Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Keep movin', we're almost there!"

Two pairs of boots clapped against the concrete floor, echoing through the old warehouse complex. It was dark in here, and it'd be nice and quiet too if not for the moans of those monsters still in pursuit. It'd been a day now, running with no end in sight to the crowd of walkers' physical limits. The two survivors hadn't risked firing another shot, or splitting up to draw the undead away from each other. They were so tired, exhausted and just about ready to give up... But they were too close to home to give up now!

The smaller of the two rushed ahead with the last of her stamina and jumped up to climb on top of the shipping crate. "You're like a damn mountain lion! Kate, gimme a hand!" The young man called up. They were coming for him, he could hear the cries for his blood getting closer and closer with every passing second.

"I gotcha!" The girl assured him, throwing her arm down as the man jumped to narrowly grab his hand and pull him to safety. She wasn't all that strong, but the adrenaline rush from being chased by flesh-eating monsters made sure she went beyond her normal ability. With Matt safely slumping over the top of the shipping crate, Kate sat down and cradled her rifle between her arms and knees. They were both breathing heavily after all that running - both hoping they'd never have to do something like that again.

"Hey.. M.. Matt.. I thought you Army types.. had more stamina.. than that..!" Kate panted, forcing a tired laugh.

The blonde-haired man waved his arm tiredly at her in dismissal, "Yeah, yeah! ...What about you, Miss 'Track Champion'? Where the fuck was your speed?!"

"I was letting you keep up..." Kate chuckled weakly before motioning to Matt's radio. "Gonna let them know we're home, or do you like it up here with the zombies swarming around us?"

"Ugh, I told you to stop calling 'em that." Matt sighed, pressing in his receiver.

"Well that's what they are~" Kate mocked the soldier as he began to speak into the radio. The girl should be in college if not for the outbreak... And here she was with a military grade bolt-action, and an ex-Operator as a travelling partner! She watched the undead pushing themselves against the large shipping crate, hoping that they'd be out of here very soon.

"...Okay. Copy that, it'll be another five minutes or so before we show up. Those fireworks better do their job..." Matt spoke into his radio. Seconds later, the dusk sky outside flashed, followed by a few loud pops and bangs. The undead stopped paying attention to their unreachable meals in favor of following the pretty lights and the sounds they made. In a zombie's mind, there must be something to eat in that direction, no?

Matt and Kate jumped down from the cargo crate and ran for a different warehouse, one that was visibly fortified with barbed wire and sandbags. They were home. Safe, warm, and alive... It was strange. Kate was the only civilian here, the others were all army buddies from the same Special Forces unit. How fortunate that she'd fallen in with such good people in this world that was going to hell...
It was getting colder and darker. The damnable highway never ended. The cars were parked for miles and miles, the people who were once seated in them were either dead or undead by now. Looters must've gotten everything of value, unless the poor people took their things as they ran but failed to escape. What was it now, a month?

"A whole month, today... I'm still thinking I'll wake up and this will all be a terrible nightmare..." Sarah sighed in defeat, walking with her beloved James as Simon the Police Sergeant and Jake the 'Delta Sniper' led the way. There was a gas station not far off - it should do for the night. Anything was better than being outside. "But of course, it's not a total nightmare," Sarah added, grinning at James and flicking her loose red hair back away from her face.

"...Well, we best do our thing, Simon." Jake murmured as he unhooked his army-grade tomahawk and passed it to the ex-police officer. He'd then take out his hunting knife. That gas station might be the difference between getting swarmed at night, or having a peaceful rest before going at the road again tomorrow.

The 'different' humans were at the back of the formation, usually speaking to each other with their minds. Well, if they had anything to say... They weren't very talkative, but Nine-slash-'Zoey' was really becoming human.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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"You two still alive?" Dave asked, as he jumped from sitting on a crate full of ammo. They were all special forces here, bar the one Civilian. Dave had his one mission, and that was of a cover-up nature. He realised he was also expendable too, but they paid handsomely for this mission. "You made those things angry, no? I'm about to go out. Heard there's a group on the radio, calling for help. I'm going to help" He smiled, grabbing a rifle. "Anybody coming?"

James smiled at Sarah. "Not all bad, huh?" He smiled again. His hand brushed against hers, before he took hers in his own.

Simon nodded at Jake, and took a hold of the Tomahawk. "Quick and quiet" He said, as he re-affirmed his grip on the weapon. He headed towards the Gas station, carefully not to spook and attract the attention of the biters.

Nine watched the passing of the weapon, and then turned to Zoey. They have a plan forming, he said through his mind to her. Nine let the rifle drop to his hip, held by strap. He then picked up a baseball bat, left by an abandoned car. Shall we join them? He asked through his mind again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"I'll come with you, let me just get a snack or something first..." Kate trailed off uncertainly as she pulled an ice-cold bottle of water out of a cooling box. To be honest, she was in need of sleep more than anything right now. Scouting with Matt took it's toll on the youngest one here - she was a college student - she had nothing on the Deltas.

Matt grabbed the raven-haired girl by the top of her head and forcefully walked her over to the sleeping area, "We don't need a sleepy sniper. Stay here. I'll go with Dave and check this out."

"But I'm-" Kate was interrupted.

"Tired. Now get some rest, you've earned it," the soldier smiled and messed with her hair before going over to join Dave at the entrance/exit to the safehouse. Reluctantly, Kate snuggled into a sleeping bag. It wasn't surprising she fell asleep so quickly after all the legwork. Another surviving soldier who was reading through old magazines got up and threw some blankets over their little sharpshooting friend, before returning to what he was doing.

"So, the dudes on the radio. Who are we going to check up on?" Matt asked.
(Gonna let this storyline go for a moment. We could switch between them. Less work, less confusion. ^_^)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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"Just a group of survivors, who we shouldn't be letting survive. We're heading out there, to deal with them. But if those biters deal with them first, saves us the job" Dave smiled, as Matt joined him. "Pack light, we'll be in and out. Clean sweep, and try to take out the survivors with the biters. 2 in 1" Dave smiled, as he grabbed his gear and headed out of their safe heaven. Heading towards the location sent to his GPS phone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Huh? I thought you said these survivors were in need of assistance. You think they're hostile, or maybe trying to bait good survivors into a trap?" Matt asked casually as the two left the comfort of the safe-warehouse. He kept his dagger handy, hoping he wouldn't have to use his rifle and attract more attention than he and Kate already had.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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"Look, our mission isn't to save people. I am here to make sure these survivors do not survive. This story will be covered up, and this would have been some nuclear disaster or something along those lines. The hope is that the zombies get to them first, and we can mop up whatever remains"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"On what grounds, Davey? ...What about Kate? She's a survivor." Matt quipped back nonchalantly, as if he didn't really care. It was true though... Survivors weren't all good guys, and the army remnant could quite easily deal with those rebellious groups. But could you tell the good from the bad in a world like this? Scavengers could be seen as scum - looters, looters seen as evil bandits... It was all quite philosophical to Matt, just too much an awkward topic for a soldier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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"Kate? She's a means to our end. As long as she's good for us. She can live" Dave said coldly, he wasn't as cold as he was making out, but it was the harsh reality that these soldiers face today. "Look, Matt. I know it's not what you want to hear. We're expendable, we have to shut up and put up, or we're going to head for the same fate as these poor buggers out there"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Eh, I'm just saying... What if we need some survivors? The chain of command went to hell a long time ago - now we just receive orders from some hidden bunker somewhere in the north of the country. It ain't very reassuring, even if the rewards are pretty neat. It'd be nice to save some more people, even if just a few..." Matt chattered along quietly as the two ventured away from safety and into the decayed world.

"...But anyway, how far away are these people?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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"Hmm.. Maybe you're right. I'm just trying to get us the next cash injection, and hopefully high tail it out of here. As much as we are soldiers, I'm not used to the dead walking. As for command, I don't even know who we call Chief these days, so it's pretty much every man for himself now, even more than before. You want to break ties with whoever is our boss? We can do. We can turn into some kind of heroes, and die during the bombing run" Dave said. with just a hint of sarcasm. "But no seriously.. We can go off mission, we can help these people instead. Just let me know before I start shooting"

"Hmm.. Not too far now"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"I'm game for shooting whoever, dude. Let's just pray we're putting down more evil sorts than genuine survivors..." Matt concluded his opinion on all this. After another twenty or so minutes travelling the abandoned landscape, there were noises floating on the wind. Whether these were people or 'zombies' as Kate truthfully referred to them, remained to be seen.

(You set the scene, bro~!)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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Dave stopped, and signalled for Matt to stop too. "Look ahead, survivors. They've taken refuge in that gas station. Let's get a better vantage point, and then snipe them from afar" Dave said, jogging a little to the left, and up a woodland bank on the side of the road. A few zombies were stumbling around, and Dave silently pulled out his knife, and killed the first zombie, and then worked on the next. "All clear for now" he signalled to Matt, and then headed into a position to set up the sniper.

(Go to snipe Jake? And be like JAKE!?)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"Sheltering, huh? They must be travellers - bandits got headquarters to return to, y'know?" Matt replied as he drove his knife through a one-eyed zombie's good eye, making contact with the brain to send the walking dead man sprawling out over the ground, re-killed. He then took cover and held his binoculars up with one hand, "...Plus they got kids in there. Can't be any older than high schoolers. You sure we should be targeting these types?" he asked. "Uh, ...that one kid in the corner has blue hair. Looks natural... The fuck's with that?"

He hadn't yet noticed the soldier who was lazing around on the roof with his large rifle rested on his shoulder. Jake simply stared in the direction of the two, not even blinking. But surely he couldn't see them, not in the dark...
In the lightly barricaded gas station, Zoey suddenly flinched and looked at her big brother in surprise. She sensed something different. There weren't just the undead outside, but two new mental signals. One carried killing intent, while another was apparently calm. She didn't need to tell him - his level of psychic power was much higher than her own. He'd be able to tell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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Dave looked through the sniper, his hands re-applying their grip on the weapon. "Look, I don't want to be killing these people, but it's our job. We're here to cover up this mess, and people like these surviving? They'll leak this story. At the moment, we have it contained, well as contained as it only spreading to the few nearby cities, or at least that's what the last report said, but if we act fast, we can get it. Stop it now" Dave said, returning to his scope.

Five looked back at Zoey, he didn't need to ask or question. They both were feeling the same thing. He simply nodded to her. "We should really tell the others?" Five asked with his mind..
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