Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Day 64 of incarceration at Purgatory. Josh had managed to make a few friends, and naturally, twice as many enemies. This wasn't his plan of course but he didn't care either way. He'd been bullied before and this was no different, men always have something they want to prove. Shutting down the opposition made his somewhat popular with the other inmates but it unfortunately aroused the attention of the guards to never leave him alone. His time locked up here hasn't been as extensive as some of the others but he quickly caught on. The guards, the vicious dogs on Todd's leash, ever watchful. Always looking down on them and Todd, he was the warden. On occasion he would walk through, reminding everyone of his power over the facility. Ready to make an example of an inmate that wanted to get rowdy or talk back, especially towards him.

No windows, now clocks on the wall, no time on their stupid bracelets. It made for a hectic life but once their internal clock's adjusted to when they could sleep, it got a little easier for them. At least for their bodies anyway. This particular moment, he sat on his bunk and waited patiently. If he was right, they would be letting them out soon for breakfast, which would be followed by some time in Gen Pop. The only time to talk with other people aside from in the Rec room but they hardly let him in there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was late into the night, past one am; Serenity Cross was walking down the cold streets toward the closed gas station two blocks away. Her head was down, covered by her tattered jacket hoodie, she was holding a plastic mask to be put on once she reached her destination. She had not got to go ‘grocery shopping’ the night before because she had used up to much power that day leaving none for that night. Serenity slipped on the mask, pulling her hood down more, she slipped off her right glove. The gas station looked dark and eerie just the way Serenity liked it. The red door was wooden but the locks and handle was made of metal so Serenity could easily get in. She lightly placed her hand on the handle the flow of her power, making the screws fly out, the pieces of metal falling toward the ground. Pushing the door open the tiny bell chimed. Serenity pulled her glove back on she knew she did not have much time to get what she needed. She rushed around putting items in her small black back pack. Reaching her last and favorite item, teriyaki Beef Jerky, she heard the small bell ring. She froze for only a second. Lashing her head back her eyes feel upon two unknown people dressed in weird getup. It did not take a genius to know she was in trouble.

Serenity dropped her bag, as the guns were aimed at her chest, dashing sideways she ran toward the metal back door. She ripped off her glove just in time to touch the door. The hinges of the door went flying the metal door slamming down on the ground. One of the suited men had almost reached her but she was too fast, zipping across several deferent buildings, she finally reached an alley way stopping to catch her breath. Thinking she lost the unknown men she leaned against the building. Serenity snatched the mask off her face slamming it toward the ground. Hearing fast falling footsteps she pulled up her head to see three weird suited men. She rushed to the other side of the alley were a fire escape was, she started to climb, using the side instead of the stairs as it would have taken longer. Just as she reached the top of the building, looking down, two of the three men were climbing as well. Serenity wrapped her hand around the top bar of the fire escape, letting her power run throughout the metal, it begun to collapse. Sending the two men down with it however they were uninjured. Serenity did not watch any longer she rushed toward the door of the roof that leads into the building. Yet again she had to use her power to open the door. Running inside she started to head downward. Half way down footsteps started to echo loudly, looking over the realing of the stairs she seen the three men again, Serenity made it to the next door she found, it was a door leading to the fifth floor. “Fuck.” She screamed. This door was locked also and she had no more power to ‘unlock’ it. She slowly turned around seeing three guns aiming at her. The one in the middle pulled his trigger and everything went black.

Serenity woke up walking lazily across her clear cell to her small sink. She splashed some cold water onto her face. She hatted having the dream, the day they had kidnapped her, she had the dream on an off for the last three months. Well she was almost certain it was around three months. With not being able to tell time the days got lost. She was getting to the point where she did not even try to keep up with the days. Serenity pulled on her socks and shoes. Pushing her long sleeves up, went to the back of her clear cell and slid down to the floor, waiting on the clear door to open for breakfast. She needed to go talk with T.K see if he had a job for her. He almost always did. Tilting her head back against the wall she whispered to nobody. “Today is going to suck. I can feel it.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by questionmark693
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Rilyn was sitting in his cell, awaiting what he was pretty sure was going to be meal time, followed by some time with the other prisoners. Nothing to get excited for...except that in this new life of imprisonment, it really was. After an indeterminate of time, a guard approached his room, and, without a word, opened the door and grabbed him by the arm roughly to pull him out of the cell.

That's completely unnecessary...it's not like I've resisted them even once. I didn't even get a chance to resist my so-called arrest...but I guess I need to just keep not making waves. Maybe I'll get out early for good behavior or something, Rilyn thought to himself, going from frustration to uneasy acceptance of his fate as he was pulled to the communal cafeteria.

After a breakfast of poor tasting but probably nutritional food, he was allowed into the gathering space, as he called it in his mind. There wasn't really much there to occupy his time with though....he wasn't very friendly with many of the other inmates, and of course the guards didn't have any better prospects. So like every other day, he browsed through the games clearly meant for children, a selection of toys probably meant for teaching basic vocabulary or math or some such nonsense. But like every other day, he found himself drawn to the crappy little musical instruments. Most prominently, a recorder, and a xylophone with no mallet. He had finally figured out a way to play the recorder in such a way that people could actually enjoy listening to it. More enjoyably for him though, was how he had managed to start playing the xylophone.

It worked more or less like a marimba, not that he had ever played one himself......but he had seen others play them, before he was imprisoned. Maybe, if I just try to concentrate really hard, I can remember.... the thought trailed of as he found himself unable to make any real music come from the toy. He had never been able to use his power after more than two weeks of seeing something done, and he'd been here for three. Guess it's back to the good behavior plan, he thought wryly as he sat down on a padded chair, waiting for the inevitably rude guard that would take him back to his cell when gathering time was over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Xerox wasn't a morning riser. He would often get kicked from his bed from the guards. This had been getting worse recently, since he got to sleep much later than usual due to always being watched by at least 3 guards or even more. It had been about a month since he was thrown into Purgatory, with this bracelet. He had the basic understanding that the bracelet, which read level 5, meant they thought his evolution was dangerous. He could not extract much information before his capture, only that he was most likely of the new species Homo Evoludas and they were being captured by fear of the Government.

Being pushed into the dining hall for breakfast, Xerox groggily collapsed into his chair. He called it his chair, but there were no allocated seats, he simply chose to sit there everyday. With his breakfast in front of him, he waited for the only friend he had made in Purgatory so far. Kat. Although they did not talk much, they did help each other with things. It seems she did not completely trust him yet though. He could deal with this later. They were going to be in here for quite a long time, he thought. Better to get along, he thought as he turned his head to scan the area for Kat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FireHeartWolf


Member Offline since relaunch

Ami sat down in the chair, trying to cover her face with her hair without being blatantly obvious. She felt the guards' watchful glares boring a hole in the back of her head. She shifted awkwardly. She guessed the others were used to this.
2 weeks of torture-and there was yet more to come. Ami was dreading it. She had seen how weak, how helpless the prisoners were after a couple of months. She lived in fear of it, but was also somewhat grateful, in a bland sort of way. It was hard to express but she felt safe here, where she couldn't repeat the mistakes of her past- she hoped.

Placed in front of her was a bowl of, well, she wasn't sure what it was, but it looked utterly disgusting. A creamy-brown, sticky pile of slop, dotted with rock-hard bits and a peculiar texture. Any other time she would have refused, but today she was ravenous. She took a spoonful and shoved it in her mouth. She nearly threw up.

Leaving the 'food', she gazed around the room. May people had eaten and left already, but she saw a couple of others, including a boy with glasses and ripped sleeves. She carefully assessed him- his posture and firm expression gave the impression he was a leader.He looked as if searching for someone. He was lucky that he had made friends, whereas she was lonely and lost. Except for the guards, still glaring at her back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Serenity heard a tapping on her cell. Looking up she seen a guard, opening the door, he motioned for her to leave her small home for breakfast. Walking out she noticed they had brought in a newcomer while everyone was sleeping. She was short with dark red hair, light green eyes, and a terrified look across her face. Serenity did not blame the poor girl everyone was like that in their first couple of weeks. Well maybe not everyone. Some of the ‘prisoners’ were real bad people some even getting picked up from prison than off the streets like she was. She only survived because of T.K. Serenity walked up to the small woman, she looked about twenty, she continued to silently walk beside the red head until the guard was out of ear shot. “My name is Serenity. If you ever need anything just find me or a man named T.K. You will know him when you see him.” After her little introduction Serenity walked off leaving the woman a little dumbfounded. She never liked talking with people long, only T.K, so she made things short to the point and would leave them.

Once Serenity made it out toward the ‘dining hall’ she grabbed her very unpleasant looking food, and took a seat next to T.K. “Hey girl, once you eat head to the spot.” Serenity just nodding her understanding while biting into her food. The spot was a small blind area that the guards liked to stand at. It was hard for the prisoners to see the guards so you never knew when they were there. After she finished she got up no point in prolonging the job. It was not difficult just go and talk to the guard get the goods than back to T.K. Serenity neared the destination yet at first she thought the guard was not there. However the black suited man came into view. He tilted his head slightly to the side looking at her for a long moment. Damn. It was the creepy one. T.K had two guards who would give him items for a price. The price was information on the other prisoners. She never liked that part. If any of them found out T.K and anyone associated with him would be in deep shit.

The guard motioned a nod for her to come closer, sighing, she walked over to him. He pulled out a small packet roughly the size of a tuna can. What the hell? Serenity grabbed it and placed it under her shirt in a small hiding place. Before she could leave the creepy guard spoke with a rough voice. “You should be careful wouldn’t want the other guards to find out and mess up that pretty face.” He reached up sliding he gloved hand slowly down her face. He sent chills down her spin she made a face of disgust.
He grabbed her wrist tightly. She wanted to scream out in pain but she held back. “Tell your little friend that I want better information. This little product is not cheap.” He twisted her wrist more. “Do you understand me?” Serenity nodded quickly making herself look down as tears were beginning to well up. He seemed satisfied with this and pushed her hand way with one last rough movement. Serenity rushed away making her way to the dining hall. T.K was still there, he was not the only one, the tweakers were there making their slight little twitches. Now Serenity knew what was in the small shaped can.

After slipping T.K the goods he told her to go to the rec room and he met her in there after his little trades. Once again she just nodded. Serenity went to the table that T.K and his crew went to all the time. Waiting on T.K, Serenity thought back on the day she met him. It was two weeks after being captured.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While scanning the area, taking note of any vents and other minute details on the walls, Xerox could see he was being glared at, being assessed. He kept a bit of watch on this girl in the corner of his eye, as he turned to scan the room more. The girl seemed to be alone, and had a number of guards watching her as well. Her face was mostly covered by her hair, and her uniform pants were appeared more like skinny jeans. Since he could not see Kat coming at all, he stood up and decided to approach her. She seemed like she had only been here a few weeks, as she saw her discomfort, and her disgust at the food.

Xerox saw another girl, sitting next to a man, who went to the guards not long afterwards. She was Serenity, even though fairly new to Purgatory, she was somewhat well known due to her relations with T.K. and what she did. He did not bother with her though. He continued to approach the girl he saw that assessed him. "Hello there, mind if I sit down here?" he asked her politely, with a smile. Xerox believed that befriending a lot of the prisoners would do help him have a better time in Purgatory. At least he could have people to talk to, and if the time ever occurred to escape, comrades to escape with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FireHeartWolf


Member Offline since relaunch

Ami watched the boy as he approached her, frightened that he would try to hurt her or be spiteful to her. But when he greeted her and asked to sit down, she wasn't too surprised. In all fairness, he didn't look like a malicious character.

"Go ahead!" Ami said, gesturing toward the chair. "It gets quite annoying being alone all this time!" She laughed slightly. When he had sat down she stuck her hand out, letting shake it. "I'm Ami. I've only been here a couple of weeks. I'm already going crazy!" Ami was the sort of person who tried to make light of a situation. But being in purgatory? That was the deepest of dark situations besides death. Maybe even worse that death.
Ami shook the thoughts off, trying not to be negative.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Thank you" Xerox replied. "It is a bit annoying to be alone, I wonder where Kat went." he said as he took one last quick look around. As he went to sit down, he saw Ami extend her hand, telling him her name and how long she has been here. In return, "I'm Xerox, I've been here for a couple of months. I am pretty sure no-one is sane here." he jested. He sat down and ate a little. "The food is gross, but can't be helped. There's nothing else to eat around here." He grunted a little about the food.

"This place, is so horrible, not really much to do right?" Xerox attempted in some small talk, smiling to Ami. "And I hate these bracelets, they annoy me. Anything you find interesting so far?" He asked, eating a little more before pushing away the food. The food was rather disgusting. But they had to eat if they wanted to live. Can't do anything on an empty stomach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FireHeartWolf


Member Offline since relaunch

Ami listened to Xerox intently. A couple of months?! And he is still as fit as he is? Ami didn't really mean it in a 'crush' way, but he was quite good-looking, considering the situation and all.
"Interesting?" Ami thought for a moment. "The only thing vaguely interesting about this whole thing is the fact I haven't died of boredom yet. Or gone completely insane. And yes, these bracelets are a pain." She laughed a little. "So, what you in for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Josh left his cell shortly after it opened, he made his way to the long line to receive his bowl of mystery food. By now, most of the seats were taken and unless you had a group or gang to call your own. You'd have to fight for a seat. Josh wandered to an area with a couple of guys sitting down, they were kind of notorious among the inmates. He considered fighting for their seat, it would be fun and the only entertainment he really had but should he. Creating a scene would only get him in more trouble with the guards or Todd. Josh sighed. "Damn conscience." he thought, turning and heading to eat against the wall. Bringing more heat on himself wouldn't do him any good. Cyrus was no where to be found at the moment, as the facility was so large. It was easy to lose someone.

After forcing down his slop, he tried to find someone to talk to. To make friends with. Leaving his bowl at the turn in window, he moved towards a dark haired girl and boy who seemed to be chatting. As he walked over to them, a guard blocked his path. He looked just like all the others, almost like clones. Only differing by the occasional swapping of helmets, visors, or face guards. This particular guard was one he'd had problems with before. (This is the shit head that interacted with Serenity) His helmet had white spade painted on the front. "Where you going Stone?" he asked, his right hand up against Josh's chest to stop him from moving. "Oh, just to the liquor store. Want anything?" he replied like a smart ass, hating these prejudice scum bags. Spade man gave a short and very fake laugh before sucker punching Josh in the face with a hard left. The surrounding inmates started to get hyped, loving nothing more than to see a good fight.

The punch had enough impact to turn Josh sideways but he remained standing. "Keep it up boy, I dare you." he said angrily, but inviting a fight. When an inmate assaults a guard, they get put in the box. A common term for the same thing in almost any prison. It was solitary and confined, realistically not much different from their usual cells. But the box had audio blasters and heaters to make it impossible to even think straight. "But we're just starting to have so much fun." Josh replied, sporting a grin. This just pissed off Spade that much more. He reared back and landed a really hard hit to Josh's stomach, this dropped him to his knees. "You're right, this is fun." said Spade, now holding Josh's head with his hand before raising his knee to rock Josh in the face. He fell back but caught himself in a crab walk position, barely. He spit blood to his side as he tried to regain his vision.

Being hit like that turned everything white for a moment but he was still very coherent. Josh started to laugh, almost like a psychotic laugh. The only way to get back at the guards without getting thrown in the box was to kill them kindness, or brush them off and make them feel like they aren't effective. "You done yet? I've got better things to do than play with you." he said, slowly bringing himself forward and to one knee. Spade was getting really frustrated, the inmates wanted more blood. The guards wanted a show, something to bet on. Without the slightest bit of participation from Josh, there was nothing for Spade to do. "I'll be seeing you around Stone." he said with a smirk before walking off. The inmates boo'ed at the lack of a fight, some even throwing their cups of gruel. Josh simply got up and finally made his way over to his intended targets. "Mind if I talk with you two?" he asked, his smiled at them, his teeth slightly stained with blood still.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Xerox replied to Ami's question, "You make it sound like I did something wrong. Although that is pretty reasonable, a lot of people seem to have done something wrong." he laughs. "Although, not all of them are by choice, or did they mean to do it. I was only helping other people out of comas and brain dead people. Ever hear about the miraculous Psyche doc? All mental defects suddenly cured in numerous hospitals? Referring to me."

As he finished talking, a fight broke out between one of the more well known inmates, Joshua Stone. Xerox has not spoken with him before, and only saw him hit the ground after the guard punched him in the stomach. As he saw Joshua start to stand and approach him, he was impressed. To stand after that punch, that caused him to spit out blood. Joshua asked if it was alright to talk. "Sure" Xerox replied. "The name's Xerox, what's yours?" he replied kindly. Considering the fact they have not spoken before. "I'm impressed you can still stand, here take this seat." he ushered Joshua to the seat on the other side of Xerox. "By the way, this is Ami. She just asked what I was in for, and I was explaining I was helping people before getting caught. So, how about you two? Why are you two in here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The sound of a sharpie sqeaking in Cyrus' cell was enough for the guards standing outside his confinement to become annoyed. "Hey!" One of them shouted, banging the stock of his rifle against Cyrus' clear cell. Bane looked up, "is there a problem... Sir?" He asked, sneering the word 'sir.' The guard opened his cell and grabbed Cyrus by his blood red hair. Bane grunted, refusing to show pain in his face. "Time for breakfast you piece of shit," the man spat. Cyrus dropped the sharpie that he was writing on his walls with and stood up. The man released his hair.

Cyrus was shoved out of his cell and was roughly moved into the gathering room. The guard shoved Cyrus into the room and he stumbled a bit, and hit something solid. It was a guard, and it just happened to be the guard that Joshua had "fought," no more than a minute ago. "Don't touch me, you dirty bastard," the guard shouted as he shoved Cyrus hard enough to knock him off his feet. Bane didn't even try to fight back. He ignored the guard and shuffled over to the food line to get his slop.

Cyrus took himself and his tray to a table where he saw some familiar faces. His computer like memory recognized Xerox and Joshua, he was sure the girl's name started with an A. She was new. "Josh, how many times have I told you that if you piss off that guards you better knock them out. If you're going to go to Box then you might as well win the fight," Cyrus chided one of his few friends in this Hell. Sure, he knew pretty much everyone. That didn't mean that he liked them.

Bane say down at their table, inviting himself. It's not like you could save seats in jail. Cyrus nodded towards Xerox, "morning," was all he said. He smiled at Ami, "I'm sorry. I have forgotten your name, which is unusual for me. It starts with an A, Ashley maybe? No that's not it, alright, help me out." He said that long dialogue while shoving the crap they called food into his mouth. After six months, he would take anything he could get. And plus, his metabolism was insanely high. Sure, they could cancel out his powers, but not the side effects like he was always hungry and such. He would be very frail if he didn't work out everyday.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Serenity was sitting in a corner trying to look small. It had been two weeks of nothing but hell. She hated living in the streets however now she missed it more than anything. It was so much freedom, sometimes even thrilling; now she had no freedom. She was famished the food was so degusting she did not eat most of what was given. Serenity had heard about a guy who could get things. It sounded fishy but she wanted better food. She knew she needed something to trade with him and she had the prefect thing. Three big prisoners had their attention elsewhere. Giving Serenity the perfect time to take the two packs of cigarettes that was loosely guarded. She rushed away a little faster than she should have once she had swiped the items. However it seemed the men still did not notice anything was wrong. With a deep breath Serenity went off to trade.

The guy’s name was T.K he had dark skin and deep brown eyes. He was very tall and lanky. “You the guy who trades things?” Serenity hated talking with people she hated how her voice shook with uncertainty more. The guy looked her up and down giving a sly smile. “Yes, what would you like?” Serenity lifted up the cigarette packs. “Get beef jerky?” T.K and the men around him started laughing. This pissed off Serenity she did not know what so damn funny. “Well do you have any or not?” T.K held up his hands in defense. “No need to get mad. I have a small bag.” T.K looked at the cigarettes. “I don’t think them belong to you.” Serenity stepped back a step. “How the hell do you know that?” She was starting to panic. T.K just laughed. “No need to be scared. I don’t care if you stole them. Just lets me have more products.” Serenity made the trade quickly leaving just as fast. After another couple of weeks of taking peoples goods and trading it to T.K, he made her an offer, she work for him and he would pertect her. She agreed with no allies the place was taking its toll. She never liked getting to know people but T.K seemed like an alright guy.

After the first month and a half with working with T.K she had become good friends with him. He even told her about his power. His power store things within another dimensional space, achieved by direct contact with his body, only limited to the mass of his body, things stored within his body are frozen in time. When some others looked confused even Serenity. He explained it with more simple words. “I can put things in my body. If I put a cold can of soda in my body it will stay cold.” Serenity thought it was pretty cool. Some of his buddies not so much. “We could be a great team of thieves Serenity. You opening doors me hiding the goods just in case we got caught no evidence to incriminate us. She just laughed a little.

Serenity snapped out of her thoughts when she heard T.K say her name. He sat down next to her taking cards out of its pack. “You should have been in the dining hall. Stone got into it with the guard. Fucking should have just kept his mouth shut he would have not got another lick. You know I do owe the guards some information and they would love to get someone like Stone maybe…”

“No!” Serenity shouted before he finished his rambling, her face was red with anger. “Stone would snap you in half if he found out you gave the guards something on him. Just leave his ass alone. Find someone else to go after.” She crossed her arms looking away from T.K. “Fine I will think about it.” T.K got up and left, leaving the cards on the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
Avatar of Garrison

Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I'm in here because I did something terrible, it was utterly deserved, but wrong either way." he replied before the woman at his side, Ami, could respond. Xerox's face read with the expression that desired more information than that. "I caught some guys abusing a woman, something I absolutely can not abide by. And then I used my power to create a massive sinkhole that killed them. It ended up on the news as a natural disaster but of course the government found me." he added. Cyrus finally found his way to them, this pleased Josh by having a familiar face around. His comment made him laugh though. "Josh, how many times have I told you that if you piss off that guards you better knock them out. If you're going to go to Box then you might as well win the fight."

"Come on Cy, you know I could break him. It's just too much fun poking the hornets nest with a stick." he said with a chuckle, thinking of how he just referred to himself as a stick. "If I didn't know any better, I'd almost say you liked the food here. With how fast you eat it." said Josh as cracked a few of his knuckles periodically. He was interested in these two characters, he'd never really talked to them so finding out who they really were sounded like a good idea to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The door swung open with a rasping, rusty screech, revealing three black silhouettes against a backdrop of white light. It was then shut and promptly locked when these figures entered the dimly-lit hallway, the illumination evening out so that it was possible to recognize them now: a trio of prison guards, two of whom toted rifles and flanked their more important-looking comrade at the middle, whose face was, strangely, bare, without the impersonal helmet and mask to hide his features.

Aside from the lack of headgear, the guard at the middle was still suited up just as heavily as his fellows, though without weaponry. His hair was blonde, trimmed, and neatly kept, with locks just above being considered short peering slightly over his forehead. Light blue eyes that stared analytically, judgmentally, surveyed the miserable contents of prison cells left and right through gaps between gray, steel bars as he and the other two walked down the gloomy corridor purposefully. His exceptionally pale skin seemed to glow every time he passed under any of the widely-spaced, overhanging lamps.

Gerald lifted his chin up to drink from his can of iced coffee, but he kept his eyes down and to the side to stare down to quiet submission one inmate who looked like a troublemaker, glowering malevolently from the darkness of his cell. This gesture annoyed him greatly, so he actually stopped, waited for the prisoner to back down, and then continued on his way.

Satisfied that he had cemented his dominance, he allowed himself a bully’s smile and shook his can around mindlessly, feeling the liquid slosh around within. The packaging said, in bold words, “Espresso”. Gerald liked the flavor. It was strong on his tongue and it kept him awake when such was needed of him. Now, he wouldn’t admit it, but he had a caffeine addiction, and it was obvious that he was very much fond of coffee.

He and his two bodyguards abruptly stopped before a cell, just before the mess hall’s entrance. Procuring a key, he unlocked the door and opened it.

“Kat Wonder. Burn victim of some sort,” he said, like reading from a roster, his pronunciation of the letter ‘r’ barely perceptible through his British accent. “You have been deprived of all rights except for one, wherefrom you are to remain silent. Cuff her.”

His order was heeded immediately and in the most efficient manner. Kat, who was hugging her knees at a lonesome corner, was propped up, slapped, and cuffed. Being a timid girl, she did not resist, and so her body was rather limp at the hands of Private Regalado as he held her firmly still in the corridor. All around, hands gripped their cells’ oppressive bars as inmates tried to peek out and gawk at the commotion, with other prison guards smacking their fingers away with batons, saying, “Nothing to see; there’s nothing to see.”

Meanwhile, Gerald and Johannes proceeded to another cell, neighboring Kat’s from across the hallway. Handing the key to the latter, the sergeant took a moment to sip from his can as the cell was opened.

“Barry Lenard; blue hair, red eyes, earrings like a faggot,” he sipped from his beverage again. “You have just been deprived of all rights except for one, wherefrom you are to remain silent. Cuff him.”

And it was so. Barry was introverted like Kat, so he wasn’t exactly emotionally prepared for a sudden seizure like this. His lower jaw hung agape with confusion as he was restrained, his brow furrowed with incredulity as he was dragged out, and the increasing rapidity of his breathing marked his great anxiety and stress at the whole situation. He stared at Gerald, right in the eyes, red and blue irises making a contrast, wordlessly asking him why, to which the guard merely smiled in mockery, before knocking back his coffee and finally finishing it with a satisfied “Ahh~.”

“Johan, Regs, get these two to Todd;” he ordered. “I’ll take care of the last one.”

“Yes, sir.”


Consulting his mental checklist, Gerald thought of Rilyn Naor. 'The hell kind of name is that?' Dark brown hair, glasses, effeminate build. The last of the wanted three, reported to be in the recreational area, connected to the mess hall. Which was good and convenient, because not only was he just two meters away from it, it also had an abundance of trash bins to throw his empty can into. As he approached the doors, a guard politely opened it for him -- an unnecessary gesture, and thus appreciated by the NCO.

The strange smell of a crowd of dozens of peoples’ personal scents, weird food, and the soap they used to clean the area wafted into Gerald’s nostrils. He did not welcome it at all, and wished that he had decided to wear his helmet for this detail. Licking his lips of residual espresso flavor, he craned his head around to look at mainly the guards, whose discipline he was examining. Many of the force here were complete greenhorns without any actual field experience, and it showed in the way they carried themselves and their rifles.

But he would deal with that later. Spying a trash bin near that troublemaker Joshua’s table, he walked over and rightly disposed of his garbage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Six months in this awful prison. Aeris had finally calmed down a month ago. Her hatred and anger combined with her fear had put her in a feral state that caused her to be forced to stay in the room she was in. Food had been passed through a slot in the door so she didn't die from starvation or thirst, but the past six months left her very familiar with this room and not much else. The few times her captors let her out, she was heavily sedated and didn't remember anything from it. She swore that everyone responsible for this organization would suffer and die.

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by a loud guard. Today would be her first day allowed into the rec room. "Get up, monster. You get to meet with the other monsters today." He grabbed her arm, a mistake in her mind as she would remember his voice and rip his throat out the second she had the chance. "Knowing you I bet you won't even get along with them." The guard glanced over his shoulder at his partners. "What was it guys, five months she acted like an animal. I guess some people do go crazy when they're put in a cell."

Aeris was uncomfortably escorted into the rec room and practically thrown into the room where she saw a few other guards and several other prisoners. She kept up a scowl. She hated this place with a fiery passion and in spite of her six months here she would find a way out and kill every single guard she could get her hands on without risking her own life. She found her way to a bench so she could observe all the other prisoners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Prison life, a term that felt welcoming compared to the hell that the government has put Evol's through. Something that Victor had thought about numerous amounts of times over the few years that he has stayed in his cell. The same thing every day, not being able to stand out or be disorderly, unless you wish to face kinds of punishment that bring you near insanity. Most would believe that Victor was already insane, but his mind has stood the test of time with the focus of a single goal, being able to fight again. Every day training when ever he gets the chance to keep his build up, in the hopes that he can one day, once again be the champion of the underground fighting league.

These dreams were soon interrupted by the sound of the large door that opened up in front of him. The two guards smirked, and looked at Victor with twisted smiles. One of the guards walked up to Victor, and to impress the other decided to take a swing at Victor's face. "Come on big guy you going to take that?" he laughed, only to be met with a cruel, and heartless stare from Victor. "Oh come on it was only a joke Victor, you can certainly take a few hits thanks to your powers, oh wait you can't use them can you?" He mocked, but Victor remained quiet knowing that doing anything stupid this early will most certainly end any chances he had of freedom. Once the guard was done having his fun the other guard joined and both of them grabbed Victor's arms, and escorted him to the lunch area, to do the daily routine.

Not much happened by the time that Victor arrived. He grabbed any food that he could, and found a corner to sit in. His plan was to finish the food as fast as he could, so that he could enjoy the time he had not in a box. It was the only time that he didn't feel tense, and on edge even if he was surrounded by guards. He sat back once he was finished with his food, and decided to observe his fellow prisoners with a slight grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Serenity sighed; she did not understand why T.K wanted to start trouble. What does he want to be enemy number one? Serenity pushed the thought away picking up the cards that had been left on the table. She opened up the pack, letting them lazily fall into her hands, and started to shuffle them. Cards were not her favorite thing to do however with not else much to do there was no room for complaining. Once Serenity was shuffling she had noticed that her arm was slightly bruising. Fucking guard. She slowly circled her thumb over the bruise, wincing, hating the fact she had now had a bruise that would remind her of the guard she hated the most. Not wanting to dwell on it for any longer Serenity started to shuffle the cards once more. She was trying to think of a game to play alone however a commotion caught her eye. A guard had pretty much shoved a young lady into the rec room. Wonder what she did to piss him off?

It really did not matter if the girl did nothing or everything. To stay ‘healthy’ in this prison one kept their head down. It was not hard to look the other way. She felt nothing for the people inside the prison just like she felt nothing for the people she slept beside on the streets. Even if it came down to T.K she would turn away just like he would do with her. Serenity placed the cards down to make the game solitary. She was only half paying attention to what she was doing. The game was dull and it did little to keep her boredom at bay. I miss the streets. Serenity gathered the cards up pushing them back into the box. She sighed stretching her legs out under the table, crossing them at the ankle, she leaned back to look at the ceiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ami was shocked at the name Xerox threw out. "Psyche Doc? You?" She was baffled momentarily, before regaining her composure. A fight suddenly broke out, it was short and quick. A inmate who was hit by a great blow by the guard came over to ask if he could sit with them. Xerox had allowed him to and introduced himself along with Ami. The inmate explained he had killed a couple of people who were abusing a women by creating a massive sinkhole. She was thinking about if these two were lying, and if she should lie about why she was in here. However, she figured there was no reason to lie, for any of them. Another man came by who was referred to as Cy by this inmate, who was called Josh by the other. "How can you eat that so much of that stuff?" She ended up asking. She was shocked to see anyone who could eat as much of this .... disgusting slop.
Josh seemed to know Xerox was interested in the details of why he was imprisoned. He thought, his not such a bad guy, just went a little overboard, chivalrous. Interesting. And suddenly Cyrus Bane came to sit down. He was rather well known as well. Cyrus and Josh were well know amongst a lot of the inmates, it was hard to find someone who didn't know them unless they were new, or some of the ones who stayed in their cells way too much, like Aeris was known to be. Xerox tended to like information about people, it would be helpful in his judgement, and planning phases. However, for now, it was to get to know people better.

Upon hearing Josh cracking his knuckles, and seeing Cyrus eating so much food, he had heard there was a reason he ate so much. Xerox did not know Cyrus personally, so he didn't call him his name, instead calling him by what Josh referred to him as to make acquaintance with him. He didn't want to seem like the guy with all the information, because he didn't have all of the information for one, and he didn't want to bring attention to himself too much. "Hey ... um.. Cy... was it?"
Suddenly Ami's question came out to interrupt him. Well, either way that would get him his answer. But it was probably the more rude way. Upon this question being asked, it was Gerald approaching their table, with an empty can to throw away in the trash near their table. Xerox knew some information about Gerald, through the memories he scanned through before/during his capture. The biggest thing that came up was his caffeine addiction. Other information included his awards and the number he had suppressed. Xerox noticed some of the guards straightening up. He was very much a commanding officer.

Xerox somewhat ignored him, to keep going with the conversation, as long as all Gerald did was throw away his garbage and all Josh did was continue to talk, it would all have been fine. "So, Josh, what's the box like? I haven't been in there myself, nor have I heard anything from the others so far." Xerox studied Josh a little more. He believed it would be good to align himself with Josh. Josh seemed like a good guy. He also went with the same ripped sleeve look as himself, so he thought they had a similar thought pattern.
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