Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dysania


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Mew saw Mew two. "Hey buddy, are you now trying to be a shadow pokemon. Hiding in the shadows and stuff. Don't worry the weakling is just a bit empty headed." She snickered as she floated towards the pokemon. She just loved to annoy Mew Two, he was so serious and strict. Hard to believe he came from one of her species eyelashes. Grose.
Lumina heard the voice again. SH ehad heard about the place just not the name. She peered from behind her hiding place. She could see some ruins not so far away. The Espurr started walking. Soon she came across what seemed to be a gathering of pokemon. Could these be trainers. Well no harm in trying."Um are you guys good pokemon." How smooth, she needed to work on that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lilia growed at Mew. "Emptyheaded?!" She did not like how she was being treated by the two.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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Mike smiled at Lumina as he said "Indeed we are, I'm guessing we are the last remaining Trainer Pokémon here. Kinda scary to think it" Lumina would notice that this was the one that had been talking to her though Aura. The Absol drop down and said "Don't worry, I'm one of you guys or to be more specific, I'm the Riolu brother when we were all human".
"You know, to build up real strength means not picking on those who you consider weaker" A dark voice said which would send shivers down the spines of all three Pokémon in his throne room as Darkrai stood up and walked towards them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dysania


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Lumina gave a sigh of relief. Hey this guy sounded like... the voice. Well know she knew she had gotten to the right place. She turned to the other two. "So what happened to you guys?" There was an abra and a fennekin. The espurr looked down at her paws and then back at the others.
Mew turned to see her master. She gave him a smile and floated towards him. She dropped to the ground and bowed. Please excuse me, master. I just don't see why you need these trainers when you have us." Her paw pointed at herself and Mew two."But," She said lowering her head."I completely understand if those are your wishes."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

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Keilan turned to look at the approaching Espurr and Absol, nodding in acknowledgement before speaking to the Abra again. "I don't intend to cause any trouble or ruckus for anyone." She listened to the conversation a little further and added, "I prefer not to think it, or of myself as anything but myself. Never mind my form."
Reshiram entered the room just as her Master began to scold Mew and Mewtwo's behavior. She stood quietly after making a respectful bow to Darkrai, but betrayed a bit of surprise and disappointment in Mew when she spoke again, "Why would you question his wishes, or even think they are enough yours to question in the first place?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

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--glitch caused double post. Sorry guys--
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

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"Happened to me?" Abra turned his head to Lumina, moving for the first time in front of the others. "Don't really remember, actually. Most of the time I just sleep. I don't do much, really."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrogfishMadii


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Melan, being a little weak, decided she needed to become stronger. She ran into Palkia. "Oh, hi." she said to the water beast.
"Hello, Melan, Any orders from Master Darkrai?" he roared. Palkia wanted to become the second-in-command of the Elite Force.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lilia's demenor immediatly changed as she also bowed. She was also shivering a bit. "My apologies Lord Darkrai. I did not mean to be so rash with them."

Akoryu was walking along the town cautiously. She had heard reports of Darkrai's servents around the areas and she would have to travel as silently as she could.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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Mike looked at the others before he said "if I would say, I think Arcuas brought all of us toguther the last free trainer pokemon to allow us to stop Darkrai and free the world". Mike hoped that was the case but he was unsure of how many of the group would be willing to take on Darkrai.
"You should be careful Lilia. Arguments are not welcome in my chamber so I would ignore Mew comments unless you wish to end up as a one of my pleasure objects and Mew as well. Mewtwo would be plunge into an eternal nightmare. Do I make myself clear to you three?" Darkrai said
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

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"Darkrai?" Abra asked, with a little bit of concern in his voice. "What makes you think we can take on him?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrogfishMadii


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"Not yet, should we go see him?" Melan asked. Her eyes shined blood-red, thinking of how she could kill those evil non-believers.
"I guess... Follow me." Palkia ordered. He started to walk towards Darkrai's Palace.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

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Keilan doubletook. "I'm sorry, what?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dysania


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Mew gulped and quickly nodded. She definitely didn't want to be an object. She floated up in the air again and went over to Lilia. She clasped your paws together and then streched one out. Maybe if Darkrai had kept them alive there had to be something in these trainers.
Lumina's lavender eyes widened. "Darkrai, Oh I don't know. Let's just walk up to him and get brainwashed!" She exclaimed. There had to be another way. "Can't we take one his elite first?" She squeaked, too terrified to face the one that made her this way. But maybe they could beat one of his minions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Yes my Lord." Lilia said sincerely. Then when Mew clasped her paws together and streatched them she let out a small yelp of pain but did not dare say or do anything with Dakrai present.

Akoryu ended up in a nearby town and looked around for any other pokemon in the area. She wanted to ask about what was going on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrogfishMadii


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Melan and Palkia walked up to Darkrai's Palace. "Oh Master Darkrai... any orders for us?" they sang together.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dysania


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OOC: just quickly saying that I made a mistake Mew clasped her own hands and then streched one out as a handshake to lilia
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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(Tis fine)
Mike looked at them all before he said "Because, there just something very powerful in each of your auras that make me believe we can stop him but I do Agree Darkrai is too powerful right now as for the elites I believe there is one we can take on the Guardian of the Sea Lugia, but to get to him we will need to go though the Silver trenches". Mike then looked at the others and said "I want all of you to join me on this quest, we all want the same thing. We want to be human again, surrounded by our Pokémon and the people we loved. We can get there, if we work together as a team" Mike said as he extended his hand out to the others.
Darkrai smirked somewhat as the two made up before he saw Palkia and Melan come up and he though about it before he said "I have no mission, though I do want someone to find Lugia and bring him back here. I have sensed something very powerful in the Silver trenches, it feels almost god-like". Though Darkrai did not show it, there was only one Pokémon Darkrai feared and that was the Arcuas the creator of the world. When Darkrai took over, the 16 plates of Arcues vanished and Darkrai had never found them. Now there was a chance to get one and he could not pass it up as this way he could prevent Arcues from resurrection.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

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"This. Is. Crazy." Keilan said after a few moments of silence, her large tan ears twitching. Fear lingered in dark eyes as she continued, "Take on Lugia? Defeat Darkrai? It sounds like suicide. I've not been accosted yet and I don't particularly want to find out what the bad side of Darkrai or his cronies looks like... I- I just got comfortable being what I am now. I- I don't... don't need to go back."

The Fennekin was obviously distressed. She paced back and forth in a small circle. She'd always kept herself out of trouble, never taken sides... She looked back up at Mike, "Do... Do you really think we can? You know, beat him and become our selves again, eventually?"


Reshiram quietly exited the room and left the castle, noticing she was not needed in any manner at the moment. Once out side, she spread her large wing-like appendages and took off into the sky. From here, she would patrol for any thing Darkrai may find useful to know, or perhaps for any trouble makers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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Mike looked at her and nodded sincerely "I do, No matter what happen. I know we can do it, We are a team and a very powerful team at that as long as we are together we can do anything" he told her with a smile
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