In 2018 the collective terrorist organisation simply proclaiming themselves as 'The Unity' made numerous threats against The European Union, boasting that they would "unmake their stagnant and declining union." This threat panicked international authorities like Interpol into action and even the United States lended the help of the CIA and FBI to assist with the counter-terror efforts since The Unity has gone through with devastating bomb threats before without fail.
Security was doubled for European Leaders across the continent, events and major holidays were heavily guarded, all flights in and out of the EU were plagued with constant searches and delays. Weeks passed and there appeared to be no sign of any assassinations, bomb plots or riots of any kind. The leaders of the European Union thought the threat to be a hoax, that is, until a mysterious illness kept cropping up in Rome...
The Unity had developed a deadly virus that spread through bodily fluids, any one infected would first develop a fever and then become dehydrated due to heavy sweating. Secondly, vomiting would occur, which will eventually progress into Hematemesis(vomiting of blood). This would continue for less than a week, until the infected slips into a coma, then finally death.
The terrorist group had smuggled infected individuals into highly populated European cities and watched as their man-made contagion swept from city to city, engulfing the continent. With half the leaders of the EU dead and the other half dying, the European mainland was plunged into chaos, refugees attempted to flee from their homelands to other continents, only to bring the virus with them, spreading it further and breaking the quarantine. Every single police force had insufficient manpower to deal with the rioting and looting that vexed every country, forcing their military to intervene, at first this was effective until the soldiers died from the infection too, leaving the cities of the world defenseless.

11 years pass and the contagion has utterly destroyed most of civilisation, leaving cities and even entire countries abandoned. With no firefighters to put out fires Rome burned once again, like it did almost two millennia ago. London is now flooded, since no one is left to operate and maintain the Thames Barrier. Cities are now literal concrete jungles, with skyscrapers now vertical ecosystems..
The Survivors across Europe have either came together to form safe communities, became brutal murderers and thieves who raid these communities or others who thought they would survive better on their own. There's rumors of such a community in the north of Scotland, whether it's true or not is unknown...
CS Dump
CS Skeleton
Please delete the descriptions of the fields before posting
Name: (Self-Explanatory, their name)
Age: (Also self-explanatory, how old they are)
Appearance: (What do they look like, I would prefer semi-realistic or real, no anime)
Previous Occupation: (Occupation before apocalypse, if applicable)
Nationality: (Where they're from)
Personality: (How they act towards other people)
Skills: (Anything helpful they know from their previous occupation, if applicable or skills they learned during the apocalypse)
Weapons/Items: (Any items or weapons they currently have on them)
Bio: (What has happened to them so far, must be more than a paragraph)
Other: (Anything else you feel you need to post)
Name: Tyrone Arthur
Age: 31
Previous Occupation: Was training to be a Police Officer before civilisation ended.
Nationality: Scottish
Personality: Tyrone is distrusting of other people, particularly people he has just met. Willing to sacrifice a person so others can continue living, especially those that are endangering everyone else.
Skills: Uses a fighting style that incapacitates his opponent though he sometimes adds killing blows if necessary, Can make his own arrows and fire a bow with great accuracy, Hunting skills, knows his way around Scotland, having been born there.
Weapons/Items: A Large backpack he found which he uses to carry food and supplies, a Bow and multiple handmade arrows, a penknife and a kazoo that he never uses which was left in the backpack.
Bio: Born in Edinburgh, Tyrone lived a relatively normal life for a middle class child in Scotland, his father being a police officer, he inspired Tyrone to also become one. Moving to England after passing secondary school, Tyrone began preparing for the job by volunteering and applied for it.
Having been accepted, Tyrone had to go through rigorous training, unfortunately before he complete this difficult process, the virus released by The Unity had reached England interrupting this, infecting and killing most of the other trainees, Tyrone got out before he could get infected and procured an abandoned car, heading south towards safety. Looting the corpse of another survivor and searching through the dead man's backpack, he found a bow, some arrows, a meager amount of food and most bizarrely of all, a kazoo.
Tyrone had spent the last Eleven years training with the bow, learning how to make his own arrows and wandering England for food and supplies, having recently heard of a safe zone located at the north of Scotland from another passing survivor, he is now making his way to it, despite the rumors of cannibals and raiders infesting his former country.
Other: [in joke]His kazoo is a tool of justice [/in joke]

In 2018 the collective terrorist organisation simply proclaiming themselves as 'The Unity' made numerous threats against The European Union, boasting that they would "unmake their stagnant and declining union." This threat panicked international authorities like Interpol into action and even the United States lended the help of the CIA and FBI to assist with the counter-terror efforts since The Unity has gone through with devastating bomb threats before without fail.
Security was doubled for European Leaders across the continent, events and major holidays were heavily guarded, all flights in and out of the EU were plagued with constant searches and delays. Weeks passed and there appeared to be no sign of any assassinations, bomb plots or riots of any kind. The leaders of the European Union thought the threat to be a hoax, that is, until a mysterious illness kept cropping up in Rome...

The Unity had developed a deadly virus that spread through bodily fluids, any one infected would first develop a fever and then become dehydrated due to heavy sweating. Secondly, vomiting would occur, which will eventually progress into Hematemesis(vomiting of blood). This would continue for less than a week, until the infected slips into a coma, then finally death.
The terrorist group had smuggled infected individuals into highly populated European cities and watched as their man-made contagion swept from city to city, engulfing the continent. With half the leaders of the EU dead and the other half dying, the European mainland was plunged into chaos, refugees attempted to flee from their homelands to other continents, only to bring the virus with them, spreading it further and breaking the quarantine. Every single police force had insufficient manpower to deal with the rioting and looting that vexed every country, forcing their military to intervene, at first this was effective until the soldiers died from the infection too, leaving the cities of the world defenseless.

11 years pass and the contagion has utterly destroyed most of civilisation, leaving cities and even entire countries abandoned. With no firefighters to put out fires Rome burned once again, like it did almost two millennia ago. London is now flooded, since no one is left to operate and maintain the Thames Barrier. Cities are now literal concrete jungles, with skyscrapers now vertical ecosystems..
The Survivors across Europe have either came together to form safe communities, became brutal murderers and thieves who raid these communities or others who thought they would survive better on their own. There's rumors of such a community in the north of Scotland, whether it's true or not is unknown...
- No 'hoorah' military men with Gatling guns, rifles and katanas, for the love of God no, please, this is a survival role play, not a dick measuring contest. Characters with military experience are fine as are pistols, shotguns are only allowed if they are in a 10+ person group even then the shells would be extremely low.
- My word is law, as is my Co-GM's, mr. pink.
- Posts must be no less than a paragraph
- This roleplay is set in Europe, you can make people from other places but the characters have to be in Europe.
- Characters can and will die, though when or if this happens to your character is up to you
- Swearing and Violence is allowed
Please delete the descriptions of the fields before posting
Name: (Self-Explanatory, their name)
Age: (Also self-explanatory, how old they are)
Appearance: (What do they look like, I would prefer semi-realistic or real, no anime)
Previous Occupation: (Occupation before apocalypse, if applicable)
Nationality: (Where they're from)
Personality: (How they act towards other people)
Skills: (Anything helpful they know from their previous occupation, if applicable or skills they learned during the apocalypse)
Weapons/Items: (Any items or weapons they currently have on them)
Bio: (What has happened to them so far, must be more than a paragraph)
Other: (Anything else you feel you need to post)
Name: Tyrone Arthur
Age: 31
Previous Occupation: Was training to be a Police Officer before civilisation ended.
Nationality: Scottish
Personality: Tyrone is distrusting of other people, particularly people he has just met. Willing to sacrifice a person so others can continue living, especially those that are endangering everyone else.
Skills: Uses a fighting style that incapacitates his opponent though he sometimes adds killing blows if necessary, Can make his own arrows and fire a bow with great accuracy, Hunting skills, knows his way around Scotland, having been born there.
Weapons/Items: A Large backpack he found which he uses to carry food and supplies, a Bow and multiple handmade arrows, a penknife and a kazoo that he never uses which was left in the backpack.
Bio: Born in Edinburgh, Tyrone lived a relatively normal life for a middle class child in Scotland, his father being a police officer, he inspired Tyrone to also become one. Moving to England after passing secondary school, Tyrone began preparing for the job by volunteering and applied for it.
Having been accepted, Tyrone had to go through rigorous training, unfortunately before he complete this difficult process, the virus released by The Unity had reached England interrupting this, infecting and killing most of the other trainees, Tyrone got out before he could get infected and procured an abandoned car, heading south towards safety. Looting the corpse of another survivor and searching through the dead man's backpack, he found a bow, some arrows, a meager amount of food and most bizarrely of all, a kazoo.
Tyrone had spent the last Eleven years training with the bow, learning how to make his own arrows and wandering England for food and supplies, having recently heard of a safe zone located at the north of Scotland from another passing survivor, he is now making his way to it, despite the rumors of cannibals and raiders infesting his former country.
Other: [in joke]His kazoo is a tool of justice [/in joke]