Each student received the numbers to their dormitories. They may trade roommates if they'd like, there was no policy against it. Some students even thought it romantic to bunk with their significant others. Humph, as though that never leads to complications. It's sunset, so it's either time to go eat dinner in the cafeteria, explore the campus, or go to sleep. More importantly though, it was time for their admission speech.
"To be a M.IS.T. student is to be separate, different, from even the general norm of human.. To be a M.I.S.T. student requires dedication, time, commitment, and above all a capacity to grow beyond what you are today. Close-minded individuals have called this Academy many things, none of them fit for polite conversation, which is why the Academy operates on a strict code of secrecy; this is the first of many rules which have been implemented for both the Organization's and your own safety."
Principal Malefucent spoke through the school intercoms with cool firm voice.
"As a result of the growing emphasis on technology and the inter-connectedness of the world in conjunction with the necessary code of secrecy we maintain, all electronics beyond the complexity of audio/video recording devices have been banned from this facility. When you are assigned dorms, you will find a selection of protected electronic devices for your classwork and recreation; any individual who has been found to have broken this rule will be expelled from the Academy with extreme prejudice."
She didn't need a script, she simply said what she expected.
"Those same close-minded individuals I mentioned earlier would not take kindly to a group of powerful and skilled umans working for their own self-betterment. 'Vigilantes' as some call themselves, will often preach of the higher purpose of protecting and aiding the growth of humanity. While 'terrorists' will preach superiority and freedom through power and anarchy. M.I.S.T. Teaches you none of these things."
So many students enter this school gleaming with light, desiring a purpose in a meaningless world.
"What you will learn here at the M.I.S.T Academy is how to utilize a certain amount of enlightened self-interest, how to prepare for the real world. We will teach you valuable occupational skills, situational awareness, and, most importantly, how to think for one's self and beyond the meager capacities of 'good' and 'evil.' These individuals belittle their potential in pointless grudge-matches that do little but feed their own egos. Although the public knows nothing of our existence, none of them, vigilante nor vterrorist, is living up to the promise of their great gifts, wasting them in a destructive contest of will neither they nor the world needs."
All Maleficent sees are husks, falling short from their full potential.
"Still," She smiled coolly, "I imagine you've heard enough philosophical waxing for tonight, time to get onto practical matters."
She passes the microphone to the assistant principal, Gothel.
She smiles, "For those of you who have attended a normal, human, high school, you'll find the Academy environment both very similar and very different. Since tomorrow is Saturday, the faculty have decided to give you the weekend to acquaint yourselves with the facilities. On Monday, students will begin their classes. For freshmen, this is a standard load of seven classes including a Remedial Medical Treatment course, Basic Applied Math, the beginning level of a Foreign Language, a combined Philosophy and Psychology Primer, Beginning Physical Combat, Applied History, and a Basic Technology primer. The course, on average, last six months. I say on average because you will be given opportunities to advance ever month. On the last day of each month, or the last weekday as it is this September, each teacher will hold an optional final examination for those of you who have finished the coursework that month. This means it is technically possible, though somewhat unlikely, to finish a course each month. "After one completes a given course, a student is allowed options. Only the first seven classes and a few others are mandatory; the remainder of your coursework during your stay at the Academy will be self-directed. The minimum number of classes a student should be enrolled in at any given time is five, the maximum is ten, barring extenuating circumstances and my own permission, of course.Finally, I would like to take a few moments to remind our new students that their grades will determine more than when they ultimately graduate. Good marks on various subjects will grant you perks, leisure time, and other various desirable amenities. Bad marks will find these things taken away; the specifics you will find in a manual for new students left in your dorm rooms. That said, the Enforcers are waiting at the door to take you to your rooms, which will be shared dorms for the time being. I bid you good night and will be looking forward to seeing you in class on Monday."
The school heard a soft chuckle before she turned off the microphone.