“….when did you get here?”
Actual confusion tinged Rei’s voice as Willow saddled up beside her. The blonde perplexed her more than anything else, though she felt the others often found Willow’s antics infuriating. Regardless, she had long since come to be comfortable about her partner’s sudden appearances and the bizarre things she’d say. She didn’t bother correcting her that it wasn’t a few days, that they only just discovered Homura last night. Rei accepted Willow just said weird shit sometimes.
Her actions were even stranger, always feeling off-second in timing. Willow’s hand remained in the air, grasping nothing for a while until Rei finished her intent and helped the pink girl up. Maybe she was seeing things differently in her head, again. Rei wouldn’t put it past her from how her partner winced.
“We do nothing to her. This is our newest sisters in arms! We should give her a good greeting and a welcome clarification to what we actually do around here,” she told Willow after lightly bonking the blonde's head. "No death involved."
Rei smiled at Homura and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She guided the girl away from the classroom and past her friends whose attention spans probably singed, moving on from the novelty of a new girl to some broader, more boring topic like. Boys. Rei motioned for Willow to take up Homrua from the other side as if they were long last companions guiding the girl back to sanctuary.
“We got off on the wrong foot and I can’t begin to imagine some of the lies those other girls put in your head,” Rei said, referring to the two light thorns in their side. “The Detention Club isn’t evil. We’re not devils who want to blow up the town. We just see things differently. More common sense, I like to think.” Rei glanced at Homura, eagerly expecting a response.
Back in the club room, a Mascot crawled out from the darkness of a desk. Unmoved by Nyxia and Tsubomi’s presence, it rubbed along Suki’s leg before suddenly hopping onto Kiyo’s lap. Its tv screen flickered a :3 before it curled itself. The screen sifted once, twice with static, before cutting off completely into a black screen.