Are you looking for salt water fish specifically or any type of fish? =o
Alphakoka said
A colony of jellyfish.
Mtntopview said
Jellyfish are hard ... you need special filters so they don't get sucked in, and there also needs to be a constant current and low light. As well as no corners, so it needs to be a large circular shaped aquarium.
Mtntopview said
A lot of time researching the aquarium hobby.and i think the pH and Salinity requirements for jellyfish also change with the individual species and where they originated from.
Mtntopview said
I've been thinking about that, and I have been looking for an aquarium larger than 50 gallons (I heard it's easier when it's bigger for stability reasons). So far, none of the size I want are in my price range (story of my life in the aquarium hobby).
PrimezTime said
I've actually thought about just having a coral reef in a circular tank as a decorative piece for my basement. No fish, just a sweet and attractive underwater scene.
Mtntopview said
What about crustaceans? crustaceans are awesome.
Barioth said
Alligator is good fish. Get alligator.
Mtntopview said
Jellyfish are hard ... you need special filters so they don't get sucked in, and there also needs to be a constant current and low light. As well as no corners, so it needs to be a large circular shaped aquarium.
Giygas said
How much do they cost, just out of curiosity