Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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First off, I will state this is mature. But not in SMUT, more as subject matter and that the story might go into a darker tone which will call for more mature touch. Again, this can go either way but I am just putting it out there. I have a few plot ideas and I'll be more than happy to tell you if you ask or PM. I prefer to do things over PM just because. But I'm more than happy to do them in thread as well. I also prefer quality over quantity. But this doesn't mean I want one liner, though I will understand if you have writer's block. But I want someone who does one to three paragraphs. It really depends on how we work with one another. Who knows, it might turn into a one liner RP that is really good. I like to OOC. Do plot twists that make sense and that won't just suddenly stop the RP in the tracks, it sucks when a plot twist happens and the other can not quite grasp what directions the other is trying to point the story in. If you really want a plot twist but afraid I won't understand, then just tell me it and most likely I'll like it or tell you that might be hard. MC= My Character YC= Your Character --- "Mercy" It has been five years since the Great War ended. Villages and cities are slowly recovering from the war and those who were unlucky enough to survive as known servants, clans, and loyal warriors have found themselves now slaves to the winning Empire: Meiji-1308 AD. MC was from the losing empire, not only was he the warrior but also the man who had slain a whole family of one general and “raped” another general’s daughter. For his crimes the two men gained him as a slave, and as such they spared his life as to make him their own personal whore who they often rent out to brothels. He brings high traffic for those who are looking for a quick fix and to feel proud with whom they take. YC was on the winning empire, Meiji, as a young man who helped repair weapons and deliver messages. On a faithful evening he is taken to a brothel to choose out a whore as a birthday gift from a close friend or family member. He chooses MC and leave to the back to be “entertain”. He slowly remembers who his whore of the night is, a once proud warrior who had actually saved him during a fight without any given reason. Seeing how MC is poorly treated, he offers to help him escape the lifestyle and the grips of his masters. If caught, YC would be killed as a public display warning. "Hidden" A cheerleader and her boyfriend are stuck at home, having to what over her little brother who unlike other kids in the town is very shy and rather likes to spend time alone rather than with people. The couple has a huge secret, for one: The queen bee is pregnant. And two: Her jock boyfriend with the newest toys and best car, might be gay; he had made-out and mess around with a boy at a party and instead of feeling stupid or grossed out, he finds that he really enjoyed it. The only thing he remembers about the boy is that he had a necklace of a robot with an arrow through it's head. The cheerleader has to go out, to pick up their dinner, and well she is out the jock decides to meet his soon to be "brother-in-law" if she decides to keep the baby. YC goes to meet his girlfriend's little brother, someone who he has heard about but never seen (even though they are only a grade apart and seems like they might have a class together). When he goes up, he stops in awe to see the necklace first, the same one he had played with well getting touchy with his mystery guy. MC has no idea who the other guy was that night and hasn't bothered to look as well, in fear that he might force to go to the bible camp if they found out that he was bisexual. "Man in the painting" Its been twenty years since MC has seen the photo of him in the German fields, covered in paint and full of life. But yet he stands right in front of the framed picture and the large painting that hangs behind it. Ever stroke is caring and gentle. He knew this art style, the name painted in the corner and more importantly, that smile he had that summer. YC is the painter, years had pass and in those years he has search for what makes him happy, it isn't the wife nor selling his paintings. But he finds it in a shoe box with old photos of him in his youth. With another young man who for a summer was his true love. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. It didn't matter by this point. He would never see him again until a faithful art show where he was introduce to a local journalist who would turn to be the 14 year old in the aged photo. "Missing" After three years of missing, YC returns to his hometown. Flyers still up of when he was in his last year of high school. Instead of heading him, he heads straight to his best friend's place-MC who had been out of high school when YC went missing. Too afraid to go home and having no where else to turn, he begs to stay there just for awhile. MC agrees and soon finds out that whatever trouble YC got into seemed to follow him home. "Awkward" MC works as an escort so basically he gets paid to go on dates with women that basically want to use him as a trophy to show off to all their friends or business partners. He is not required to sleep with them however it does supply him with an excellent chance to get laid when he wants. However he is thrown a curve ball when the company tells him that he is going to be going out on a date with another man(YC). MC feels quite uncomfortable by the situation but he is a professional so he goes through with it. Shockingly he has a good night enjoying the date but things get awkward again. MC is not required to sleep with YC but kissing is completely expectable and as part of MC job he is required to make sure that he is convincing that they are a couple. "Red-hood" Its been a few years since two friends have seen each other. They have to meet in secret, in fear that the village will try to kill YC. A few years back during the blue moon he had been attacked by a wolf and in a turn of events was made into a werewolf. The two had to keep him safe so MC claims that YC was killed in the attack and the wold dragged the body away. Unfortunately they are seen together and now MC is being held to be a witch and set to drown in the river by sun down unless YC comes and offers up his life. "Harvest-Dragon" After another long year of a good health and harvest, the dreaded day has returned. A young man (YC) has been chosen to be sacrifice to the great dragon who keeps the winter away long enough to harvest the large fields. He is sent up the den and greeted by MC, a halfing dragon-the dragon's child- who would soon be the one keeping the winter season off for the extra month as to help the people. "War" After being captured by enemy troops [MC] an archer is taken to [YC] the prince to be shown his skill. Being very impress, the young archer is made to serve the prince or be threatened with death. The archer is often taken to the prince, being used to play chess or any other game. One night the prince decides he wants to try something new since boredom seems to have taken hold as battles have been few and far from one another. With no real choice than other to try as well, they began to experiment. "Y-You're my student!" [More anime-style :P] A new teacher [MC] has replaced a older teacher in a new school. He becomes very popular among the students and seems to be very nice. A student [YC] begins to spend more time with the teacher, using any excuse to be with him. During a rain storm the two take shelter in a classroom, where in which the student confesses his love to the teacher; the young man is rejected but the teacher, not wanting to make the boy to be upset, explains that the student is "... too young..." as a way to soften the rejection. The student mistakes it as a way of a love confession as well, which only encourages him to keep chasing after his teacher. “My Mother's boyfriend” Jason [MC] doesn’t have the best relationship with his mother; this means he often spends time with his grandparents until it is time for him to return home. One morning Jason comes out of his room and goes to make himself breakfast when he comes to face with his mother’s newest boyfriend [YC]. For some reason they click and [MC] soon starts to hang out whenever Jason is home. More and more the boyfriend starts coming over and Jason seems to stay home more and one night when his mother is at work, things get heated and the soon the boyfriend starts an affair with Jason. “I’m not your Toy, I’m his.” Most humans have no idea about the other world in their own backyard. [MC] on the other hand has been brought into the world of vampire’s when he was kid, bought by a very powerful vampire who is well known around the city of New York when he was still new to the country. [YC] is hired by the powerful vampire to take care of some business for him. He meets [MC] and finds himself worried when the boy physically reminds him of his younger brother before he was turn into ash. He spends his time at the club that the human has to spend at well his “daddy” works, the two slowly grow close.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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-rolling around in brownies-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Who wants brownies?
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a moyashi

a moyashi

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The one about the boy going missing and coming back interests me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

a moyashi said
The one about the boy going missing and coming back interests me.

Okay, I'll shoot you a PM
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Le bump n' bump
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by blaziken
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blaziken is blazing hot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I quite like the sound of the plot "Awkward". Just wondering if you had anymore ideas to go on top of it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VenetianMask


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Hey there! I was just browsing your plot ideas and both "Awkward" and "Harvest-Dragon" piqued my interest. I was wondering if you'd be interested in discuss starting either one of those?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Interested in most of the plots, especially 'Red Hood' and 'Harvest-Dragon'. Pm me if you're down for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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