Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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These Dark Elves are my kind of scum... I mean I will destroy them if they raise a finger to Orc-Kind, but still.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Senor Herp
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Senor Herp Byzantium Pro

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Allo, allo. Throwing together a sheet for Helor if there's room for one more, thought I'd notify you. Expect Indian-Polynesian ratmen and elephantman-sikh not-quite-paladins. Also monkey-gurkhas and cutthroat Rakshasa merchants.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orangebox


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

SyrianHamster said
You were one number away from a severely damaged fleet and lots of dead kinsmen, be grateful.

Oh god. Praise be RNGoddess for saving my sorry hide.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eternal_Flame


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Senor Herp said
Allo, allo. Throwing together a sheet for Helor if there's room for one more, thought I'd notify you. Expect Indian-Polynesian ratmen and elephantman-sikh not-quite-paladins. Also monkey-gurkhas and cutthroat Rakshasa merchants.

You can start make the sheet for sure, Here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Senor Herp said
Allo, allo. Throwing together a sheet for Helor if there's room for one more, thought I'd notify you. Expect Indian-Polynesian ratmen and elephantman-sikh not-quite-paladins. Also monkey-gurkhas and cutthroat Rakshasa merchants.

Hey bishop, you will finally have a neighbor
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Senor Herp said
Allo, allo. Throwing together a sheet for Helor if there's room for one more, thought I'd notify you. Expect Indian-Polynesian ratmen and elephantman-sikh not-quite-paladins. Also monkey-gurkhas and cutthroat Rakshasa merchants.

I understood that right up to Indian-Polynesian ratmen and then I had to go and sit down.

Post a sheet for Helor, if you get one up within the hour I might be able to accept you tonight, but if not you'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orangebox


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh my, I think I may have done something evil in the eyes of RP-ing. I may have accidentally made my border guards a little too smart, being aware of the existence of your nation, Panda-man.

Would it be necessary for me to edit that part out, or go along with it - with my nation having slightly better scouts capable of finding out about my close neighbors?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Titanic said
Hey bishop, you will finally have a neighbor

So long as he understands the Orc creed, 'Orks Stronk! Gibe Clay!', we'll get along famously. :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meeky


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BlackBishop said
So long as he understands the Orc creed, 'Orks Stronk! Gibe Clay!', we'll get along famously. :p

You forgot "DAKKA!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Meeky said
You forgot "DAKKA!"

Dakka will be added once i counquer one of you gunpowder nations :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Senor Herp
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Senor Herp Byzantium Pro

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Work-in-progress posted. Gives some idea of flavor, but is missing necessary mechanical information and characters; I wanted to put out something, at least, rather than only post a complete version some time from now. Good enough for a reservation. Work continues.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Senor Herp said
Work-in-progress posted. Gives some idea of flavor, but is missing necessary mechanical information and characters; I wanted to put out something, at least, rather than only post a complete version some time from now. Good enough for a reservation. Work continues.

Forgive my reservations, I am all up for creativity and what not, but it seems quirky as f**k.

I mean Most Serene and Holy Kingdom of Helor, Empire of the Rat's Friends? Just rename it to North Korea, it's much shorter.

But all jokes aside, I assume this is all serious stuff? The races were very interesting, and the fact you've bothered to read the ICs and know Hightower is an ally of Helor tells me you're serious, but I need to know that you're not going to start spawning cartoon bunny rabbits to frighten the local slugducks.

Just a "i swear I wont spawn cartoon bunny rabbits to frighten the local slugducks" will do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Senor Herp
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Senor Herp Byzantium Pro

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

SyrianHamster said Forgive my reservations, I am all up for creativity and what not, but it seems quirky as f**k.

Such was the purpose.

SyrianHamster said I mean Most Serene and Holy Kingdom of Helor, Empire of the Rat's Friends? Just rename it to North Korea, it's much shorter.

You steppin' on muh grorious reader?

SyrianHamster said the fact you've bothered to read the ICs and know Hightower is an ally of Helor tells me you're serious

It pays to know these things; I'll give the IC more than just a skim later, focus is on the sheet now. Conveniently, a friend is Hightowering it up for cooperative subplot makin', whenever he can get off his ass to make a post and assemble his sheet. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, CAPTAIN. GET TO IT WITH THOSE SPANISH ALPS.

SyrianHamster said but I need to know that you're not going to start spawning cartoon bunny rabbits to frighten the local slugducks. Just a "i swear I wont spawn cartoon bunny rabbits to frighten the local slugducks" will do.

Well, I wasn't GOING to, but now that you say it, I know not what I do. By which I mean I know EXACTLY what I do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Senor Herp said
Such was the purpose.You steppin' on muh grorious reader? It pays to know these things; I'll give the IC more than just a skim later, focus is on the sheet now. Conveniently, a friend is Hightowering it up for cooperative subplot makin', whenever he can get off his ass to make a post and assemble his sheet. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, CAPTAIN. GET TO IT WITH THOSE SPANISH ALPS.Well, I wasn't GOING to, but now that you say it, I know not what I do. By which I mean I know EXACTLY what I do.

Ratmen and dirty humans... what is an Orc to do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

BlackBishop said
Ratmen and dirty humans... what is an Orc to do?

I'd refer to a saying similar to another famous saying.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Titanic said
I'd refer to a saying similar to another famous saying.GOTTA KILL 'EM ALL!

Your words sooth mine Orc ears, Krakon. Makes me want to.... kill something!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hello hello hello, as Senor Herp mentioned I'd like to try my hand at the earthquake ravaged Hightower. I'll roll with what's already allotted to Hightower: humans will remain the majority and wheat and wine are perfectly fine for trade goods.

Until I have a little more free time, probably later tonight, I'm just going to get some of my basic thoughts down regarding the nation. It's probably better that way, since if I screw something up or if something's a no-go we can catch it before I invest myself into building up a sheet.

So Hightower, as I intend to make it, will be something of a city-state which will be governed, at least officially, by a convention of prominent landowners and delegates from semi-independent boroughs. In practice things are quite different. Hightower's gendarmerie, which make up the bulk of its military strength, are under the direct control of the city's 'Imperial Castellan'. The holder of this title traditionally, in Imperial times, would act as a viceroy of sorts. An executive of imperial law and a go-between for local nobility and the Empire's rulers abroad. In modern times the Imperial Castellan is more of a dictator, however, and without a clear means of succession, such as appointment by an Emperor, the title has flip-flopped through hereditary succession to election and then right back to usurpation by force or intrigue. The relative instability at the top of the Hightower political hierarchy has not done the city-state any lasting harm just yet. After all, it takes a shrewd man to cling to the title. A fool who doesn't act in accordance with the position's mandate, as the defender of the city and its people, is unlikely to last long. It'd be self-destructive to utilize the title for personal gain, simply put, but it is coveted all the same due to the prestige and power it confers on the holder, and because it is vogue amongst the nobility to be seen as a champion of the people and the empire, even despite the empire being long defunct.

Hightower, due to its fairly strategic position, was, up until the collapse of the empire, an imperial demesne. It was from Hightower that, centuries ago, the nascent empire launched its forays into the deserts to the south and east and the jungles to the north. Hightower itself is an extremely mountainous country, particularly in the south, while the north is characterized by vast, humid, and temperate basins, valleys, and hills which have been cultivated into some of the most productive farmland in the known world. The mountains of the southern stretches of the country are a blessing in many ways, given that they are both a natural barrier against invasion and also act to keep an excess of moisture from escaping south. I figured mountains made the most sense, given the topography on the map, in which relatively green Hightower juts outwards into what is otherwise an arid, desert region.

And you're welcome to try and come over and kill us! Hightower didn't survive centuries with the neighbors it has by being populated by soft, sedentary people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bishop, you just keep getting more and more neighbors. Also, why hasnt anyone picked a region from the south?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eternal_Flame


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Storm is coming
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