures, and a few other less notable species.

Other- Africa and Australia are now overrun with animals due to how many deadly ones were around, who somehow managed to kill off most of the human occupants in the opening attacks but are not doing a very good job at running the place or working together. Most of the humans fled to the less animal intensive Europe to make that their safe haven in that area of the world, forming a formidable line of defense that animals have failed to breach. South America has a lot of fighting among many different animal groups all struggling for supremacy, most notably in the Amazon Rainforest. Predators sometimes offer prey animals protection in exchange for them doing the workload for them, a process common all around the world.

If you have any questions about species not mentioned or more info and already mentioned species, please ask away. Also, if you want your character to be of a species that "breaks the mold", feel free to do so. Not all animals behave exactly as the standard one found in this list, which is just an in general thing.


The focus of this roleplay is in the Americas, starting off in the southern tip of what was once Mexico. This is the location of the so called Great Meeting this year, where all of the major animal species send representatives in order to discuss the future of Earth and all of the animals living on it. It's suicide to attack such a meeting because, in doing so, it goes against the vow that all animals attending the meeting must make upon entering the neutral grounds, so the attackers would instantly make enemies of all the other members attending, and the attacker would be banned from attending said meetings again for a minimum of 5 years. Very rarely has anyone every broken this vow, even if it has gotten heated from time to time such as when insults flew back and forth between the cat and dog representatives.

Little did they know that this long period of peaceful meetings in an otherwise chaotic world would soon join in this chaos. One of the best assassins in the world, a snake, has been hired by the humans to poison the eagle representative to death, one of the most important and beloved leaders of the United Animal Republic. The humans also secretly ready their soldiers to attack after the assassination is carried out, their goal of killing all animal resistance by first cutting them off from their best commanders. Then they plan on sailing their human empire down to brazil in order to secure the major focal point of the area. If this plan is successful then it would be hard to stop the humans from taking control over all of the Americas, then the rest of the world. They must be stopped.


1. Standard forum rules apply.
2. Nothing R rated, but PG-13 is fine. Go to PM's for R rated shenanigans.
3. If you don't post while we're waiting for you for more then three days, warn us first. After three days I can control your character enough to move the plot forward. If you're gone too many times in a row I can do whatever is needed with your character to move the plot forward.
4. Post a good five sentences or more if you're able to. I don't like one liners. There's no upper limit, and I actually love long/detailed posts.
5. Multiple characters are fine.
6. You can join this roleplay at any time.
7. I can create more rules as needed. What I say goes but I'll try to be fair. Added rules will go below.

Character Sheet

(The stuff in curved brackets are just for your information and not need to be included when you post the sheet. You may add additional things to your sheet then what is provided here if you desire)

Age: (Animals may live longer now)
Species: (Any is fine, even if I've yet to mention them, and they aren't limited to the stereotype)
Appearance: (picture or description)
Description: (Anything else about them such as their history)

Character List

ReChrid "Reach" Highwheat -ImportantNobody
General Eciton Maximus -jeray200
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Re'Chrid Highwheat
Nickname: Reach
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Grasshopper

Personality: She's loyal and brave to her cause, never backing down from something she promises to do. She's a bit humorless, never telling a joke and having jokes told by others often fly right over her tiny head. She shows respect for those who earn it and chastise those who goof off too much, especially in inappropriate situations. She's very caring but usually has an odd way of showing it, rarely going outright in the open with it. If you're an enemy then beware, as she can kill without the hint of emotion. She does what she must do and doesn't regret her actions except on very rare scenarios, in which case it might haunt her.

Appearance: Imagine this as a reference and I'll mention any changes to the image. She stands upright on two long legs that are bent backwards as usual. She's not as fat or as awkward looking, having a more streamlined form. Her hands, found on all four arms, have three fingers and a thumb surrounded by the same shell as the rest of her body. Her upper arms are more mobile then her lower, but they both have impressive range. She has a neck so can swivel her head around as a human could, and her head is bent to face her abdomen rather then straight forward out of the top of her body.

Strengths: Extremely high level of mobility and skill, jumping, intellect, sword combat
Weaknesses: Small size makes her relatively weak and fragile to damage


6 steel swords (She commonly duel wields with her upper arms so 4 are spares, but she can use up to 4 at once if need be)

Description: She's a major in the army of the United Animal Republic, the first grasshopper to attain such a high rank among the combined animal forces. She grew up in Texas in a wheat field (hence why her family named themselves the Highwheats). They were not a particularly numerous or powerful grasshopper colony, just a down to earth, simple minded group who only wanted to survive peacefully. The human empire needed to cultivate this land in order to feed their growing army in the region so they took it by force, killing her family in the attack before they could escape. The humans laughed as the crushed her naive father underfoot who went out to try and reason with them. Reach was only a child and not trained for combat, only having farming equipment to cut the wheat. She grabbed hold of a scythe and literally leapt into action, slashing the throat of two soldiers but not able to get to her father's killer before she was swatted away. She only survived because she fell into the wheat, which cushioned the landing and concealed her from view temporarily.

She was knocked unconscious, and the next thing she knew she woke up to find herself in a United Animal Republic city in what was once Mexico. Apparently a scouting party of animals came across the horror and stepped in to stop the humans, pushing them back before they could find her amidst the wheat, but only for the duration of their surprise. The battle was looking bleak in the end, and just before it was all over for them a hawk scooped Reach up in his talons and brought her back here. She entered adulthood soon after this event and vowed to spend these years training to become a soldier powerful enough to defeat her enemies despite her small size without relying on the complete luck and surprise she had when killing her first two. She is now able to fight them one on one and has taken part in numerous operations to combat the human empire as it tried to expand downward into her territory. She refused to lose her home a second time.

With the upcoming Great Meeting she was selected to accompany the hawk representative as one of his personal bodyguard. Due to her owing her life to him, the hawk who saved her life those many years back while he was but a simple young scout, she accepted the offer and vows to do everything in her power to see to his safe meeting and return.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlazingxLynx
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll make my cs soon. Would've done it earlier but my internet was down
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeray2000


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: General Eciton Maximus
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species: Army ant
Personality: A ruthless leader who believes that army ants are destined to rule the world, with other species of hive insects below them and other animals working as slaves. Eciton feels that other animals, unorganized as they are, are unworthy to live in the rule of the army ants and that they are blessed to even work as slave labor. He cuts down any his way without a second thought and is willing to sacrifice millions for the sake of the hive. However, this same personality quickly distances him from any who are not part of his species.
Appearance: Picture this, http://myrmecos.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Eciton_Soldier.jpg, picture it bipedal, then picture it with a suit and top hat on. Then picture it on all sixes again.
Strengths: An expert strategist, willing to make any sacrifice.
Weaknesses: Physically weak, completely uncharismatic to non-army ants.
Description: As a young army ant, he underwent physical testing and mental testing like any other non-queen of his species. However it was found that he was much weaker than the average trooper and couldn't move nearly as fast. Almost as if nature was making up for that, he was brilliant at the mental tests and would clearly make a great leader. As he underwent training for his new position, he grew proud of himself and his species as this was a time of great expansion for them and put them on the map of the powerful nations in South America.
Just as his elders predicted, the skirmishes he led went quite well. He quickly rose through the ranks to where he is now, and is already regarded as possibly the best general of the army ants. He hopes to take over the rest of the small fiefdoms of the other animals in South America, but such a thing is quite difficult for even the army ants because it's difficult to hold that much territory especially if the animals fighting now formed an alliance to stop army ant expansion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlessedWrath
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BlessedWrath Guardian, Champion Class

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

To be clear, are we talking about anthropomorphic animals in this roleplay? I may be interested.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here's inspiration for my character (battle starts at 38 seconds)

BlazingxLynx said
I'll make my cs soon. Would've done it earlier but my internet was down

Don't worry. The entire forum was not working for a bit anyways.

jeray2000 said
Name: General Eciton Maximus

Character accepted. Hmm...so animals wear clothing, eh? I'll probably edit in some battle armor to my character.

I'll be adding accepted characters to the first post now for easy reference.

BlessedWrath said
To be clear, are we talking about anthropomorphic animals in this roleplay? I may be interested.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeray2000


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ImportantNobody said
Hmm...so animals wear clothing, eh?

Why wouldn't they? It would probably vary from species to species about whether nudity is taboo, but it's protection from the elements and possibly in battle, a sign your civilized, and in some cases that you have money.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

jeray2000 said
Why wouldn't they? It would probably vary from species to species about whether nudity is taboo, but it's protection from the elements and possibly in battle, a sign your civilized, and in some cases that you have money.

I forgot the practical reasons now that they have the higher intelligence to figure it out. They'll definitely at least want to wear armor unless some insects/birds can't support the weight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I imagine any animal with... dangly bits will want to cover them up, for safety if not for modesty reasons.

Also, yay, people. Now i can join as well. (because logic) I'll post my hornet's CS maybe tonight, otherwise tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lalliman said
I imagine any animal with... dangly bits will want to cover them up, for safety if not for modesty reasons.

Most animals don't have dangly bits. Not visibly, anyways. But it would help to cover up for practical reasons. First of all they never know when an attack might happen, and second they might develop some modesty anyways.

I added equipment to my character sheet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlessedWrath
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BlessedWrath Guardian, Champion Class

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Still interested. Just dealing with IRL concerns.
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