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Noire was happy to stay on the side lines. Watching everyone rushing into the fray in a fury of battle-fueled rage. Even the skeleton man found something interesting to do as he slipped away past the front line. The cat had just decided that it would be nice to follow; surely there was something waiting for her just inside those doors; other than that rat that is. But no, a couple of loud dogs had caught scent of her and apparently didn't listen close enough to those rumors.

"Nya~? So you've heard about be before, I'm so embarrassed..." Noire puffed out her chest for the wolves. Feigning inapt carelessness towards her attackers before flipping her demeanor a hard 180°. ">.>" Thousands of needle point spikes took shape between the cat and the dogs. Straight and stiff, each wire were less than a millimeter thick. Noire wanted to know what the rat and skele-man were doing within that building; not play with more dogs when she could've easily had any way she wanted back in the lagoon. No, they were worth less than the swiss cheese they were about to become. Wires shooting forward to skewer the dogs how they stood; killing them instantly. Riddling them with thousands of holes, no part of their body were left untouched from the wires. Penetrating them well onto the other side before retracting back into the cat. Their bodies falling limp onto the ground, motionless. ">.> If I have to deal with another one of your kind, I'm going to keep it a live just long enough to tell the others. Hmph."
Just like with the spider lady she had laid her eyes and interest upon; Noire had grown tired of this group of prey pretending to be predators. A silent motion and she ended the dog's life without care before retracting back her deadly wires. Tail flicking about as she eyed through the darkness at the group's foolery. Ignoring any thought thrown her way except for one by the strange man without a name. Apparently, she was requested to keep an eye on one of the members. The rat hiding amidst the crowd, but easily in plain sight of the cat. It wasn't that she was going to follow his orders; but she didn't have a problem with them either. Especially if they were already one of the few she had already considered in part to amuse herself with.

">.>" Eyes looked on at her target with an all-knowing innocence that spoke loudly of her devilish plans through an equally quiet face that could fool god himself. Whether or not her prey knew of their doom was none of her concern. Noire stayed quiet, laying against the rock as a single string snaked its way through the air to the rat. Thinner than atoms it harmlessly phased through everything without notice. Embedding itself into the rat and wrapping itself neatly around the heart of the creature. There'd be no escape from the cat now. The rat was, as with all her victims, an amusing toy to see just how long they'd last.

The cat watched the others with careless boredom. Yawning with obvious distaste in their squabbles as her eyes bounced from the oni, to the rat, to vampire, to the drow. Noire sprawled out on her rock just as the real excitement started. Packs of wolves coming from every direction, to which many responded. Some fought back; but some, like the rat, caught the cat's attention as they scurried off. However that still wasn't enough to capture Noire's attention, especially now that she had just made herself comfortable. Instead, there she laid, watching the group of puppies explode into misshapen monstrosities.

A sound caught her attention, coming from behind her. One of the wolves had spotted her and had made its way over in hopes to make short work of an easy prisoner. Earning an irksome glare for involving her in the mess. The cold eyes, hungry for the dog's demise staring the wolf down would've been a warning if it wasn't also the last thing it would see. Immediately pouncing upon the would-be assassin and knocking the beast to the ground. Not a chance would be given for the dog to speak before a large claw wold force itself upon the meaty throat; pinning it to stone. Trails of crimson would leak where the claws punctured the flesh; effortlessly breaking the tough skin, but she was smart enough not to crush him completely. Not yet.

Instead, Noire would start with the dog's arms. String from the cat's own arm would wind itself around the dog's shoulders. Twisting and contorting his limbs until his bones broke and muscles tore. Toxin, all the while, leaking out to keep him from screaming; paralyzing him with a mind-numbing neuroleptic and set his mental-state aflame. More string winding its way across its body, tightening itself around a broken form and left collapsed on the ground. A trail of her toxin dripping off the bundle of bound fur from an excessive dosage.

"Hmm-nya? How bold of you. Sleep now, for you're going to not be able to once this fight is over. I'll make sure of it." The cat turned her angry gaze away from the pathetic dog and back to the rest of the cavern. Another creature had joined the room, this one hiding behind a rock, gazing outward. Noire was already bored of her perch and playing with the dogs as well; dragging her prey with her as she stalked the woman. Each sharp rock and jump crashing into her captive in spite; even if he was too far out of it to feel anything at this point.

Her sharp, blood-hungry eyes didn't calm as she padded silently behind the asian woman. A good distance of separation given between the cat and the rest of her string/arm holding the wolf down. "Enjoying the view, nya~? Its not every day monsters brawl on such a large scale and women appear from the lake. I'd go poke her instead, but I'd rather not get my fur wet just yet. It's a long way out of the Abyss to get water trapped in your boots so early."
>.> ... "Quite the noisy day-nya; isn't it~? So much prey running wildly about hardly makes it worth it. But at least it was fun for a few moments~ Right~?" The last conscious victim in a room full of werewolves and prisoners alike whimpered; unable to open its jaw enough for any begging words. They all bore the marks of the feline's conquest. Bleeding and strewn about as she toyed with the last of the werewolves in this particular tunnel. "Well, nya~ I suppose this means I can take my leave? If you're the best you lot have to offer, I'm surprised there isn't more of the prisoners trying to get out."

Clawing the grasp of death into the poor wolf, Noire trotted off with a spring in her step further up the caverns. Coming into the area locally known as the Lagoon, she was pleasantly surprised to find that there actually was more prisoners trying to get out; or at least between her and the exit. Quite a few actually, as she made a perch for herself as she stared off at the group. Curious if she should take them out too, or if she should just move on past and ignore them. They did have rat in the mix that made them awful fun to play with, but there was also the other two on the other end of the room. Deciding to just wait to see how everything develops before she intervened.
*Poses for interest*

Bask in my beauty? (technically a question)

@Travesty Eh, if you're ok with her I am. I still kinda like her current unique better. Maybe it isn't the best, and I might think of one better; but I'm fine with it.
Telekinesis is more utility than damage. As much as I'd like her to be able to cast relevant spells; personality wise she's a brawler more than a mage. Character wise, I was looking for a good balance between the two without leaning too heavy into magic. Though it would still be her goto for ranged targets; she'd be deadly at close range.
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