Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

My name is Vixie, and I used to be an Alpha of a pack, but, my pack betrayed me, I was too weak they said, I was too kind they said, I was too trusting. I was forced to leave after they tried to kill me. Now, I am in the search of a new pack. My goal is to prove, that I am not weak. Although, it won't be easy. I have a lot of enemies, new packs form everyday. To be the best, it will be a challenge, but it is a challenge I am ready to take!

Vixie will be the Alpha female, the plot of this is to become the best of the best, but in order to do that, we must defeat other packs. You will be having powers if you want them, now here are the ranks.


The Alpha is the leader of the pack, they try their best to keep up with the going ons within the pack. They see each of the pack members as family and make important decisions that reflect the growth and welfare of the pack. The Alpha creates the rules for the pack and makes sure they are properly enforced. Alpha decides on ranking, courting, assessments, and banishments of wolves. Another important responsibility of the Alpha is to maintain the pack's hunting territory. The Alpha calls group hunts and decides when and where to hunt, along with the Betas and Hunters. The Alpha provides an emotional centre for the family and focus for friendly feeling in the pack. One of the most important social functions of the Alpha is to help maintain an even temper and bond of the family. During pack meetings, most issues will be discussed with the pack as a whole. The final decision will be made by the Alpha after all opinions are heard by the pack members. The Alphas have the final say so in everything, yet act only for the good of the pack.

Lieutenant: The Lieutenant is the highest Beta, and the one which takes over as Alpha when the Alpha is not around or busy. The Lieutenant is the most loyal and trusted out of the pack. He or she acts as an adviser to the two Alphas, they must know the rules by heart and teach others the way of the pack. They must enforce the Alpha's rules, They can overrule any of the Betas. He or she is highly respected and the words of a Lieutenant is highly vowed and considered. They also call hunts, deciding when and where to hunt, along with the Hunters.


The Beta wolf is the second ranking individual within the dominance hierarchy. They show commitment and loyalty to the pack, also acting as a discipliner to reinforce the Alpha's decisions. The Betas stand in as Alpha when the Alphas are not present. They answer to no one but their Alphas, but are expected, as with all members, to show respect to every wolf. They also assist the Alphas with any conflicts within the pack and enforce the rules, keeping peace within the clearing. They have the right to kick and ban a wolf from the clearing, after fair warning of wrong actions, such as fighting. They hold Sop Access along with the Alpha. Betas may also call hunts, deciding when and where to hunt, along with the Hunters. In pack meetings, the Betas' answers and suggestions are the second most important, being trusted advisers to the Alpha, only thinking for the good of the pack as a whole. There may only be a male and female Beta.


An Elder is a wolf with great experience and knowledge of wolfpacks. In the past they may have held such high ranks as Alpha and/or Beta. They are sometimes older members who have decided to make the pack their final resting place. An Elder's opinion is greatly respected throughout the pack, being advisor to both Alphas and Betas. They are asked to be role models to the pack, adults and cubs included, and also to visitors, showing them the Way of the Pack. They express maturity in their thoughts and actions during serious discussion or conflicts and help out where ever they can, supporting the pack through and through. The Elder lingers in the background when it comes to Pack affairs; they voice their opinions and concerns when they feel it is necessary with the utmost respect to their leaders.


Sentinels are to ensure that the pack is safe by patrolling the territory and watching the movements of the surroundings. They are to make sure that no intruders enter the clearing. In doing so, it is a Sentinel's responsibility to greet new visitors and learn why they are here and where they come from. Being in that position, it is the Sentinel's job to make sure each new visitor that comes into the clearing has good intentions as well. When the Sentinel is not present within the clearing or if there is none, the greeting responsibilities go to all Adult Pack members. Sentinels also make sure that the Pack Members keep themselves out of trouble, and that no fights break out between visiting wolves (or other pack members), warning them of the rules. After the warning, the Sentinel reserves the right to kick a continually aggressive or provoking wolf out of the channel and set a temporary ban. If this does happen they are to report to their Alpha and/or Beta and tell them what happened along with a log file because of this the Sentinel must be trust worthy and be able to speak the truth.


The Hunters are those wolves who are exceptionally skilled at tracking and hunting down prey. They can range from 1 year to 5 years, large or small, but it is mainly their skill as a Hunter that counts. The Hunters make sure that the Pack has a full abundance of food. After large hunts, the lead Hunter will memo with an update of the food available. Hunters lead the hunts along with the Alpha and/or Beta, directing the members on when it is their turn to charge at the prey.


Scouts are responsible for warning the Pack of dangerous territory outside the clearing, if any. Scouts are mainly wolves known by neighboring packs and visit around often. They stay in touch with other packs and keep friendly relations. They are to report any important changes to the Alpha and Beta. These include: if a new Pack is formed; Scouts are to find out who is the Alpha or Alphas and if the Pack is peaceful. Another change includes the banishment of a certain wolf; Scouts are to find out who was banished from where and why


A wolf that shows interest and skill in caring for weakened pack mates. They also watch over the older or ill wolves of the Pack. The Caretaker of the Pack ensures when any wolf is wounded, they recover properly not putting to much stress on their wounds. They serve as a support unit, and try to keep the pack in a healthy state. If they feel a wolf is not strong or rested enough to hunt, they are to inform the Alpha, Beta, or Hunter. CareTaking does not mean healing; its means helping to survive, to watch over and make sure one does not further hurt themselves. A CareTaker has to be stern to the wounded. Many wolves will insist they are fine. A good CareTaker needs to know what injuries are serious and what injuries can heal on their own. They need to make sure a wounded wolf, does not over exert themselves. They need to be firm in having the wolf rest.


The Delta wolf is a wolf in training for any position. They are the third last in rank. Delta's do not hold the authority to call medium or large Hunts. That is a privilege to only ranked Alphas, Betas, Hunters and the Lieutenant. Deltas can become any rank after training is complete but one can remain Delta without moving to a position. This could be due to misbehavior, trust issues or something else. Delta's train their skills and powers until they are strong enough to move up in the rank.

Omegas and Pups:

The Omega of the pack is lowest ranking wolf. The Omega is usually a young wolf that is very new to packlife and still learning, a wolf that has been lowered in rank due to wrong actions, or a Re-Evaluated Wolf (one who left the Pack once and was accepted back into the Pack after a period of re-evaluation). They are usually given the responsibilities of 'puppy-sitter', watching over the cubs during group hunts and making sure they don't wander into the forest. With the Omega always watching over the pups, they sometimes teach the Way of the Pack and the hierarchy. They explain to the pups what is right and wrong, or safe and dangerous. Pups while low in rank have many social freedoms; their antics are tolerated by most of the members. Reaching 1 year old, pups of the Pack may become Full Adult Members. Must be 1 year to Court/Mate and 2 years to Breed (have a litter), but you may 'adopt' before then.

Loner: The Loners are wolves with no pack, either because they have been banished for one reason or another, or they left themselves. It could even be that they never joined a pack in the first place. they wonder the land. They are neither enemy nor ally unless they attack or help a pack directly. Loners are untrusted in most packs since Loners are normally aggressive. Being a loner is much harder than being in a pack, you have to do everything for yourself, it is much more dangerous. At times, Loners may join up together to aid one another, also this is not a pack, this is called a Grotto.

Alpha Male: Athinar
Alpha Female: Vixie.

Lieutenant: Available.

Beta Male: FaithsRose
Beta Female: Winter.

Elder Male: Argetlam350
Elder Female: The One

Sentinel Male: CLIW
Sentinel Female: Athinar

Hunter Leader Male: Argetlam350
Hunter Leader Female: DragonKingUK
Hunters: Cerberus

Scout Male: SomeoneSomewere
Scout Female: DragonKingUK

Caretaker Male: The One
Caretaker Female: Cerberus

Delta Male: DragonKingUK
Delta Female: FireHeartWolf

Omega Male: Destinyfailhorror17
Omega Female: FaithsRose

Pups: Stitchblades
The One
The One

Loners: DragonKingUK
The One
The One




Power 1:
Power 2:
Markings: Scars, cuts, and general markings.
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Added two new ranks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Bjomolf (means bearwolf)
Gender: Male
Age: 4 months
Rank: Pup
Appearance: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130127234854/youngonespack/images/0/06/Black-Wolf-pup-posing.jpg

Bjomolf is rather protective of the other pups but very playful he loves to play fight with the others and tries to play fight with the old males. Hes kind loyal playful but often acts out, (see why in bio)

Bio: Bjomolf meaning bearwolf, was named due to his large size compared to the other pups the same age, His Mother died giving birth to him, Seen as she was Kicked out of her pack as he was a unauthorised pregnancy, he was left from a young age to fend for himself until he was found by Freki, when he was just a month old. he often feels like his mother abandoned him and acts out because of this. He normally gets him in trouble when he does by his Adoptive father. Though he normally makes up for it by protecting the other pups as he doesn't want the others to feel the same.
he does dream of leading that pack one day and often says he will grow up to be the best Alpha the pack has ever seen.

Power 1: his large size has given him abnormal strength for a pup of his age
Power 2: Yet to be discovered as he is still young
Markings: Scars, cuts, and general markings. he has a few scars on his neck and tale from when play fighting has got out of hand

Family: Mother died, real father -unknown- Adoptive Father Freki
Mate: none yet
Friends: other pups (waiting for names)
Sentimental Attachment: he has a Deer pelt that was his Adoptive Father gave him the night he was found.
Other: dreams of becoming Alpha, the best the pack will ever have.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Still working on a CS should be done soon ^^ but just curious as to what the new Lieutenant rank is about? :S Isn't that kind of what Beta's are?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Yea but Lieutenant is a Beta Leader basically. Lieutenant it the highest Beta and most trusted. They are also and adviser and is the one to take over as Alpha when needed.

Stitchblades can you just change your age from moons to something like weeks, months or years. It makes it more simple. Other than that everything is fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Okay, just updated it for you :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Thanks. Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh ok :S I'm really not trying to be difficult!! But I'm struggling to follow this >.< I'm really confused about what you want from the two normal beta's if someone else is basically going to do what we do but be held at a higher rank? :/ I just assumed that the two normal beta's would be what you described of the lieutenant. I'm just not understanding why the new rank is necessary is all, I know it's your RP and I don't want to interfere but just need a little more info if possible please.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rose i am sorry to but in but i think i can help clear up the confusion and One correct me if i am wrong but this is how i see it. Betas have a lot of responsibility's temp leader and adviser to the Alpha is one like you said but this responsibly would be more for the Lieutenant. However just like they may be times when the Alpha cant carry out his responsibility's their may be time when the Lieutenant cant ever so then the other Betas would pick up the slack or when the Lieutenant is acting as the temp leader when the alpha is away then the other Betas would advise him. This is not the only role for a Beta as they oversee Sentinels Hunters and Scouts Ect who all report to the Betas. They also lead hunts with the hunters and get involved with the security issues with the Sentinels and direct the scouts on what to do when they spot something major. These are all things the Lieutenant would not have time for so i think it will work like the Alpha oversees the Lieutenant the Lieutenant oversees all the Betas and the Betas oversees everyone else.

Hope this helps
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thank you :) It seems unusual but I think I understand my role a bit better, I shall try to follow as best as I can :) Thanks again for taking the time to clear that up for me, hope I haven't been too aggravating >.<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

i admit i was awee bit confused about that too haha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Well I hope you all understand now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

NP happy to help and i will have my CS up soon i am just hammering out a few miner details in my head before typing it up
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

it does indeed :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Vixie
Gender: Female
Age: 7

Personality: Vixie is a kind and gentle wolf who wouldn't hurt a soul. She is very understanding and wishes nothing more but peace. She just wants to settle down with a mate now, and live in a pack. She would do anything to help another, not even thinking twice of her own safety. She will gladly sacrifice herself for her pack if she needs to. Vixie is determined to show that she is not a weak leader, and she can make a strong pack.

Bio: Vixie was betrayed by her own pack when they saw her as weak. After defeating her, they banished her, hoping they would never see her again although Vixie swore that she would one day return with a much stronger pack. Ever since, Vixie has been training herself to make herself stronger to become a better Alpha. After years of training, she has finally decided to start a new pack, and begin her quest to become the ultimate pack.

Rank: Alpha Female.
Power 1: She controls water.
Power 2: She can control inanimate objects.
Power 3: She can control Energy.
Markings: She has a small scar on her muzzle.
Family: Unknown.
Mate: None but she is looking.
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: None.

Alpha's get an extra power.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Name: Thalesin

Gender: Male

Age: 13


Personality: A wolf with a rather strategic mind, able to form complicated plans for fighting against other packs, but despite his knowledge of war, he is a rather peaceful wolf when not in battle, enjoying watching over pups or having conversations with other wolves. He is kind and caring for his fellow pack members, and loyal to the end for his pack.

Bio: Before becoming a part of this new pack, he was a beta in another pack and fierce warrior amongst them. Where his pack was, there was constant fights over the territory with other packs so which ever pack had the best fighters commonly won these battles and Thalesin was one of the best in his prime. How many battles he fought against other packs he can't even remember though he can remember each battle vividly. Though as he aged and his scars grew in number, the pack talked amongst themselves on what they should do with him for they did not believe he was fit as beta.
One day they left him behind, at the age of 12, only his first son remained with him, for his son was the only family in the old pack, the others had left for new territories or had since past away. Both he and his son traveled as loners for a time until they stumbled upon this forming pack and offered there allegiance with them, knowing the feeling of neglect of a pack like the female alpha did.

Power 1: Fire
Power 2: Earth

Markings: He has a scar across his left eye, which blinded him in that eye, scar across his muzzle.

Family: His only family left to him is the head hunter of the pack who didn't abandon him when all others did.
Mate: None
Friends: Despite his grizzly appearance from his time in battles, he is a rather caring wolf and has tried to act friendly amongst most of the pack in his older age.
Sentimental Attachment: A necklace that was a gift from his former wife who past away at the age of 11 years.
Other: N/A

I'll get a bio up of his son later which will be the hunter leader.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Cool. Can everyone please add their rank to their Cs so I know who is at what rank.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Solis
Gender: Male
Age: Four years

Personality: Soft-spoken and usually quiet. For the most part he prefers not to be noticed, so he can appear sneaky and un-trustworthy, although this is far from the case; he's loyal to the pack up to his last breath. He's intelligent and observant, paying a lot of attention to the world around him, but is really awkward in conversations. Despite his awkwardness, he's certainly not submissive (to ranks below him) and is assertive when he really needs to be. He's a good fighter, but would much rather settle things peacefully. He also always takes a lot of care to look nice/well-groomed. He gets self-conscious easily, and when he's self-conscious, he gets clumsy too. He's most likely to spend any free time he has in shallow bodies of water, especially in summer.

Bio: He was born into a pack consisting of his mother, his father, and his four sisters and three brothers. Of course he loved them all very much, but when he was two years old he decided to strike out in search of adventure! After realizing how hard it was to survive alone, when he was three years old, he joined this pack and worked hard to be as good a Sentinel as he could be.

Rank: Sentinel Male
Power 1: Control over acid/pH.
Power 2:
Markings: His left ear is badly nicked, mostly because it happened to accumulate all the damage from real fights, play fights, falls and other injuries. He also has a small pink scar on his nose from an accidental bite.
Family: His entire birth-pack consists of his parents and siblings.
Mate: None. (Although he could certainly develop a crush, but don't expect him to act on it.)
Friends: I'll wait for more characters to come around and then maybe he can develop some friendships.
Sentimental Attachment: The shiny rocks he keeps where he sleeps.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Good Cs CLIW but your power is more of an ability than a power. If I were you I'd change your power to something else so he is stronger and able to defend himself from enemy packs or loners.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cassowarysaur
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Cassowarysaur The Evangelizer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey, I'm thinking about joining this roleplay, but what role in the pack should I pick?
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