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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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Luna followed a group of riders heading out to be bonded with their dragons. It was a mystery as to which dragon they would get. They would walk past each dragon and upon eye contact if a mark formed on the dragon and on the rider then they were meant to be partners. Her eyes went to each dragon as they passed. She walked next to another white haired woman. She appeared older than Luna. The rest of the Riders were men. An instructor spoke then. "Each of you shall find your dragon today. A bond will be made and tomorrow they will become permanent."

Dax lay on his side looking out of his cage. He loathed the thought of being ridden. A smirk formed across his expression. He had yet to be bonded with any rider. Like his friend Chaos. His eyes traveled to Chaos in the next pen over.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Seyli was listening from the back of the group, she was a laid back girl who gave everyone respect even dragons, she knew of their power and ability so whatever dragon she wouldn't attack them or even raise a hand to harm a single one. She was a soft spoken girl who was a loner and often stayed alone. Luna was her only friend. She sighed at the thought of riding the creatures. She sighed and looked at his hands slowly thinking about dragons.

Chaos was chained down his massive wings chained down and his eyes glowing red and curled up slightly enjoying the time he had to be alone. He yawned opening his large sharp fanged teeth. chaos was deemed dangerous and everyone in the army knew that so he knew no one would want to be his rider so he would be alone and let everyone have himself to himself. He closed his red eyes his large whip like tail curled around him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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As they walked each Rider found their destined dragon. It was just Luna and Seyli now. The instructor was confused by the fact that they still had not found the right dragons. He walked passed Dax and Chaos. "These two dragons have been locked up for many years. They are both very dangerous. One is a snappy clever dragon while the other we refuse to get to close to. He is dangerous." This caused Luna to stop and look now. The white dragon did look fierce yet he didn't seem to have an air of danger just lonely. Her brow was raised. "He doesn't seem so." She would never harm a dragon. They were intelligent if not much smarter than humans were.

Dax looked up at the two women walking by. He snorted in looking at the instructor. But he had never seen female humans walking these halls. He found them strange. His eyes went to the one who had an air of magic. He blew fire growling before resting his head back on the ground.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Seyli looked the blue dragon that blew fire out and flicks her hand and the fire collected on her hand and smiles at the blue dragon her eyes where soft and not angry as many of the care takers got "Hey easy boy no need to be grochy" she mused softly and her hand allows the fire to go back to him. She smiles and looked the dragon "Must hate it down here huh ? I know what that's feels like" she mutters looking down slightly and then looked back at the dragon "Miss your family huh ? well I miss mine a lot I left without saying goodbye . Sorry that your stuck here my friend" she spoke in such a sweet and kind voice nothing about her was even a threat.

Chaos hears a girl voice something he hasn't heard in very long time. He opened his sharp red eyes his lips curled back slightly in a snarl thinking it was a trainer but saw a girl standing there and his voice lowered to a deep growl. He winced as the restraints on his wings hurt and lowers himself once more the metal like scales on his neck rose luike that of a cat scared, yet angry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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Dax tilted his head to the side in wonder when the woman caught his flames. He jumped slightly when the fire was sent back to him. Though it wouldn't hurt him he still was shocked. Her voice was soothing to his ears. This human held his attention for more than a few moments. She seemed to understand things that many other humans did not. He growled softly as a burning look place on his neck. A mark of bondage was forming. She would have the same going around her wrist. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. He wouldn't hurt her for now. But once he was out of this cage it was hard to say what he would do.

Luna tilted her head to the side as he seemed to realize she wasn't threatening. His scales however were still out as though he were angry. Her eyes went to the restrainsts around his wings. "Why are his wings chained down?" The instructor spoke. "Because he could do major harm to our trainers." Luna rolled her eyes and looked to the instructor. A slight smile formed across her face as she used her agility to jump in front of him and grab his keys. There were two keys. One to open the locks to every cage and one for this dragons wings. She had unnatural speed. So she had the door open and was moving towards Chaos. Her movements were slow and her hands were raised. "I have no intention of harming you. I only wish to help." She held up the key. While the instructor swore looking into the cage and yelling for her to come back. But he would not enter the cage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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Seyli winced at the burn in her hand looking at the mark that was forming. She thinks quickly and said mentally to the dragon My young friend May I ask for your name and where you once lived ? I promise I do not tend to harm you I wish to help are you willing to trust me enough ? She asked slowly looking at the dragon with blue eyes that sparkled with love and calmness.

Chaos eyes narrowed at the girl his lrage white whip like tail lashed side to side angrily a snarl came from his throat. He let out a roar tail cracked the wall a bit but he didn't harm her or make a move to do so. He knew what would happen to him if he did, death was the punishment and he wish to see the next day. He let out a huff and rested his head on his paws staring at her deeply eyes still narrowed scales still bristled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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Dax growled softly when he heard her thought in his mind. He rose and went to the bars gazing out at her. He snorted before he spoke to her. My name is Dax and I once live in the mountains before your kind took me here. I do trust you will no hurt me but I am not sure if you are truly going to help. Her eyes held him making him calm down. This was strange yet he liked the feeling. There was another emotion in her eyes as well.

Luna watched his tail and his scales. His snarl did nothing to slow her it only made her more cautious. The dragon made a loud roar this time making her stop to look at him. He had been taught that harming a human would get him killed. She moved forwards again and gently touched his wing. She moved the key into the lock and took the shackle off the first wing. Then she moved to the other. Just when she had the shackle in her hands a swarm of trainers ran in and grabbed her arms dragging her back. She shook her head and flipped out of their grip pulling her blades from their sheaths.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Seyli looks at the dragon slowly and nodded her head Nice to meet you Dax, I was born of Nobel family I am true to my word AI can tell you that. I will help and want to help so allow me to please. She looked at him with soft eyes a smile on her face looking at the chain around his neck she pulls out her magic book Now don't move She said and mutters the spell and the chains around the dragons neck unlatched and allowed him more breathing air as she started to do the body and legs she was grabbed by some trainers and she did couple pressure points and they fell over. One trainer grabbed the book and hit her in the stomach painfully, falling over her book fell out of her hands and she growled as a trainer starts dragging her off and bites his hand 'These dragons are not meant to be chained up' she snapped and flipped the male over her swoulder and got her bow and arrows out.

The white dragon struggled from the last of the chains and the chains around his neck and last wing shatters and his slammed his tail between her and the Trainers and snarled deeply at the trainers fangs bared and eyes glowing with flames. He stood full height around the ceiling hight of the massive cell he was in , he stood around 38 feet tall and claws reached up to a foot long.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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Dax took a deep breath when the collar fell from his neck. He felt a great sense of gratitude towards this woman. The sight of the trainers sent his anger into overdrive. They were trying to harm his rider. He didn't know where the thought came from but he roared and stood. His tail whipped through the bars to hit many trainers. He kept them away from her while she lay on the ground. Everything around them had become chaos until a whistle was sounded drawing attention to the leader of the school. "Enough obviously the girls have found their bonds. It will be their job to control these dragons."

Luna was shocked when the white dragon rose to his full height and knocked the trainers away from her. She held no fear for this creature but more trainers came with spears. She yelled and jumped over Chaos's tail to meet the trainers but all stopped when the head man blew a whistle. Marks formed around her eyes in shapes of flames. She groaned in pain upon feeling the burning around her eyes. The trainers backed off and left them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Chaos snarled at the training till they backed off and eyes shut as a mark appears on his head, that of a star. He shook his head slightly as the mark hurt and grumbled slightly before looking at his new Rider and seeing she was in pain nudged her gently to see if she was ok.

Seyli huffed a breath and gets up slowly hand on her stomach and looked at Dax Shhhh easy my friend easy. I would like no trouble today. Now are you ok, fell better? She asked walking very slowly to the dragon stopped around eight feet from it incase he decided to snap at her she would be able to jump away. She blinks and picked her book up slowly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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Luna looked up at him taking comfort from his nudge. A smile formed across her lips then and she let words flow through her mind into his. Thank you for what you did. My name is Luna. What is yours? Her eyes wandered over his mark. It was a star. This caused her to tilt her head to the side slightly before meeting his eyes once more. She placed her blades back in their sheaths.

Dax looked at her wishing the bars weren't holding him back. He wanted to look her over but he would have to do with the spot he held now. I am fine but what about you? His eyes went over her stomach in question. He didn't like how far away she was from him. She thought he would harm her. A look of hurt crossed his eyes upon this thought. I hold no wish to harm you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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Chaos looks at her his deep red eyes flashes a blue color for a moment before he spoke Chaos is my name he said In a soft voice looking at her and then at the empty room. he streached for the first time in love 12 years. He looked around and his large wings where unable to open fully even in the large room. He looked at her then.

She nodded and gets the keys unlocking the door slowly allowing the blue dragon out as well. She looks at him with soft eyes I know but I wish to give you space evey living creature needs space dragons are not monsters they are misunderstood. Much like many humans are as well said with a soft look in her eyes.

(Look at OOC you still need to add evil rider)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was a shock hearing his voice in her mind but it was a nice feeling. Her feet moved then out of the cell and into the aisle. Come along then stretch your wings. You have been couped up way to long. She looked up at him motioning towards the outside world. He had not moved out of this cell in quite some time and he deserved to. She wondered about the blue she had seen in his eyes for just a split second. But shrugged in moving out of the building.

Dax looked at her as she opened the door to the cell. His eyes turned a dark green as he looked down at her. His eyes were tender or at least as tender as they could get. He leaned down and nuzzled her gently in thanks. You were one of those misunderstood humans. And I thank you for getting me out of that cage. He meant every word said to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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Seyli nodded slowly and put a hand on his head Come on lets go outside I think you need some time outside She said with a kind voice as she saw Luna and her new dragon and smiled at them. She leads her dragon out into the massive field behind the school. She sat down on a rock and watches him slowly a smile on her lips.

The dragon looked at her a bit unsure but slowly bent his head down and walks out after her he was a tall dragon so he had to keep ducking under the door frames. When they got outside he winced at the dazzling sun, he almost forgot how bright it was. He felt the soft grass and with a happy growl he ran around his large whiter wings unfolded and let the breeze catch the skin on it. He rears up on his hind paws and roars happily the joy of being outside for once. He growled around on the grass careful not to hurt anyone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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Dax growled happily and moved just behind her as they walked out into the sunlight. He blinked and roared happily. He looked at different people around the field. He saw the large white dragon near Seyli. He stretched his wings out and grumbled happily. The wing caught them. He smirked and let out a roar before taking flight. He took in the fresh air as he took to the skies. He looked towards the mountains and yearned to return to them. His attention was drawn towards the white dragon once more. He was getting to close to Seyli. He might hurt her. He roared and dove down towards the white dragon blowing fire. "Stop you will roll onto her." It was a roar to humans and a warning to Chaos.

Luna chuckled and went to Seyli watching Chaos. He was joyous in his movements. It was amazing to here such a happy growl. He had not seen the light of day for some time. This made her upset though she said nothing of it. Such a creature should not have been in that cell. He is much to tall for the cell as well. How was he to stretch out. She saw the blue dragon flying down at them. "What is he doing?" Alarm came to her as she looked to Chaos. Look out Chaos.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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Chaos hears the dragon and his rider and flipped over the other dragons rider and lands on his paws and hears a low growl and turned to see a massive Red and black dragoness lumber in fangs bared at them, she was older so she was bigger and really scary looking He flinched away from her slightly and then growls at her in defense of his rider. He looked at luna this dragon is creepy he growls deeply scales brsistled.

Asur was the dragoness name, she was solder yes and larger then the male dragons her scales where sharp and claws and fangs where powerful. She snorted and waited for her rider Marcus to get his butt over here. She snorted flames slightly at them and snarls as the white dragon insulted her fangs bared deeply.

Seyli looked over and saw the dragon flip over her and breathing got hard and fast. She was amazed she didn't get killed by the dragon and looked at the blue dragon hey Dax am I the only one thaty senses something not good ? She asked him as she saw a large red and black dragoness and flinched.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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Luna stayed next to Chaos when he finally landed. Her eyes went to the dragoness. This was an older dragon. She was very large, even bigger that Chaos was. Yes she is but do not show to much fear we will be fine. Especially since we are together. She said this trying to reassure Chaos. Her blades were out in a flash as she watched the dragoness closely.

Marcus rolled his eyes as he walked up to stand next to Asur. She was cranky at the moment making him about the same way. "You all nearly were killed foolishness is not tolerated here!" He was the oldest and best dragon rider in the whole school. He would be helping to train the in battle.

Dax landed and stood close to Seyli. He brought his tail around to be in front of her. It was a sign of his protection. As long as Seyli was alive and standing next to him he would be alright. But now his concerns would have to be focused on the dragon. Yes something is wrong here. They are the top pair in this place. We must be wary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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Asur growls at the two dragons and riders and her wings tucked up beside her, she stood ready to fight if they even dared to come close to her rider fangs bared at them. She lashed her tail swiftly cutting the air. She looked at her rider slightly a smirk on her lips and rolled her eyes before stareing at the dragons and riders her scakles where sharp to everyone but her rider.

Seyli looked at them slightly wary and nodded Yes we must stay on Alert if thus turns ugly it will not be fun to battle with them She said in a gentle tone her eyes looking at the dragoness and the older male 'Hey buster Keep your business on youself and not us" She scowled not liking how frowned upon they where for being girls and liking tio haves ome fun every once and a while.

Chaos nodded eyes narrowed deeply at the other rider and dragon uneasy but showed only protection his large wings unfurled and behind his rider but fangs bared and eyes scorching with flames, he was not about to let someone harm her or anyone. He stares at them and snickers slightly The big dogs of the class it will thrill to see if they can up hold their title against us He mused his large sharp and steel like wings shine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whitebird21
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whitebird21 The Hunter

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Marcus glanced over at Asur as she was smirking. He chuckled and put his hand on her shoulder before looking out at the two younger Riders. "We have been here preparing younger generations. We have seen many battles and lived to see the end. You have formed strong connections already. It is impressive. Since you are so well bonded your dragons may be moved to the stables instead of those cages."

Dax nodded slightly keeping his tail around her. He chuckled at her tone but put his head down near her shoulder to speak softly to her. I do not think a battle will happen. I think he is trying to help. His eyes went to the dragoness for a moment. "Why so smug? It could be simple to battle with you. I simply choose not to because of my rider's safety." He tended to push his luck on most things. A grumble left him at the mention of a stable. Another cage just nicer. His spikes rose as he wished to send them deep into the dragoness. They could go through any armor.

Luna placed her hand on his neck scales letting her strength flow into him. It was something that most pairs could not do for a year in training. But both of these pairs were strong and meant to be. At the mention of a stable she tilted her head to the side. Her eyes flitted to Chaos for a moment. There will never be another chain to touch your skin my friend. But I believe the Rider is trying to make allies of us. She was shocked by this. But perhaps they should try to work it out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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Seyli glares but looked at her dragon eyes softer I hope for his sake She said and pets her dragons head slowly. She looked back at Marcus eyes hard as stone 'Our dragons can go where they please they are no pets they are friends to us" she said strongly knowing that how she felt and she wasn't about to put her dragon in the stables.

Chaos grumbled and scales stopped bristling but stayed sharp and unfriendly toward the dragoness fangs bared slightly before looking at his riderThere is something dark about them, they don't feel friendly He said warningly in her mind his voice was soft whisper.

Asur stares at them his claws scarp the ground and stares at Seyli knowing she had a heart for dragons it did her good tos ee such a bond already. Marcus had to really work for her trust but the thing was they meet many years ago when she was like thirteen. She flicks her tail slightly and massive red torn wings shine in the sun casting shadows over the field.
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