Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jennifer lost the war

jennifer lost the war

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

No OOC chat. Just sheets.

OOC Thread

You're allowed a second main character. Also, I want you to PM me NPC character sheets. This isn't meant for me to approve or reject, I just want to have all the NPCs in one separate post.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Character Sheet

Name and/or Alias(es):



Occupation(s) (if any):

Race and Origin: For humans, origin will mean what country they were born in (we know they’re from earth =p). Also include where they currently reside, if different from birthplace.

Appearance: I have no problems with pictures, but whether you use them or not, I would like to see one paragraph written here. If you’re going to use pictures, please use hiders.

Equipment (if any):

Abilities/Talents (if any):

History: Since you all worked hard on your flashback posts, this is totally optional, but if you feel like writing a very brief summary then go for it. If you're joining after the flashback phase or if your character is being made after it, I would like to see at least 2 paragraphs here.

Misc: You’ll notice I left out personality. I personally think it’s a silly thing to fill out since our characters will natural develop and change, but if you feel like you need to at least outline what they’re like for yourself, you’re free to do that here, along with anything else you feel like including. Totally optional.

NPC Sheet

Name and/or Alias(es):


Relations: Which character(s) are they related to and in what way? What makes them relevant?

Appearance: Unlike the main character sheets, you don’t need to write a paragraph here, but please use hiders for pictures. If you don’t use pictures, write something.

Misc: Anything else you feel is relevant.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jennifer lost the war

jennifer lost the war

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

NPC Cast

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jennifer lost the war

jennifer lost the war

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name and/or Alias(es): Ken Ikeda "The Swift Sword"

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Occupation: None. Former professional mixed martial arts fighter.

Race and Origin: Human. Was born in America and currently resides in Japan.

Appearance: Standing at six foot flat and weighing 185 pounds, Ken certainly doesn’t look like somebody the average person would mess with, at least not in hand to hand combat. Despite his size, he isn’t bulky by any means. He is built lean, which he has consciously shaped himself to be to maintain agility. Silky, short black hair lays flat on his head, with very little maintenance necessary. His face retains the youth of a man in his early twenties, with no facial hair to speak of. In addition to his lack of manly beard and mustache, he has a small nose, thin lips, soft skin and small hands, making him oddly pretty for a professional fighter, especially one that used to be a champion in his division. However, his dark brown eyes often do more talking that his mouth does, with the natural inclination to give people they look upon the declaration of a challenge or the unwillingness to surrender.

Equipment: None

Abilities/Talents: Having trained in manipulating his own spirit energy since he was 18, Ken has become quite proficient in doubling, sometimes tripling his natural physical strength. He can also utilize his energy to increase speed. Combined with his many years of professional MMA fighting, his strength is matched by his fighting skill and his spirit energy increases with every day he puts it to the test. Since he has trained under Iraltiphos, he has learned how to detect the spiritual presence of others and where their energy is flowing, suppress his own presence and temporarily hinder the flow of energy in his opponents through targeting pressure points.

History: Although he was born in America, both his parents were Japanese. Although a poet had caused the deaths of the entire population of Japan when he was young, he grew up to be indifferent toward poets, occasionally sympathetic to the fact that they are the only magic users to be discriminated against. The discovery of magic had changed the world of professional MMA fighting forever, which captured Ken’s interested very early on. He learned to manipulate his spirit energy on his own and honed his abilities through fighting. He quickly rose to the top and became a middle weight champion at the age of 25. His stage name became “The Swift Sword” due to often using a deadly fast karate chop, a move so basic that the idea of using it in a serious fight was comical. However, every single time he landed the blow, the fight would shortly end in his favor.

At the age of 30, he moved to Japan to help rebuild and repopulate the broken country, where he found Iraltiphos, self-proclaimed “the most powerful being in the universe” (which was also stated on the advertisement), and trained under him for 2 years. Within the first year, he was challenged to an MMA fight for the championship belt, to which he declined and subsequently retired from the sport, planning to train for the rest of his life.

Misc: Likes bananas.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryver et Rhine
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Ryver et Rhine Cthulhu Summoner

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Izkripp


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name and/or Alias(es): Gel'Linnea. Scientists named her Gaia

Age: Appears to be out of human adolescence and in mid-twenties

Sex: Female

Occupation(s) (if any): Searcher of her people.

On Earth: None.

Race and Origin: Giagea'Jen from the planet Giagea. Unknown to humans.

Appearance: Taller than most human males. Skin tone is a pale green with light blue markings on her body in elaborate designs. The markings are not so noticeable that one can seen from a distance. Her eyes are slightly larger than the average humans and change colors depending on the temperature, her a mood and the amount of sunlight she acquires. Her physical appearance isn't much different than a human, she still has two arms, two legs, and all her fingers and toes.

Her hair is long to her mid back decorated with moss, flowers, leaves, or anything else she finds in nature that she thinks is pretty. In her hair is long twig/branch like things that are connected to the base of her neck and behind her ears. They are typically brown, but can be a green tint.

Clothes: Her people don't wear much clothing. Thin fabrics barely cover their bodies.

Equipment: Seeds she gathered from other planets.

Abilities/Talents: Extremely powerful at plant based magic. Can grow forests in the matter of moments, but if the plants are not suitable for the environment they wither when she stops keeping them alive.

She has decent land magic and can move the earth enough to till the land or raise it around her feet in about a ten foot radius and four foot above the ground.

Misc: She doesn't eat meat and is immune to planet based poisons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name:Elysia Bennett

Age: Although forty years old, she has the appearance and a similar mindset of a twenty year old since Rytons age twice as long as those from Earth.

Sex: Female

Occupation:Teacher for military academy and is on call for Special Forces team

Race and Origin: A Rytonian from the planet Ryton

Appearance: Those living in Ryton are very similar in appearance to humans on Earth besides their unnaturally colored silver eyes as well as any visible enhancements they receive usually after their twentieth birthday (10 years old) when they graduate from the academy and take on their apprenticeship or specialized training. Elysia’s enhancement changes the appearance of her right eye, giving her a golden colored ring circling around her silver iris. Her right arm is slightly darker than her left but the difference is usually seen only at a distance. There is an unusual looking scar that circles around her shoulder where her reconstructed arm and the rest of her body merges together.

Standing at an even five feet, Elysia’s petite stature is quite small even in comparison to Ryton’s standards. However her slim, toned body along with her confidence usually makes up for her height. Slightly longer than her shoulders, Elysia has slightly wavy brown hair with hints of copperish red as highlights. While off duty, Elysia usually choose light and comfortable clothing instead of dressing up for anything and is always found holstering her gun.

Equipment: Energy based pulse gun that can shoot beams to either stun or kill her target.

Abilities/Talents: With her ocular enhancements, Elysia has the ability to view a digital interface that helps her have better accuracy when shooting as well zoom in to view her targets as if she was looking through a scope. She is also able to store and retrieve information like a computer as well as search through her planet’s database. However, due to the distance she is from her home planet, she doesn’t have access to the database. With the right adjustments she might be able to use earth’s database and internet, but something she wouldn’t be able to do on her own. She also able to see in infrared but is limited due to how taxing it is and how much energy it takes.

With her hand enhancement due to an accident that happened five months ago, Elysia is able to control the digital interface with more control rather than using eye movement. With her arm reconstructed from her right shoulder down to the tips of her fingers, she is able to accomplish things that a normal person wouldn’t be able to. With no notion of pain and being nearly indestructible, she could have her arm crushed or even stick her hand into a blazing fire without any trouble. Although not truly stronger than her other hand, without having limit due to pain or fatigue in her right arm, she appears to be stronger in that one limb.

History: The granddaughter of the Grand Councilman of her planet, Elysia comes from a privileged family in a world which family lineage, rank and what faction you are born in determines the outcome of your life. Along with her grandfather, both her parents worked at the capital and it was thought that she too would follow their footsteps as it was customary to do so. However during her time at the academy, a mandatory schooling from eight to twenty years old in which students live at the school with the option of visiting home only one weekend a month and a two week long break three times a year (spring summer and winter), her interest moved towards combat. This interest became set in stone after visiting her parents during her spring break and her parents were assassinated by a small group of poets that were sided with the Resistance, a group that was striving for a change in the political way Ryton was being operated. With the mishaps of the assassin not knowing that her parents had a kid due to her being at school and not noticing that spring break during his planned strike, Elysia happened to be in the middle of the chaos when Phil and an unnamed poet attacked and was able to walk away free due to the poet. Ever since the death of her parents and the injustice she saw occur, she has made an oath to bring justice by going after the Resistance and find Phil and the unnamed poet. This led her into the becoming part of the military force of faction eight as well as being a teacher for the newest recruits that are fresh from the academy and want to become a part of the Special Forces. During combat, she is usually in a three man team with her close friends from the academy, Emma and Carter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jennifer lost the war

jennifer lost the war

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name and/or Alias: Elise Amsel

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Occupation: None. Used to be a scientist, developing new technology

Race and Origin: Human, born in Germany. Currently resides in New York.

Appearance: Elise is a dark brown haired and bluish green eyed woman standing at about 5’10. She is built lean, though not skinny, and has long legs and sturdy shoulders. She has a strong jaw and high, prominent cheek bones, which tend to become the center of attention when she smiles. Her hair is generally done wavy and she never uses make-up because she’s terrible with it.

Equipment: She always carries a device with her, which she simply calls “Abal”, that is capable of identifying one’s energy signature with a unique combination of 20 numbers, which in turn identifies what species they are. The device is thick and rectangular, with a small screen. The entire device is no longer than five inches.

Abilities: Elise can manipulate electricity to a great extent, but is somewhat limited to only being able to use electrical sources around her. Although she is capable of generating her own source of electricity using her spirit energy, her spiritual capacity is severely under-developed and doing so can at best cause fatigue—at worst cause death.

History: Elise was born into a family of science and due to her great great grandfather, Harald Amsel, being credited as having discovered magic, she also grew up with the expectation of mastering some form of magic. Although she showed great promise in excelling at both at a young age, she didn’t have much time in her early years to develop a passion for it. It wasn’t until her training in magic began that she realized what she wanted to focus on. She was being trained in many forms of magic, but when she came across elemental manipulation and got her hands on electricity, she was hooked. It felt totally different and much more compelling to her than anything else she had ever done; she focused on training in that form entirely, against her father’s wishes to be more well-rounded.

On the other hand, she followed her father’s expectations to be a scientist and assisted in developing ways to fuse technology with magic, but at the age of 25 she came across something that changed her life. A device crashed into her backyard one day and when she went to retrieve it she couldn’t make out what it was or what it was supposed to do. Upon further investigation, she realized that the technology was far more advanced than anybody on Earth could have conceived of, despite the device being smaller than the palm of her hand. After concluding that the device was meant to determine what Earth looked like and what resources it had, along with the fact that some alien planet must have sent it, she was shunned by the scientific community, including her father, who didn’t want to be associated with her. For the next three years, she dedicated her life to finding out if there were more of these devices or if creatures from the planet who sent it were already walking amongst them. In those years, she developed a proto-type of a device that could detect the energy signature of any being, which varied depending on what kind of creature they were. She has yet to find an alien using it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vainvalium


Member Offline since relaunch

Name and/or Alias: Svetlana Alkaev ( This name means, To wish for a light world )

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Occupation: Trophy wife

Race and Origin: Human, born in Moscow, Russia.Currenly Lives in North Dakota

Svetlana has long curly hair, artificially colored maroon. Even though it is slightly damaged from consistent dying, it retains a soft texture. Her burgundy eyes stared fiercely into the souls of others, she had to hide her innocence. Underneath her right eye, a flat dark-pigmented mole, that she inherited at birth. It stood out like the moon in the sky, despite all the eye-makeup she used to draw attention from it. She covered her eyes in; Mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow in the boldest of black but it was inevitable.

Her lips were plump, the bottom larger than the top. Drenched in expensive vivid red lipstick, she takes pride in her signature smile. She is short standing only at 5’5, Stiletto’s help boost her to 5’8. She is heavier than most, her bust and bottom disproportionately larger. The size difference helps contrast the curves on her sides.

Svetlana has a distinct style to her attire, only wearing tight black cocktail dresses. Her fingernails and toenails are painted red.


In a large purse she carries

A long whip, that curls on contact with objects. Capable of use with aerodynamics and as a weapon. ( This acquired later in the story. )
A vial of high-dosage poison, for emergency situations. May be used to suicide, when badly wounded or to sneakily kill enemies.
A full thermal body suit, good for swimming and retaining heat.
Minimal Medical supplies, to bandage wounded allies
Cigarettes and Matches

Abilities: Through self experimentation, Svetlana has managed to reverse aging effects on her body. Her body does not decay naturally, but stays in a neutral state. The side effect of this was that she would never be able to have kids.

Straight out of high-school, Svetlana began was employed with a modeling agency. She quickly gained reputation through magazines and TV shows. She never imagined that she would become a celebrity, people adored her. It was a nice change from being the welfare-case in her school.

People watched constantly and listened to everything she said. She would go home, only to find pictures of herself on gossip channels from store-visits fifteen minutes before. They knew; who she was dating, her interest, what she ate for dinner and what she had done with herself all day.

This continued for years, as Svetlana began to watch her body decay away. Her bones ached and her skin began to sag. Countless plastic surgerys only made her look worse, she was told to accept that everyone gets old. She was loaded with spare cash, that she couldn’t spend in a lifetime. She told herself, that she would have to live four-lifetimes to be able to spend all the money.

She quit her modeling career, and began to hide away in the same house for years. She made phone-calls, and occasionally had items dropped off at her-house. Nobody had seen her for thirty-years, and she vanished off of peoples minds. During these thirty-years, she managed to educate herself in health sciences.

Her basement was full of deadly chemicals, but in the right usage they could be something more. She knew that this was bigger than her, she couldn’t do it alone. She hired a team of three scientist, who became residents in her home. Two other females by the name of Deborah and Stephanie. They told stories of their former glorious lives in the US, that entertained Svetlana. The third a man, his name was nathaniel.

During an experiment, Deborah caught a cellular disease. It spread quickly through her body, and eventually killed her. Stephanie became depressed with out her best friend, and took a plane back to america.This left Svetlana and Nathaniel alone, with unfinished scientific work. Stumped by endless statistics and research, they ceased the project. Trying to live as normal as lives as they could, they began to fall in love.

Svetlana began to become sick, her body no longer functioning as well as it use to. Attempting to save his lover, Nathaniel continued the research. He found that, they were missing one important thing all this time. In order to create the perfect body cells, they required something more fresh. In past experiments, they had used their own plasma that over the years had been exposed to many things.

Nathaniel drove hours, figuring out how he could possibly pull something off. He drove to the hospital to see Svetlana, who was practically dead. She could barely respond, or move anymore. He walked out, crying for Svetlana, he believed that he had let her down. He passed by a room, full of children balling their heads off. There was so many, countless rows of them all the way back.
He walked to the door, and tried to open it. It was locked, only accessible by a set of keys from the nurses. He waited for awhile, until a nurse passed by and he quickly grabbed her by the arm.

“ Dying! The child is dying! He needs you!” He cried, in a scared tone, pulling her back and forth. In a panic, she opened the door running in as he followed behind her. There was no troubled child in sight, she was confused.

Lost in her own fear and trouble, Nathaniel took the opportunity and grabbed her by the neck. He tried to be quick, as she struggled. Her face turned pale, and her veins began to strain. It wasn’t long before the light in her eyes went out, and her eyes were now bloodshot. He grabbed one of the children, and walked out of the room. He held the child, who was covered in fabric as if it was his own. Walking past doctors, janitors and office assistant. Getting through the front door on the other hand would be a bit more difficult.

He instead walked to the backdoor, acting as if it was his place to be. Nobody stopped him, he looked trustworthy and like he had nothing to hide. He took the child to his car, and drove it home with him.

A day passed, Nathaniel was arrested for the kidnapping and murder of the infant. The parents were hurt and angered, and sued the Hospital. The staff angry that their jobs were on the line, ended up releasing Svetlana from their care. She was taken home, by a care-taker and dropped off who told her that Nathaniel was on a death sentence. Memories began to flash through her head, she walked down the basement stairs barely able to hold her own weight.

On the table, a paper sat explaining everything that happened written from Nathaniel. Holding it in place, a small jar of liquid sat on top of it. She picked it up and analyzed it with her eyes, the liquid was a dark red. It was striking similar to blood, but was clearly mixed with other compounds. She looked back to the paper, which told her to drink it. She had nothing to lose, she was going to die. She picked it up, the edge of the cup against her lips shriveled lips and her hand shaking. She quickly poured all of it into her mouth, drying to ignore the bold disgusting metallic taste.

Immense pain shot through her body, as her own cells began to implode. She cried in pain and fell to the ground on her knees, soon losing consciousness. When she awoke, there was no more pain. Her bones no longer ached, and she got up off the floor with ease. She felt strange, taking a hand and rubbing it across her skin. She was cured, and her body felt refreshed and great. She walked past glasses and vials, and stopped seeing her own reflection. She looked young…she..looked..beautiful.

She walked outside her house, and began to receive strange looks from her neighbors. She received strange looks from everyone she passed by, they all knew her by her former model persona. In an attempt to escape all of the attention, she bought a ticket to the US and was to head out the next day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Platanus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name and/or Alias(es): Jahho-Pekka Seppänen

Age: 38

Sex: male

Occupation: (artistic) Photographer

Race and Origin: Jahho-Pekka – as his name may have already suggested – was born up in the north. Well, not exactly Lappland (Finns having to smile at this point), but in Finland. I thought of him still living there but should it be more convenient to the plot, I could easily have him and his family having moved elsewhere.
...and as long as he can tell he is pretty much human.

Appearance: When it comes to looks, Jahho-Pekka is quite the average – at least among Finns – with his brown hair, neither too dark nor too light, and the grey eyes that come with the hair. He is also neither tall nor short with his 1.86 m of height, along with the 94 kg of mass he carries around, enough to give him a small beer belly around the waist. So the first thing which might catch your attention when seeing him for the first time would most probably be the long dreadlocks around his slightly big head or the occasional earrings and/or ear piercings he cares to wear.

Equipment: From the casual pocket camera to professional ones with gigantic lenses for every purpose or smaller ones attachable to various kinds of material.
One could also take his various shinais and Kendo-gear into account. (He will have his 4th Dan exam pretty soon.)

Abilities/Talents: Jahho-Pekka discovered during his school time his affinity with electromagnetic oscillations. Having mastered his way with light as a kind of electromagnetic oscillation, it has allowed him to make exquisite photos some of which resemble dreams.

History: Jahho-Pekka was born in Turku-Finnland and grew up as the middle child between two others. With his father being a musician his artistic side was nurtured from very young age, while his mother kept trying to convince him of learning a craft which was more capable of bringing bread to the table. Finding out about his »oscillation magic« - Oskillaattorinoituus or Oskkinoituus as they named it, whether it was one of his siblings or friends, he does not remember any more – gave mum exactly what she had been waiting for. So after graduation from high school he applied for electronics (engineering) on the university of Turku. A slight sense of adventure and a desire to see the world took him to the States, Poland and Norway for further studies. Although he graduated with a master's degree in Optics (Physics) ten years ago, he never intended to pursue science, technology or much less industrial development as a carrier. Thanks to his physical understanding of light though, Jahho-Pekka was able to become a much better photograph with a sharper eye than he could have hoped to become with having only studied the art. It goes without saying that he did take photography courses and workshops every now and then. About eight years ago he came back to Finland and settled down.
His life has also another history, a nightmare haunting him for about two decades. It came about because of his greatest hobby since the age of 14: Kendo. Wanting to play somewhat a fusion between a Viking and a samurai, Jahho-Pekka started with the martial sport one year sooner, yet he was 14 when he knew he did not ever want to stop practising Kendo, even should he not be fit for championships. Having found a Sensei like out of a dream did naturally help with the notion and with the bond he felt to the inherited ways of the sword. Arashida Sensei was one of those people born to become teachers, which made him run the courses at the dojo while his wife was a much fiercer Kendoka. Having grown fond and close to the couple, Jahho-Pekka - along with some other pupils – shared their grief and pain when they lost their people along with many loved ones. The incident turned Jahho-Pekka's attention towards poets and it was not the appreciated kind of attention. He knew then, he was going to hate poets for the rest of his life. He knew poetry was a wretched profession, passion or whatever these people took it for and he knew he wanted someday to see the end of this lot in the name of justice. So he took it upon him to raise awareness of the no longer silent danger lurking along. He was still studying for his bachelor's degree in Turku when he started the Campaign and tried to reach people all over the world. He has been active ever since, trying to make people see the true danger which lies in poetry, the vicious ways of the poets and trying to organize them in identifying poets. After all he is the father of two now and the last thing he would want is for his children to grow up in the world with »them«.

Minkka, his daughter, 8 years old
Antti, the son, 3 years old
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name and/or Alias(es):Devan Aldrich



Occupation(s):Resistance leader and previously a college professor

Race and Origin: Caucasian. Born and raised in central U.S but spend his adult life in New York

Appearance: With his brown, nearly black hair, the grey hair that have been slowly invading his head throughout the years are obvious even though his hair is still dominantly brown. Although tall and on the leaner side and appears to be quite healthy, physical exertion isn’t his forte since most of his focus comes from his mind. Devan isn’t a person that usually wears outlandish clothing and is usually focused on being able to blend in with whatever setting he is in but is never found without his ring on his right middle finger with a ruby stone.

Equipment (if any):A ruby ring

Abilities/Talents (if any):Devan is a highly skilled poet and seems to have a broad (although not always very in depth) knowledge of many different subjects. Living a life as a conman in his early life, Devan picked up a few tricks and skills especially when it comes to staying out of sight of those who are after him

History: Long before Devan took over as leader of the resistance or taking on the position of a college professor and even further back before discovering the power behind words at nineteen Devan was a completely different person. Rather, Devan Aldrich wasn’t even a person in existence. During his childhood and his young adult years the man known today as Devan was called Richard Dalton. He was a mischievous person and was often called too smart for his own good and often found himself getting in trouble when pursuing an outlandish adventure to avoid the doldrums of life. With great potential and a sharp mind, his father was often upset with him with the belief that he was wasting him life and the potential he had by not taking school, or rather anything to do within the real world seriously.

After barely graduating high school by doing the least amount possible, Richard quickly made his way out of the rural town he grew up in and made his way towards the big apple. In pursuit of anything that would catch his fancy. It would be a lie to say that Richard kept a clean life in New York as he made friends with some of the rougher parts of the city but was always carful and wise enough to stay out of the grasp of the authorities and get caught. Richard lived a life of pleasure and for the thrill of whatever life could throw at him but his biggest thrill came when he came across a poet for the first time and instantly fell in love with the idea of becoming a poet as well.

His first few attempts of trying out his newfound passion was unsuccessful and after countless times of failure his mentor broke the news and told him that he didn’t have what it took to become a poet. However being a man very set and determined, Richard didn’t give up and spend two years solely devoted on the art of poetry, leaving his past activities behind. Even though he was never fond of school, in pursuit of wanting to learn more about poetry, Richard took on a few college classes and at the age of twenty one was well on his way of becoming quite proficient at his newfound passion. However the meager knowledge he learned during the few college classes didn’t quench his newfound interest of learning and expanding his knowledge. His impulsive ways of life in enjoying the short-lived excitement he could find was starting to change as he discovered the empowerment he was able to gain both with the art of poetry and his ingenious mind.

As the years went by, Richard continued school and gained a doctorate degree and took on the position of teaching literature. Although he was quite proficient with his abilities and was working on improving it on a daily basis, he could never find the sort of fulfillment in his life that would satisfy him but things started to change as he heard news about a small group of poets that met on a frequent basis. With his interest perked, Richard went about to discover more about this group. At this point of time, this group wasn’t a sort of resistance as seen today led by Devan and was a peaceful group and although none of them knew it at the time, they were forming the very foundation of the resistance seen today. No one is truly sure what happened to Richard Dalton but it was rumored that he died one wintery day and is now buried within his hometown where his gravestone can be seen to this day. Years later a man by the name of Devan Aldrich emerged with not a single trace of a connection to his prior life.

Misc: Don’t worry, there’s more his his history after meeting the group but I decided to keep it vague so that it could be discovered as time went on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryver et Rhine
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Ryver et Rhine Cthulhu Summoner

Member Seen 7 mos ago

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