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Charles puts his head down and starts eating "umm, no. someone has access to the speaker system? lucky bugger!" he hopes they will believe him and move on, but he doubts it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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"Well we've unraveled the mystery of what you are doing in prison. You sir are a terrible liar!" Jerid laughed loudly.
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"actually my friend im here because. well, ive killed family's, raped women and children alike. now if you still believe me to be the traitor in your mist. don't, i can make your life hell, worse than it may be now." he just kept staring at him. he got up and walked to his table. laying his hands down. "im a man you'll want on your side, remember that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Jerid didn't flinch, he just flashed a wicked smile at Charles and whispered "And everyone here heard what you just said."
He glanced over at Jasmine sitting next to him and stood up, stepping away from Charles, then got up on the table. Several guards got slightly on edge and kept a keen eye on the situation. Jerid raised his arms dramatically "Ladies and gentlemen! Your attention if you will! Behold a mass murderer!" He pointed at Charles. Most people in the room looked up, some clapped.
"And a rapist!" some looks of approval, some looks of disgust.
"...And a Pedophile!" The room went quiet. Dark gazes of pure hatred came from every direction.
Jerid grinned and whispered "I just made your life hell."
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"that's where your wrong my friend, I DON'T CARE OF MY CRIMES. i, am a man of deepest evilness, ive been convicted of every crime in mankind." he steps up on the table "i haven't the care for these idiots. now if excuse me, ive got some panels to look at." he smacks the man hard giving a high pitched noise. "ill see you back in cells." he winks and walks away. he is getting strange looks but keeps walking knowing he can get so much dirt on everyone in this prison.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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User said
"that's where your wrong my friend, I DON'T CARE OF MY CRIMES. i, am a man of deepest evilness, ive been convicted of every crime in mankind." he steps up on the table "i haven't the care for these idiots. now if excuse me, ive got some panels to look at." he smacks the man hard giving a high pitched noise. "ill see you back in cells." he winks and walks away. he is getting strange looks but keeps walking knowing he can get so much dirt on everyone in this prison.

"ENOUGH!" The guards surround Charles. "You will stand now and return to your cell or you will be tranquilized and put in solitary."
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"i think ill go back yea i will. see ya kids, remember my name." he is escorted back to the cell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jerid rubbed the back of his sore head. He looked coldly at Charles, knowing the guards just saved him a day.
"We will... It's MEAT!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"i think ill go back yea i will. see ya kids, remember my name." he is escorted back to the cell.

"Then move!" The guard snapped shoving Charles with the barrel of his gun.
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as hes walked out he has his hands up in the air like hes the massire "i shall be back my peaple, dont worry!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

User said
as hes walked out he has his hands up in the air like hes the massire "i shall be back my peaple, dont worry!"

The guard rolled his eyes as he shoved Charles into his cell. "You know that you just signed yourself up to be tortured right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As everyone returned to their own business Jerid jumped off the table and walked over to Ushers empty table, picked up the food he didn't finish and returned to his seat.
He cassually started eating and looked at the two ladies at the table.
"You want to know how te be king of this jungle?" He grinned. "Not like that."
After a short pause Jerid continued while he pointed with his spoon around as if reinforcing every word he said.
"Ruin that guy. Completely wreck him. Go overboard so the worst guys in here vomit. But! You have to get away with it. If you can break that man without any repercussions. That's when you rule this place."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dylan was almost right next to the table where the every crime person was. He heard what he did before the other guy yelled it out throughout the whole cafeteria. "This... is going to be interesting" he said with a chuckle and a grin on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jerid leaned in and whispered, so only Jasmine and Himori could hear him.
"It's clear as day that you both want nothing other than escape this place, but I have a counteroffer."
He put down the spoon and folded his hands. "You could maybe be the girl who escaped the most secure prison in the country. Pretty impressive. Or you could be the leader of the gang that brought the most secure prison in the country to it's knees. Now that's a feat you can put on your resume. Once we are done here they'll beg us to leave."
Jerid did his best to smile warmly, he could barely contain the fun he was having. He put his hand on the middle of the table, palm up. "You two in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Keeper was sitting at the table with three others discussing something...she had no idea seeing as her hearing was bad, and they were whispering low. At the same time, this strange conversation intrigued her, so she tried listening in while talking to someone else. A fan or something wished to know her.
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charles hammed away at the key board, he kept getting system errors on the screen and reapted pop-up's for some site. he knew he was dead but he also knew that at any point he could attempt to bring down the systems of this hotel. knowing his death wasnt yet.... he just kept hammering away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasmine looked at Charles as he was lead away "you better hope someone else get to you first!" She cursed in Arabian and looked at Jerid whispering to her about his counter proposal.She glanced over at Himori for a brief moment and a wicked somewhat blood thirsty grin keeps oven her facial features,"count me in my boys are probably missing me" she chuckled a bit and popped her knuckles "and it beats the hell out of driving or hoofing it out of here....by the time it hits the news we will have a free chopper out of here curtousey of Venom."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"So you plan on busting out? Well you can have seven in your gang right now if you count me in." Keeper whispered with a smug grin, she heard what had been said by Jasmine, others nearby probably had too.
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"FINALY" the he was in the first system fire wall, and had a choice to change lunch menus and guard routers. he switched all guards to alleys with only the worst in the cafe. he then switched the lunch orders to non exsistant and sat back thinking of how much trouble hed be in for this. but he kept hammering away as usual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

User said
"FINALY" the he was in the first system fire wall, and had a choice to change lunch menus and guard routers. he switched all guards to alleys with only the worst in the cafe. he then switched the lunch orders to non exsistant and sat back thinking of how much trouble hed be in for this. but he kept hammering away as usual.

Unknown to Charles the Warden was watching every change he made within the system. He chuckled seeing the silly pointless changes he made. "It seems that our guest are bored. Return everyone to their cells. We are going to play a game with them." The gaurds rush to return the prisoners to their cells.
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