Co-GM(s): Hirothelegend
1. I'm the GM, what I say is law. However, if you feel like you have done nothing wrong or feel like you have a right to say something, feel free to tell me. I'm open to suggestions and discussion.
2. We're a group, so we stay together. You can have many different reasons for this journey, but it's to the same location. There may be some times where we split up, but into smaller groups, usually for certain reasons.
3. Remember, you're not a powerhouse. Everyone has a weakness to something, that's why we have a group, to help each other.
4. Romance is quite allowed, but anything 18+ is going to your PM's, no exceptions.
5. If you get your ass into a situation that we can't help with, tough luck lol.
6. Arguments will not be tolerated in the OOC. Take it to your PM's, but if it's something that affects the Rp, we sit down and talk like ladies and gentlemen, not like a bunch of kindergartners.
7. I'm only allowing 6 other people to join, so there will only be six characters in the group(aside from the extra character I have.)
8. Have fun!
Appearance(Anime or drawings only, please! Descriptions are fine too.):
Race(You can choose from a wide variety of races! If you have your own, give me some little details about it as well.):
Class(This is extremely simple. I'm sure you can find out what to put here, just put down some details about it.):
Personality(Prefer it to be done now, but TBR is fine too.):
History(Prefer it to be done now, but TBR is fine too.):
Family/Relationships(None is fine.):
Other(Any extra information you want to share about your character.):
Appearance(Anime or drawings only, please! Descriptions are fine too.):
Race(You can choose from a wide variety of races! If you have your own, give me some little details about it as well.):
Class(This is extremely simple. I'm sure you can find out what to put here, just put down some details about it.):
Personality(Prefer it to be done now, but TBR is fine too.):
History(Prefer it to be done now, but TBR is fine too.):
Family/Relationships(None is fine.):
Other(Any extra information you want to share about your character.):
~The Group~
There are no more open spots, apologies!
Name: Anthony Tite
Age: 20
Race: Human - Humans are an extremely diverse race and are as such considered the "norm" of the world. Although the courage of man is commendable and can easily learn new things, their hearts are easily corruptible and are prone to weakness, whether it be psychical, mental, or emotional.
Class: Paladin - Paladins are a brotherhood warriors that belong to the Order of Mère. which is the fighting branch of the Church of Mère, who root out evil and are tasked with escorting the Muses that are to be chosen to see the dragon. Recruits are given strict training, due to Paladins being the easiest to fall into despair and become Shades, who'm are as powerful as Paladins, but unlike the Paladins who gain power from serenity and light, Shades focus on emotions and darkness.
Personality: Anthony has always been a playful brother and friend. He tends to be protective over his sister, but has allowed her marry, with the exception that he gets to know who her future husband will be. In the face of danger, Anthony is the first to charge in blade first. Due to this, he is often in conflict against the Church of Mère, who disapprove his violent approach on conflicting matters. Anthony is extremely well known to bring in personal feelings and emotions into situations and is conflicted as such. Due to his nature, he has been prone to nightmares, of death and agony. Because of this, he has a growing concern of his sisters safety and will protect her with body and shield.
History: -Will finish-
Family/Relationships: Anthony is the older brother of the Priestess and Muse, Elizabeth. They share a strong bond with each other, but are prone to arguments due to their very different point of views of the world. As for romance, Anthony has yet to be seen with a female or male.
Other: Anthony is known to show defiance against the Church of Mère's actions, seeing as most are pacifistic choices. This usually gives him severe hate from extreme supporters of the Church.

Age: 20
Race: Human - Humans are an extremely diverse race and are as such considered the "norm" of the world. Although the courage of man is commendable and can easily learn new things, their hearts are easily corruptible and are prone to weakness, whether it be psychical, mental, or emotional.
Class: Paladin - Paladins are a brotherhood warriors that belong to the Order of Mère. which is the fighting branch of the Church of Mère, who root out evil and are tasked with escorting the Muses that are to be chosen to see the dragon. Recruits are given strict training, due to Paladins being the easiest to fall into despair and become Shades, who'm are as powerful as Paladins, but unlike the Paladins who gain power from serenity and light, Shades focus on emotions and darkness.
Personality: Anthony has always been a playful brother and friend. He tends to be protective over his sister, but has allowed her marry, with the exception that he gets to know who her future husband will be. In the face of danger, Anthony is the first to charge in blade first. Due to this, he is often in conflict against the Church of Mère, who disapprove his violent approach on conflicting matters. Anthony is extremely well known to bring in personal feelings and emotions into situations and is conflicted as such. Due to his nature, he has been prone to nightmares, of death and agony. Because of this, he has a growing concern of his sisters safety and will protect her with body and shield.
History: -Will finish-
Family/Relationships: Anthony is the older brother of the Priestess and Muse, Elizabeth. They share a strong bond with each other, but are prone to arguments due to their very different point of views of the world. As for romance, Anthony has yet to be seen with a female or male.
Other: Anthony is known to show defiance against the Church of Mère's actions, seeing as most are pacifistic choices. This usually gives him severe hate from extreme supporters of the Church.
Name: Elizabeth Tite
Age: 18
Race: Human - Humans are an extremely diverse race and are as such considered the "norm" of the world. Although the courage of man is commendable and can easily learn new things, their hearts are easily corruptible and are prone to weakness, whether it be psychical, mental, or emotional.
Class: Priestess - The Priestess amends their teammates injuries through means of holy power, while also dispelling curses and black magic. Priestess are specially trained and hand-picked from childhood. Young girls are taught to sing in case of being chosen and to apply the teachings of Mère so that they may help the weak and sick.
Personality: Although she tends to be defiant against those who wish to silence her, Elizabeth has always been a pacifist. She prefers peaceful negotiation as to Anthony rather wanting to combat his enemies. Not necessarily brave, Elizabeth is willing to help those in need of her healing abilities. She tends to become prone to embarrassment or nervousness, as seen when she was proposed to or when Anthony pokes fun at her.
History: -Refer to Anthony Tite's History-
Family/Relationships: Being the younger sister of Anthony Tite, she looks up to him as a sort of role model, but that doesn't change her view of the world. As of recently, she has been proposed to and today is the day of her marriage(Whoever wishes to be her husband is fine with me.)
Other: Elizabeth has always enjoyed smaller children and plans to have some of her own in the coming days.

Age: 18
Race: Human - Humans are an extremely diverse race and are as such considered the "norm" of the world. Although the courage of man is commendable and can easily learn new things, their hearts are easily corruptible and are prone to weakness, whether it be psychical, mental, or emotional.
Class: Priestess - The Priestess amends their teammates injuries through means of holy power, while also dispelling curses and black magic. Priestess are specially trained and hand-picked from childhood. Young girls are taught to sing in case of being chosen and to apply the teachings of Mère so that they may help the weak and sick.
Personality: Although she tends to be defiant against those who wish to silence her, Elizabeth has always been a pacifist. She prefers peaceful negotiation as to Anthony rather wanting to combat his enemies. Not necessarily brave, Elizabeth is willing to help those in need of her healing abilities. She tends to become prone to embarrassment or nervousness, as seen when she was proposed to or when Anthony pokes fun at her.
History: -Refer to Anthony Tite's History-
Family/Relationships: Being the younger sister of Anthony Tite, she looks up to him as a sort of role model, but that doesn't change her view of the world. As of recently, she has been proposed to and today is the day of her marriage(Whoever wishes to be her husband is fine with me.)
Other: Elizabeth has always enjoyed smaller children and plans to have some of her own in the coming days.
Name: Loena Kassin
Age: 22
Race: Haukka - The Haukka are a humanoid tribe that lives deep within in the Arcadian Greatwoods. When the first humans arrived, they split into two groups. One ascended into the plains, mountains, and other regions, to thrive and construct castles, towns, villages, and grand empires. The Haukka, however, decided to hide within the Greatwoods, believing that the closer they are to nature, the closer they will be to Mère, who'm they consider is their Great Mother and ancestor, rather than their goddess.
Class: Ranger - Rangers are extremely adapt with the bow and the nature around them. Able to identify the plants of many types, they are considered the best at conducting medicines and solving illnesses, from the common cold to a global plague. As a Ranger, they are trained at a young age with the ways of the bow, with the Hawk and Falcon as their symbol.
Personality: Haukka in general are a sneaky, clever, yet bull-headed race. Leona is no exception. She loves to get into fights, whether it's training with her friends or battling with strangers, though she's not particularly skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She's reckless and often gets herself into trouble because of her inability to think things through completely. She'd much rather jump right into action than sit around waiting for a better opportunity. Leona is a very bouncy, optimistic person with a tendency to play around and make jokes to lighten the mood in solemn situations. She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and she'll do whatever it takes to get it.
History: Ever since she was little, she's striven to help out her tribe in any way she can. She feels that contributing to the greater good of the tribe is her main priority in life, so she invested herself in learning the ways of the Ranger. When she was young, Leona has looked up to the warriors and hunters of the tribe, as well (probably because her brothers all fight for the tribe in these ways). She's lived a full, happy life for many years as a Ranger, and is continuing to train in the ways of nature identification and archery.
Family/Relationships: Leona's entire tribe is like a large family in its own; everyone knows one another and treats each other kindly (most of the time). Leona has a strong relationship with many of her peers and the elders, especially her blood brothers. They're the closest family she has and she would go through hell and back to ensure their well-being. They are excellent protectors of the tribe and all their family. Two of her brothers are several years older than her, and one is a year younger.
Other: Her preferred weapon is the longbow, and she is very good at climbing trees. For these reasons, she has pretty great arm strength.

Age: 22
Race: Haukka - The Haukka are a humanoid tribe that lives deep within in the Arcadian Greatwoods. When the first humans arrived, they split into two groups. One ascended into the plains, mountains, and other regions, to thrive and construct castles, towns, villages, and grand empires. The Haukka, however, decided to hide within the Greatwoods, believing that the closer they are to nature, the closer they will be to Mère, who'm they consider is their Great Mother and ancestor, rather than their goddess.
Class: Ranger - Rangers are extremely adapt with the bow and the nature around them. Able to identify the plants of many types, they are considered the best at conducting medicines and solving illnesses, from the common cold to a global plague. As a Ranger, they are trained at a young age with the ways of the bow, with the Hawk and Falcon as their symbol.
Personality: Haukka in general are a sneaky, clever, yet bull-headed race. Leona is no exception. She loves to get into fights, whether it's training with her friends or battling with strangers, though she's not particularly skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She's reckless and often gets herself into trouble because of her inability to think things through completely. She'd much rather jump right into action than sit around waiting for a better opportunity. Leona is a very bouncy, optimistic person with a tendency to play around and make jokes to lighten the mood in solemn situations. She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and she'll do whatever it takes to get it.
History: Ever since she was little, she's striven to help out her tribe in any way she can. She feels that contributing to the greater good of the tribe is her main priority in life, so she invested herself in learning the ways of the Ranger. When she was young, Leona has looked up to the warriors and hunters of the tribe, as well (probably because her brothers all fight for the tribe in these ways). She's lived a full, happy life for many years as a Ranger, and is continuing to train in the ways of nature identification and archery.
Family/Relationships: Leona's entire tribe is like a large family in its own; everyone knows one another and treats each other kindly (most of the time). Leona has a strong relationship with many of her peers and the elders, especially her blood brothers. They're the closest family she has and she would go through hell and back to ensure their well-being. They are excellent protectors of the tribe and all their family. Two of her brothers are several years older than her, and one is a year younger.
Other: Her preferred weapon is the longbow, and she is very good at climbing trees. For these reasons, she has pretty great arm strength.
Name: Æmire Xon Willow
Mana Ring:
Tattoo on Left Shoulder:
Staff for Battle/Magick:
Age: 23
Race: Izzeterine
History of Izzeterine [-]
This remarkable race is known to be one of the first races to predominately use Magick. At first the Humans and Izzeterines were very peaceful to each other helping each other no matter the situation and even teamed up to face against Übel along other races. However, humans have fallen out of the natural bond and started to form their own artificial nature and even an artificial form of Magick known as Alchemy. As the Humans grew their attraction towards their creations, the bond between Humans and Izzeterines slowly drifted away almost to the point of bitter hatred. In Modern day today, the last of the Izzeterines that had any love for the Humans died off, leaving no bond between them. Now disputes between the two races occur almost daily, and sadly Izzeterines are slowly dying off now, raising the issue that if this doesn't stop... The Izzeterines might face extinction.
Traits of Izeeterines [-]
Izzeterines look very much like humans, but each one are born with a single ability they would later become Adepts with. As a child, each one gets a tattoo symbolizing their natural abilities. One tragic flaw to their remarkable abilities is that whenever they use Magick, a "Mana Ring" appears levitating behind and parallel to their back. This Ring is actually the life ring of the species. If this ring would be damaged, their lifespan is shorten which by the way the maximum lifespan of an Izzeterine is around 500 years. So when they use their Mana Ring, they are very venerable to any attack to their ring. One benefit however is that the race can exchange parts of their rings to help benefit one other. For example if a Water Izzeterine exchanges a part of their ring with a Fire Izzeterine. They both can control Water and Fire, but their strength of their new ability wouldn't be as strong as their counterpart due to lack of experience. Also if someone were to lose their entire ring, others can donate their ring to save them being if you lose a ring, you have 1 hour to die or get a piece of someone's ring. Sadly the one donating loses however much life they donated. The exchangement of rings is usually done in a ritual manor, but may be done quickly if done in battle.
Class: Izzet Spellcaster- The Spellcaster can use Mana or their own life force to manipulate the elements around them. However, these offensive classes are more natural than most due to their dependence of nature. Learning to be a Spellcaster can be voluntary, but the difficulty in learning this is high so most that stick to the ways of a Spellcaster are deemed usually with respect... or disguise if the caster ends up using Black Magick. A Izzet Spellcaster, however, is unique to the Izzeterines in the aspect that theirs is more powerful, but has the drawback of the Mana Ring(Description of Mana Ring is in Traits)
Personality: Æmire is a pacifist due to the lessons of his parents ever since he was a child. His parents tried teaching him that no matter the race or rank or actions, that fighting never solves anything other than who can fight who better. Æmire is genuinely nice except to the Human race for causing their ancient race to be confined in a small space to live in and risk being extinct. Æmire can tolerate humans, but refuses to speak to one unless they are deemed worthy of such. Æmire is usually known to be the peacekeeper of the group, always trying to find ways to avoid fighting, but he knows that if he must, he will fight when necessary hence twice a week Æmire will spend an entire day by himself or a carefully selected friend and trains to get stronger.
History: Æmire was born in the Capital of the Izzeterines Count, which is today known as Omega Prime, under the influence of the Izzeterine Royalty. Despite this, Æmire was raised like a common being with the exception that he didn't have to pay for anything. A skirmish happened with the humans at the boundary that scared the King that the humans might just wipe them out, therefore The King made Æmire and a few others to go under training to be in the Elemental Forces of the Izzeterine Army. Æmire started to rise up the ranks when suddenly his acquaintances left the army because they didn't have the capacity and endurance to handle the training, so the plan was disbanded. However, is spite of Æmire's work, they chose him to be part of the Council of Mère, or at lease attempt to... Æmire is now on his way to see the wedding of a Priestess of the Church who has relations to the Muse which in return would help try to get him into the Council and stop the humans from escalating their behavior with the Izzeterines.
Dad & Mom- They both control aspects of Fire(Is the King and Queen)
is an Only child, and hasn't had any relations with anybody yet. Anybody that wants to claim relation to him may wish to do so.
Other(Includes the following):
He currently controls the Aspects of Water(Like Phases, Boiling/Freezing Point, ect)

Mana Ring:

Tattoo on Left Shoulder:

Staff for Battle/Magick:

Age: 23
Race: Izzeterine
History of Izzeterine [-]
This remarkable race is known to be one of the first races to predominately use Magick. At first the Humans and Izzeterines were very peaceful to each other helping each other no matter the situation and even teamed up to face against Übel along other races. However, humans have fallen out of the natural bond and started to form their own artificial nature and even an artificial form of Magick known as Alchemy. As the Humans grew their attraction towards their creations, the bond between Humans and Izzeterines slowly drifted away almost to the point of bitter hatred. In Modern day today, the last of the Izzeterines that had any love for the Humans died off, leaving no bond between them. Now disputes between the two races occur almost daily, and sadly Izzeterines are slowly dying off now, raising the issue that if this doesn't stop... The Izzeterines might face extinction.
Traits of Izeeterines [-]
Izzeterines look very much like humans, but each one are born with a single ability they would later become Adepts with. As a child, each one gets a tattoo symbolizing their natural abilities. One tragic flaw to their remarkable abilities is that whenever they use Magick, a "Mana Ring" appears levitating behind and parallel to their back. This Ring is actually the life ring of the species. If this ring would be damaged, their lifespan is shorten which by the way the maximum lifespan of an Izzeterine is around 500 years. So when they use their Mana Ring, they are very venerable to any attack to their ring. One benefit however is that the race can exchange parts of their rings to help benefit one other. For example if a Water Izzeterine exchanges a part of their ring with a Fire Izzeterine. They both can control Water and Fire, but their strength of their new ability wouldn't be as strong as their counterpart due to lack of experience. Also if someone were to lose their entire ring, others can donate their ring to save them being if you lose a ring, you have 1 hour to die or get a piece of someone's ring. Sadly the one donating loses however much life they donated. The exchangement of rings is usually done in a ritual manor, but may be done quickly if done in battle.
Class: Izzet Spellcaster- The Spellcaster can use Mana or their own life force to manipulate the elements around them. However, these offensive classes are more natural than most due to their dependence of nature. Learning to be a Spellcaster can be voluntary, but the difficulty in learning this is high so most that stick to the ways of a Spellcaster are deemed usually with respect... or disguise if the caster ends up using Black Magick. A Izzet Spellcaster, however, is unique to the Izzeterines in the aspect that theirs is more powerful, but has the drawback of the Mana Ring(Description of Mana Ring is in Traits)
Personality: Æmire is a pacifist due to the lessons of his parents ever since he was a child. His parents tried teaching him that no matter the race or rank or actions, that fighting never solves anything other than who can fight who better. Æmire is genuinely nice except to the Human race for causing their ancient race to be confined in a small space to live in and risk being extinct. Æmire can tolerate humans, but refuses to speak to one unless they are deemed worthy of such. Æmire is usually known to be the peacekeeper of the group, always trying to find ways to avoid fighting, but he knows that if he must, he will fight when necessary hence twice a week Æmire will spend an entire day by himself or a carefully selected friend and trains to get stronger.
History: Æmire was born in the Capital of the Izzeterines Count, which is today known as Omega Prime, under the influence of the Izzeterine Royalty. Despite this, Æmire was raised like a common being with the exception that he didn't have to pay for anything. A skirmish happened with the humans at the boundary that scared the King that the humans might just wipe them out, therefore The King made Æmire and a few others to go under training to be in the Elemental Forces of the Izzeterine Army. Æmire started to rise up the ranks when suddenly his acquaintances left the army because they didn't have the capacity and endurance to handle the training, so the plan was disbanded. However, is spite of Æmire's work, they chose him to be part of the Council of Mère, or at lease attempt to... Æmire is now on his way to see the wedding of a Priestess of the Church who has relations to the Muse which in return would help try to get him into the Council and stop the humans from escalating their behavior with the Izzeterines.
Dad & Mom- They both control aspects of Fire(Is the King and Queen)
is an Only child, and hasn't had any relations with anybody yet. Anybody that wants to claim relation to him may wish to do so.
Other(Includes the following):
He currently controls the Aspects of Water(Like Phases, Boiling/Freezing Point, ect)
Name: Goliath
Age: 33
Race: Mauscin
Though they are human like in appearance, that is the only quality they share. Mauscin are feared for the physical prowess which far dwarf that of a human being. Mauscin are extremely rare to come across due to being pushed to near extinction. This however is of their own choice due to a certain ceremony. The ceremony is known as a right of passage. At the end of a year, each Mauscin who has reached an age of 16, is thrown into an arena and are forced to kill each other. The lone survivor gains right to be part of the race. The race is trained to kill at the age of three as preparations for the ceremony. After the ceremony is complete, they are welcomed into the race as a Mauscin and given a class to pursue for the rest of their life. Despite their prowess, they do have a major disadvantage. Mauscin have a very low number of white blood cells, making them weak to poison and other things that cause sickness and disease. However, if they manage to survive the disease, they will be permanently immune to that specific sickness.
Class: Dragoon: Dragoons are powerful physical attackers that wield various types of spears and lances. They wear special armor meant to invoke the imagery of dragons, including helmets shaped like a dragon's head, spikes, and wing and scale designs. Dragoons are sometimes more directly tied to dragons, such as owning them as pets or otherwise befriending them.
The trademark ability of Dragoons is Jump, which allows them to leap into the air, avoiding attacks while airborne, and descending later to impale enemies and deal heavy damage. Some Dragoons can upgrade Jump to Double Jump, which does increased damage. Another recurring Dragoon ability is Lancet, sometimes called Dragon Sword, which allows them to attack an opponent and drain their HP and MP to heal themselves. Sometimes Dragoons will be able to use various types of Breath abilities to either deal elemental damage or heal their allies.
Personality: Goliath is a cold and calm individual. Having killed everyone who was close to him, he prefers not to get close to anyone. He has no regard for anyone but his own and isn't one to feelings toward anyone. The only thing he does that he finds meaningful is that he will go out of his way to break your neck to end your suffering. Due to Mauscin tradition, he believes that he should kill his friends over anyone else and one day will even try to as a test of his own abilities.
History: Goliath doesn't like to talk about his past but here is what he will tell. Goliath started his training at the age of 3. At the age of 6, he began his first ritual and killed 40 other Mauscin his age. He continued his training and brutal tasks until he was 12. He then began his second ritual. At the end of that day, he had killed 80 other Mauscin his age to fulfill the ritual. It was after this that he met his 'best friend' and 'love of his life'. He trained with them everyday and was determined to win the ceremony. When he was 16, his ceremony had begun. He along with every other 16 year old Mauscin was put into one big area. There were 245 Mauscin in that arena at the beginning but only Goliath stood at the end of day. He shed no tears as he murdered his best friend and the love of his life. He stood upon a field of bodies and smirked at his own irony. Gazing upon his blood soaked hands, he felt proud of his achievement. It was after that day that he was accepted and given the class 'dragoon'. He started his training as a dragoonn and carried the title proudly until he was 20. At that age, he slaughtered his mother and father as a test of his own abilities. Showing that there was no further 'tests' in his village, he left. That is all he will speak of.
Family/Relationships: None i guess

Age: 33
Race: Mauscin
Though they are human like in appearance, that is the only quality they share. Mauscin are feared for the physical prowess which far dwarf that of a human being. Mauscin are extremely rare to come across due to being pushed to near extinction. This however is of their own choice due to a certain ceremony. The ceremony is known as a right of passage. At the end of a year, each Mauscin who has reached an age of 16, is thrown into an arena and are forced to kill each other. The lone survivor gains right to be part of the race. The race is trained to kill at the age of three as preparations for the ceremony. After the ceremony is complete, they are welcomed into the race as a Mauscin and given a class to pursue for the rest of their life. Despite their prowess, they do have a major disadvantage. Mauscin have a very low number of white blood cells, making them weak to poison and other things that cause sickness and disease. However, if they manage to survive the disease, they will be permanently immune to that specific sickness.
Class: Dragoon: Dragoons are powerful physical attackers that wield various types of spears and lances. They wear special armor meant to invoke the imagery of dragons, including helmets shaped like a dragon's head, spikes, and wing and scale designs. Dragoons are sometimes more directly tied to dragons, such as owning them as pets or otherwise befriending them.
The trademark ability of Dragoons is Jump, which allows them to leap into the air, avoiding attacks while airborne, and descending later to impale enemies and deal heavy damage. Some Dragoons can upgrade Jump to Double Jump, which does increased damage. Another recurring Dragoon ability is Lancet, sometimes called Dragon Sword, which allows them to attack an opponent and drain their HP and MP to heal themselves. Sometimes Dragoons will be able to use various types of Breath abilities to either deal elemental damage or heal their allies.
Personality: Goliath is a cold and calm individual. Having killed everyone who was close to him, he prefers not to get close to anyone. He has no regard for anyone but his own and isn't one to feelings toward anyone. The only thing he does that he finds meaningful is that he will go out of his way to break your neck to end your suffering. Due to Mauscin tradition, he believes that he should kill his friends over anyone else and one day will even try to as a test of his own abilities.
History: Goliath doesn't like to talk about his past but here is what he will tell. Goliath started his training at the age of 3. At the age of 6, he began his first ritual and killed 40 other Mauscin his age. He continued his training and brutal tasks until he was 12. He then began his second ritual. At the end of that day, he had killed 80 other Mauscin his age to fulfill the ritual. It was after this that he met his 'best friend' and 'love of his life'. He trained with them everyday and was determined to win the ceremony. When he was 16, his ceremony had begun. He along with every other 16 year old Mauscin was put into one big area. There were 245 Mauscin in that arena at the beginning but only Goliath stood at the end of day. He shed no tears as he murdered his best friend and the love of his life. He stood upon a field of bodies and smirked at his own irony. Gazing upon his blood soaked hands, he felt proud of his achievement. It was after that day that he was accepted and given the class 'dragoon'. He started his training as a dragoonn and carried the title proudly until he was 20. At that age, he slaughtered his mother and father as a test of his own abilities. Showing that there was no further 'tests' in his village, he left. That is all he will speak of.
Family/Relationships: None i guess
Name: Name: Lyarea Exenriz
Age: 21
Race: Incarnus (human)
The Incarni are the human vessels of Neris, a spirit of darkness, madness and the unknown, and able to attune to magical artefacts belonging to their predecessors. They age slower than humans and can live for centuries, though they are not immortal. Their powers vary from incarnation to incarnation, but are always related to his themes.
One power every Incarnus possesses, however, is leadership and command of the Whispering Council, a legion of seemingly all-knowing voices. Normally they can only be heard by the Incarnus, but can be ordered to make themselves audible to others. Prolonged exposure to their sound induces paranoia and insanity in all except the Incarnus themselves. Apart from a small number which perpetually gibber or laugh insanely, the voices are affable and willing to provide advice or answers, but beyond the simplest yes/no answers they always come at a price.
Class: Rogue - Besides her connection to the Whispering Council, Lyarea has perfect night vision, heals ten times faster than an ordinary human in the dark, and has increasing strength and speed the darker her surroundings are. However, in the daylight she has the typical strength and speed of a girl her age. Instead, she relies on her skill with a dagger, lock-picking and stealth. Her only magical item is a theatre mask belonging to a previous Incarnus, which makes people overlook her.
Theatre mask [+]
Personality: Lyarea is rather passive as a consequence of following the Council's advice for most of her life. She tends to "space out" frequently, but is capable of being alert and coldly pragmatic when she wants to accomplish a task. She is loyal to those she considers her friends, but views most moral systems as absurd and not fully applying to her. She has a cheerful and pleasant demeanour most of the time, interspersed with bouts of melancholy and homesickness.
History: Lyarea was born in the city-state of Ferremis to Vradi parents. The Vradi were a persecuted minority, shunned for their worship of what was seen as a dark spirit and forced to live in catacombs beneath the city. She was identified as an Incarnus at two years old and brought to the temple priests to be raised by them. They taught her about Neris, the finer details of their religion and how to tune out the endless noise of the Council. As she grew older her formal lessons decreased and focused more on her responsibilities and duties as an incarnation of their god. She began using her free time to explore the tunnels and use the Council in ways a child would. The temple priests warned her to be wary of them, that they always demanded something in return for their answers, but she ignored them. After all, they didn't ask for much. What harm was there helping out the butcher for a week, or sneaking into the granaries, or trying to traverse all the living chambers at least once without anyone spotting her?
This continued until she was 16, when a religious clash between a group of Vradi and surface citizens sparked riots citywide. She was captured along with several other Vradi while looking for the temple priests and taken to the minister's mansion as servants. She turned to the Whispering Council, asking for a way to free herself and her people. For the first time in her life, they fell silent, and a voice she had never heard before this moment told her that it would come at a cost. It asked if she was willing to accept. In her desperation, she agreed.
What followed was three years of planning and coordination with the other Vradi, and gas-lighting the minister and his household to drive them to madness. One day, the Council told her it was time to act. In one night the Vradi slaughtered the minister and his household in their beds, and used the tunnels Lyarea had mapped out as a child to assassinate all the other government officials.
It was only then that the Council revealed their price: she had to leave the city there and then, never to return. She pleaded with them, and the same voice which had warned her about the price of their help allowed her three hours to prepare. After taking her dagger, some lock picks and supplies, the voice directed her into the tunnels, eventually coming to a chamber containing the artefacts of previous Incarni. She found her mask there, and left.
Parents - killed in initial rebellion.
Temple priests - mutual respect and regret at parting.
Other: The tattoos on her arms are a custom of the Vradi.

Age: 21
Race: Incarnus (human)
The Incarni are the human vessels of Neris, a spirit of darkness, madness and the unknown, and able to attune to magical artefacts belonging to their predecessors. They age slower than humans and can live for centuries, though they are not immortal. Their powers vary from incarnation to incarnation, but are always related to his themes.
One power every Incarnus possesses, however, is leadership and command of the Whispering Council, a legion of seemingly all-knowing voices. Normally they can only be heard by the Incarnus, but can be ordered to make themselves audible to others. Prolonged exposure to their sound induces paranoia and insanity in all except the Incarnus themselves. Apart from a small number which perpetually gibber or laugh insanely, the voices are affable and willing to provide advice or answers, but beyond the simplest yes/no answers they always come at a price.
Class: Rogue - Besides her connection to the Whispering Council, Lyarea has perfect night vision, heals ten times faster than an ordinary human in the dark, and has increasing strength and speed the darker her surroundings are. However, in the daylight she has the typical strength and speed of a girl her age. Instead, she relies on her skill with a dagger, lock-picking and stealth. Her only magical item is a theatre mask belonging to a previous Incarnus, which makes people overlook her.
Theatre mask [+]
Personality: Lyarea is rather passive as a consequence of following the Council's advice for most of her life. She tends to "space out" frequently, but is capable of being alert and coldly pragmatic when she wants to accomplish a task. She is loyal to those she considers her friends, but views most moral systems as absurd and not fully applying to her. She has a cheerful and pleasant demeanour most of the time, interspersed with bouts of melancholy and homesickness.
History: Lyarea was born in the city-state of Ferremis to Vradi parents. The Vradi were a persecuted minority, shunned for their worship of what was seen as a dark spirit and forced to live in catacombs beneath the city. She was identified as an Incarnus at two years old and brought to the temple priests to be raised by them. They taught her about Neris, the finer details of their religion and how to tune out the endless noise of the Council. As she grew older her formal lessons decreased and focused more on her responsibilities and duties as an incarnation of their god. She began using her free time to explore the tunnels and use the Council in ways a child would. The temple priests warned her to be wary of them, that they always demanded something in return for their answers, but she ignored them. After all, they didn't ask for much. What harm was there helping out the butcher for a week, or sneaking into the granaries, or trying to traverse all the living chambers at least once without anyone spotting her?
This continued until she was 16, when a religious clash between a group of Vradi and surface citizens sparked riots citywide. She was captured along with several other Vradi while looking for the temple priests and taken to the minister's mansion as servants. She turned to the Whispering Council, asking for a way to free herself and her people. For the first time in her life, they fell silent, and a voice she had never heard before this moment told her that it would come at a cost. It asked if she was willing to accept. In her desperation, she agreed.
What followed was three years of planning and coordination with the other Vradi, and gas-lighting the minister and his household to drive them to madness. One day, the Council told her it was time to act. In one night the Vradi slaughtered the minister and his household in their beds, and used the tunnels Lyarea had mapped out as a child to assassinate all the other government officials.
It was only then that the Council revealed their price: she had to leave the city there and then, never to return. She pleaded with them, and the same voice which had warned her about the price of their help allowed her three hours to prepare. After taking her dagger, some lock picks and supplies, the voice directed her into the tunnels, eventually coming to a chamber containing the artefacts of previous Incarni. She found her mask there, and left.
Parents - killed in initial rebellion.
Temple priests - mutual respect and regret at parting.
Other: The tattoos on her arms are a custom of the Vradi.

Name: Edelweiss Smithens
Age: 20
Race: Giant(Though incredibly, Edelweiss is not large for a giant, she is extremely puny and is about 5'0") - Giants are described to be a much larger human, some describe them as "six cubits and a span" in height—about nine feet, nine inches tall, (over 2.75 m). They possess great strength, though they are not intelligent(Take Edel as an example). Some Giants undergo a birth defect which makes their size smaller than they should be(Edel is also an example of this)
Class: Lancer - Stand fast at the heart of the storm, roaring defiance into the wind. Shield your friends and smite your enemies.
As powerful in defense as in attack, the lancer’s role in a fight is at the head of the formation. Her heavy shield absorbs damage, while her lance provides striking power that’s targeted yet effective against multiple foes. Numerous skills for drawing aggro let the lancer take the heat and give her party members more opportunities. Lancers can minimize damage to their own party and help them devastate the enemy. There is little finesse to the lancer's assault, but there is muscle enough to batter foes to the ground and might enough to clear a defense zone for comrades in battle.
Personality: Seemingly very distant, she looks to be very detached from world at times. A forlorn expression is usually present and she tends to be very enigmatic. Often nicknamed the Ice Queen.
True to her nature, she tends to be quite lax and takes frequent naps throughout the day and often pushes her political responsibilities to her subordinates. This has caused more than enough trouble for her as she often skips out on many important business and/or potential alliances. She speaks in a very soft manner and tends to get spoken over because others speak more loudly and clearly than she. Edelweiss doesn't mind being forgotten(And this happens on many occasions, because she is so hard to notice due to her slow and clumsy manner, which is strange for her class).
History: Edelweiss grew up in a modest household with only her mother since her father was an unknown man. That didn't bother her though and she lived a content if bored life in her small village, often she would dream of going on adventures. Her mother was the village's florist and would tend to the various flora and fauna that were grown in the shop. She also acted as a healer with her extensive knowledge of various herbs and plants. Edel, as a child, would often watch her mother as she made various concoctions for cuts, burns and other small injuries. During her childhood, she was trained by a village guard(At the time it was just for 'fun' and it helped pass time), her skills improved over time.
As the girl grew older, her thirst for adventure never left. So at the age of 18, the girl set off on a small expedition, though where she was heading was never specified(She never thought of it in the first place, so she pretty much just wandered about). During one of her many trips, she ran into a much older fellow, his race was unknown to her and he was very aggressive(Almost killing her if she hadn't pulled out her shield in time). The two appeared to have the same class and he was an expert at what he did, Edel took this chance to 'learn under his wing' without realizing what she was getting herself into.
Family/Relationships: Goliath(?) - Her mentor since she is currently under his apprenticeship.
Other: She is very slow.
Name: Seong-Mei Li
Age: Unknown(Speculated to be in Mid-Late 20's)
Race: Jungle Dwelling Elf(Predominately Female) -They are 70% female, consist of hunters, shamans, and the typical things involved. Each female is sent out for a pilgrimage after there 23rd birthday. In which they search for there meaning for life, love prospect, or true power and their job to be within the tribe. Each is given tattoos to represent there standing, ranking, and job within the village. Rarely they dual work. If a love prospect is found on pilgrimage, he is brought back to the village and made a member of the tribe. They are a very accepting society. Mages and true huntresses are the most highly respected. Typically they build their dwellings in and on the trees. Weapons are crafted by the artisan crafters.
Class: Huntress/Mage- The Huntress class is a class worthy to notice. ONes with the Huntress Class have high reflexes, pin-point accuracy, especially with Archery, and moderate Hand to Hand combat. The Mage is a simple class that does Elemental Magick, but usually specializes in a field of Magick. In her case, her specialty is Earth Magick.
Personality: Shes very calm and reserved. Typically smiling a soft smile as she goes along her journey. She prefers to work alone but is perfectly content working with others. She doesn't offer input unless asked.
History: Her History is more understandable once we dive in into her ancestry, so let's back-tract. During the days of Übel, Jungle Dwelling Elfs were some of the most abundant races. As such they were always eager to fight Übel in great numbers, and with the help of the other races and large numbers of casualties, they would eventually win. After the victory, they were eventually shunned for being a female oriented race and eventually became excluded of the Order. For generations they have no love or tolerance for the Order and they have been deemed a primitive and weak, when they are surely far from that.
Now in current day, Seong-Mei Li has been told by their tribe elders that a vision of Übel destroying the lands is imminent. They told her she now has to try and make peace with the Order so that way their numbers can help the races against the the mighty dragon.
Two Mothers and a Father(Since Males are a rare occurrence, Polygamy is allowed)
Æmire: Friend(The Elves are good friends with the Izzeterine, mainly due to their strong hatred for the humans. They were childhood friends.)
Other(Any extra information you want to share about your character.): N/A

Age: Unknown(Speculated to be in Mid-Late 20's)
Race: Jungle Dwelling Elf(Predominately Female) -They are 70% female, consist of hunters, shamans, and the typical things involved. Each female is sent out for a pilgrimage after there 23rd birthday. In which they search for there meaning for life, love prospect, or true power and their job to be within the tribe. Each is given tattoos to represent there standing, ranking, and job within the village. Rarely they dual work. If a love prospect is found on pilgrimage, he is brought back to the village and made a member of the tribe. They are a very accepting society. Mages and true huntresses are the most highly respected. Typically they build their dwellings in and on the trees. Weapons are crafted by the artisan crafters.
Class: Huntress/Mage- The Huntress class is a class worthy to notice. ONes with the Huntress Class have high reflexes, pin-point accuracy, especially with Archery, and moderate Hand to Hand combat. The Mage is a simple class that does Elemental Magick, but usually specializes in a field of Magick. In her case, her specialty is Earth Magick.
Personality: Shes very calm and reserved. Typically smiling a soft smile as she goes along her journey. She prefers to work alone but is perfectly content working with others. She doesn't offer input unless asked.
History: Her History is more understandable once we dive in into her ancestry, so let's back-tract. During the days of Übel, Jungle Dwelling Elfs were some of the most abundant races. As such they were always eager to fight Übel in great numbers, and with the help of the other races and large numbers of casualties, they would eventually win. After the victory, they were eventually shunned for being a female oriented race and eventually became excluded of the Order. For generations they have no love or tolerance for the Order and they have been deemed a primitive and weak, when they are surely far from that.
Now in current day, Seong-Mei Li has been told by their tribe elders that a vision of Übel destroying the lands is imminent. They told her she now has to try and make peace with the Order so that way their numbers can help the races against the the mighty dragon.
Two Mothers and a Father(Since Males are a rare occurrence, Polygamy is allowed)
Æmire: Friend(The Elves are good friends with the Izzeterine, mainly due to their strong hatred for the humans. They were childhood friends.)
Other(Any extra information you want to share about your character.): N/A
Name: Qiang
Appearance(Anime or drawings only, please! Descriptions are fine too.):
Age: Unknown
Race(You can choose from a wide variety of races! If you have your own, give me some little details about it as well.):
The 住武器 or 'Living Weapons' were creatures created long long ago, their story is one that is shrouded in mystery. As the wheel of time grinds inexorably onwards facts have turned to rumours, rumours have turned to stories, stories have turned to legends and legends have turned to myth.
What little we do know, I will endeavour to tell you; The living weapons were created to fight, their makers sought to make the perfect weapon, imbuing all sorts of energies and magiks into various weapons, however they failed. The magiks that had been poured into these weapons combined or malfunctioned, it is not known which all we know is the result.
The magiks created an intelligence, this intelligence took control of the magiks and built itself a body from the surrounding material, warping and changing the material into flesh as it did, this intelligence was created with the intent to do great harm and so that is what the intelligence did, it killed many of it's creators before it was subdued, it was locked in a secure cell, guarded by powerful spells and gyphs now lost to us. The creators did not learn their lesson, they built more, though they took precautions. It is not known how many they created, many hundreds we suspect, all that is known is that they escaped confinement and were unleashed upon the world.
These days only few remain, to sustain themselves the living weapons must absorb 'energy' from lifeforms, be it plant or animal, if the weapon should run out of 'energies' it's body will turn back to stone, the stone having been a circuit for such energies for so long will be eerily translucent and sparks of stray mana will dance in it's depths. Having lost its energy the weapon will go to sleep, only to be woken by a huge imbuing of energy. When they sleep they can be destroyed as any other weapon.
The weapons body's are very agile and they can heal almost any injury, however moving quickly and healing drain their energy quickly and they will need to consume life or they will be forced into sleep. It is even said that they can change their appearance although at a large cost in energy. It seems that they are limited in how they can effect the world with their 'energies' outside of their bodies, it is theorized that this is because of the 'design' of their bodies, made to absorb as much energy as they can.
It is said that over the long years of their lives the weapons have mellowed, their murderous intent slowly turning into an aggressive disposition and on until they could almost be said to be normal, if anything that has forgotten more than many creatures ever know can be called normal.
Exert from: Magical Creatures and Artifacts; A guide by Enima Sloevek
Class(This is extremely simple. I'm sure you can find out what to put here, just put down some details about it.):
Beserker: Though Qiang has mellowed with time he was still wrought for battle, when fighting the old intent seems to wake in him, a craving for destruction. The harder he is pressed the more this intent takes over, after a hard fight it is best to leave him alone to cool off, as centuries of life and experience battle with the overwhelming urge to destroy. In a fight Qiang will focus mainly on attacking, using the reach of 'himself his spear' to keep opponents away from 'his body'. He owns a long dagger which he will use if he cannot hold the enemy at a good distance.
Personality(Prefer it to be done now, but TBR is fine too.): Qiang is non-committal type of person, so many years have passed him by now, meaning has slowly left his life, if he makes a connection with someone he will inevitably have to watch them be ground to dust under the wheel of time. He holds a certain disdain for the short lived creatures, scurrying about their daily lives never aware, or wilfully ignoring the ever encroaching creep of time, the coming of death.
History(Prefer it to be done now, but TBR is fine too.): For the last hundred years Qiang has lived alone in an ordinary forest, consuming the occasional tree to keep himself going, but rumours grew of the forest demon, the consumer of life, the bringer of evil and he was forced to leave angry townsfolk with pitchfork on his tail. Long ago Qiang was one of the elite hundred spears of some forgotten empire, there he had brothers and sisters, living weapons like him who would live long like him, gone now, all of them, turned to stone on a long forgotten battlefield fighting a desperate rearguard action, songs had been sung of that battle and the field of statues left behind had turned to legend, but the songs had been forgotten and the legend faded. Since then he has been drifting, finding no place to belong, his very existence a mark of shame when he should have fallen with his brothers and sisters.
Family/Relationships(None is fine.): None:
Other(Any extra information you want to share about your character.): His 'body' can't move more than a short distance (say 100m) himself 'his spear'.
Appearance(Anime or drawings only, please! Descriptions are fine too.):

Age: Unknown
Race(You can choose from a wide variety of races! If you have your own, give me some little details about it as well.):
The 住武器 or 'Living Weapons' were creatures created long long ago, their story is one that is shrouded in mystery. As the wheel of time grinds inexorably onwards facts have turned to rumours, rumours have turned to stories, stories have turned to legends and legends have turned to myth.
What little we do know, I will endeavour to tell you; The living weapons were created to fight, their makers sought to make the perfect weapon, imbuing all sorts of energies and magiks into various weapons, however they failed. The magiks that had been poured into these weapons combined or malfunctioned, it is not known which all we know is the result.
The magiks created an intelligence, this intelligence took control of the magiks and built itself a body from the surrounding material, warping and changing the material into flesh as it did, this intelligence was created with the intent to do great harm and so that is what the intelligence did, it killed many of it's creators before it was subdued, it was locked in a secure cell, guarded by powerful spells and gyphs now lost to us. The creators did not learn their lesson, they built more, though they took precautions. It is not known how many they created, many hundreds we suspect, all that is known is that they escaped confinement and were unleashed upon the world.
These days only few remain, to sustain themselves the living weapons must absorb 'energy' from lifeforms, be it plant or animal, if the weapon should run out of 'energies' it's body will turn back to stone, the stone having been a circuit for such energies for so long will be eerily translucent and sparks of stray mana will dance in it's depths. Having lost its energy the weapon will go to sleep, only to be woken by a huge imbuing of energy. When they sleep they can be destroyed as any other weapon.
The weapons body's are very agile and they can heal almost any injury, however moving quickly and healing drain their energy quickly and they will need to consume life or they will be forced into sleep. It is even said that they can change their appearance although at a large cost in energy. It seems that they are limited in how they can effect the world with their 'energies' outside of their bodies, it is theorized that this is because of the 'design' of their bodies, made to absorb as much energy as they can.
It is said that over the long years of their lives the weapons have mellowed, their murderous intent slowly turning into an aggressive disposition and on until they could almost be said to be normal, if anything that has forgotten more than many creatures ever know can be called normal.
Exert from: Magical Creatures and Artifacts; A guide by Enima Sloevek
Class(This is extremely simple. I'm sure you can find out what to put here, just put down some details about it.):
Beserker: Though Qiang has mellowed with time he was still wrought for battle, when fighting the old intent seems to wake in him, a craving for destruction. The harder he is pressed the more this intent takes over, after a hard fight it is best to leave him alone to cool off, as centuries of life and experience battle with the overwhelming urge to destroy. In a fight Qiang will focus mainly on attacking, using the reach of 'himself his spear' to keep opponents away from 'his body'. He owns a long dagger which he will use if he cannot hold the enemy at a good distance.
Personality(Prefer it to be done now, but TBR is fine too.): Qiang is non-committal type of person, so many years have passed him by now, meaning has slowly left his life, if he makes a connection with someone he will inevitably have to watch them be ground to dust under the wheel of time. He holds a certain disdain for the short lived creatures, scurrying about their daily lives never aware, or wilfully ignoring the ever encroaching creep of time, the coming of death.
History(Prefer it to be done now, but TBR is fine too.): For the last hundred years Qiang has lived alone in an ordinary forest, consuming the occasional tree to keep himself going, but rumours grew of the forest demon, the consumer of life, the bringer of evil and he was forced to leave angry townsfolk with pitchfork on his tail. Long ago Qiang was one of the elite hundred spears of some forgotten empire, there he had brothers and sisters, living weapons like him who would live long like him, gone now, all of them, turned to stone on a long forgotten battlefield fighting a desperate rearguard action, songs had been sung of that battle and the field of statues left behind had turned to legend, but the songs had been forgotten and the legend faded. Since then he has been drifting, finding no place to belong, his very existence a mark of shame when he should have fallen with his brothers and sisters.
Family/Relationships(None is fine.): None:
Other(Any extra information you want to share about your character.): His 'body' can't move more than a short distance (say 100m) himself 'his spear'.