The message arrived exactly 24 hours after you first met the recruiter. For whatever reason, you were chosen and contacted physically by a recruiter, whether standing at a bus stop or shopping at the mall, they pulled you aside and spoke to you. They gave you three options before you could even utter a word , "Do you want money, justice, or a normal life?"
Should you have chosen the last option or remained stunned and speechless they would've left you there without saying another word, but you didn't, something made you choose either money or justice, whatever you chose of these two, it didn't matter, the stranger handed you a phone and told you, "Check that phone's messages in 24 hours." And just like that, the stranger was gone, and you were alone.
You open the phone and go to your message box.
It reads:
Welcome to Puriel!
We hope our recruiter didn't scare you!
After extensive background research we have determined that you are worthy to join our organization's group of recruits this year! Congratulations! "What is Puriel?" You may be asking yourself as of now. Puriel is a secret, privately funded organization that operates all around the globe. Those superheroes you see on TV? More than half of those heroes are funded and equipped by us. We offer all sorts of services to heroes within our organization, we connect nearby heroes to eachother, offer access to our state-of-the-art criminal database, and pay money for each crime thwarted!
Heroes in our database our ranked globally in ranks F-A, There is a rank S but we can figure that out later. Whatever your rank you are given access to better funding and are given better equipment and information as your rank gets higher. If this sounds pleasing to you...you have 6 hours to reach the airport closest to your current location as shown on this phone's built in GPS, Get on the Jumbo Jet currently located in this hangar and use this phone as your boarding ticket. -Message self-deleting- -END-
Hey peeps, welcome to this RP
As stated above this RP is about a group of recruits who join the Hero Organization "Puriel", for whatever reason your character decides to roll with this sudden change of events and makes his/her way to the Jumbo Jet somehow. The Jumbo Jet among others around the world, touches down in multiple cities picking up people who are recruited in that city and then takes off again. Our RP starts off just after the last stop and the picking up of the last recruit as the Jet finally goes towards its true destination, a private island deep in the Pacific Ocean called "Paradise". At Paradise is where training for recruits is undergone and where our characters will undergo tests to determine their rank. After training is complete and ranking is squared away, our characters will be given equipment and shipped off to the city they are assigned to. For plot conveniences and if the RP makes it this far, we will all be sent to the same city. The island basically serves as a "tutorial zone" where we can get used to each others RP styles and characters as well as start early character development. Once we arrive in our city, we are put in touch with the coordinator for that city. A coordinator gives pay, info, and connects you with other heroes in the city.
Character Guidelines/Powers
This RP will have superpowers of all kinds. You can have any power you want within common sense, please. Your power must be explainable to some extent and you must say how you got your power as well as state the drawbacks it WILL have. You don't have to have a power if you don't want to, go full Batman, I don't mind. Also no shadow manipulation, because that's really dumb.
Your character can have previous combat experience or none at all, as long as there is some reason why he/she would join Puriel and also some trait they have that Puriel thought would make them a good hero. The ranking doesn't just measure fighting skill, it also measures personality traits such as courage and mental fortitude. They can also be anyone, Puriel doesn't discriminate among its recruits, as long as you give some good reason why you're character would have been recruited.
Morality is debatable. Killing is looked down highly by the organization and "heroes" who resolve to excesive violence are ranked very low and payed less as well as potentially being blacklisted by Puriel. Blacklisting entails having all assets freezes and equipment locked down, as well as being listed as a criminal in the Puriel Database.
-2 Paragraphs Minimum, if you're having trouble, less is OK but please don't make a habit out of it.
-THIS RP IS HIGH CASUAL, which means a step above casual length, but not as much details and length as advanced.
-Quality grammar and spelling
-No god modding
-No perfect characters
-Keep disputes to PM, I will warn you if anything you are discussing needs to be discussed in PMs.
-Romance is all-good, anything that gets this RP closed is a no-no, so take that stuff to PM.
-I can double post cuz I'm the GM.
-Have fun! Jeezus! If there's no fun, what's the point!?
Feel free to PM for any additional questions you may have.
(Delete any notes in parenthesis in your final product)
Alias:(Can be the one your character currently has or will eventually have)
Appearance:(Anime is ok...I guess...portraits and real pics preferred. Any descriptions have to be GOOD)
Power: (How,When,What,Where, and Why?, If I see something I don't agree with here, I'll let you know. If you don't have one, that's fine.)
Skills: (Keep it real folks, Just like with powers, I'll tell you if something needs to be changed.)
Gear/Equipment/Weapons:(Don't be a dummy here)
Bio:(This'll give me a guesstimate of your RP level so make this good. 2 Paragraphs.)
Theme Song: (Why not lol? This is optional)
Character List-

Name: Hattori Hanzō
Alias: Wounded Wing
Age: 26
Past traumatic experiences since childhood have left Hattori quiet and introspective often choosing to voice his opinion to himself instead of others. While meaning he is poor at communicating with other people he is extremely in tune and honest with himself. His childhood has left him very well disciplined and aware of his own manners, he can force his inner-will and mental endurance to their limits. While poor at communicating, Hattori can hold a conversation as far as he was taught to by his father, the extent of that usually means ceasing to speak after what he wanted has been achieved. Morally, he is not excessive in violence nor is he against it, he chooses only the means which are the most efficient towards his objective. He has PTSD towards the incident where he lost his sight and voice and reacts negatively mostly towards eye wounds causing him seize up and get sick.
When first looking at Hattori, the scars that cross each over each of his eyes attract attention, an experienced swordsman can tell that the scars were inflicted by an expert with a blade. Just like the cut across his throat, they are all from the same blade, clean, precise, and accurate, truly the work of a master.

Cybernetic Eyes- These appear to be normal eyes but in reality are highly intricate pieces of technology, by connecting with the brain and powering themselves with the energy ingested by food, they operate just like a regular pair eyes, the difference is his sight. The eyes have a UI built in to them that connects with a chip implanted in the brain to provide the features it has. The eyes can target and give information about items being looked at by the user. They can zoom up to the distance of a normal pair of binoculars. They provide Night-Vision ,Sonar, and Thermal.
Cybernetic Vocal-Chords- If Hattori opens his mouth wide and you look at the back of his throat, you can catch a glimpse of the implants. The implants are unique as they allow him to imitate voices he hears and speak them near-perfectly in accordance to Hattori's memory. Hattori's usual voice is just a recreation of his original voice in accordance to his memory, he only has a faint memory of his old voice so the voice has a kind of electronic vibration with every word he speaks.
Skills: Trained as an assassin, Hattori is well versed in the ways of martial combat and just as skilled in stealth and subterfuge, as well as acrobatics. He is a master of a multitude of martial arts and should he had been born in the older days of Japan, he would be close to the title of Kensei, or Sword Saint. He claims perfection in every form of weapon except for firearms, it is rumored he does not know how they work and it is most definitely true, he is much better suited to using them as thrown projectiles rather than their original use. Well-versed in a multitude of languages is a result of his interest in language. With his skills and implants, Hattori is most suited for combat at night or remote areas.
2 Long Ninja Swords "Koga" and "Iga"- Made from extremely durable alloy, these blades are sharp enough through nearly all weaker metals in the hands of a capable user.
Smoke Bombs- Homemade capsules, they create a large smoke screen for quick escapes. He has bombs laced with chili powder and crushed glass in case the smoke bombs don't shut the enemy's eyes well enough.
Throwing Knives and Shuriken- Every ninja needs these. lol.
Blow Gun- The closest thing to a firearm he can get. Shoots tranquilizer darts and also shoots poison darts.
Born to a prestigious and powerful Japanese household, Hanzō grew up strictly taught manners and discipline by his father was a large up and coming businessman. Tension between Hanzō's father and mother grew thick as Hanzo's father begin getting heavily influenced by his own money. His father was on every drug imaginable day and night and was constantly using cocaine to keep him alert and keen for his job.
One night an argument between his mother and father went sour as his mother had demanded a divorce and wanted full custody of Hattori and his little sister. Angry and upset and fueled by cocaine, Hattori's father grabbed him and put him in the car and they drove off together. Hattori was only 7 years old at the time. Unwilling to take responsibility for the child and equally unwilling to give the kid back to his mother who wanted to divorce him after his high wore out, he dropped the kid off at the doorstep of a live-in dojo deep in the mountains, stuffed a wad of bills in his pocket and left.
Years later Hattori adopted the last name Hanzō in honor of the famous historical figure and became a powerful martial artist. A misfortunate run-in with who Hattori believed to be rare a combat fanatic who had a deep obsession with Japanese sword play led him to lose two of his senses. He had met the man when he came up to Hattori's cottage in the mountains. Without warning the assaulted attacked Hattori with a sword, the man was crazy but deadly skilled with a real blade, with his throat cut and eyes sliced, Hattori managed to slay his assailant by bringing his elbow into the swordsman's windpipe, effectively crushing it and eventually killing the man. Strangely on the man's person was a satchel with the cybernetic implants carefully packaged. Before he knew it Hattori collapsed as he felt the presence of another person in the room. When he woke up again in his bed he could see and speak again. Hearing of a skilled martial artist who lived in the mountains of Japan, Puriel recruited Hattori into the group. Hattori joined in hopes of learning who had surgically implanted his implants. He was picked up into the groups Jumbo Jet in Tokyo.
Theme Song:
Other: Hattori is excessively incompetent with electronics, like an old man, he struggles to figure out the inner workings of a cell phone. He can work USB drives and other gadgets but anything involving more than that of any kind you can expect him to do more harm than good.

Mary Oswald
'Bloody Mary'
Mary is, to put it simply, a cyanide pill coated in honey. A condescending tone is always laid over her voice. She is a bit of a sadist, and prefers to end her missions with a large trail of blood. She much prefers to have other people do the heavy lifting, allowing her to do her thing- namely intimidation. She is rather fond of torture, and loves having 'alone time' with her victims.
She is skilled at intimidating others, thanks to the gear that she keeps on her. She also is skilled at knife-play.
Her alcoholism is a rather prominent one. Another thing worth noting is her lack of self-control. She also has a fear of spiders, and a big fear, at that.
At any time, she carries with her a few canisters of hallucinogenic gases, enticing fear in her adversaries. The gas greatly distorts their vision, as well as increasing paranoia.
She also carries a large variety of knives on her, many laced with a liquid form of her hallucinogens.
Born into a family of alcoholics, Mary was no stranger to violence as a child. However, she had no cliche origin story. Her dad didn't abuse her, she wasn't constantly locked in a room. Life was... normal. Sure, having alcoholic parents threw a bit of a wrench into the normality, but it wasn't anything drastic.
As life progressed, she adopted her parents habits at a bit of an early age, and became rather prone to fits of drunken rage and violence. When her money began to run thin, she resorted to less savory methods of gaining funds, namely mugging. With this life, on the street came a certain realization of how bad things were.
During her life of crime, she became notorious under the name of 'Bloody Mary', probably due to the fact that her victims are left as bloody corpses, eyes gouged out. Many began to believe that she wasn't just a petty thief, that she was more- a phantom, a ghost in the night.
Puriel took note of her prowess in getting done what needed to be done, albeit by unorthodox methods. So, upon making a few offers of cash, as well as a few blackmail threats, Puriel enlisted Mary, after forcing her to swear to not use too much excessive force in her pursuits of those who she was informed to target.
Theme Song:

Alexandria "Alex" Whyte
Happy, Bubbly, Helpful.
Those are generally words to describe Alex and they're right, she's an all around friendly person more then willing to go out of her way to help others, some times a little too much and a bit naive. She finds herself being taken advantage of from time to time but tends to shake it off determined to see the bright side in life and tries to help others see it that way as well.
Alex is fiercely protective of those she calls friends hating to see them be put in harm's way or for someone else use them for their own personal gain, she sometimes has a short temper and a sharp tongue but tends to refrain from lashing out at others rather taking all her stress and releasing it in the form of a bullet out of a gun, sometimes spending hours in the shooting range emptying clip after clip into the paper dummy until she's calm enough to return to the public world happy and cheerful as always.
Always looking for new friends or a new way to help someone out Alexandria has a habit of getting herself in trouble or sticking her nose were it doesn't belong, often getting more involved then she should in matters that don't concern her, but her stubbornness and pride makes her see it all the way to the end, a trait her father said she gained from her mother.
Growing up around guns and weapons Alexandria has various degrees of skill in gun handling and maintenance, lacking in some areas when it comes to close range shooting focusing more on long range and sniping. Spending years in competitions and her families shooting range she's use to spotting and relaying information to and from gunners and operators giving her a good skill set in communication as well.
- An SV98 Sniper Rifle:
- Two Beretta 87 Target: .22 LR
- Standard Issue Tanto Ka-Bar
Ambidextrous Bolt action rifle designed to neutralize targets up to a range of 1000 meters. An older model of a modernized sniper rifle, Alex prefers to use it for the versatility in design for optical system configurations giving her a better range of modes and options with shooting it.
Fast and tactical, Alex keeps a twin set of them on her at all times generally kept in holsters on her hips, they're practical, and extremely easy to mode the optics on the rail, they also stand upright making it a lot easier and quicker for to get to in fire if need be.
A basic blade Alex keeps on her person in case she slips up and let's someone get in close range on her, besides that she generally only uses it help with simple maintenance and cleaning chores.
The only child of a gun fanatic and war veteran, Alexandria has spent her whole life since birth surrounded by the smell of iron and gun smoke. Her father said she wouldn't play with normal toys instead wanted to play with the tools and gun parts on his work table, enthralled by the shiny metal pieces.
Some would say it was sign a telling of what would come, her mother tried to get her interest in ballet and gymnastics something of the feminine aspect of life but the more she grew the more Alex snuck away and into her father's gun shop at first watching and looking through the shop windows, gigging softly as the guns let loose their loud roar.
It was around the age of 16 when her mother was killed, shot dead in a small town convenience store simply caught in the middle of a robbery gone wrong that her father completely threw himself into his work, working constant hours spending less time in the house itself trying to avoid the memories of his late wife all together that he started actively bring Alex into the shop helping her and showing her how to operate and clean a gun, starting off with a simple nine millimeter hoping to keep her from avoiding the same fate.
However she had trouble getting the desired shots always being off by a few centimeter, hating herself for the disappointment lurking in the back of her father's eyes pushing herself more and more to meet his standards while making a promise to herself and her mother that she would do whatever it takes to keep others from having to go through the same pain and anguish that her father put himself through daily.
Finally meeting her father's expectations Alex begged and pleaded with her father to let her try her hand at a long range rifle, even a hunting rifle would do having became ensnared by the gleam of the long smooth barrels during the competitions, wanting to know what that power and control felt like.
However he wouldn't allow it saying something about how she was growing into a fine woman and her mother never would of approved of her being around guns and such violent things, that she should be learning more delicate hobbies and skills.
It got so bad that they would fight constantly, there were days that Alex stayed away from that house always coming back to find her father slouching over his work bench, fast asleep a small bottle of whiskey hidden in his tool box. During those hours she would sneak her dad's old sniper rifle out of its case and take it back out into the hillside to practice, hoping to show him that she could do it, hoping to prove it to herself.
Two days before her 25 birthday Alex left for a sniping tournament in the next city, she left a note for her father on his pillow promising him that she would come back with the trophy and she hoped then he would finally be proud of her. She won the tournament, a smile on her face as she answered the phone happy that her dad had called her, the color draining from her face as the officer on the other end informed her that her father had taken his own life moments before she had fired her last shoot.
Shocked and dazed Alex barely remembers the weeks afterwards all the planning and condolences calls, calls from relatives asking if she need someone to live with, the ceremony where people spoke of a man long gone, a man that didn't match the figure in her memories, it was after the service and her father laid dead in the cold ground that she was approached by Puriel, offering her a new life and a new name a chance to escape from her past and a chance to keep others from suffering the same fate.
Laying a white rose over the tombstone, Alex turned on her heel leaving everything but her father's rifle in that small town. Untouched left for whoever desired to claim it.
Theme Song:
Name: Alexander Marry Greenveil
Alias: Faust
Age: 28
Personality: "Faust" is a bit of an aloof person, as some have said, he doesn't exactly have all the screws where they should be...Alexander seems to display signs of bipolar disorder, he will slip into depressions or states of joy for weeks at a time, he doesn't seem to like being around people often and he talks to himself more than anyone else. When it comes to actually socializing he can keep up a normal conversation for the most part. He just seems to have problems saying the right things, and a worse problem of thinking them. It is not uncommon for him to change a subject when it displeases him, and it's not uncommon for his sense of justice to sway slightly. It is known throughout Puriel that Alexander enjoys theatrics, and he will often play up the parts of him others seem odd, meaning he is never as "crazy" as he actually acts, though acting that way on purpose could be seen as some perfect proof otherwise..."Faust's" sense of style changes often, and he does things on a passing fancy, when he is in a sad fit he seems desperate and is less reliable as a "hero", when he is happy and jovial, he is proactive and often goes a touch too far. His motives are usually a bit pointless or nonsensical and he seemed to do things on impulse more often the he should, he bends people's words and toys with the minds of many, though he tries his best to never lie. He has been caught for this before and, that hasn't stropped him.

Power: Most people don't believe Alex's story when they hear it, unlike most members of Puriel, his abilities seem much less natural, or explainable. Alex says whenever asked, he "Made a deal with the wandering spirit", apparently a wispy figure, with not many definable features, approached him one late night, and asked him if he wanted to be worth something, Alex not being the most sensible at the time (being affected by drugs and alcohol) said yes. The next day when he woke up, he had a blue symbol on his hand. He learned through some not so sober experimenting he had gained the ability to control selective substances, mainly being dead, organic tissue. He, through much training, is now able to control up to three human skeletons at once, they cannot move in very different ways, meaning they must always work on one task. He cannot control animal skeletons, or any living matter, he controls skeletons primarily because the more tissue a body has, the more effort, energy and focus it take to control. He cannot explain who the "wandering spirit" is, but is speculated that it was in fact a person, one who is not aligned with Puriel, but perhaps was at one time.
Skills: He is great with making tea, though he botches coffee right up. In all seriousness, Alex can run for an extended amount of time, while not very impressive to other "heroes" standard skill sets, it has saved his life more then once. Alexander has a unfair amount of luck, and has gambled his life many times thus far, yet he still stands. Alex is not very physically strong, when it comes to combat he mostly relies on his underlings and is inept with most weapons. He tends to actually use himself as distraction, and lets the drones be the trump cards. The skeletons can each hold as much power as Alex can give them, meaning they are light and agile usually, yet not the most durable. Alex can focus on using one skeleton at a time, and this makes that selected one, much more capable. To put in perspective the strength of each skelton in perspective, they can lift roughly 120 pounds, though when one is focused on, it can lift closer to 200. The skeletons can only move when Alex makes them, meaning when he does not, they fall to a pile. It can be seen he is controlling it, when a faint blue light emits from within their rib cage.
Gear/Equipment/Weapons: Alexander wears a durable and high-tech bullet proof vest under his clothes. Three skeletons given to him by Puriel, as well as a large briefcase in which to keep said skeltons in when not in use, he also carries with him more sets of his own clothes and mask. He also carries about many wigs.
Bio: Alexander was a normal boy, living a normal life. He had decent grades in school and got along well with both his parents, him and his sister didn't talk much but it was never much of an issue. Up until high school Alex lived thus hum-drum life and didn't ask any questions, until, first year at Belleveir high. He met a boy named Adrian, Adrian was the outcast, he dressed in dark clothes and was pale as a ghost. He adopted Alex in their shared art class and taught him about the wonders of the supernatural. Believing avidly in ghosts and stories Adrian dragged Alex down to the lowest possible levels of academic prosperity and eventually, he stuck a wall between Alex and his parents. At the last year of high school, despite Mr and Mrs Greenveils best efforts, Alex and Adrian were still best of friends, no longer having an aspirations for work or "the boring world" Adrian and Alex moved on to waste away on their own, getting into drugs and cheap booze.
Three years later, many many ignored messages from concurred parent, Alex was at the end of his rope, no money, no job, and soon, no Adrian. An especially average night Alex's one last friend, disappeared. No body was found, the search lasted the minimum time necessary to keep people thinking the system worked, Adrian was just, gone. This led Alex down a darker path, resorting to their old and childish beliefs of the beyond, Alex tried to summon spirits multiple times to find his lost friends, for another four years he wasted away to nothing but skin and bones, surviving on whatever he managed to scrape up in that blur of time, and of course, no signs of Adrian.
Finally, the last thread of hope goes out the window, Alex lies down with whatever was in that bottle and whatever that powder was made of, and tries to become nothing, the "wandering spirit" visits Alex, and months later, Puriel follows suit. For the next two years Alex uses Puriel as an outlet, it keeps him distracted from the people he lost, and the person he could have been.
Theme Song: Scissor sisters: I can't decide Clicky click
Other: As Puriel does not condone the use of actual corpses, Alex has been given three false skeletons, made up of re-purposed and donated...materials, they are not technically real skeletons and thus do not belong to any one deceased person, according to Alex, "They have a fake feeling to me...I can't put as much strength
Name: Samuel Spectre
Alias: Phantom Skull
Age: 24
Personality: Samuel is serious. He leaves time to quip, he can’t help it, but in the field, he is determined to get the job done. He places human life above all else, he can save everyone. He WILL save everyone. Outside the mission, he is light hearted, and care free, to mask the fire that burns inside. Even when he is aloof, his mind is on the job.
Appearance: From a distance, Samuel does not stand out. He is not tall, nor short, he has black hair that he keeps short. However, once you get closer, you notice the scars. The rough skin. Samuel has been through all sorts of scrapes and fights. Upon closer inspection, one notices an almost ethereal aspect to Samuel. His body appears wispy at the edges, he is a ghost, a living phantom. When he is fighting crime, Samuel wears all white combat clothing, form fitting and easy to maneuver in. He wears a white trench coat and a full black mask. On the center of the mask is the skull from which he gets his namesake.
Power: Samuel is a phantom. He can turn immaterial, allowing him to move through objects as if he were not there. He can also fill his bullets with ghost bullets. Usually, these bullets are spectral, they pierce defenses, and hurt like bullets, but physically, do not harm at all. He can make these bullets stronger, as strong as .44 caliber rounds; however, these bullets drain his phantom essence. He can only create so many bullets before it starts to hurt him, and drains away his presence in the world.
Skills: He’s a good shot, and years of fighting on the streets have taught him the street art of the parkour.
Gear/Equipment/Weapons: He holds two different pistols, each one spectrally linked to his body. They can change caliber and strength with his will. But as mentioned earlier, stronger caliber bullets drain his phantom essence.
lBio: Samuel Specter lived a tragic life. At an early age, his parents were murdered. He did not know who or what, all he remembered that day was a ghost, a cruel phantom that destroyed his family and life.
Samuel spent the next few years hunting. He was determined to find this ghostly villain, and he started the only place he knew; crime fighting. He put on a mask and took his father’s trusty pistol, a relic from a past war, and set out to right wrongs. He was known only as “The Specter”, he never showed up for long, he was, after all, just a man with a gun. He would show up, incapacitate foes, and disappear.
His war on crime had taken him all throughout the underground, he had fought thieves and mob bosses and all kinds of ne’er do well. Despite all this, he had not found the ghost that killed his parents. That is… until one day!
An informant had tipped Samuel off to a contract killer, a man who could turn into a spirit. The spirit was hired as security for one of the super corporations. Samuel did not care who or what this company was, he only cared for ending the man that destroyed his life. Samuel came to the corporation’s labs armed with a small arsenal. Maybe the spirit was tipped off, maybe he just had an otherworldly sense, regardless, he knew Samuel was there, and he was ready.
Samuel and the spirit’s battle was one of slow attrition. Samuel could not kill the spirit, and the spirit knew it. He didn’t need to push Samuel, each bullet that whizzed through the ghost’s body was a resource lost to Samuel. How could he win? In a fit of arrogance, The Spirit materialized into our mortal plane. He taunted Samuel, and prepared to deliver the final blow.
Samuel had nothing left to lose. He cared not for his life; he only cared for ending the spirit. He dove, and tackled the spirit, hurtling them both into a large chemical reactor. The reactor screamed. The spirit faded away but his powers transferred to Samuel. He was now the ghost, but he would not fall to evil. The spirit had killed his parents, but this was just the crucible that burned Samuel into something greater.
He would not be the spirit, he would be Phantom Skull, and he would be so much more. He couldn’t be the killer he once was. The spirit used murder to further his own goals, Samuel had to stand for something greater, he had to become something else.
Theme Song:
(Sir) Flint Macgan
Knight Man!
Flint is, in most ways, completely disillusion. He believes that he lives in the medieval ages, and so he acts as if it were true. He seems to believe that he is a knight of the queen, sent to the future to help other people by working as a hand of justice, taking down thieves, murderers, and generic evil villains. This also means that he is quite chivalrous, and doesn't fully believe that woman can handle themselves in battle, often refusing to fight them or protecting them when he can. Flint speaks as people in those ages as well (Your becomes thou, all that good stuff.)
Apart from this, Flint is an incredibly cheerful and hardy man, laughing most things off (The phrase "Tis but a flesh wound" comes to mind.) He is extremely optimistic, to a fault. If ever in a perilous situation, Flint will feel incredibly confident, as he believes that good will always triumph over evil.

Average, run of the mill super strength, allowing him to wear full body armor, keep a great sword on his back, a long sword at his side, and a decently sized shield on his left hand. He also has above average stamina and fortitude. His strength was naturally produced by a genetic defect which caused his muscles to grow at an abnormally rapid rate, which also lead to his incredibly large body type.
Flint is a skilled swordsman, and does well in hand to hand combat. Despite his size, he is also surprisingly fast.

Great Sword

Long Sword

Flint was born in Canada, to an Irish family. He was a relatively normal lad, apart from his abnormal growth deficiency which caused him grow similarly to a tank. He was an avid reader, and always dreamed of living within the books his read, his favorite novels being stories set in a medieval fantasy setting. He attended school with an affinity for history, and rarely felt distraught. He got along with his parents, his siblings, his classmates, his teachers, and, well, essentially everyone. One night, however, Flint was riding to Florida on a senior class trip during the eight grade, when the bus veered of a cliff, killing all those inside but Flint, due to his abnormal strength and fortitude. At the, he had been reading, and after losing consciousness and coming too he lost sight of reality, believing himself to be a true knight.
With the delusion of knighthood, Flint changed. He had been forced to attend therapy, but it did him no good. He began to act as the knights did in his novels, filled with righteousness and contempt for evil do-ers. When he graduated from high school, with very few friends, he attended a military college for a few years. He had become an avid collector of medieval artifacts. He found him self at a loss when it came to fire arms, and so he turned to classic combat featuring blades and shields, to which he had become very proficient in after years of training. He realized that no formal career could satisfy his aspirations, and set out to smelt his own set of armor and weapons. After many failed attempts, he eventually crafted the suit and armory he dawns today.
Flint prowled the streets of Chicago for a few years after turning twenty one, most of his income coming from a side job working at a book store. Though he lives a small studio apartment, Flint is incredibly happy with his life. He enjoys both of his jobs, and though he has had no romantic relationships, managed to keep a few friends who humor his delusions, and keeps a pet golden retriever. He eventually became known as that-one-crazy-man-who-runs-around-Chicago-with-a-sword, but decided to name his other self "Knight Man."
Theme Song:
He is Knight Man! He also does not fully comprehend his vulnerability to explosives and bullet, and though his armor is reinforced, it will not bully stop bullets.
Name: Stefan Stein
Alias: Helion Strahl
Age: 27
Height: 5 feet 7 inches (6 feet when transformed)
Weight: 160 pounds (170 pounds when transformed)
Not particularly tall and on the pudgier side of 160 pounds, Stefan is definitely not what you'd expect out of a hero of any sort, what with his long, unkempt dirty blonde hair and wild "I stopped caring a while ago" beard that might look manly or even "viking-like" on a larger, more muscular man but just makes him look like a slob. Stefan's body isn't particularly hardened or scarred from battle either, just marked by the typical nicks and cuts that happen throughout life. His fashion sense is best defined as "jeans, whatever shirt was handy, shoes, add layers if cold out, cleanliness optional".
When transformed into Helion Strahl he mutates into something taller, leaner and decidedly less human. Though still a humanoid in form, his entire body, clothes included, is first enveloped by a metallic, dull black "skin" over which a rock-like exoskeleton forms, grainy grey and slightly cracked, creating a sort of armor which consists of a helmet, cuirass, pauldrons, gauntlets and greaves. The "armor" has pieces of white prism-like crystal growing from its parts, a starburst pattern one in the center of his chest and then simple horizontal strips on the outside of the forearms, along with small circular identations on his palms. Of particular note is the "helmet", which covers the entire head and has bug-like characteristics to it such as large compound eyes, seemingly made out of some form of red crystal, a metallic grey "mouthplate" resembling an insect mandible and a single horn-like crest growing from the middle of its forehead area. Oddly enough, the form also has a belt-like attachment to it, a large stone ring securely placed around Helion's waist which features strange markings on it and has a prism sphere placed in the center of the buckle.
Irreverent, upbeat and carefree, Stefan is an adventurous man who seeks to enjoy life to the fullest, always looking for new experiences of any kind and often diving headfirst into them without a second thought. This does not mean, however, that he's needlessly loud or hyperactive about it, nor that he cannot appreciate something that he has already experienced, it simply means that he enjoys the wonders of living like few people do. Stefan has a strong, if rather overly simplistic, sense of justice. He's honest to a fault and hates to see people harmed physically or emotionally, going out of his way to help others if he can. Above all, he greatly dislikes killing and overly violent actions and will avoid them at all costs, to the detriment of his fighting ability, and he'll also stop such actions when possible. When transformed into Strahl his personality gains a more serious edge to it but otherwise remains the same.
Stefan Stein was a normal human but two years ago, an intern whose parents had died of tragic but blameless causes working for an accounting firm and looking at a life spent on a dead end inane job he'd hate with all his might, but would provide a decent middle class living for himself and any eventual family he might form with whoever he managed to settle with. Like I said, normal guy. This all changed when he died. Out camping on his own to get away from the mess of the big city and the urge to punch his supervisor in the face (then kick him in the johnson, to be honest), he was the only person on site to witness what was later defined as a freak meteorite crash, which somehow managed to avoid all prior detection before impact. Civil servants found Stefan in shock but alive and with only minor injuries, from which he recovered incredibly quickly. He was considered quite lucky to be alive.
The truth is that Stefan the human died that night. The meteorite avoided all detection before impact because it was not just a simple hunk of space rock, it was a powerful alien being from the mysterious race known as the Duref. What was left over in the crater, the largest recorded meteorite to ever collide with Earth, was just a byproduct from the creature's path through the stars and the impact did indeed end Stefan's life. The Duref are a peaceful species of explorers and observers who respect the sanctity of life like few others, the crash landing was the result of the extensive injuries inflicted upon it by an unknown assailant and the Duref despaired at the life it had accidentally taken. Since it was dying itself, the mysterious alien entity did the only thing it could to undo the harm it had caused and, in a way, preserve itself.
Gathering what little power it had left, the Duref fused itself with Stefan, bringing him back to life and integrating part of itself into the young man. Stefan retained very little knowledge of what had happened, most of the Duref stored away in his unconscious, but he knew that he was no longer just Stefan Stein but also something or someone greater, a new aspect of himself which he came to call Helion Strahl, though whether this came about from the Duref's influence or just because he thought it sounded cool will never be known. Whatever the case, it was this experience that brought about Stefan's current outlook on life. He quit his job, didn't punch his supervisor in the face and took to travelling the world, making ends meet by doing odd jobs for food, clothes and sometimes lodgings. It was during these travels that he realized that Helion Strahl wasn't just a way to cope with the shock of having survived a near-death experience.
Attacked by a crazed mutant, he realized two things: his regular body healed from things it shouldn't be able to, and he could transform into Helion Strahl. The information flashed into his mind as needed, what he could do and how with his powers, and with his new form he was able to subdue the monster without killing or permanently crippling it. Life had changed for Stefan once again. Though before he was content with simply being helpful, he realized that with his newfound abilities he could be so much more. He could be a hero.
Regular powers:
-Healing factor: Stefan is able to recover from wounds, poisons and toxins in a much more effective way than regular humans given enough time. Not useful in a fight, much too slow for that, but good for staying alive long as he's not beheaded or anything of the sort. Works best when exposed to sunlight.
-Transformation: Stefan can summon the Chroma Ring, a strange belt which appears on his waist when required and allows his transformation into Helion Strahl.
Powers when transformed:
-Light Powers: Helion Strahl is able to absorb, project and manipulate light in a variety of ways. Beyond the obvious capacity of acting like a walking flashlight/spotlight and producing blinding flashes of light he can also do more complicated things such as rendering himself and others in close proximity invisible, create optical illusions, project holograms or even focus light into varying intensity laser beams. Strahl's favorite combat application of this power is rapid firing a series of randomly colored light pulses of varying intensity which overwhelm optical receptors, causing powerful headaches, nausea and disorientation to go along with the blinding, allowing him to subdue criminals without causing any permanent damage. The powers work best when there's light sources he can use nearby but Strahl can use his own finite reserves of light if necessary.
-Damage Tolerance: The transformation into Helion Strahl acts much like an integrated suit of armor, protecting Stefan from harm.
-Obviously skilled at using and controlling his own powers, not much else that may benefit a superhero career. He's picked up a number of assorted skills such as cooking, carving or playing some instruments over the last few years but they're neither helpful towards fighting crime nor is he that skilled at them, jack of all trades and all that.
Nothing of note.
-Lack of hand to hand combat skills
-In his transformed form, sonic attacks cause him intense pain throughout his entire body
-Needs to transform in order to access his most useful powers
-Reflective surfaces can be used to bounce back the offensive applications of his powers
Theme Song:
Stefan might not realize it, but his powers have much hidden potential. Basically, if you decide to make things not street level, well, his powers are gonna evolve.
Name: Vincent Myska
Alias: Eigenstate
Age: 23
Personality:(Paragraph) Vincent is a mousy individual, to say the least. In school he was an easy target for bullies, a trait which (unfortunately) has stuck all too well. Possibly feeding this cycle is his preference for the company of strong authority figures (good or bad) because of the sense of control they give him.
However, despite his meekness, he is eager to help out in what he calls ‘the war on crime’. He is almost obsessively thorough, often approaching investigations with the level headedness of veteran (though, reach dead ends or him coming to the wrong conclusion can sometimes result in a small fit of pouting.)

Power: In a very general sense, Vincent seems to control electrons. How he does it has never been given much investigation, but Vincent believes the following. All human bodies emit a very slight, weak, electromagnetic field. His body emits a similar field, though much larger (currently his range of absolute control is about a six foot radius.)
Using this field, he is able to charge particles in the air, ionizing them and creating fire. To control the fire, he believes that he uses strong magnetic fields on the atomic level, bending the plasma to his whim. This magnetic field also allows a few other neat tricks, such as being entirely flame proof (sadly, the same cannot be said for any clothing he wears), and the ability to levitate on heated pockets of air.
The downside to all this is that he finds water or any other flame retardant substance crippling. It physically pains him to shower, much less be completely submerged in water. Strong rains have even rendered him entirely powerless, and he often has difficulty maintaining consciousness during storms.
Skills: Being from a rural background, he does not have any exceptional close combat skills. However, he is familiar with the basic principles of forensic science and criminal investigation. He is also somewhat versed in electronic communication, having played with CB radios as a hobby during his highschool days. As an added bonus, he is trilingual, speaking Polish, German, and English fluently.
Gear/Equipment/Weapons: Vincent is a ranged fighter, who prefers to use his powers to any equipment. As such, he tends not to carry much. However, given that his powers often burn away clothing, he does tend to carry a few spare outfits around (generally two).
Bio: Vincent’s mother was a lawyer for the state of Poland, specializing in high profile criminal cases. She was a strong advocate of death sentences, a trait which won her no favor with Poland’s seedy underworld. At the time of Vincent’s conception, she was acting as head prosecutor in the trail of a high level Mafioso.
The gangster was accused of smuggling cold war era chemical weapons out for Russia to sell on the African market, an act which he had been caught red headed. In the final week of the trial, there was an unfortunate accident. An active weapon had been submitted in place of its model replacement, resulting in the deaths of 23 people, and the accidental exposure of another 140. Vincent’s mother, while in critical condition, did survive, and had her son a few months later, with little to no signs of adverse effects, much to the shock of his mother and doctors.
Still, it was taken as a sign of good fortune, his mother opting to retire to take care of him. Outside of the occasional intense fever, he had a normal childhood. He had managed to complete two years of college before his abilities first manifest themselves. At first, they were little things. A constant pestering fever, occasional sparking. He always tried dismissing these events, hoping it was just test anxiety getting to him.
One day, in between classes, Vincent returned to his dorm room for a nap. It was finals week, and what he thought was an illness had kept him out of classes for a better part of half the semester. His sleep was restless, plagued with dread at what he would tell his mother when he failed this semester. When he awoke, he found that his dorm was a towering inferno. Understandably freaked out, he fled from the building.
Although no one had died from the fire, Vincent would spend the next few years a vagrant, taking two years to try and learn how to control his new and unwelcomed abilities. Working as a street performer for spare cash, he made it as far as Belgium before Puriel managed to get in contact with him. With some reluctance, he agreed to the deal, hoping that the organization would help him find a way to more fully control his powers, if not help suppress them entirely.
Theme Song:
Other:(Sadly had to abandon the quantum physics character. The ideas I had were...just not balanced one I gave them more thought)
Name: Evan Adams
Alias: Fire Hazard
Age: 25

Personality: Evan Adams is brash and quick to action. He always keeps up a tough demeanor, refusing to look weak. His strength kept him alive in the Bronx, and it kept everybody in order. Things stayed smooth so long as the gangs respected him, maybe even feared him a little. He recognizes his powers are dangerous, hazardous, but he's convinced that's not a curse. They can be used for good, as long as he's cautious. By appearance, however, he's anything but. Adams knows he's powerful, so he's cocky and headstrong. It's difficult to give him a challenge he won't accept.
Powers:The exact nature of Adams' power is undetermined, but the effects are easy to see. His abilities allow him to manifest and control fires large and small, fashion flaming projectiles, and even cause explosions of various magnitudes. He's capable of moving at superhuman speeds, though not on par with the usual speedster profile. A dangerous skillset, to be sure, but Adams also seems to have complete invulnerability to fire and heat, a trait he's been fortunate to have in a few incidents in his past.
Skills: During his criminal years, Evan became good at a lot of skills that don't get used as often as you might think in the superhero trade. He's good at breaking and entering, picking locks, finding weaknesses in doors or other entrances entirely. He can hotwire a car, and even fix a handful of home electronics. He can also palm objects, pickpocket, and preform several back alley gambling games.
In recent years he's proven to be an effective street brawler, and displayed extraordinary control over his abilities for someone who doesn't fully understand them.
Equipment: Evan's gloves have pieces of flint embedded along to knuckles insides his palm, and his boots have thin striking surfaces on the back of the heels, like those found on matchboxes.
Bio: Evan grew up in poverty in the Lower Bronx in New York. Life was never as hard as it could have been, but it never stopped him from falling into bad company in his teenage years. He started acting out, stealing things the welfare checks wouldn't pay for. Kids like him were considered lost in the system, and even in high school, he was smart enough to know it. One thing led to another, and eventually he ended up in over his head, with no way out.
That is, until he accidentally blew open a lock with the snap of a finger during a break-in in the suburbs. As his powers manifested, at first he used them to rise through the ranks in his crew. After all, he made things explode and catch on fire, what else could he do with them? Although he hadn't attended a full week of classes for months prior, he dropped out officially as soon as he could at sixteen.
After some time it dawned on him; this was his way out. He could step out of the crew, and nobody could really keep him from doing that. Which was good, because his crew didn't take kindly. But it was what he did next that drew the ire of all the gangs in the neighborhood.
In an effort to seal up the cracks in his hometown streets that threatened to swallow him, Adams became a neutral enforcer. He kept the gangs and crews in check, sometimes with threats, sometimes with violence. But what he really wanted was to give kids, kids like he was, a chance to rise out of the Bronx. Like he never did.
He was doing good with his powers.
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAaJwEe-gc0
Other: Evan's offensive powers won't work without a flame or at least a spark, and they have a direct correlation to environmental temperatures. When he's in a cold or soggy environment, his powers aren't nearly as strong.
Sorry for the delay. Power outage caused me to lose a lot and have to rewrite it, and I was a little busy in between.
Hope you don't mind another, this looks really interesting so i would like to join in.

Leo Renton
Leo is a quiet, collected, astute man. Leo isn’t the most sociable man on earth but he will not avoid a conversation. Leo normally pauses before he says something as to think about what will be the after effects of saying such things. Leo will always be assertive of his situation his eyes are normally darting around the area scanning looking for vantage points and exits.He will always go for a stealthy approach than a guns blazing This is because he was trained in the art of stealth.Leo hates people who abuse their powers it is his objective in life to hunt down all the people who abuse their money and power.
Leo is a tall character standing at 6ft 3” although tall he is a well-built man. He’ll normally be caught wearing a blue shirt with navy combat trousers with black walking boots always polished.
In training kit

in the SRS2

Leo is trained was trained in hand to hand and ranged combat by the mercenaries, they said it was essential for his survival out in the field.
Leo wields a Customised M16 with laser sight, silencer and under barrel flashlight. Leg mounted silenced M22 pistol Gerber LHR Combat Knife
During a mission Leo was captured, by his target who wanted to know who hand hired him during this torture; they burnt his muscle fibre so he was paralysed in his right arm, and gave him a dip into some molten iron. After being saved he undertook extensive surgery. Leo had multiple problems he had motor neurone damage to his right arm, reactions times were slowed and most of the muscle fibre was fried. The company said that he was too good a soldier to lose. So they used stem cells to repair the broken down muscles but it grew them back larger than ever. The paralysed arm was replaced with a bionic arm which can lift 3 tonnes, his senses were replaced by a robotic sensory apparatus equipped with a movement sensor and a HUD, To match his upgrades he was given a SRS2 (Stealth and Reversal Suit 2) this allowed him up to 7 minutes of invisibility and is able to create a smoke screen for a quick escape.
At the age of 20 Leo joined ‘Shadow Company’ , a hit man style, group of mercenaries who went on missions around the world to eliminate people of a client’s choosing. Leo lost many friends on these missions and it made him the quiet and self-dependent person he is today
Leo slowly made is way up through the ranks of shadow company, and It was on his 50th mission when he had the incident. When he had the implants he was moved to his own squad and given the call sign: Prophet.
On his 134th mission when he realised ‘Shadow company’ was employed by a rich business man who killed any who opposed him. After this information was revealed to him he decided that it was his duty to the world to stop him. After failing to convince his old squad members he realized it was up to him. When it came to kill his target he cut communications so he could talk to the man and find out the location of his employer. There was no way he could kill this man straight after finding out this secret, by the looks of things he had only one option.to go rouge. After a week of going rouge he had narrowed his search to one location; the man’s villa.
When it came to disposing of the man he didn't want to do it straight away at first he wanted to find out why he did it. Upon asking the man said: “For power my boy. The world be in turmoil if no one had power, don’t you understand that?” he replied by a swift knife to the jugular and the words: “No”.
Leo wanted to leave his old life behind and so he left his SRS2 next to him with a note saying:’good luck using this I took the power core it’s useless now.’
After this he ran as far as he could to a new place to call home.