Every single damned 1x1 is romance. I don't personally give a damn for it and I don't want to write about it either. Now I realize about 80% of you came in just for the reference, and the other 20% left because this isn't romance. That's fine. If you're still reading though and proved my statistics wrong, I do have something I want to write about. In all seriousness every 1x1 that I see is romance. I want to do a 1x1 not because of that, but because I'd rather only have to rely on a single person whom I know I can contact easily and so I can talk to easy. I don't mean to sound like I'll be down your throat, I just find that with large groups people tend to abandon it more easily. As far as plots go, I've got a pretty damn broad one. I'll be honest if I can get past the romance part damn near anything is going to suit my fancy.
What I do have in mind though is a roleplay surrounding two friends, I don't care about the genders, who were in war together. In fact they still are. They're besieging a castle in my mind right now. Anyway, some stuff will happen, someone with magic might screw some things up(probably me because I'm awful like that) and now they're deserters open to being imprisoned or killed on site. Not a great deal for a would be hero duo. So they run away a little bit and turn tail a few times but live. That's about when I intend the scripted roleplay to stop and for whoever(if someone does) agrees to do a 1x1 that isn't romance.