Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

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natsumehack said
How about yourself?

Go ahead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Captain Jordan said
Okay, usually someone does an analysis of the post. I've never done one before, and I don't have RD roles memorized, so I can't speculate on who is what besides the killer. But here's a whodunit analysis based on the first post, which as you all know reveals nothing at all:Seravee, first of all, seems far too rich to do anything as as murder. Especially considering she has hired an assistant, Shy, to do menial tasks for her. I'm very suspicious why such a rich individual would be at such a contest anyway, $1,000,000 is probably pocket change for her, so the killing could be an ulterior motivation. Or, it could just be the fame and glory she strives for. Similar suspicion for Vordak, why would a man who dresses in Armani suits need a $1,000,000 prize? Svenn seems to be fairly enterprising, and intelligent. He approaches Shy in an attempt to ally, and asks fairly poignant questions about the contest. This could mean that he's very quick in understanding, although the Master of the House lumped him in with those 'average' citizens, so he's obviously not the most cunning. It could, however, be a way to cover up or deflect suspicion from his role as the killer, attempting to recruit allies to win the prize the old fashioned way, as well as faking ignorance about the game rules, would likely have a disarming effect on those who might suspect him. K-97 seemed to be the most opposed to the idea of murder and executions, starting to rise when the Master explained the real rules of the game. This knee-jerk reaction seems to exonerate the ex-soldier as a killer, he may have been one for his country, but it's certainly not his guilty pleasure hobby. Alpha is quiet and intelligent, and doesn't speak at all. To me, he sort of comes off as autistic, but it could very well simply be shyness or extreme introversion. However, the Master recognizes him as intellictual, so he must be very intelligent. Probably intelligent enough to reason out the puzzles (let's hope you can live up to this, Alpha!) or even the killer. Best pray that immunity kicks in right away, kid, for I have a feeling you're going to be an early wolf target. Mbl is poor and doesn't seem to think before he speaks, I do believe the Assistant to the Master was a bit offended by Mbl's question. There's not much else to go on here.Knightshade, hmm, he's nearsighted? That's the best I can come up with, I couldn't really figure anything else out about him. Besides the fact that he's average, middle-class. Nat seems to be a bit polite, which is a nice quality in a boyfriend. You picked a keeper, Jorick! (And hopefully he doesn't turn out to be the wolf.) The only other thing we know is that he and Jorick are gay and in a relationship. We learned nothing of significance about Squee, Drakel or Jorick. Does this mean they're innocent or killer, you decide.

I miss getting to do these kind of analysis posts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shy said
I miss getting to do these kind of analysis posts.

Now you can play the other side, and troll anyone who tries to do them. I completely expect I've been lead astray by your story post, suspecting people I shouldn't suspect and giving the actual suspicious people a pass. But hey, that's the game!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


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Captain Jordan said
Now you can play the other side, and troll anyone who tries to do them. I completely expect I've been lead astray by your story post, suspecting people I shouldn't suspect and giving the actual suspicious people a pass. But hey, that's the game!

I really hope the killer kills you just to prove that trying to solve the mystery will get you killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

natsumehack said
I really hope the killer kills you just to prove that trying to solve the mystery will get you killed.

Love you too, Nat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


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Captain Jordan said
Love you too, Nat.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightShade
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Captain Jordan said
Okay, usually someone does an analysis of the post. I've never done one before, and I don't have RD roles memorized, so I can't speculate on who is what besides the killer. But here's a whodunit analysis based on the first post, which as you all know reveals nothing at all:Seravee, first of all, seems far too rich to do anything as as murder. Especially considering she has hired an assistant, Shy, to do menial tasks for her. I'm very suspicious why such a rich individual would be at such a contest anyway, $1,000,000 is probably pocket change for her, so the killing could be an ulterior motivation. Or, it could just be the fame and glory she strives for.

Similar suspicion for Vordak, why would a man who dresses in Armani suits need a $1,000,000 prize?

I thought something similar for the rich players, after all the killer is explicitly a hired gun so they might be a succesful contract killer. But, I'm not really sure that's enough to go on so I'll have a look at the others tomorrow and am pretty open to convincing right now. #InSummaryI'llBeVotingForJorickBecauseLolTradition
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Squee
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Lady Squee Loyal Lannister

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I'm playing Dark Souls II, so expect something from me early tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Some of these solutions are... interesting :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Shy said
Some of these solutions are... interesting :p

Oh? Tell me more?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alphakoka said
Oh? Tell me more?

Naaaaah. No one is allowed to know if they are right or wrong until the story post. So I can't reveal any answers.

Though I may reveal some of the funny ones in the story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

This is now the second RD game where I've been paired with Nat. Not sure if I should be cursing whoever got the matchmaker role or Shy for deciding to make Nat and I the decoy pair.

Anyway, some further inference and analysis atop what Captain Jordan covered.

Jordan seems to be cognizant of his surroundings, but we learned nothing of great importance about him.

The fact that the killer is supposed to be a hired gun makes me want to discount a couple people as possibilities at the moment, though of course more information could change that. Mbl seems way too blatantly obvious: a poor guy being contracted to kill people for what we can only assume is a hefty paycheck? Red herring, imo. K-97 also seems way too obvious, given that he's a military guy and thus would be the one to obviously know how to kill people and perhaps be comfortable with it.

I wouldn't discount the rich people as being the killer, and in fact they seem more suspicious than most others to me right now. The million dollar prize wouldn't be much of a draw if they're already loaded, but the thrill of killing people in some twisted game? Yeah, that could definitely draw in some rich nutjob. The Master is obviously pretty wealthy if he can offer a million dollar prize and set the whole thing up, so I'd say it's entirely possible that the killer was actually a friend and since people tend to keep their socializing to their own socioeconomic circle that means it's likely to be Seravee or Vordak if my postulations are correct. Alternatively the Master could be a front man for the operation while the real money comes from the killer who is truly organizing things, which would of course point to the same people.

Svenn is also pretty shady. He talked about the best way to win competitions "like this," implying that he had some knowledge of what the thing would be like. He also talks about whether or not Shy would be helpful to him (a pretty callous way to look at things), then says he can dismiss the potential threat when he learns that Shy isn't gonna be a player. The possible slip of the tongue and the way he seems to view people as simply beneficial to him or a threat makes Svenn the most suspicious person of all to me at the moment.

KnightShade said #InSummaryI'llBeVotingForJorickBecauseLolTradition

Gotta keep traditions alive, after all. My own personal tradition dictates that I shall first vote for Nat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Same here, Nat or bust.
My second vote would be for Svenn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Svenn


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Most of it was covered, I mean like everything. Squee kind of came off like she was hiding something, as most of us are probably. MBL, just seems way to innocent.... maybe to innocent. I'm not sure who I'd vote for.

But man, did I look suspicious.

I'm going ahead and voting for nat because who doesn't want to see such a good couple split up before all the fun is over with?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Y'all don't even know who is dead yet :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Squee
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Lady Squee Loyal Lannister

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've made a spreadsheet to lay out all possible clues if anyone wants to see it. If you do, PM me. I don't want to post the link out in the open because it's connected to my personal email account.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shy


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Has anyone seen mbl yet? He has yet to answer a single pm or answer in this thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Squee
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Lady Squee Loyal Lannister

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll lurk in spam and see if I can find him. Rather lame to sign up for a game and then go poof.

EDIT: Been 5 days since he posted anywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by natsumehack


Banned Offline since relaunch

I don't mind if I am voted for, no really, it just going to make this even funner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shy said
Has anyone seen mbl yet? He has yet to answer a single pm or answer in this thread.

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