In the land of Basque which sits between France and Spain as a land rich with gypsies. There stands a chapel as mighty as any castle which is presided over by a Cardinal By the Name of Xavier. He is known as a kind soul with a great passion for collecting the children of mishap from any lineage. Yet equally known of his ruthless accounts of total slaughter to those who stand against the church, those who fall in battle are never seen from again and others speak of occult dealings with devils, Angels and monsters. For every story of praise there seems to be a tale of curses.
There are those born with blessings and curses yet some gifts pass those ever known to become tales of horror like the Golemn of living iron. Yet all are a part of gods divine plan and it is not the place of mortals to kill each other over the fear of what is not understood. It is here in this castle that all are welcome to learn more about themselves and the greater destiny of all.
So this is a game which will take place in a fantasy setting of the marvel universe all 'supernatural' aspects will simply be various mutations with the single exception of asguardians who will be handled seperately.
[ b]Christian Name: [/b]
[ b]True Name: (the reflection of your blessing)[/b]
[ b]From:[/b]
[ b]Powers: (For each power you have, there must be some sort of mark or disfigurement, the greater the power the greater the mark, No more than 3 powers.)[/b]
[ b]Pros: (Character's strength, either or skill or power based)[/b]
[ b]Cons:(Same as pros but the opposite, anything that can prove to be a hindrance to them in missions and every day life)[/b]
[ b]Virtue:[/b]
[ b]Vice:[/b]
[ b]Favored weapon:[/b]
[ b]Favored profession/Labor:[/b]
[ b]Brief bio: (1 paragraph)[/b]
[ b]Appearance:[/b]
Here is an x-ample of what I am looking for:
Christian Name: Charels Xavier
True Name: Doctore Xavier
From: Xavier, Kingdom of Navarre
*The ability to read minds was at first a horrible curse that nearly had him beating his head against the walls to get the voices out, But he has learned to controll his curse, he has also developed this offsetting quality that he never seems to blink for hours at a time with an unnerving gaze that makes you feel like he is looking right into your soul with those unblinking eyes of the devil.
*The ability to plant thoughts into the mind of another is truly a test from god to not abuse his powers given to mankind. He could be pope in a year, but clearly this is not his true path god has for him. Sadly the lord giveth and taketh as he robs Xavier of his ability to walk past a shuffle. Often is he seen using a small chariot to get about the castle manned by one of any dozen loyal disciples.
Pros: (Character's strength, either or skill or power based)
Possesses a doctorate of divinity from the Vatican as a reflection of his years of study.
Hew has amassed a great knowledge of heraldry to trace back linages up to ten generations with sometimes the most scant of information to draw from.
With his ability to read minds, he can become a powerful negotiator able to bring almost anyone around to his way of thinking with nothing but sufficient time to debate
Cons:(Same as pros but the opposite, anything that can prove to be a hindrance to them in missions and every day life)
Xavier's aching bones has often left him to preside from bed for days or weeks at a time. His lower half is slowly wasting away as much as he seeks to prevent such from happening.
There are days when even his disciplined mind looses grip on the ability to filter all out others and he must seclude himself lest he say something into the minds of all with far reaching consequences.
(He is only taking three due to his high standing as Cardinal)
Kindness, Patience and Chastity
Favored weapon:
Crossbow, a necessary tool he has put many an hour into to keep himself safe in his travels and defense of the Castle. It also provides him with an upper body strength needed to labor about in his daily life.
Favored profession/Labor:
Had he never found his calling within the church est higher paths, he would have been a great scribe who was more than happy to pen away the days and stay up all night in theological discussions.
Brief bio: (1 paragraph)

There are those born with blessings and curses yet some gifts pass those ever known to become tales of horror like the Golemn of living iron. Yet all are a part of gods divine plan and it is not the place of mortals to kill each other over the fear of what is not understood. It is here in this castle that all are welcome to learn more about themselves and the greater destiny of all.
So this is a game which will take place in a fantasy setting of the marvel universe all 'supernatural' aspects will simply be various mutations with the single exception of asguardians who will be handled seperately.
[ b]Christian Name: [/b]
[ b]True Name: (the reflection of your blessing)[/b]
[ b]From:[/b]
[ b]Powers: (For each power you have, there must be some sort of mark or disfigurement, the greater the power the greater the mark, No more than 3 powers.)[/b]
[ b]Pros: (Character's strength, either or skill or power based)[/b]
[ b]Cons:(Same as pros but the opposite, anything that can prove to be a hindrance to them in missions and every day life)[/b]
[ b]Virtue:[/b]
[ b]Vice:[/b]
[ b]Favored weapon:[/b]
[ b]Favored profession/Labor:[/b]
[ b]Brief bio: (1 paragraph)[/b]
[ b]Appearance:[/b]
Here is an x-ample of what I am looking for:
Christian Name: Charels Xavier
True Name: Doctore Xavier
From: Xavier, Kingdom of Navarre
*The ability to read minds was at first a horrible curse that nearly had him beating his head against the walls to get the voices out, But he has learned to controll his curse, he has also developed this offsetting quality that he never seems to blink for hours at a time with an unnerving gaze that makes you feel like he is looking right into your soul with those unblinking eyes of the devil.
*The ability to plant thoughts into the mind of another is truly a test from god to not abuse his powers given to mankind. He could be pope in a year, but clearly this is not his true path god has for him. Sadly the lord giveth and taketh as he robs Xavier of his ability to walk past a shuffle. Often is he seen using a small chariot to get about the castle manned by one of any dozen loyal disciples.
Pros: (Character's strength, either or skill or power based)
Possesses a doctorate of divinity from the Vatican as a reflection of his years of study.
Hew has amassed a great knowledge of heraldry to trace back linages up to ten generations with sometimes the most scant of information to draw from.
With his ability to read minds, he can become a powerful negotiator able to bring almost anyone around to his way of thinking with nothing but sufficient time to debate
Cons:(Same as pros but the opposite, anything that can prove to be a hindrance to them in missions and every day life)
Xavier's aching bones has often left him to preside from bed for days or weeks at a time. His lower half is slowly wasting away as much as he seeks to prevent such from happening.
There are days when even his disciplined mind looses grip on the ability to filter all out others and he must seclude himself lest he say something into the minds of all with far reaching consequences.
(He is only taking three due to his high standing as Cardinal)
Kindness, Patience and Chastity
Favored weapon:
Crossbow, a necessary tool he has put many an hour into to keep himself safe in his travels and defense of the Castle. It also provides him with an upper body strength needed to labor about in his daily life.
Favored profession/Labor:
Had he never found his calling within the church est higher paths, he would have been a great scribe who was more than happy to pen away the days and stay up all night in theological discussions.
Brief bio: (1 paragraph)