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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

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Tatsuya grinned looking the Kishin in they eye.
"So you don't recognize me?" he said with a laugh while closing his eyes. "They call me the white fang." he added his eyes flashing open as he reaches for his partner who had just turned into an angelic looking bow. "And I'm going to be the last thing you ever see!" he shouts pulling back on the draw string and firing an arrow of light into the monsterous thing before them. The Kishin roared and charged forward as Tatsuya fired arrow after arrow into it.
"Damn it! Hikaru sword form lets go!" he shouted dodging the creatures attack.
"You got it!" the bow said glowing and changing shape into an angelic looking sword with runes near the base of the blade. Tatsuya charged forward and clashed with the beasts horn before spiraling away and slicing through it causing it to disappear and a small red and black egg looking thing to slowly floating down toward them. The sword in Tatsuya's hand glowed and seconds later a girl wearing a black high school uniform appeared next to him. After brushing her black hair from her face she walked forward and devoured the Kishin egg before turning to face Tatsuya who was brushing his silver hair out of his own face.
"Tatsu that's only number 35!" she shouted at him.
"Hey I'm doing the best I can aren't I" he shouted back before they both started laughing and heading toward home.
"Oh shit! We're late for class!" they shouted in unison as the started sprinting back toward school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Akairo walked threw the city toward the academy, his hands rested on the back of his head. His hood covering his blond hair, and a lollipop stick sat in his mouth that he was chewing on. "Ugh, do we have to go to class today? I mean, if I have to deal with that little annoying brat Tatsuya again, I'm going to kill someone." Gōsuto and Sukunai, Akairo's weapon partners walked behind him. "I agree with Akairo on this one. I hate going to class!" Sukunai huffed as she brushed her jet black hair out of her face. "Will you two quit complaining, do you want to have to deal with Death for a 18th time this week? We haven't even gotten 14 Kishen souls yet, even from the two of us combined." Gōsuto gestured to Sukunai and himself. Akairo sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right Gōsuto..." He closed his eyes and tilted his face toward the sky, "I guess I'll put up with HIM today..." He sighed again and the three continued their way toward the academy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tatsuya and Hikaru ran passed Akairo and the Weapon siblings on their way to class.
"You'd better hurry up or you're gunna be late and have to deal with Lord Death again!" Tatsuya shouted over his shoulder as they ran into the building and into the classroom taking seats near the back of the class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Akairo sighed, "That's it, I'm gonna kill him." Gōsuto slapped the back of Akairo's head, "He hasn't even done anything to you, why would you kill him?" Akairo turned around and walked backwards, "He talked to me." Gōsuto sighed and placed his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose trying to hold back a head ache, "I swear, you're going to get all of us killed one day." They walked into class and Gōsuto waved over at Hikaru and Tatsuya, "Good morning." As they walked passed the two Akairo flicked Tatsuya's head and sat down in his seat. Gōsuto and Sukunai followed and sat down as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tatsuya eyed Akairo before turning back to Hikaru and sighing.
"I seriously have no idea what I ever did to him." He whispered to her.
"You didn't do anything he's just a prick to anyone who walks by." she whispers back. "And if he keeps up his crap he's going to wind up with my fist in his face." she says just loud enough for Akairo to hear while shooting him a look that said to back off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sukunai noticed Hikaru staring at Akairo, "Hey, She-hulk, what's your problem?!?!" Gōsuto looked over at Tatsuya and Hikaru and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry'. Akairo looked over at Hikaru, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Sukunai and Akairo both stuck their tongues over at the other two. Gōsuto stood up and mover over next to Tatsuya, "You guys don't mind if I sit over here do you? Some day's I just can't deal with those two." Akairo yelled over at him, "Hey, Gōsuto, don't you be buddy-buddy with those two," He squinted his eyes, "They're the enemy." Sukunai also chimed in, "Yeah, they're the enemy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tatsuya nodded to Gōsuto.
"Absolutely...Maybe you could tell me why he hates me so much." he says with a smile.
Hikaru had no such plans she glared back at Sukunai. "I don't know pip-squeak what's yours?!" she replies harshly getting a laugh from some of the other students sitting nearby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Gōsuto sighed and tried to repress a head ache by pinching the bridge of his nose, "Honestly, I have no idea why he persists to harass you, he was probably dropped on his head when he was born." Sukunai stared down at Hikaru, "Well Miss. Cougar," She was hinting at the age gap between Hikaru and Tatsuya, "You're my problem!" Akairo clenched his fist, "You starting a fight, whore!?!?" He yelled across the room. Gōsuto blocked his vision of his two partners his a hand and sighed again, "I swear, I don't know how I'm going to survive with those two." He looked over at Tatsuya, "We haven't even gotten 14 Kishen eggs... How far are you guys?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tetsuya's eyes flashed momentarily before responding.
"We just got our 35th this morning...hold on one second." he said before leaping up and over the desks knocking Akairo over and pinning him to the ground.
"If I ever hear you call her that again...I'll be the last thing you ever see." he whispers in his ear before letting him go and walking back toward his seat.
Hikaru sat there stunned not only at Akairo's words but at Tatsuya's reaction. She turned back to the teacher deciding its best to try and ignore what the other two were saying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Gōsuto sighed once more as he watched Tatsuya tackle Akairo, "Everywhere I go there's always someone wanting to fight someone." He got up once more and sat down in the front of the class as far away as he could from the four. Akairo got up, hopped up on the desks and walked over to Tatsuya picking him up by the collar, "You wanna fight you little bastard?" He said in a dark tone of voice. Sukunai followed behind Akairo and then went up to Hikaru flicking her nose, "Don't you look away from me." Gōsuto looked back and slammed his head on the desk, "Why must I be cursed with such annoying and puffed up idiots?" He raised his hand, "Teacher permission to take a second with my partners outside please." The teacher rubbed his for head, knowing that it would probably the best idea, "Permission granted Gōsuto, just get those two under control." Gōsuto grabbed both Sukunai and Akairo by their collars and dragged them outside the classroom, "I'll try sir."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

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Tetsuya looked to Gōsuto and mouthed the words "I'm sorry" before turning to Hikaru
"Are you alright?" he asked sitting back down next to her. Hikaru was stunned but her stunned expression changed to rage and she started off after the two but before she could get anywhere Tetsuya grabbed her and pulled her back.
"Let me go damn it! That bitch is going to pay for laying her hands on me!" she shouted struggling against him.
"She's not worth it besides no matter how much better than us they think they are we're better. They don't even have 14 eggs yet." he said with a grin as her face went from on of rage to a look of smug satisfaction.
"That'll show the bitch when she hears that." she said sitting back down and watching the doorway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Gōsuto threw the two on the floor and looked at them with a annoyed look, "Could you guys stop this tedious fighting for one day? Look I don't know what your guy's problems are with those to but this ridiculous rivalry you guys have is starting to get on my nerves. Those two aren't your enemy the Kishen are and they're are doing much better at killing those things then we are. They already have 35 Kishen eggs." He sighed, "Would you two just be nice for once in your entire lives, please... For me." Both Sukunai and Akairo looked at the ground and spoke in unison, "We're sorry Gōsuto, we will stop." And then they noticed what Gōsuto said about how many Kishen eggs that Tatsuya and Hikaru had gotten, "What? How did they get so far?!?!" Akairo shouted. Gōsuto kicked his face knocking him into the wall, "Like I said, they know who our enemies are." With that the three walked back into the class, the teacher looked up at Gōsuto, "Don't worry Teach, I got it all figured out." As the three walked past Tatsuya and Hikaru, both Sukunai and Akairo looked at them and bowed apologizing for earlier and then they all sat down at their seats.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tatsuya and Hikaru nodded to Akairo and Sukunai as the bowed before looking back at each other.
"Wow he really whipped them into shape didn't he" Tetsuya said noticing the smug look still on Hikaru's face. "What are you still so smug about?" he asked confused.
Hikaru started giggling.
"Honestly Tatsu you can't tell me you didn't see the shoe print on Akairo's face." she whispered through her giggles while Tatsuya looked at her and shook his head. Great now she'd going to be like this all day...Note to self never take her places anymore he thought to himself as he half-listened to the rest of the lecture.
As the bell rang out Hikaru and Tatsuya walked out to the cafeteria for lunch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The bell rung and the three got up and walked towards the cafeteria. Akairo tapped Tatsuya on the shoulder his eyes pointed to the ground, "Gōsuto tells me you too already have 35 Kishen eggs," Akairo looked at Tatsuya with an angry glare, "You think that make you better then me you little shrimp, I will pound you into the ground you wimp." Sukunai joined in with Akairo as they berated the poor boy. Gōsuto noticed the two and turned towards the nearest wall. He started repeatedly smacking his head against it. These to never learn. After a few moments he walked up behind Akairo and kicked his back sending him into the ground. He also grabbed Sukunai's ear and on it. "Okay you two, if you don't start being nice to these two, you're going to regret it." Akairo got up rubbing his back, "Come on Gōsuto, let me teach this dweeb a lesson." Sukunai winced at the pain in her ear, "Ow, that hurts, stop it." Gōsuto looked over at Tatsuya and Hikaru, "I'm sorry for these two, I'm pretty sure they have some sort of mental condition that has no cure." He sighed using the hand that was not holding onto Sukunai to pinch the bridge of his nose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tatsuya smiled at Gōsuto.
"Its not really a problem just a minor annoyance at this point." He looked at Akairo and grinned. "Its true we just got our 35th this morning." he said turning to Hikaru.
"Yeah Tatsu and I seem to be in perfect sync...at this rate I'll be the next Death Sythe." she said with a smug smile before walking away with their lunches in hand.
"Thanks for helping us out Gōsuto. It means a lot." Tatsuya said before looking to the other two. "If you guys want we can help you get Kishin Eggs but you'd have to learn to be nice first." He says smiling as he walks back over to Hikaru and starts eating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Akairo was about to say something, but Gōsuto punched him in the back of the head, "They're trying to help you, you should be thankful." He walked over and sat by Tatsuya and Hikaru, "I hope you don't mind, but we don't really talk to many people." Sukunai sat next to Gōsuto with a frustrated look on her face as she rubbed her ear, "That hurt." She looked at Hikaru and shrugged, "I guess you guys are kinda cool." She started eating. Akairo also sat down, "I don't see why I have to be nice to someone who is such a loser." Gōsuto and Sukunai ignored his comment, not even looking at him. Akairo started to get annoyed that his partners were ignoring him, "Hello! Why are we sitting next to these losers!" He still got no reaction. Akairo growled and sat down, he looked up at Tatsuya and made a quiet remark, "Loser...".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tatsuya brushed off the comments and looked to the siblings.
"I've gotta admit your weapon forms are incredibly cool." he said smiling at Hikaru. "But as cool as they are I still prefer fighting with Hikaru." he added watching her smile.
"Yeah the whole demonic glove thing is pretty bad ass." she admitted with a smile at Sukunai. "I mean a multi-former is cool but come on you guys become demonic claw things that generate fire and fucking lightning!" she said with a gleam in her eyes as she looked over at Akairo. "You're lucky to be paired with them." she said warmly hoping she could crack his shell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Akairo looked at Hikaru, "I know they're cool, that's why I was paired up with them. Only cool people are my partners." Sukunai's eyes widened, "You have more that one form?" She bounced a little in her seat, "That's so cool!" Gōsuto chuckled a bit at his sister, "Have you never paid attention in class? We have seen her forms before." She looked at him with a questioning look, "We have?" Gōsuto shook his head and patted her head. He turned his attention to Hikaru and Tatsuya, "It's not really that cool, we are just your average day weapons. And don't worry about Akairo, although he is big headed and sometimes a little aggressive, he's not that bad of a guy." Akairo huffed at Gōsuto, "Oh please, I'm not big headed, I'm just better than everyone else." Gōsuto sighed, "Yeah, we'll go with that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tatsuya smiled and watched Sukunai bounce up and down like a little school girl. Jeez that ones more hyper than I thought. he thought to himself.
Hikaru smiled at her eagerness. "Yeah I've got a sword form as well as a bow form." she said beaming before nudging Tatsuya in the ribs making him choke slightly on his lunch he was currently inhaling. "Tatsu here and I have been working on our Soul Resonance as well when we get the chance. Its been slow going but we just haven't been able to get our Soul Frequencies to match up just yet." she added before laughing at Tatsuya who had stopped choking but was now gasping for air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Gōsuto chuckled at the two and patted Akairo on the shoulder, "This guy, although he may not seem like it, is actually a pretty skilled fighter with us." He crossed his arms and looked at Hikaru, "We haven't had much trouble with our soul resonance, we had just got it working about a week ago, but with Akairo's big head and his ego getting in the way, we can't hold it for too long." Sukunai's eyes lite up, "Yeah it's super awesome! We get like a skull design and everything!" She bounced a little more in her seat. Akairo smirked, "Looks like we beat you in one area." Gōsuto Smacked the back of Akairo's head, "You know, we are never going to get any friends with you being such a stuck up snob." He sighed. Akairo looked at Gōsuto a bit irritated, rubbing the back of his head, "Will you stop hitting me?!?!" Gōsuto looked at him and gestured toward Tatsuya and Hikaru, "Will you get some friends?"
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