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This is the world building thread for the NRP Ruin. This thread is where players go to add things into the canon and world so that others may have easy access to them and include them in their posts. This includes things like the various orders of Mortals, cities of note, people, armies, civilisations and such that may be found in the Mortal World.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
The Zaandi are an ancient Order of Sorcerers and Sorceresses who educate magic-users in both the magic arts and how to coexist with the societies of the world. Their Founder, Zaan was a great Archmage, who is said to still be alive today after discovering the secrets of resurrection, secrets of death, and immortality, after existing for over four thousand years since the Order's foundation. Zaandi once followed the major God of the Humans, until his death. They believe there is a time when he can be resurrected. Zaandi's are infamous from taking magical arts from all over the world and combining them into their order's vast archives of spells and other magical practices. They are a semi-secret society, who have both a low order, of those who give to charity, fund orphanages, lay men, and men of science, a second order, who are generally aristocrats, magicians, and people from the higher eschelons of society, and the Third Order. . . who are high members of Aristocracy, Kings, Wizards, sometimes even the head of a religion. Everyone knows of the first two Orders, very few know about the last and most prominent Order.

Exact traditions of the Zaandi differ from region to region, but there are some universal laws.

Those who follow the Zaandi's teachings must uphold themselves with honor in any society, be upstanding citizens through either charity or at least reputable conduct, and adhere to several tenants of the Zanndi Order.
- Monogamy. (Or, at least, they cannot be cheating bastards). Monogamy, or at least faithfulness to a wife or husband.
- Respect: (Specifically to elders, and their own family).
- Respect of other people's property.
- Refraining from aggressive violence. (Beating people who are just being annoying is against the rules of the Order, likewise, murder is punishable severely).
- Honor the reverance of life. (In other words, murder, etcetera, is forbidden).
- Seek not revenge. (Sort of a lenient rule. This is almost always enforced if there is some kind of disproportionate retribution inflicted on an enemy. For example, someone who rapes a man's wife and then kills her is acceptable for execution, but going after that man, and killing his wife and children, burning his house down, etcetera etcetera, is punishable by execution also).
- Usage of the Dark Arts is always forbidden. (Use of the Dark Arts is always punishable, depending on the severity and understanding of the offence. Using it to do something good is still illegal and immoral in the eyes of the Order but understandable, such as preventing murder, preventing horrible catastrophes, so punishments range from comfortable imprisonment, fines, etcetera, to outright execution).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


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Crofton is a medium sized city of men that is carved into the great mountain known as Croft Mountain, supposedly named after the Croft family, who were an aristocratic family who brought the land and built the now derelict and supposedly haunted Croft Manor. The original name of the city was once literally On Croft, but mutated to Croft-On over time and eventually became Crofton. It lies on the far west of Anadara, Mt Croft being part of the mountain range in the northern parts of the shattered west, and is a proud mining city, drawing minerals from the rich deposits of Gold and rare gems in the mountainside. These deposits have made it prosperous, but if the gold ran out then the cities economy would quickly decay and Crofton would become a shadow of its former self
Crofton is also the origin point of many of the Stone Charms. Often having the mark of Orfai carved into them, there is a fair market for them among the more superstitious of the lower class who purchase them in the hopes that it will bring a change to improve their lives. Its a gamble, however, for while some genuinely benefit, there are more owners who face changes for the worst, some who die and some which do nothing at all or make so little a change its near impossible to notice. They are known to be used by some Travellers, again with varying results, and are sometimes exported from Crofton due to them being cheap to make from the mountain stone, and sold to the poor around the shattered west
Five years ago, a famine struck the town as the crops mysteriously withered and died over night. The Order of the Aether, in their usual zealous manner, claimed that a witch, acting as an agent of the Princes of Ruin, must have placed a curse on them. This began a witch hunt, and may old widowed women were killed out of fear. The witch hujt lasted fifteen days and nights, before the City Guards finally put a stop to it on the orders of William the Vast.
Its current ruler, William the Vast, is a massive mountain of a man who, despite his appearance, is fair and just to his subjects. He rules from the towns Keep, built within the mountain with an elaborate entrance hall. The famine claimed his wife, it is just him and his daughter now.
The Coat of Arms for Crofton is a mountain with two crossed pick axes overlain on it on a backdrop of golden yeloe This appears on the shields of the towns guard and army. Croftons national colour is golden yellow and its people are highly superstitious and fearful of magic. As such, magic is shunned in Crofton, and the Order of the Aether have set up an Abbey here, feeding off the peoples fear. Croftons reputation among magic users has suffered from both its anti magic stance and the activities of the Order of the Aether, and as a result the city has a lack of magical practices, ironically weakening its defense against the more malevolent magic users it fears so much.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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“From the dark into the light,
From the small unto the great,
From the valleys dark I ride
O’er the hills to conquer fate!”

— “Horseman Springing,” Lilla Cabot Perry

The Ebon Guard:
This ancient order was first established for the sole purpose of hunting down and destroying powerful enemies of undeath, with the first Death knights Valindra tasked with wiping out those who opposed her followers. Members upon recruitment went through a hazardous, lengthy ritual called the 'Black Sacrament in which they completely gave themselves over to the Dark Mother for both power and the opportunity to cheat death itself. The Order in present day is now not so much an organization as it is a loose alliance of individuals.

The Black Sacrament- Those who desire the dark powers of a death knight in death must first perform this ritual. Discovering the right ritual to become a death knight can be extraordinarily hazardous. Good-intentioned individuals, some of whom may even follow Cryric, often destroy copies when they find them, and the most fanatical will kill those who seek its secrets rather than allow knowledge of the ritual to spread. False rituals abound—traps laid for the unwise and unwary by those who seek souls for other dark purposes.

Despite this, working versions of the ritual exist based on the first instructions handed down by the Dark mother herself, each with its own peculiar requirements. One ritual might simply demand that the performer sacrifice a loved one, while another might stipulate that the caster must die in battle at the hands of a foe while in a graveyard or tomb. The conditions can be as fickle as Orfai himself. Frequently, the supplicant must have spilled the blood of innocents with the weapon that will become the soul weapon. Though above all, the performer must vow to give their hearts mind and soul over to the Dark Mother.

The rarity of the true ritual drives many to seek it from a surer source, such as the cultists of Valindra. These vile men and women despise the gods and bow only to Valindra, who they believe will one day make eternal undead of them all. As worshipers of pestilence, demons, and undeath, cultists of Valindra can never be trusted...but they enjoy seeing destructive undead unleashed upon the world, and few undead can be as dangerous as a death knight. The demands made of supplicants for the honor of becoming a Death Knight are a mystery, but the rites are terrible enough that even most Valindra cultists avoid this particular fate, settling for Lichdom or vampirism instead. Perhaps they do not feel worthy, or maybe, like many, they simply fear death.

Fear of death is a luxury those seeking undead knighthood cannot afford. Instead, they must seek death out. They must hunger for it. They must embrace death to gain its power. Through death, they become death.

Those who choose the course to become a Death Knight of Valindra often follow a strict code handed down by the Dark Mother herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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The Cult of the Divine Circle

The Cult of the Divine Circle is the term generally used to refer to the cultists that worship Csonugdytuft, the Bountiful Wheel; in fact, their name (Divine Circle) is a direct reference to the preferred shape of their Goddess. The cults do not have any sort of specific rituals or laws, they are simply a group of people united in their worship of Csonugdytuft. More often than not they are lead by a Priest, and the extensive cults that exist in some large cities have several ranks of priests. All cultists are also Gifted by Csonugdytuft, as she is not stingy with her Gift and is willing to share it freely among as many people as she can. However the Gifted that make up the Cult and live among humans are not extensively changed; oftentimes the only visible mark is an extra eye or mouth or nose or ear somewhere on the cultist's body. Priests, however, oftentimes have more extensive changes to their bodies while still being able to hide the marks from others. Csonugdytuft is not happy that her Gifted must hide her Gifts from others, but she realizes it is necessary since most humans are ignorant of their desire for her Gifts until she actually shares it with them. And any human who is Gifted comes to worship Csonugdytuft and thus become a part of the Cult of the Divine Circle, which the Bountiful Wheel takes as proof that humans are simply ignorant of their desire and not that they truly do not desire her Gifts.

Most cults are hidden, underground, and secret affairs as most of the populace is ignorant and despises Csonugdytuft and her followers. They tend to meet in secret and away from prying eyes, with new members being acquired by being brought to the cult and Gifted. Not usually brought by force, but rather through half-lies and technical truths. And once the person is Gifted, they are more than willing to worship Csonugdytuft and join the cult proper. In small settlements there may only be a handful of cultists, though they do their best to spread to as many people as they can and in fact some small settlements have been completely absorbed into the cult. Larger cities are not all free of the cult, and in some cases make it easier for the cultists to operate due to the greater population making it easier to blend in. Some cities even have rather extensive cults with a hierarchy of priests, though this is rare.
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Scattered artifacts with ties to Ielitha Dema, "Shadowboxes" are puzzleboxes made from a smooth black metal and inlaid with a crystal like obsidian. Depending on how the puzzle components of the box are arranged, different effects can be conjured in its vicinity; these effects can range from something as simple and relatively benign as whispers to creating a gate through which one can summon Shades or Tall Shadows.

While it usually requires an extremely difficult and convoluted series of modifications, each Shadowbox can indeed be opened. What's inside a Shadowbox varies, but usually whoever opened one is never seen again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


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The Order of the Aether

The order of the Aether is a religious militant faction that is prevalent in the Shattered Kingdom and the Shattered west. They are well known for their strong distrust of magic and their over zealous responses to bad fortune, often jumping to the conclusion that it is black magic and starting a witch hunt for the 'Agent of Ruin' responsible for the act.

The Order of the Aether operates from its Abbeys, which exist in several cities and towns, the most notable of which being Crofton. The Abbeys include a sermon hall, an interrogation room, a meeting room, a "Black Library" in which captured "Dark Artifacts" are stored. Some of these are genuinely black magic artifacts and there are a large number of Stone Charms, but much of it is standard magic equipment which the Templars have captured and locked away.

There are several branches of the Order of the Aether. The first is the Artificers, who are responsible for creating the equipment used by the Order. This equipment is covered in markings which supposedly protect from "Black Magic". While this claim may seem suspect at first, some wizards do believe that the markings convey an enchantment upon the objects, making the wearer more resistant to magical attacks, ironically meaning that the order is using magic its self.

The second branch is the Laymen and Priests. They preach sermons upon the dangers of magic and the Princes of Ruin. These sermons spread paranoia, and teach that people must be as pure and pious as possible to avoid being taken by the Princes. As a result, many areas under the influence of the Order have reached technological stagnation, and new technologies are routinely deemed heretical by the orders priests. People are taught to report each other for any signs of influence by the Princes of Ruin, and the accused are dragged from their homes by the Templars and tortured until they confess their crimes and are executed as a result. They always confess. The Templars always find the guilt they seek, even in the innocent. Some people report on opponents to remove them.

The final branch are the Templars of the Order. They hunt down magic users, Heretics, Dari Artifacts and nearly anything or anyone involved with a prince of ruin or magic in any way. Once they have found their supposed heretics, they 'Redeem' them by getting a confession and killing them. They are experts at extracting confessions, even from the innocents. Armed with a sword and a crossbow and armoured in gold armour covered in sacred symbols and patterns, and wearing a menacing golden mask. The Templars beliefs may be laughable and their hypocrisy obvious, but that makes them no less skilled at their task.

Each Abbey is run by a Master, and their overall leader is the Grandmaster who resides in Aether Abbey in Crofton. Each abbey has its own artificers and templars, and many are considered fortresses in their own right. Due to their beliefs, they are the natural enemies of all the princes of ruin and their servants, the Zaandi, and all other magic users and associates. Luckily, their influence outside the shattered kingdom is minimal, and even within the shattered kingdom they often come into conflict with city guardsmen, who mostly regards them as dangerous insane zealots, and the guardsmen often try to impede the activities of the Order where possible, sometimes directly attacking or arresting them.

Ten Commandments of the Order of the Aether

1: Be pure in heart first, be wise second, for what value is the man without faith? A clever heretic is still a heretic first and foremost.
2: Restrict your lust, for that is the path to ruin. Save your passion for your wife, whatever wanton woman has caught your eye is an agent of ruin, trying to lead you astray. What is the value of consorting with a prostitute? What is the value of the company of a fickle lover? They are worthless.
3: Control your thoughts, for through a devious mind can enter the forces of ruin. Likewise, an open mind is like a house with its doors unlocked, and in shall seep ruin. Leave no place for the schemes of the princes of ruin, and instead occupy your mind with the prayers against witchcraft and ruin.
4: Your brothers are an extension of yourself. Does the sane man attack his own arm? He does not, and so neither must you. As such, you must never raise a hand against a brother.
5: Pain is temporary, Honour is forever, and so you must never betray your brothers nor your faith, no matter the torment.
6: Teach the heretics and you make them but clever devils. Is a clever devil not worse? Instead, purge them from the world that they might see their errors from the next
7: Faith without deeds is worthless. What value is a man, should he refuse to work? Act on your faith or forever turn your back on your brothers.
8: Cowards die in shame, and so you must never retreat and never surrender. Remember, dear brother, that none have died in service have died in vain
9: Greed is a trap, a trick to lure your to the path of ruin. Watch for the objects that, though shiny and pleasing to the eye, bring only sorrow to their owner. Rather, deny yourself pleasure and luxuries, and instead wait patiently, for your reward shall be great.
10: Blessed is the man who can overcome his doubt, for doubt leads to ruin. Instead, be sure and certain in all your actions, and leave no space for uncertainty in your soul and mind
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The town of Mayford is a small one, but it is a town of incredible importance to Csonugdytuft and the Cult of the Divine Circle. This is due to the fact that the town is completely and totally controlled by the Cult and thus, by extension, Csonugdytuft herself. Mayford was never a particularly large or powerful town, but one thing that it did house was an Abbey for the Order of the Aether. Because of the town's small size the Order dominated the politics of the town, with the Abbey's Master having incredible influence. The Master was a pious man and believed deeply in the teaching of the Order, and so it is amazing that he was the first to come under the influence of the Bountiful Wheel herself.This is because while he was a zealot, he was also only a man; his faith was shaken was several other prominent members of the Abbey accused his mother of being a witch in league with a Prince of Ruin. True to form, he had her interrogated and she eventually confessed her sins. But the experience had left the Master shaken; he knew without a doubt that his mother was not a witch and that single thought lead to ever so small doubts in the tenets of the Order. It was because of these cracks that Csonugdytuft entered, ever so slowly opening his mind to possibilities of beliefs besides that of the Order. She was careful at first, influencing him so subtly that he believed the thoughts to be his own. Eventually the Master told others of his ideas, which had yet to blossom fully into worship of Csonugdytuft. And his beliefs spread ever so slowly, preparing the Master and Mayford for her revelation. By this point the tenets of the Master and his followers were so drastically different from the Order's that they readily accepted Csonugdytuft as their Goddess. And then the Master used the power and influence of the Order in Mayford to spread the Cult of the Divine Circle throughout the entire town, creating her first major bastion in the mortal world.

Even today Mayford has managed to keep secret its affiliation with the Cult of the Divine Circle and Csonugdytuft; thankfully the town is rather small and isolated, and because of that visits from members of the Order are quite rare. And even if they weren't the Gifted in Mayford have become incredibly adept at aping their previous lives members of the Order of the Aether. They have a new Master now, as eventually the previous Master became too Gifted by the Bountiful Wheel to be seen in public. They informed the rest of the Order that he had committed suicide over his mother's death and the new Master was quickly Gifted and brought into the fold. On the outside the townspeople appear the same, though they are all Gifted. For most the Gift is small with barely and visible signs, though this is not true for all. Some have been so Gifted by Csonugdytuft that they are forced to live in the caverns beneath the town. These caverns only connect to the surface in several homes on the outskirts of the town, and are the most evident sign of Csonugdytuft's Gifts. For once you travel down too far the stone begins to turn warms and wet, and eventually it becomes a fleshy tube that compares to the realm of Csonugdytuft herself. Wandering down here are the Gifted that can no longer appear in public, including the previous Master and now High Priest of Mayford.

The High Priest of Mayford

The High Priest was the first person of Mayford to be Gifted by Csonugdytuft, and is the greatest and most loyal of her cultists in the town. He is also the most Gifted. While formerly a man, he has been so consumed by Csonugdytuft's Gifts that he is not even recognizable as human. In the deepest sections of the caverns underneath Mayford the High Priest sits in a throne of stone. His body has become bloated and warped to the point that he appears as little more than a massive blob of flesh fused to the stone throne. His body is constantly shifting, though there is a single sky blue eye near the top of the mass that always remains. While it has no set location and freely moves around the High Priest's body, it is always present regardless of the circumstances. While one may consider him vulnerable in such a state, he is anything but. He is fully aware of his surroundings and speaks by growing mouths on his body. He is also able to twist his flesh to the point that he can sprout fully-grown limbs, though he rarely has reason to do so. The High Priest is second only to Csonugdytuft in authority, and he believes strongly in her message of love and charity. He does all he can in his power to spread her Gift, even if that sometimes involves kidnapping hapless travelers so that Csonugdytuft may Gift them and then send them on their way, in order to spread his Goddess's love far and wide.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


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The Brush of Everchange

The Brush of Everchange is an artifact of Orfai that, while initially appearing weak, grants it's user a potent power if they are creative enough to use it properly. Using the Brush of Everchange, the painter is able to paint strikingly realistic pictures that can actually be entered and brought to life from within or without by the painter. These pieces of living art are often considered master pieces and often sell for vast sums of coin, but few know that the gentle sway of those tree's is not a trick in their head but is in fact magic at work, and even fewer know that the brush is real. One properly versed can tell these paintings as if one looks carefully enough, they can see that the movements within the paintings are not tricks of the mind and are, in fact real movements.

The Brush appears nearly nondescript, a simple Oak Wood paint brush with black bristles on the end. The Brush is unnaturally strong because of it's magical connection, and if it is broken Orfai can restore it and pass it along to another user. The wood supposedly comes from an ancient oak tree from Estara, and the bristles are rumored to be woven from the hair of a painter, Elizabeth Campbell, who was involved in an accident and suffered from uncontrollable shaking in her hands as a result. In desperation, she turned to Orfai to take her art up again.

Legend has it that Orfai (Or one of his Changelings, depending on the account) appeared to Elizabeth one day while she was struggling to paint an image of part of the river that runs through Estara, and plucked some hairs from her head and wove them into the bristles of the brush, before carving a piece of wood from a nearby oak tree, weaving them together and placing it into her hands. He told her that all she need to do is raise the brush and imagine, and her hands would create realistic paintings. She went on to fill the world with wonderful pieces of artwork, which are now priceless and grace the halls of kings and nobles. Few know that the legend holds some truth, and that Elizabeth Campbell really was in possession of an enchanted paintbrush, and as a result she is considered one of the most influential painters of all time. Elizabeth met a peaceful death at a grand old age, and left the Brush to her son and it was passed down through her family for many years until it was stolen by a thief who had presumably uncovered it's true value.

The paintings are not inherently dangerous, but once a doorway is opened things can cross through both ways, and should the artist open a gate way to a painting he must be sure to close it, else his creations may leave the painting. Of course, some deliberate paint and lead their creations out, some using the Brush to create warriors to serve their own ends. Some of these scattered paintings have been used by the artists to imprison their opponents, trapping them forever more inside the painting. The Brush it's self is not inherently dangerous either, but since anything can be used as a canvas, it is possible to paint wounds onto people and even kill them through this manner

The Brush of Everchange has exchanged hands many times, it's purpose making it highly versatile. Assassins and thieves might paint door ways into walls so that they might pass through, painters may use it to create realistic paintings that bring them great fame, warriors have used it to paint weaponry or armour into existance. Like with all his artifacts, Orfai rarely cares how it is used as long as it creates change. When painting, time warps for the user, and they are able to create beautiful works of art that feel as though they take hours, only to complete and discover mere seconds have passed. The Brush does not require any form of paint nor skill, only the users imagination. Truly, the only limit is ones imagination.

There is no denying that it can be a very useful artifact despite what seems to be an initial small scope, but with Orfai being the God of Change, it cannot be relied on to remain in ones possession. At any moment the Prince of Change may decide that he would rather someone else be in possession of the Brush and give it to them instead. Some have placed the brush within a locked cabinet for the night only to awaken and find it gone, often with no evidence that the vault has been opened. Some are in possession of it for only short times while others may possess it for their entire lives.

Orfai often gifts it to the more creative who have captured his attention, reveling in the changes that their imagination might force onto the world. These can be those content with making a cultural mark, or those who use the brush for more malevolent purposes. Sometimes religious zealots, such as the Order of the Aether, grab talented painters in an attempt to find the Brush of Everchange, sometimes thieves steal all the paintbrushes of a famous artist in an attempt to uncover it.
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Order of The Old God.

Although the Old God has faded from the world, some still uphold his teachings and values, revering him as though he still had contact with Anadara, believing that he may one day return to the world to exact vengeance on the Princes of Ruin who have so brazenly appeared to harvest his world. These churches now exist few an far between, with only two of the nine original Grand Cathederals standing: one in Estara, the other in the Distant Sands. Disciples will often make a single pilgrimage to these holy places n their lifetime, where they will remain for the rest of their ays, piously devoted to the secret order, carrying out some unknown purpose within. Although the goings on of the Order are widely unknown to the people of Anadara, the public side of their faith -The Paladins- are revered by all, religious or no.
The Paladins are often hailed as protectors of the Realm, and are often the first defence against incursion from the Princes of Ruin. Although they are not as elite as the Order of the Aether or the Silent Dawn, they are more numerous, and some patrols can be found near almost every major population center in the world. Stories say that the higher ranking Paladins are able to call upon the power of their lost God to aid them in battle, though surely such a power will have waned since his exodus.
Armed with a blessed mace and shield, along with a plain set of chainmail, each paladin considers himself the pinnacle of wrath, though they are far from it, they are merely specialised soldiers who will often engage demonic forces before conventional fighting forces.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Bookkeepers' Cults
Ielitha Dema does not maintain a singular order of followers; rather, numerous small cults have sprung up around her. Collectively, they are known as "Bookkeepers" for their propensity to arise in response to the uncovering of a book from the City's libraries in Anadara. Bookkeepers often use the secret information and rituals within their book to secure their political safety through blackmail and information brokering, pulling the right strings to avoid the detection of their cell.

Bookkeepers' cults often arise within the ranks of intellectuals and collectors, although adventurers and spies are also commonly found as members.

Cults do not have any particular unifying goals, but they are often found attempting to gather further knowledge and curiosities.

Aedoran Books
Books from the great libraries of the City in Aedora are curious things. They come in all shapes and sizes, but their covers are always blank and ashen grey. The pages within are also blank, but if ink is spilled onto them it will flow and shape itself into words, glyphs, and diagrams. These writings will eventually vanish after several days, and applying a fresh supply of ink will produce entirely new information. Typically, the information revealed will have some relevance to whoever has supplied the ink, often in the form of unsettling information about them or people they know.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
The Republic Of Keldarna
Keldarna is representative Republic. This nation is odd in that it has not had a monarch or even a sense of monarchy in many centuries. The country possesses a great forest, which covers many counties throughout the country, and even a large portion of three whole provinces. The headquarters of Zaandi, Zaandikhathra, is the central part of the great forest, between four provinces, with a smaller, less consequential city somewhat nearby, called, Zaanthras. Zaandikhathra is a great city, possessing an excess of well over one hundred thousand inhabitants nearing two hundred thousand, and it is home to one of the architectural wonders of the world, Zaandinadrash, the "temple" turned Academy of the Zaandites. Great rivers throughout the nearby provinces supply Zaandikhathra with fresh, clean water, and a nearby mountain is mined for rare mineral ores. Throughout the forest, powerful herbs are foraged for quite often, not only for magical reagents but also just for medicinal concoctions. It is said the finest doctors, alchemists and magicians from the entire world come from Zaandikhathra. (Called "Zand" for short). The head master of the Academy, the Archmage Dalarna, is making plans to expand the Academy's influence somehow, although how this is possible, he isn't telling.

The capital of Keldarna, Cahndara, is a city even larger than Zand, with slightly over three hundred thousand inhabitants. The people wield very fine steel here, forged from the metal ores of the native mountains, said to be capable of slicing through beasts and creatures of myth with ease. Of course, even the warriors with Zand steel and armor would rather not face such creatures anyway, no matter how sharp or durable their metal. The Republic boasts that it's armed forces are as strong as any other, and the people keep the Templars out of their territory with as much zeal as the Templars hunt witches and heretics. There are temples and religions that aren't local to the country that are welcome inside it's borders, and the peace is enforced by both the Prime Minister, Khaldenar, and his Knight Commanders.

On the far western borders there are many extremely profitable cities and boom towns decorating the coast, trading with far off nations and primitives for exotic merchandise, which is then sent East and traded throughout the land mass. There is also a "much" smaller Academy of Zaandi between the Western most provinces of Keldarna and the more populated Central and Eastern areas. One of these larger island nations are petitioning to join the Republic for protection against their somewhat far off but still extremely aggressive and cannibalistic neighbors. This would be a smart move since the cannibals don't want to anger the Republic, as they not only fear their power, but also wish to grow rich from trade. In the Eastern border lands, lie many mountain barriers to the rest of the land mass, while the entrances to the main land are fortified. Further in the Republic, a little to the East, there is a great river, called the Lete River. The Lete River runs from the far north to the southern borders, and eventually runs into the capital, Cahndara half way down the river. A little south of Cahndara is the Republics fertile wine producing regions.

Recently, relations with the Republic of Keldarna have grown so amicably well that there is even a small Zaandi Academy in one of these foreign islands.

*Zand steel is said to be so superior to actual steel in it's quality, that the nations across the waters of the West even have some royalty and aristocracy using Zand steel for their armors and weaponry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
The Great West
Dahkkarmoth has allowed for a remnant of Humanity who enter into his world of Akk'urad to enter into a place of bliss, happiness, and even paradise, to a limited degree. People who generally were good, upstanding citizens or even just very decent people in general, but blasphemed the Old God when he was alive, or simply died in pride, led others into pride and were stuck up, snobbish or very arrogant ended up in The Great West. Dahkkarmoth is not exactly a god of his word, but he had a great war with the Old God many millenia, maybe Aeons ago, and he was justly defeated after nearly winning against his rival. Dahkkarmoth was so impressed with the Old God's competition and the genius in which he defeated Dahhkarmoth, that he decided to open up a piece of his world in return for such a display of power, wisdom, knowledge and sheer cleverness.
Bound by a mighty geas after granting the Old God a piece of his territory, The Great West once allowed those who had "earned" their peace in the next world immortality, limitless health, superior bodies and much sharper wits and beauty.

The Old God died, but The Great West remains a paradise, although an inferior one compared to it's old glory. Their immortality is no more when they are reliant on their bodies, making this an afterlife where those who enter are mortal by default. Typically, someone who enters here without assistance from the Healers may only live for four hundred years, maybe five hundred years, but no longer than between six hundred and seven years. In order to keep their original immortality, the souls enter into a clay pit and are sculpted by the fine healers of the Great West into their new bodies, where they may then survive, presumably forever.
When/if the occupants of The Great West perish, they are reincarnated into lives back on the mortal plane. If there is no way to enter the mortal plane, they would wander the world as bodiless spectres and wraiths for centuries, or even longer, until they fade away back into the Great West. Those who enter The Great West as Spectres and Wraiths are born from the couplings of those who inhabit the Great West.

The Great West is immune to Dahhkarmoth's energy drain. It would take very specific events to occur in order to reverse this immunity. Furthermore, The Great West knows they are in danger of occupation by rival Princes of Ruin. At least, however, the Great West is filled with men and women with far superior experience, strength, competence, intelligence, talent and skill than they possessed in their former lives. The Zaandi inhabit The Great West as the "Triad Of Churches", which is the name for the three largest religions in The Great West, "Zaandi Order, The Religion of the Old God, and The White Shadow, a religion that teaches a very complicated hierarchy of numerous spirits, angels, and even dualistic interperatations of the Old God, and even some Princes of Ruin. (For example, they might teach that some Lords of Ruin have an avatar separate from the actual deity, an aspect that is benevolent or at least benign, who may act in the benefit of Mankind).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
Order Of The White Shadow
The White Shadow teach there are dualistic existences of many, if not all things that have ever been made, maybe even The Old God, maybe even the Princes of Ruin. They know that there are Elemental and Natural Spirits that have dualistic existences. They believe in benevolent beings called the Angelus, which are the opposite of the Princes of Ruin's (Demons) and (Archdemons), these angels have grown much less active since the Old God's death, which has given some perceived credibility to those who hypothesized they were subservient to The Old God, there are also the Spirits of abstract concepts, and other similar spiritual beings. In addition, The White Shadow is informed of the nature of "Ghosts". Ghosts are the spirits of those who for some unknown reason are neither in the after life of a Prince of Ruin, in the hands of an Old God, and for some reason seem to be Psychopomps, or shackled spirits inhabiting a single location, or unable to leave certain areas.

One type of Ghost comes directly from the Great West after they die, and sent to inhabit the Mortal Plane for an indefinite period of time. Some have taken it upon themselves to die early in the Great West's massive Empire so they can explore the Mortal Plane, sometimes as agents doing good, sometimes just for experimentation, but nearly always as agents of the Order of the White Shadow. Coincidently, the agents of the White Shadow are why ghosts are commonly seen as spooky beings with shadows inside white robes, and shining white lights for eyes. Agents of the White Shadow commonly frighten people from dangerous areas, attack and haunt wicked beings, and sometimes even exact revenge on behalf of the innocent.
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