Can't wait to start the crazy plot stuff and epic reveals and all that good stuff.
Expllo said
'Tis fine, allot of us are busy lately. Kurisa has his job, Shoske got his job, I have my VA shiz and job (Plus school), now you have your job. Eh, we're lame.
TheyMostlyComeAtNight said
same :'(Whoever invented Nuetrios, Strange Quarks and Cabibbo suppression can fuck themselves :'(
CorruptedShadow said
Hey guys, I made an Rp, if you're willing to join.
Expllo said
Why? o.o
CorruptedShadow said
Hey guys, I made an Rp, if you're willing to join.
TheyMostlyComeAtNight said
Because Google searching for obscure Scientific terms is not fun.I might, I'm really tired atm so can't even think properly about writing a CS
Expllo said
David, we need to yugioh later <.< need to test shiz.
Expllo said
Gotta new deck, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, needs work though xD