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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"...the goal here is to kill all opposing heroes in the dumbest, but most imaginative way possible." - NarayanK

Because we need a crack-roleplay once in a while.

Basically, a bunch of heroes known in entertainment media went insane (ie. Super Mario, Master Chief, Megaman, Emiya Shirou, etc.), and they're attacking a retarded version of Earth now. The main antagonists are... over a hundred, and only one organization can barely stand up against them. The organization's leader is on a horse, and he wants you to kill a bunch of heroes that are not on horses.

It's got... uh... a deep combat system, and a surprisingly unpredictable, overall hilarious storyline. But its main premise is to, like the title of the roleplay says, kill all heroes that are attacking Earth. You're not a villain, but a literal "anti-hero." The length of the roleplay is pretty short due to its insanely fast pace. Anyone interested, or should I shut up and just make an OOC/IC and... shut up eternally? ;_;

To sum the entire thing up, the goal here is to kill all opposing heroes in the dumbest, but most imaginative way possible. Even a 4-year-old kid could somehow kill Marcus Fenix, though I doubt you'd be able to survive with a 4-year-old.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

You had my interest as soon as I saw the mega man photo
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Awesome. My life is complete. I will be putting up more details soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Great! Also I have to say I love your sig.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I really wish I could read.

Below is the rough draft of the entire thing. Feedback would be nice!
Kill All Heroes (Rough Draft)

The Gray Chair Man said Incoming transmission from the Organization-Face...

Before you start mocking my name, I will kindly tell you to shut up.

I am the Gray Chair Man; ruler of Earth- ...*ahem*...

I am the Gray Chair Man; president of the stealthily heroic corporation known as the Organization-Face, which is also nicknamed the "O-Face!" In case you haven't known, Earth is under attack. And by our favorite heroes, out of all things! I've seen Super Mario burn my White House down, and Master Chief killed my father three times a few minutes ago! Thank God this world doesn't make any sense.

And guess what? Now the Fifth Holy Grail War is gonna take place in the United States of America! Don't you realize how boring and stupendously crazy things will get if that happens?!

Therefore, I'm here to-

-...wait, hold on a second.



...They killed Little Mac? THOSE BASTARDS!

Alright, anyway, back to the point! I sent you this digital message device simply because it looked cool, you get to look at my awesomness, and to hear what's going on in Earth. The heroes we have all come to know and love are, for some reason, corrupt to the core, and are now destroying our world without explaining at all! You are one of the selected few to stop these crazies from wiping out our planet.

By the way, they killed the Kamen Riders. Good God.

These heroes are no longer worth trusting, and most of them are undoubtly insane! Your job is to-


Now move out and get to my office! Actually, my stalker employees set up portals right outside of your homes, so just hurry the f%$& up, will you?! Everything's too complicated to say in a mere paragraph in my script, so I'll explain it to you once you get here! And you really have no choice, you hear me?!?!?

-End of Message-


What is Kill All Heroes?

The premise of this roleplay is that a ton of heroes that come from entertainment media are attacking Earth due to an unknown corruption within them. These "infected" heroes' goals are to destroy Earth no matter the cost, and it's your job to go through the numerous obstacles literally standing right in front of you as you save Earth from the bed bugs that bite it!

The entire roleplay is a massive mix of genres, but the character you are playing as hails from post-modern Earth! While you do not come from sci-fi/medieval times, you could sure as heck afford some crazy stuff; as long as the GM allows it! So you could go overboard with some ideas, but not to the point where you start going back to the future.

Everything's so random and complicated! I can't take it anymore!

It's random, but it's not like the roleplay will not explain to you as to what the crap is going on. Don't worry, this first post is going to explain EVERYTHING. Maybe even the meaning of death when it feels like it.

I don't wanna kill any heroes!

Did you even read the title of this roleplay?

Am I part of the Dark Side?!?!!?!?!?!?!?

Surprisingly no. You're not evil; you're just trying to stop some evil... heroes? So in a sense, you're an anti-hero. Get it? Anti-hero? ... :(

How does the flow of the "killing heroes" go, anyway?

Good question! There are different kinds of missions the Organization-Face will give you, but there are two that will most likely be given out. These two will involve defending the planet and dimension-warping!

Don't worry, your character won't be torn apart by teleporting or something.

Dimension-warping actually works thanks to some research the O-Face made on the portals the corrupt heroes arrive through, though it's not as perfect as the enemy's! So you'll find yourself going around defending Earth or traveling into different worlds to just kill the heroes in their homeland. Either way, you're killing some crazy homies scumbags.

Canon hero characters are considered as "bosses," which means that there are underlings working for them. Don't be surprised to see Max Payne sitting on a Goomba with a sniper pointed at you.

Is there a combat system here?

Good question. Please read the following, as this is incredibly important.

The combat is actually pretty deep; different kinds of decisions or luck-based actions must be made. There may be times where your character is to make one action with six different outcomes (from the best to the worst), and a dice will be rolled to decide their success. Other times, a direct multiple-choice action sequence may pop up, and sometimes you're just free to fight however you want. All enemy attacks will scale and reflect on both your character and their own powers, so be wise!

Main heroes are considered to be boss battles. A battle system similar to Final Fantasy's real-time battle mode will be used, so once those bosses appear, things will get crazy.
What's wrong with you?

I crashed my dad's car. Shut up.

Any Rules???


1. Don't flame, don't god-mod, don't argue extensively and publicly, don't create Mary Sues and Gary Stus and Fairy Glue, always listen to the Game Master, and don't overcommit and start working ahead of everyone else in the roleplay.

2. Did I really just shove everything into number one?

I need the Character Skeleton, right?


Just kidding, here you go. On another note, try keeping your hero weaker than most of the existing heroes you could think of. It makes things amusing!

CS Explanations said
Name: If you don't have a name, you're a really sad thing. Nicknames will ALWAYS be in parentheses even if your real name is classified.

Age: "'What did you say to that girl at twelve in the morning?' Chris Hanson asked as he took a seat next to the pedophile."

Gender: Male or Female. Saying "Both" will have you blacklisted. No, I'm being dead serious about this.

Species: Put "Human" for this one. Actually, I did it for you. Sorry if you wanted to play as a salamander.

Specialties: Now, what do you specialize in? Could be related to combat or everyday life stuff. You may only have three of these.

Weapons/Skills: What skills or weapons do you use? Skills may range from combat-related tactics to healing tricks. Weapons are what you will be using in your adventures, though you do not exactly need a weapon to fight if your combative skills are good. There may only be three Weapons/Skills. Weapons and Skills are considered to be in the same category, so be creative and don't go overboard.

Favorite Games/Shows: >:) (You may only display five of these. Media rated over 18/unrated will not be permitted, as this is a PG-13 roleplay.)

Background: Your character's backstory. You know, if you want to, you could be serious with this one, but remember that a humorous background is also permitted, cause that's the main tone this roleplay will be taking.

"What's this roleplay about?": Remember to type in "Earth"

Character Skeleton said Name:







Favorite Games/Shows:


"What's this roleplay about?":

The Story So Far?!

You gotta have a story to show a story. This section will be updated if the roleplay ever begins.
Hint, hint...

The Main Characters!

No characters so far. Crap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Name: Billy Briskwalker.




Specialties: he's good at sudoku and finding car keys.

Abilities: brisk walking infinitely until he needs to eat.

Weapons/Skills: -A brief case full of jam and horse hooves from the black market
-he can head butt very hard
-he has a pet albino tiger named frank.

Favorite Games/Shows: spoungebob square pants, Johnny bravo, Batman, littleBigPlanet, spider ham.

Background: Billy was just your avrege man. He had a house, a job, a car and enough money to get by. Then one day while driving to work he was hit by a laser from space and gained the power of brisk walking. He then began to brisk walk to work which constantly made him almost late but he enjoyed the exercise. After a few months one thing led to another and he ended up buying a albino tiger named frank and a briefcase full of jam and horse hooves from the black market. He then began to ride frank to work then spend all day eating small bits of Jam and hooves out of his briefcase. He got fired. Now he got a message from O-face and now he's off on the most stupendous of adventures.

"What's this roleplay about?": Earth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

rocketrobie2 said
Name: Billy Briskwalker.Age:32Gender:MAN.Species:hu-MANSpecialties: he's good at sudoku and finding car keys.Abilities: brisk walking infinitely until he needs to eat.Weapons/Skills: -A brief case full of jam and horse hooves from the black market -he can head butt very hard -he has a pet albino tiger named frank.Favorite Games/Shows: spoungebob square pants, Johnny bravo, Batman, littleBigPlanet, spider ham.Background: Billy was just your avrege man. He had a house, a job, a car and enough money to get by. Then one day while driving to work he was hit by a laser from space and gained the power of brisk walking. He then began to brisk walk to work which constantly made him almost late but he enjoyed the exercise. After a few months one thing led to another and he ended up buying a albino tiger named frank and a briefcase full of jam and horse hooves from the black market. He then began to ride frank to work then spend all day eating small bits of Jam and hooves out of his briefcase. He got fired. Now he got a message from O-face and now he's off on the most stupendous of adventures."What's this roleplay about?": Earth.

You're hired accepted. Beautiful laser ez zo beautifulz. Billy's gonna be so OP against Paper Mario.

I'm going to be making the actual OOC/IC soon. Stay tuned! (you can modify your CS with updates any time you want)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Friza Angelo

Age: 7 34

Appearance: Shaggy gray hair(SHUT UP GRAY IS EDGY OKAY), around six feet in total height, slim(there are no such things as fat/ugly roleplay characters!), and normal eyes....except the iris is REEEEEEEEEEED(AM I EDGY ENOUGH FOR YOU GUYS!? PLZ NOTICE ME SENPAI)!

Gender: Male

Species: Hollow-Chocolate Gargoyle Human

Specialties: Cooking, opening cans of whoop assingesting copious amounts of caffeine, backflipping with the grace of Terry Crews

Abilities: Sneezes plasma, teleports relatively short distances

Weapons/Skills: - A Stupidly Ornate Katana(TM),
- A bottle of forever-steaming-hot soup
- A flail made up of a fence pole, a bike lock chain, and spiked baseballs

Favorite Games/Shows: Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask, Dark Souls II, Dexter's Laboratory, Freeman's Mind, Spaceballs

Background: Friza doesn't really know how he came to Earth, actually! Falling from the sky into a rich guy's swimming pool is about all he can recall. Then he just walked around town for a bit, getting a lot of strange looks. He wondered if it was his hair....he apparently didn't get a chance to wash it before being thrown onto Earth. After grabbing a drink from a....what was it? Oh, right, a "Starbucks"! Yes, a Starbucks, some psycho with spikey blonde hair and a purple jumpsuit cracked Friza over the head with a Big Fuggin' Sword(TM) and ran off, screaming about something called a Sephiroth. What an oddball. He continued to waltz around like an idiot until he got a message from the Gray Chair Man("what a stupid name", thought our young anti-hero). Now, he's about to go on a grand journey that he will NEVER come to regret. Ever. No sir. Nothing will go wrong.

"What's this roleplay about?": Cinnamon Moon Babies Earth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Frizan said
Name: Friza AngeloAge: 34Gender: MaleSpecies: HumanSpecialties: Cooking, ingesting copious amounts of caffeine, backflipping with the grace of Terry CrewsAbilities: Sneezes plasma, teleports relatively short distancesWeapons/Skills: - A Stupidly Ornate Katana(TM),- A bottle of forever-steaming-hot soup- A flail made up of a fence pole, a bike lock chain, and spiked baseballsFavorite Games/Shows: Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask, Dark Souls II, Dexter's Laboratory, Freeman's Mind, SpaceballsBackground: Friza doesn't really know how he came to Earth, actually! Falling from the sky into a rich guy's swimming pool is about all he can recall. Then he just walked around town for a bit, getting a lot of strange looks. He wondered if it was his hair....he apparently didn't get a chance to wash it before being thrown onto Earth. After grabbing a drink from a....what was it? Oh, right, a "Starbucks"! Yes, a Starbucks, some psycho with spikey blonde hair and a purple jumpsuit cracked Friza over the head with a Big Fuggin' Sword(TM) and ran off, screaming about something called a Sephiroth. What an oddball. He continued to waltz around like an idiot until he got a message from the Gray Chair Man("what a stupid name", thought our young anti-hero). Now, he's about to go on a grand journey that he will NEVER come to regret. Ever. No sir. Nothing will go wrong."What's this roleplay about?": Earth.

You're fired accepted. I can't wait to see "the cans of whoopass caffeine" in action.
I'm going to be updating the character skeletons with a new category: "Appearance." This innovative feature will help us keep track of how fugly our characters look like. They can now be handsome! Or decent! Or stupid! Or even me!

Actually, that'd be a problem. Don't put my avatar as your character's appearance. It's copyrighted material, I tell you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
Avatar of rocketrobie2

rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 11 days ago

Where should appearance go ow great one with the inability to conjoin letters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

rocketrobie2 said
Where should appearance go ow great one with the inability to conjoin letters?

Anywhere. It would look best if it were placed on the top of the CS. I'm on a horse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 1 yr ago

crack rp? count me in, give me a moment to read thoughtfully and make a CS

Name: Barthelus

Age: 24

Gender: b... male

Species: human

Appearance: He stands 1.75 meters (5.74 feet) and has unwashed and messy short dark brown hair that looks like he has just woken up and that a typhoon has just passed over his head. He has light brown eyes, his face is badly shaved with some hairs sticking out and he has an ectomorph complexion that makes him look like a pipsqueak even though his work makes him stay in shape. He either wears his factory uniform, a two piece blue attire with a baseball cap, or some jeans with a red t-shirt with a message that says "MROON", white sneakers and a camouflage jacket, everything cheap and miser

Specialties: driving crashing
being the most pathetic womanizer in existence, making any woman despise him on a first view
astonishing resistance to pain and injuries

Weapons/Skills: Barthelus is capable of riding ANY VEHICLE with masterful skill, be it a car, a horse, a motorcycle, a train, a zeppelin, or a giant robot but with the condition that he cannot get off the vehicle unless he crashes it so badly that it ends up destroyed beyond any use but scrap metal, of course, with an impossible explosion (yeah, horses explode too). However, neither he or other occupants get harmed in the accidents

Favorite Games/Shows: Kamen Rider (YOU KILLED IT BEFORE THE FREAKING RP COULD BEGIN! SO I'M ADDING SIX NOW!) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Gundam (let's say 0083, stardust memory) Spider man. Pokemon. INFERNO COP!

Background: Barthelus is a total freaking looser
That's pretty much what anyone would need to know, mostly because except for one incident, his life was really boring. Growing up in a big city, attending school without any interest, dropping out of university because he was too lazy and he worked as a factory worker, maneuvering heavy equipment, before the heroes outbreak began, dedicating his weekends to go to discos with cheap suit to get rejected by every single girl he tried to approach, thus having never get laid in his life, despise his sympathetic and open attitude. The "incident" that made his life interesting was the first time he entered a car, when he saw a shooting star and wished to be the best driver in existence and because of some cosmic trolling his wish was granted, the best driver for absolutely anything, but with the drawback of not being able to use the same vehicle twice.
BUT WHATEVER, world is ending right now, nobody is going to miss a car or two if he needs to use them, right?

"What's this roleplay about?": saving Earth
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 2 yrs ago

Added an appearance section to my artfully woven character sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amalvi said
crack rp? count me in, give me a moment to read thoughtfully and make a CSName: BarthelusAge: 24Gender: b... maleSpecies: humanSpecialties: being the most pathetic womanizer in existence, making any woman despise him on a first viewastonishing resistance to pain and injuriesWeapons/Skills: Barthelus is capable of riding ANY VEHICLE with masterful skill, be it a car, a horse, a motorcycle, a train, a zeppelin, or a giant robot but with the condition that he cannot get off the vehicle unless he crashes it so badly that it ends up destroyed beyond any use but scrap metal, of course, with an impossible explosion (yeah, horses explode too). However, neither he or other occupants get harmed in the accidentsFavorite Games/Shows: Kamen Rider (YOU KILLED IT BEFORE THE FREAKING RP COULD BEGIN! SO I'M ADDING SIX NOW!) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Gundam (let's say 0083, stardust memory) Spider man. Pokemon. INFERNO COP!Background: Barthelus is a total freaking looserThat's pretty much what anyone would need to know, mostly because except for one incident, his life was really boring. Growing up in a big city, attending school without any interest, dropping out of university because he was too lazy and he worked as a factory worker before the heroes outbreak began, dedicating his weekends to go to discos with cheap suit to get rejected by every single girl he tried to approach, thus having never get laid in his life, despise his sympathetic and open attitude. The "incident" that made his life interesting was the first time he entered a car, when he saw a shooting star and wished to be the best driver in existence and because of some cosmic trolling his wish was granted, the best driver for absolutely anything, but with the drawback of not being able to use the same vehicle twice. BUT WHATEVER, world is ending right now, nobody is going to miss a car or two if he needs to use them, right?"What's this roleplay about?": saving Earth

Good! You're fired accepted too. It'd be nice to add in an appearance as well. (Image or description, either one is fine)

Frizan said
Added an appearance section to my artfully woven character sheet.

I have noticed you, my kouhai. I actually understood the appearance pretty quickly. o_O

The OOC shall be coming before tomorrow! I'm still wanting Mahz's autograph for fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 1 yr ago

NarayanK said
Good! You're accepted too. It'd be nice to add in an appearance as well. (Image or description, either one is fine)

good idea, I'll make it imediately
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amalvi said
good idea, I'll make it imediately


I'm working on the KFC OOC now. I'll link the OOC to here once I'm ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The OOC has finally opened! Click me to die a glorious death!

You will need to update your profiles to match the new additions to the bio. Once you've got that done, you're ready for the insane trip literally full of tripping.
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