Here is my Character, I'll have my Imaginary friend up in a second.
Name: Will Carter
History: Son of the unofficial leader, Henry Carter, of the nameless settlement that our character's live in. His father, now 35 and in failing health, organized this settlement about 15 years ago and set up a system of government, schools, and other systems needed to keep a society running in a world were food and water are most of peoples top priorities, after being forced to abandon his home by The Organization and leaving with nothing but his wife, and a some of his neighbors. John's father was a great man, whom he secretly admired, but not a great father, while he tried hard to instill his values on John, he never seemed to give his lessons in the right manor, and John never cared to try and listen. Henry would try to teach his son what he would need to know to someday take his position, but John would ignore him, and usually avoid him to play with his friends, you guys, who he will commonly exert his authority on he, being older than most of them and being the son of the "leader" of the town. As John has entered his teenage years his fights with his dad, John trying to live up to his name and Henry believing his son doesn't care an inch about the welfare of others.
Appearance: Is tall and thin, with dirty blond hair brown eyes. He wears slightly nicer clothes than most people, but if he lived here today, they would be considered bland and gross.
Personality: Will comes across as cocky and arrogant, and often tries to have this affect on people. Even though he esteems himself above others, he tries to help his friends as much as possible, but he never helps strangers or people he dislikes. Will has trust issues, with no apparent reason, and so he only sticks with his main group of friends. He also isn't much of a hard worker and will often ditch work he deems unnecessary. He tries to keep this a secret by not talking much, but is a little socially awkward and knows it, he can never find what to say and when to say it when meeting new people, often getting him laughed at by strangers, contributing to his trust issues, and a cause of his bad relationship with his dad. Besides all off these not-so-outstanding traits, he is extremely loyal to people who he trusts, who include his Mom and his friends.
Imaginary Friend: Fred
Imaginary Friend:
Age: Early 20ies to late teens
Gender: Male.
History: N/A
Personality: Fred despite his appearance and deep scratchy voice, Fred is like a big teddy bear. He cares for Will and pretty much anyone, and goes out of his way to help anyone he can. He also can be a little annoying being so soft, he is offended very easily offended and gives his opinion at unnecessary times. Despite his habit of getting in the way, Fred also wouldn't dream of hurting anyone.
Abilities: Being a spider, Fred can produce web, walk on walls, and has poisonous bite. The poison does not kill, it only causes someone to pass out, the amount of time varies based on height, weight, ect. but, the real killer is his actual bite, his mandibles being so huge that the poison is more of a blessing than curse, taking away some of the pain from the wound it's sure to cause.
Kid: Will