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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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UnendingEmpire bye~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kalos Region, Aquacorde City. It was a picture-esque view, to say the least. A nice bridge leading off in the direction of the next city, beneath which was a lovely blue river was the primary feature in the nice sights Professor Lily Apple saw from an outdoors table for six. Today, four trainers were to gather in Aquacorde. Her lab assistant was also here, but it was only natural that the two got here first. The fact that they left Lumiose City to get here yesterday may have also had something to do with it. Still, today was a lovely Kalosian day, so it was nice to not spend it all in a lab. Apple was sure her lab assistant - simply called B - could have agreed to that.

On the table she sat at, there was a sheathed sword with a blue cloth hanging from the hilt. It was her faithful Honedge. Next to her, also sitting, B, accompanied by an S-shaped Unown he brought with him to Kalos. The young trainers-to-be were to arrive today, so it was only fitting that the professor and assistant be here to greet them once they arrived. Breaking a short-lived silence between the two, Apple spoke up. "They'll be here any moment, B. Make sure to remember their faces; I'm sure we'll see them again later on."

B didn't respond right away - he was sorting through the pokeballs. It was his Unown's chirps that finally tore his attention back to Professor Apple. "Of course we will. How else will you get your dat- oh." One pokeball slipped out, and B fumbled to grab it. "You think they'll be good enough?"

"I admit, a couple of them seem kind of ragtag, but I think they'll be capable of the task." Setting her gaze back to the bridge, Apple awaited the arrival of the appointed quartet. Her Honedge could be seen blinking occasionally. Even he seemed eager to meet the people Apple chose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The cheery morning sunshine mirrored the radiant joy in the spirit of Jess Backster. After receiving the letter from Professor Apple, she'd been incessantly excited and joyful. For a while now she'd proved that she was ready to handle Pokemon again, but she'd always figure that her correction would simply end with a happy little readmission to Day-Care volunteering. Never could the girl have dreamed that her parents would have allowed her to begin her very own journey!

Years ago she had watched most of her friends at Camphrier Town leave home to travel Kalos and even regions beyond in their own coming-of-age journeys, but she had been left behind. Be it because she felt more fulfillment with the Day-Care Pokemon, hosted some sentimental attachment to her home, or whatever, Jess remained while her companions departed to broaden their minds and raise their very own Pokemon. Now that the opportunity was finally here, she realized that this was what she had wanted all along. The feelings of wonder, excitement, adventure—it was almost too much to handle. Trying to contain herself, Jess simply carried on biking along Route 2, avoiding clumps of tall grass. Soon she wouldn't have to run; she'd have a partner to fend the wild Pokemon off.

She pulled to a stop right in front of the bridge that divided Route 2 from Aquacorde and stared at the water. Dazzling sunlight shone off its rippling surface. “Beautiful,” Jess murmured absently, marveling at how perfect the morning was. Recalling the task at hand, she clumsily dismounted her bicycle (a knee-length skirt, coupled with her extra pounds, made alacrity a stretch for her) and walked it across the wooden span. Despite traveling beyond Camphrier frequently in her youth, she'd never been to this place before, and from the instant she first set foot in Aquacorde Town she felt its comfortable, intimate vibe. Her eyes swept over the scene; people were talking and laughing, shopping, or playing with their Pokemon. A young boy was currently battling a girl that Jess guessed to be his twin sister, both with baby Bug-types that were just as eager and inept as their trainers. Jess grinned from ear to ear as she walked past, incapable of resisting the lively atmosphere.

Several minutes of exploration later, the girl ascended the terrace and immediately spotted a woman with a professional air accompanied by a boy about her age sitting together at a table. If the boy was some kind of helper -which Jess assumed based on his look- then Jess was the first potential trainer here. Not surprising, given her gung-ho style of arriving early. As she watched, still about three dozen feet away, the guy fumbled a Pokeball and scrambled to keep it in check. Jess then turned her attention to the Professor and was instantly struck by her appearance. This lady wore clothes that wouldn't be out of place in some basement-dweller's magazine and filled them out amply. Not exactly the choice of attire Jess expected from some egghead researcher, but as long as she had Pokemon she was good in Jess's book.

“Hi! I'm Jess Backster, and I'm here responding to your letter?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A morning in Kalos, and for Vincent it will finally be a pleasant one. For the first time Vincent will be able to wake up breathing in the fresh air of Kalos not sick. For Vincent, the weather in Kalos is very different than Hoenn, thus made it difficult for his body to adjust. He woke up in his bed yawning then looking out into the rest of his room. "Ah... neat." He says to himself as he stands up and gets dressed for today. He walks down stairs and sees Breakfast on the table consisting of some toast and cereal. After a quick snack, he picks up his letter, kisses his parents good bye, and leaves his house.

Vincent heads down what he believes is Route 1 and follows the map that was contained in the letter, and sees many Pokémon he has never seen before due to them being non-existent in Hoenn. Om his way there he reads a book on a new classification of Pokémon discovered in Kalos known as Fairy Types. As he reads on the type he bumps into a few pedestrians, apologizing as he does but doesn't mind to much on them. He finally reaches his destination and puts his map away while walking through the gate. "Aquacorde City huh? Interesting..." He said to himself, then noticed in his peripheral Professor Apple and some assistant, and someone is already here. He walked over by them and bowed towards them. "Hello! My name is Vincent Willow and I am here to help you with your research! It's a pleasure meeting you all and I am very eager to travel by y'alls side!" He said ending his bow. He stood up straight and wait for instructions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miu knew she had always been fortunate to some degree. Her parents had given her some minor funds, for instance, saying it was in case she needed supplies. As another example, stores in both Lumiose City and Santalune City sold pokemon repel sprays. As such, her journey through Paterre Way, Ouvert Way, and Santalune Forest left her unbothered by any pokemon. Humans, not so much, but no one did anything more serious than bump into her. Certainly unpleasant but by no means harmful. No, her biggest problem was getting lost in the forest. She would've been glad to have had purchased so many repel sprays if it wasn't for the feeling she was wasting them all. She hadn't seen another person coming from any direction, solidifying the fact that she had, in fact, managed to lose the main path.and could very possibly end up late or worse, despite the fact she had set out so early.What would even happen then? Would Professor Apple just give the position to some dumb kid in Aquacorde? Like Miu was going to lose out to a nobody!

It was only after managing to follow the sun, via select glimpses through the tree canopy, that she managed to find a sign. Something else found her: a Pansear, dropping onto her face with a screech.

It was a good thing she was alone, as later she could deny the ear-splitting shriek had been hers.

She ran until she finally found the forest's edge and then smoothed her dress and hair. Everything was fine. She sprayed her last repel and continued down Avance Trail. This path went as smoothly as the trip prior to the forest had gone, and quickly only the bridge was left to cross before she reached Aquacorde City. Small town. Even smaller than Santalune had been. Yuck. She surveyed it disdainfully before beginning her search for Professor Apple.

It took a few minutes before Miu located the terrace. Three people besides the professor were waiting. Had she been last? Rats. She smoothed the wrinkles from her dress one last time. If nothing else, she was going to look good. She took the steps up two at a time and approached the table. "You must be Professor Apple. I, Miu Kita, answered your letter." She glanced again at the others. Two were likely newbies - the boy looked like a gust would knock him over, and the girl - well. Had no one else? The final one was, in retrospect, probably a lab assistant. How utterly lame. She sneered at the Unown floating by his head. Even Magikarp was better than Unown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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UnendingEmpire bye~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bailey de Chance was having a hard time. Same old same old there. She'd managed to get lost in Santalune Forest and had been going in erratic circles for quite a while. She had somehow managed to get a nest of almost-evolved Beedrills mad, tripped on the tail of a Pansage, and have a Scatterbug from freaking nowhere leap out of a tree and onto her face. To call her walk in the woods far from a walk in the park was...well...a cakewalk of an exaggeration.

After countless twigs, birds, bugs, and electric rodents, Bailey somehow managed to find the exit. Five hours ago. Right back into Santalune City. Then it was right back into the woods to try and get out in the right direction. She was just now emerging from the woods, onto Route 2, thankful that it was a short one. She could almost see Aquacorde City from where she stood, and so started running. It was a few steps later that she was reminded to tie her shoes, after tripping on the laces. After taking a couple of moments to tie her shoes and just barely avoiding being the new home of Pidgey crap, Bailey got back up on her feet and made a beeline for Aquacorde. Her new adventure was waiting, and now that it was going to start in just a few moments, she was getting excited about it again. What kind of Pokemon would she get? She just kinda hoped it was a Ghost-type.

Dashing up to the first group of people she could see, Bailey declared, clearly out of breath, "pant...Bailey de Chance...pleased to meet you, Professor." She then extended her hand to the one she addressed as Professor. The man with the S-shaped Unown floating by him; the one who wore the eyepatch.

"Over here," the actual Professor Apple said. Nodding toward the eyepatched man Bailey mistook for being the professor, she continued "This is my lab assistant, B. He assists me in researching Pokemon evolution. Naturally, you four will help out in your own way, too. Together, the two of us have done a bit of work and gathered up four Pokemon; one each. B, if you will."

Again, B snapped to attention as his Unown began circling the group, its cross-shaped pupil dilated. "Of course! I- oh dear-" One of the pokeballs slipped away and fell off the table, only for the Unown to swoop and catch it. "I'm sorry. I'd swear I'd lose my hands if they weren't attached to me." The Unown flew up to the table and dropped the pokeball in with the others. "As Professor Apple said, we collected four pokemon - I assure you, they're all quite tame, nothing to fear!"

"In the spirit of surprise, we won't divulge the species of Pokemon in these Pokeballs," Apple concluded. "Each of you will just step up, pick one, and see what you get."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Vincent waited for more instruction, he noticed a few more showed up to be part of Professor Apple's group. He slightly smiled at each of them, then looked back at the Professor. "In the spirit of surprise, we won't divulge the species of Pokemon in these Pokeballs,.. Each of you will just step up, pick one, and see what you get." The professor had told them.Vincent smirked as he stepped forward and thought about the Pokémon he wanted to pick, or Pokéball since he couldn't see the Pokémon inside. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Catch a tiger by it's toe... Vincent thought as he sang the nursery rhyme in his head. He finally picked the 2nd one to the right and picked it up. He stepped back and threw the ball in the opposite direction. The ball opened in mid-air and a Azurill popped out. Vincent smiled a little bit. "Haha nice, A Pokémon I actually know! This shouldn't be too hard... I hope..." He had said. The Azurill jumped up and down and climbed up Vincent's back. "Haha neat!" He said to himself, but what he didn't know is that on the way up his back, the Azurill had already took something from his pockets, which was only 200 Poké.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

After receiving a pleasant greeting from Apple, Jess seated herself at the sleek wooden table. In the minutes that followed, she became acquainted with B, his serenely floating Unown, and the Honedge on the table, which she'd initially mistaken as a conventional sword and, saying "What a lovely sword," attempted to grasp by the handle. Fortunately, the Professor managed to stop her before her fingers made contact, and quickly explained to her the life-draining properties of the Sword Pokemon. The event, though small and unimportant, really opened up Jess's eyes to the world she was preparing to embark on. Her cursory, intimate knowledge of Pokemon would soon grow to a vast index, encompassing types, the difference between special and physical attacks, and much more. She simply couldn't wait to begin.

Luckily, the other trainers weren't too far behind her. One by one they arrived, and Jess watched closely. If these were to be her group, be them friends or simply co-workers, she'd need to get to know them. First to arrive was a girl, long-haired, a few years younger than her, who introduced herself as Miu Kita. Despite Jess's hopes for companionship, there was something about this girl that Jess inherently didn't like. Maybe it was her constantly-narrowed eyes, her slight smirk, or just her bearing as a whole—Jess couldn't tell why, but first impressions indicated that the two might not mix. Instantly, Jess regarded the situation as a challenge; either they'd become fast friends or resolute enemies. Whichever the other girl made of her, she'd commit to. No room for hesitation. For a split second, Jess thought she saw the other girl's eyes glance at her torso, perhaps judging her for her pudginess. A spark of anger ignited in Jess's mind, but she instantly buried it. She wouldn't let this girl under her skin.

The other trainer was far less of a conundrum. Jess guessed him to be her own age, and he seemed objective and impartial to the world around him, as if his mind were elsewhere. Naturally, this Vincent Willow seemed a little excited -who wouldn't be?- and as he approached, Jess flashed a slight smile.

Finally, the fourth arrival appeared, proving herself to be a thin, agitated girl with short, lavender hair. Above all else, she seemed on edge, and either because of that or her obvious fatigue she mistook Apple's assistant for the Professor herself. Assuming that the Miu the snark would be unpleasant about it, Jess sought to distinguish herself by giving Bailey a sympathetic look when she glanced at her. After that, it was Pokemon time. The one-eyed boy fumbled a Pokeball once more before the lineup was complete. Jess was eager to make her pick, but once Apple declared that it would be a blind pick, it didn't matter so much, so Jess let Vincent choose first. She barely even registered that he ended up with an Azurill before she grabbed her own Pokeball, turned away from the table, and threw it at the ground. The ball bounced once with a metallic clang and opened midair.

Into the balmy morning air came appeared Zubat. Instantly, it sought shelter from the harsh sunlight by darted toward its new Trainer and clinging to the underside of her cap, where it was partially shaded from the bright rays. Jess was surprised. Growing up, she'd always heard what a common and garbagey Pokemon Zubats where, little more than cave-dwelling pests. This one seemed to like her, though, and now that she saw it up close she could examine its tiny, adorable ears and fuzzy blue fur. Yes, she decided, this would do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh thank god. Definitely not last and, perhaps more importantly, she at least recognized the well-renowned Professor Apple and didn't mix her up with some common labrat. Miu snorted audibly at the new girl - mopey-looking thing, wasn't she. How long would she last until she cried to go home? However long it was, she'd better not come crying to Miu. She wasn't going to sully the Kita name by quitting a pokemon journey because someone else couldn't handle the pressure.

The assistant - "B, that had to take his parents forever," she muttered - produced the pokeballs, and she stepped forward - to be beaten by the sole male of the group. "Didn't your mother teach you 'ladies first'?" She huffed. Fine, second. But as she stepped up, the girl who had beaten her here also beat her to choice of pokeball. "Oh for the love of-" She was not getting stuck with leftovers. She darted up to the pokeballs before Bailey could reach them, snagged one, and tossed it to see her choice.

The light condensed, first into an orb-like shape before sprouting a few features: a pair of legs and a tail. When the light faded, a Poliwag stood there. It glanced up at Miu and yawned. She groaned. "This one's a bit too tame, I think. Probably in-" She was cut off by a raspberry. She looked back down to the Poliwag, who looked up innocently at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
Avatar of UnendingEmpire

UnendingEmpire bye~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Before Bailey had the chance to reach out and take a Pokeball of her own, the other three had already done so. There was a Azurill, a Zubat, and a Poliwag. Not that she had any objections to going last. Though with her luck, it would probably be a Houndour or some other Dark-type she had an aversion to. As she picked up the Pokeball, though, and pressed the button to open it, she was most surprised to find a Duskull appear. A Ghost-type! Maybe the entire adventure wouldn't be a disaster after all. Maybe just most of it. The small ghost took a quick look at its surroundings before settling just above Bailey's shoulder. So this was the Pokemon that would accompany her for the entirety of her adventure?

...not too shabby, all things considered.

"Now that you all have Pokemon, would you be willing to partake in a battle? B and I will take on two of you at a time in two double battles, since the four of you should ideally travel together to round up the data as effectively as possible." As Apple's proposition ended, the Honedge on the table pulled its metallic body out of its sheath, setting itself near the Professor. If the trainers declined her offer, that was fine and all, but she was rather hoping they would take her up on a double battle to start their adventure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Vincent go accustomed to the Azurill, finally noticing it took his Poké and getting it back, heard the Professor offering a battle. A battle! Oh man I cannot wait! Vincent thought to himself stepping forward. "I would gladly accept your challenge!" Vincent had told Professor Apple. He observed the Honedge carefully then back to the Professor. "Although I do have a question... would the Honedge be a Steel and Ghost type? I would assume so because one it looks like a sword and two because i heard in legend it is harboring a soul of those who died in the war..." Vincent had asked Professor Apple hoping he was right... mainly because he needs to know whether or not him accepting the challenge was wise or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

At the mention of a battle, Jess perked up. Instantly she was afire. Zubat had been hers for only fifteen seconds, but already the duo was faced with a chance to show their mettle. First impressions were everything, after all. "Count me in!" she declared with a peppy smile, and she reached to to her cap to touch her new Pokemon. At first it recoiled from her touch, but when her finger landed between its ears and began to scratch, its mouth opened wide in a gesture of pleasure. "Whaddya say, little guy?", she crooned, and transitioned to rubbing its warm, fuzzy back with a thumb. "Think you're up for a fight?" The Zubat simply squeaked happily, distracted by its new trainer's petting. It released its grip on her hat and clung instead to Jess's palm, so she could scratch it with all four fingers at once. Jess sat back down at the table and continued, "Maybe I'' think up a proper name for you."

Her thoughts returned to battling, and for the first time she actually considered the prospect. What did trainers do in a battle? They stand behind their Pokemon, and...and...uh...call out moves, yeah. What moves, though? Jess inclined her head to the Professor, never relenting the scratching of her joyful Zubat. "Mrs. Apple, uh, is there some sort of way I can find out my buddy's moves, abilities, that sort of thing? Some kinda index, maybe?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Now, a battle, she was good at. "I'll fight." Poliwag perked up. Well, at least the little pokemon seemed interested and knew what a fight was. If they had given her a pokemon who couldn't even do that, well, she might be forced to question Professor Apple's credentials in the Battle Maison. Some might not listen. Some would. She glanced at B. "Do you have anything better to fight with than that stupid Unown?" B seemed unwilling to make eye contact, but the Unown growled at her. Who knew they could do that? Regardless. "Dibs on fighting the professor." She wasn't fighting such a weak pokemon - any victory would be hollow, and any loss humiliating. Not worth the effort. As for these two...

"Yeah, Honedge is Steel and Ghost. And your Zubat should at least know Leech Life and Supersonic." What, didn't these people even go to a trainer school? Abilities, one wouldn't know until battle, unless there had been some change since she began her education.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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UnendingEmpire bye~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Easy there. The best way for you four to collect data is as a group. This will be a double battle to help you get started not just as duos of trainer and Pokemon, but as a team of trainers as well. Fortunately, B and myself each brought two Pokemon, so we can get all of this done quickly." Not that Apple had planned to win any of these battles. It was purely to get the trainers familiarized with each other, as well as their Pokemon, so it would be dumb to have them battle one at a time. "Since you seem so eager to battle though, you're welcome to be on the team that battles me. I think we'll go ahead and partner you up with Miss de Chance. Mister Willow, Miss Backster, you two will battle B. This is more for partnership than sport, so keep that in mind."

Producing a second Pokeball from her labcoat, Apple pressed her thumb against the button, and out came a white form of light. It developed what looked like a set of four stubby legs and a large head, and came into full perspective. It was an Aron. The little steel-type Pokemon looked raring to go kick some ass. With Aron and Honedge at her respective sides, Apple beckoned the designated tag-team of Bailey and Miu. "Whenever you girls are ready, feel free to have your Pokemon make a move."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

B tittered a bit before nodding. "Well, I suppose it won't hurt." The S-Unown perched on his shoulder and cooed as B took two pokeballs from his pockets, tapping them twice. An A-shaped Unown and a Y-shaped Unown emerged, facing Jess and Vincent. The Y-Unown tensed, pupil narrowed and glaring as the A-Unown held rather still for a levitating pokemon. "Whenever you'd like, they're ready!" As if B himself wasn't planning to participate. It was as the professor said, after all - more for partnership than sport; besides, the Unown knew only one attack and certainly required no verbal commands to use it.

Mui grinned. Oh thank god, an actual challenge. She stepped forward to face Apple before side-eyeing Bailey. Ok, between them all, this girl was her last choice for partners. But fine, she'd deal with with it. "The Aron is mine," she muttered, hoping Apple didn't hear before she pointed. "Poliwag! Use Bubble on that Aron!" Steel, sure, but also part...Ground, right? Weak to water. Poliwag blinked slowly before jumping forward and firing the attack. A little slower than she liked. They'd need to fix that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Vincent, huh?" Jess said, both by way of greeting and acknowledgement. He looked more like a scholar than a fighter, but looks cool be deceiving. She was proof of that herself, and was determined to continue to be. "Alright, let's do this!"

B's Unown impressed her. Floating, mysterious, weirdly-shaped...like letters of some strange alphabet. Right off the bat she could tell they were flying-type, since they clearly hovered off the ground. Jess wasn't exactly sure how to direct the battle, but showing hesitation in front of a potential rival was out of the question. Jess was lagging behind; already this Miu girl knew more about her partner Pokemon then she did. Something like that could knaw away at her confidence and resolve like a Durant in a log cabin. Leech Life and Supersonic, then. The second option sounded good. "Zubat, use Supersonic!"

Excited and just about as naive as his trainer, the Zubat took flight, flapping its wings in an energetic storm to gain some altitude. Once the little Bat Pokemon drew level with B's Y-shaped Unown, it inhaled deeply and released a blast of sound in its opponent's direction. Instantly, both it and its trainer knew that something was amiss. Rather than fly true and hit the enemy Symbol Pokemon, the soundwave shot off skyward, harmlessly passing several feet over the Unown and sailing off to the clouds. Unsure of how to react or what to do next, all Jess could say was, "Oh...okay..." as her Zubat fluttered around anxiously. "Don't worry about it, buddy!" Jess called out reassuringly. "We'll get 'em next time! Vince, you're up!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vincent took notice to The Assistant preparing to battle him and Jess, and then Apple announced that him and her will team up against the Assistant. The Assistant threw out two Unown. He had signaled The Azurill to come off his shoulder and into the battlefield. He knew that Unown's strongest and weakest move is Hidden Power. Strong due to the mystery type it had, but weak because once figured out, can be used to an advantage. For now he wouldn't know the type of either Hidden Power used until it had hit either of their pokemon. "...Vince, you're up!" He suddenly heard from the side. He looked at Jess and then the Zubat after it had missed the Supersonic, then back to Jess. "Note they are Psychic type and only know one move, And Supersonic is an inaccurate move hence I suggest waiting till it learns I believe Confuse Ray for it to be a more efficient move..." He had suggested to Jess, then looked at the A-Unown. "Azurill, use Water Gun!" He commanded the Azurill, hopefully hitting the A-Unown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
Avatar of UnendingEmpire

UnendingEmpire bye~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Apple grinned as Miu issued the command for her Poliwag to attack Aron. She really didn't mind losing, but she wasn't about to go down without a fight. The attack hit dead on the mark, and most Pokemon in Aron's position would go down immediately. But not Aron. He was a sturdy lil' fella. Now was the time to retaliate. Directing her finger to the Poliwag who had done a number on the Steel/Rock, Professor Apple ordered "Hit it with a Headbutt!" Then came the other foe; Bailey and her Duskull. Honedge was capable of taking them on, but not just yet. If Apple went right in for the offensive, it would be troublesome. "Honedge, use Swords Dance!" The spectral sword begun spinning around, as though dancing.

Bailey looked nervous. She didn't blame herself. This was her first ever Pokemon battle, with her first ever Pokemon that was hers instead of her entire family's. What kind of moves did Duskull even know? She didn't know the first thing about battles! All she had going for her was a comprehensive knowledge of which Pokemon were Ghost-type or Dark-type. All she could really do was trust her Duskull to do the right thing. It took her a moment to get the words out, but she managed to let loose with "Duskull, hit the Honedge with something!" She wasn't really sure what happened next. She saw Duskull do something, but she couldn't see just what. She clearly saw that it damaged the opposing Honedge, though. At least her attack worked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Azurill's Water Gun hit, making the A-Unown reel backwards. The two Unown exchanged a glance, as if thinking. The A-Unown then shot a Hidden Power at Jess' Zubat, though the attack seemed to glance off - in fact, even B wasn't sure if it connected. The S-Unown hovering by him chirped as if in concern, and he nodded, as though he understood it. The Unown were doing the best they could - the Y-Unown had a Ground-type Hidden Power, and the A-Unown had a Grass-type Hidden Power. Neither were at a particular advantage against that Zubat, nor particularly effective against the Azurill. Even as the Y-Unown fired off its attack at Vincent's Azurill, he could be fairly confident this fight wasn't going to last long once Jess went for the more reliable attacks. Or if that Supersonic hit.

Mui pumped her fist. Yeah, that sure did a lot of damage! Though so did that Headbutt. She cringed at the way Poliwag landed on its tail and tried to get up. Well, her options were Bubble or Water Sport. And as far as she knew, Aron couldn't use any fire attacks. "Use Bubble again! And if it charges, roll out of the way!" She could do this. Bailey was actually doing a bit better than she was. How annoying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Though the Zubat seemed rather miserable at its first failure, Jess was still way fired up. "Leech Life it is then!" B took his turn, but the A Unown's Hidden Power had barely any effect on her Pokemon. "See?" she called to it by way of encouragement, "You've got what it takes! Our move again--use Leech Life, little buddy!" Its trainer's inspirational call having roused it from its momentary stew, the Zubat re-engaged the battle passionately. It darted forward, alternating between frenzied flapping and smooth swoops, until it was in Melee range of its Unown foe. With a shrill cry the Bat Pokemon attached itself to the edge of its opponent's main body and sucked its blood--all in a matter of seconds. Despite the weakness of the attack, B's Pokemon seemed particularly affected by it, and it staggered in midair. The Zubat's quick snack was enough to restore its health to full, and with a series of shrieks it celebrated its first victory as Jess pumped her fist. "That looked like it hurt; way to go! Not that I really like hurting Pokemon..." she added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vincent had the worried expression when the Unown had made their move... not knowing if it would deal some damage, but to his avail it didn't do as much as he thought it would. "Sweet Azurill! Good job enduring that attack!" He said trying to encourage the Azurill. He then notice the Zubat making a decent attack with the Leech-Life. "Nice! I can already tell you two will go well together for you adventure!" Vincent had told Jess then looked back to the Azurill and the Y-Unown. "Azurill, go for another Water Gun!" he commanded Azruill. The Azurill, once done recovering from the attack, breathed in, then shot out a ray of water hitting the Y-Unown.
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