Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by alexandra_knight


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Greetings and salutations all. I am rather new here and I am looking one on one plays. I've been playing for some time now in various formats and places, most of it was mainly was one on one as well. Since I have some already established characters, I figured that posting them would help garner some interest. Generally I'd like to play one of them, but making a new character is not entirely out of the question. What I'm looking for and enjoy is posted down below.

- I prefer casual writing, to me that typically means 1-3 paragraphs on average, It can depend on the scene and what's happened in play. I do not write one line replies at all. All I ask from partners is that they try to match with in the best of their ability.

-Decent grammar, please. While I am not perfect myself, but I expect most to know when to capitalize proper nouns and use basic punctuation. Semi colons are such nasty things anyways; the rules for using one can be confusing.

-No eRP from me, romance can be fine as a subtext though. Admittedly I'm a rather huge yuri fan!

-Violence and fighting are fine with me, so long as it is with in reason. No need to be gratuitous with it.

- I love the supernatural, paranormal and twists on established lore. Vampires, werewolves, aliens, and mythical items are always loved!

- Another thing I love is detectives and mystery solving. Hehe, as if posting two detectives weren't evident enough.

-I understand people have busy scheduled and role playing is done for leisure and enjoyment. Seeing that, I don't hold up rigid standards for when to post. To me a post a week is truly fine.

Madison Thomas
From humble beginnings with great aspirations

M adison had an average childhood, there were no traumas in her life and both her parents were loving to her. She grew up in a common middle class setting, her father a busy and hard worker as a machinist, and her mother as a simple home maker. When little she often played with the boys who lived near her. Playing frequently with them to find any adventure and trouble that could be found until the street lamps came on. It was seldom that she played with girls her own age when young. In her own words she said. "Tea parties are too prissy!".

Those long hours of play and pretend helped Madison shape and discover her own interests. A particular favourite was always playing detective. Typically they knocked on neighbours doors, and asked if they had anything that needed to be solved. Most adults asked them to do menial things such as helping them find their cat that was set out for the night, help them find an object they misplaced, or even deliver important "evidence" (which turned out to actually just be their mail). It became a small obsession of hers, she was absolutely enamoured over the idea of detectives. A hero of logic, and a person who always solved the issues of others and always caught the culprit. At one point she even forced her father to read her bed time stories about Sherlock Holmes, who later became a large inspiration to her

One day, her days of pretend detective brushed close with reality. A neighbour was recently robbed in the dead of night, the victim of petty theft at best. When the children came upon the crime scene, they nearly harassed the detective and officers until they shared what they knew. It seemed they had most of the pieces placed together, yet they were stumped over one aspect. A window had broken at the side of the house, and there was a large puddle under it from the recent rain. Obviously this had to be the entry point for the thief, yet there wasn't a trace of muddy prints in the house. It was then that Madison spoke up, perhaps all those hours of reading and pretending to be a detective making her quite astute. "That can't be right mister!" she exclaimed while pointing to the puddle in front of the broken window, a shimmer of reflected light hinting her to the glass in laid in the mud, an easy thing to be missed. "If the bad guy broke in, then the glass would be inside and not outside! There's paving stones at the back too, he could have hopped along them and tried not to touch the ground, it's a fun game!" she said to them. Much to their surprise, her logic made sense, and thanks to that they shifted their focus. After another inspection, what seemed bizarre became all too clear after another piece of evidence came to light; a reversed lock. The logical conclusion was in the dead of night, the thief entered through the back door. carefully hopping along the stones in the back to avoid any mud getting on their shoes they entered , the reversed lock making it easy to enter for any prospective robber. After they took their stolen goods and tried to exit, they became stuck in the very house they robbed, their only exit a window that they took out in haste. That crucial insight Madison gave earning the respect of some of the force, and they decided to thank her for it. A few days after the case was solved, she received an honorary private eye badge, making her the envy of every boy she knew for sometime.

It was that very inciting moment that she knew what she wanted to be, she had her first taste of real detective work. The thrill and feeling of pride after solving a mystery something exhilarating, and something she wanted to feel again. Yet it was here that Madison encountered her first hurdle, growing up her grades were never great. In police academy, this trend seemed to follow her, she did not particularly excel; though you couldn't say she did horribly either. As her instructor said about her once to another "She doesn't inspire much confidence at times, but, there is strikes of lightning with her. That girl has an astute eye". Yet, her determination of her goal was still strong, never becoming too deterred. She tried hard, each failure to her only a lesson to be learned from and something to strengthen herself with. She listened to her instructors, their guidance helping her shape and hone her senses. With hard work and many years of toil, that childhood dream became a reality. She became a detective, and her private office was open for business!

Being a beginner detective is hard though, even if she hasn't lost that youthful determination times can be rather hard. Its seldom that any very big cases come to her private firm. The very fun and tough nuts to crack that make her look like a hero. For this beginner detective, its mostly collecting evidence or even a thorough print dusting. Seeing as these kinds of jobs are rather menial, they hardly pay much and leave her slightly impoverished. Though, who knows, perhaps one day that seemingly menial job that she was brought in for will turn in to a case where she was once more called the hero like in her youth.



As her instructor once said about her, Madison isn't one that inspires confidence in her field. She can do the tasks that her work requires, such as dusting for fingerprints, or combing a scene for evidence well. Rather, it is her personalty that makes others doubt her. That youthful belief of "anything is possible" still very much alive with in her and making her rather naive at times even for her own age. She's bubbly and hyperactive, many say it seems like her mind is moving too fast for her mouth to ever keep up. Often speaking in fragments, and her sentences having strange links that connect them together. Truthfully, it makes her look rather foolish at times, her saving grace that astute eye she has. Yet that hasn't always been very consistent. Socially, she can be rather friendly and has been known to approach strangers to herself to talk to. The hours of talking to witnesses making her very comfortable doing so. It's known she can be impulsive as well, often doing things on a whim or merely because they seemed interesting at the time. perhaps her childhood never really left her.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by alexandra_knight


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Erica Faust -Paranormal Detective.

All people have passions, interests, and hobbies; though only a few are as intense as Erica is. From an early age Erica obsessed with books and reading. Her room filled with bookcases instead of brightly painted murals that most would expect. Toys didn't litter the floor of her room, it was unread novels. Some of her earliest memories revolved around books, one she can particularly recall being her proud moment of reading to her parents instead of them reading to her. When she entered grade school it was no surprise to her parents that she excelled at reading. Nearly all her talk about school to her parents when she came home quickly changed to what she read that day. At first her parents were ecstatic about this, as literacy lays a great foundation for education. The effects from reading showed in how she was much more articulate for her age and showed critical thinking too. It really appeared that Erica was making her way to be a great student.That was, until something started to emerge. The titles she read and the interests she held became increasingly dark for a child her age. Stories about murders, crimes, demons, and lovecraftian horror all being favourites of hers to read. Paying it no mind, her parents only focused towards the positive. Ignoring all other effects from her love of reading that formed well until she was older.

Being so enthralled with reading, and loving such a dark subject, it quickly made her appear eccentric and unapproachable. In high school where most are pushed in to groups or identities, her solitude easily earned her the reputation of an outcast. Making her an open target for bullying and shunning. Even if she appeared to let these things not get to her on the surface, the small number of friends she had showed how it did. Another example of how an intense focus hurt her was how specific her knowledge became. At best she could call her grades in mathematics and science were average in comparison to her other subjects. When it was time for most students to choose their career path, she had no idea what to do with herself and her esoteric, creepy knowledge. Her guidance councillors suggestion to become a detective appeared to be the only good suggestion she had. It used her critical thinking skills rather well, and with her interest in the dark and strange it seemed to be a perfect fit.

It wasn't easy for her at first. Like many going from high school to post secondary education, she had a lot of adjusting and maturing to do. The first issue for her was the mandatory police training wasn't something she easily took to. A meek little bookworm like her wasn't built for things such as the martial arts they taught and the physical requirements needed. Each failure and no driving motive caused a cycle of self doubt appeared to appear and several times she nearly quit. Every time she did, her instructors pleaded for her to stay and Erica reluctantly listened to them. With her final plea, she was given the motivation she was needed. A near bribe was given to her in the form of a promise. If she stayed, and continued to try, she could train further in a respective field of interest; say in the study of bones for instance. For most it wouldn't be enough of a bribe to work, but Erica took it in full when her interests were played in to so well.

Years passed and she was finally an adult and a full fledged detected. Ready to prove her worth and knowledge, she was placed in a Brooklyn branch of the NYPD who were in the midst of a peculiar and rather tough case to solve. Recently women in the surrounding area were found passed out in local parks and alleys. Their wallets and belongings intact, but their memories of the events leading up to where they were missing. Stranger yet, many also reported symptoms of anaemia. Such mysterious on goings excited Erica as it seemed to be something purely out of fiction. She desperately wanted to be part of the case, thinking that her knowledge about the occult was invaluable to the team. Those hopes were quickly dashed as she was delegated to the more menial tasks due to her inexperience. It didn't quite hinder her as she used the basic information she gathered from witness testimony and doctor's notes to form a theory of the culprit and their motivation. For a while she was stumped just as many of her co-workers, it wasn't until she found a clue with in the medical notes that she had a theory to work on. Each victim she noticed an odd similarity, each one of them showed what appeared to be bite marks from an animal with sharp fangs. It was a leap in logic, but for the girl who loved monsters and the strange, a vampire appeared to be the only likely suspect that fit made sense.

Many of her peers thought she was a fool for thinking of something so bizarre, attributing her idea to the stress and pressure of being on the case for the first time. She was adamant though, each new victim found only cementing her case in her mind. The bites on the neck with each victim, the loss of blood and memory, and the time of the attack all pointing back to her hypothesis. The more she tried to garner support, the more she was ostracised in the force. Growing tired of her voice not being heard, she took matters in to her own hands. Offering herself to be the victim to the vampire this time in an attempt to catch them, or if need be get rid of them. Armed with the knowledge of vampires she learned in her childhood, and to the tooth with silver and stakes, she set out one night. As she walked in the dark secluded park, she attracted the attention she wanted when she felt a hand on her shoulder along with glowing red eyes coming in to her vision that belonged to the culprit . She doesn't remember much of the ensuing fight except for several things like the ensuing panic of being outclassed, feeling more like mouse being chased by a lion; A pair of soft feminine pair of lips, teasingly saying "You'll be like me now"; and a sharp blow to her side, the force of it enough to knock her unconscious. The next day she was discovered unconscious in the secluded parts of the park atop a pile of ashes, and was immediately rushed to the closest emergency room.

The fight with the vampire left her as a tattered mess, bruises and light cuts covering her arms, face, and legs. If those weren't punishment alone for being stubborn and reckless, she also had a slipped disk. It made it hard to walk with out any support, physiotherapy and surgery only going so far to grant her a fraction of the mobility she once had. It wasn't enough for a job that asked her to be active frequently, leaving her with little other choice but to honourably retire from the force. These days she does what she loves, the police pension and retirement package just enough grant her that wish. She can be found in her apartment living a nearly hermit like life style, surrounded by books in her own version of peaceful bliss. Though, some things will still draw her out; say the spreading rumours of strange ongoing in the city.

"Oh? Did I become carried away again?"

Its a common idiom to say "Don't judge a book by it's cover.", and with Erica's looks its hard not to. With glasses, a petite size, and a book not too far away at most times, its hard for most think she will soft spoken and timid. Most of these are true about her in fact. She never quite got socializing down pat after her interests that she considered normal pushed most away from her. She didn't quite mind that, sometimes the worlds she was transported to with books could be a bit preferable to interacting with people and finding out how cruel they could be. That particular life lesson learned time and time again as a child. As an adult, it left a mark in the way she speaks to people. Withdrawn and quiet to most, she selects her words to soft as possible when speaking to new people from a slight worry over how they will precive her. However, this is sometimes broken if there is somebody she takes interest in or they share her own passions. For them she tries to swallow this fear and to become more open. A few stuttered words and a fluttering heart in her chest being the only effect as she tries her absolute hardest. Another mark left from her childhood is how sensitive she can be to criticism or anger. Some times Its easy for her to quickly become critical and herself instead of addressing it properly. Its something she knows she must overcome on her own, and she is trying to work on it. The support and kindness the few friends she has makes genuinely appreciate them. Her positives brought out and bolstered when she is with them. Her bright and shining passion and curiosity for the world around her shown when them in conversation and actions. Her kindness, sympathy, and generosity showed only for them; even her affectionate side too. Its a mistake to judge her to be a push over based on her behaviour though, she can be firm and courageous when its needed of her or its expected of her. She's also one to stand up for her own beliefs if they're questioned. Perhaps a little too much, as she can border on being stubborn. Another surprising element is how fearless she can be in the eyes of some. All of those books she read about murderers, the paranormal, strange and her own work merely desensitizing her to violence and gore. It no small wonder that horror movies can be some of her favourite movies to watch.
More Information.

Cane: On first inspection it appears to be nothing more than a simple cane used for support and to grant her more mobility. Some also may simply write her off as feeble and weak thanks to it as well. This can prove to be a mistake as when she's in a pinch or confronted. As she can and will use her cane to disarm a person or to strike a blow. It is made from titanium, a light weight yet strong material in tensile strength. In simple terms, its light and it hits damn hard.

Books and book strap: A true bibliophile hardly lets being on the go hinder their reading time. A book strap is the perfect aid for her to always bring a few books with her. It has other purposes too, such as a handy makeshift weapon when all else fails. A few heavy novels swung around with force thanks to the strap never fails to pack a punch

Vampire killing kit: What would paranormal lover be with out at least one oddity? This one is an old relic from the 1800's, when belief in vampires was rampant in eastern Europe. Its an old wooden box with a painted cross on the top, the edges worn smooth from being handled and the simple joints that make it showing some signs of failure. Inside its lined with leather, custom cut outs created to hold each item in place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by alexandra_knight


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Becky Hamilton

Werewolves of London

Becky was once an average girl, working at a job towards a goal that she may soon forget. The degree she worked for at college not landing her quite where she thought. She had a degree in acting, but it was hard to find a theatre group that was taking actors at the time. She didn't expect that the one frivolous course in bar-tending and mixology she would be the one to secure her a stable and decent paying job. The job soon became routine to her, a bore to her in how it never changed; the same patrons, the same drinks everyday breeding contempt at work for her. How she wished for anything to come and change that. One night it seemed to come true as her routine was broken by a new patron. Naturally, she wanted to chat to them and learn more about them, as anybody's with a curious nature would want to do. It proved to be a mistake for her, the customer wanted to do nothing with anybody there. Each reply they gave short and too the point, the more asked about them, the more agitated they appeared to become. It was rather quick how Becky's interest faded and turned to frustration. In an act of passive aggression against them, she started to serve drinks incorrectly and her own tone just as sharp as the person she served. Strangely, the person left soon after the change in attitude from Becky rather than escalate it with her. After that, her routine returned back to normal, making her feel like she was the victor in the petty exchange. When her shift came to a close, she packed her thing and left. She must have been tired that night, as she can hardly remember the walk home she took every night. The next morning she woke up with little recollection of how she got home or when. A terrible pain radiating in her neck as she forced herself to rise out of bed. Unknown to her, the wish for her life to become less routine was granted.


"What can I do for you love?"

Human Becky: A sweet and average girl by all means. Soft spoken and polite in her speech. Her simple and rather casual choice of words making her appear just slightly ditzy, her smiling softly doesn't help the impression either. Worse yet, a bad memory as of late really makes her look like a scatter brain. She's charitable to the point of naivete, where its easy for people with bad intentions to take advantage of her good nature. Being a bartender taught her how to be a little more friendly to strangers as she listens to bar patrons often. It hasn't made her completely outgoing though, approaching total strangers on her own will still make her nervous and become self aware of her own mannerisms and choice of words. If a person does take advantage of her or is plain rude, she'll put on a face and pretend it is fine. Pushing it inside instead of working it out or standing up for herself. She lets what happened fester with in and broods over her feelings. She never acts fully aggressive, but rather passively so. She has a host of interests and hobbies which include karaoke with friends, a regular and favourite activity of hers; watching plays, something Mayfair is great for; and mixology, an interesting and practical application of science. She has few friends, but she holds them dear close to her heart. Nearly to the point of being a little clingy, where she becomes a little lonely with out them.

Werewolf Becky: She is the voice inside of your head that we all have, the one that nags for you to do evil, the nasty voice we all suppress. The difference is, this voice now has a body to act it all out. She's self assured to the point of arrogance, a cocksure grin on her face as she speaks. Everything she see's fit as her's, she'll take, and she wants it all. Sweet and playful when people are on her good side, perhaps even lustful when she whispers teasing words in to a person's ear that she really likes. However, if she dislike a person she becomes wrathful. Using sharp words and uttering threats instead of sweet promises. While Becky remains unaware of this side, this one seems somewhat aware of the other. Referring to the human side as "Her owner" or "Her master". This side could be called "loyal" or "protective" of the other. Often coming out to resolve an issue she thinks is happening to the other side, or to protect the body they share from harm.
Rules of the Werewolf

Werewolves in this lore aren't exactly similar to the ones who change by moonlight. Being bit by one will still change a person in to one, as well as the more obscure methods. Such as drinking out of a glass, fountain, or puddle another werewolf has. Where they start to differ is that the werewolf exists inside of a person as an alter ego of sorts, a very vocal id. They're the ones who put nasty suggestions and thoughts in to the victim's head, speaking as a voice with in. If the victim starts to consider these vile suggestions, they'll slowly let the werewolf with in take over and change in to them. Their punishment or burden being that they become an ugly person in terms of personality. Emotions play a crucial part to initiate these changes as well. Most of them being based on the seven deadly sins; Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hi, love your characters~ First off do you have any plots in mind? If not I'd like to work on one with you. I'm very interested in Erica's paranormal setting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hey, I'm interested, if you're still looking. Shot you a PM. Realized it might not be that noticeable with the new format of the site. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 2 mos ago

I'm interested in Becky's story. Care to shoot me a PM?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Greetings there. I've sent you a PM.
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