Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

This is the OOC so far, More details will be added in/refined as we come closer to starting up the IC... I'll create a Character sheet, or you all may feel free to create one of your own [though I'll ask for changes/updates if it's lacking vital details], I'll make the skeleton sometime tommorrow, though if someone makes a good CS already I may use it's layout for a skeleton.

I may or may not add a racial section with more details 'per race' or simply let things be developed IC as we progress and they become relevant... I'm inclined to let most of it simply be unknown and be explained by someone relevant IC, similar to how it works in Mass effect itself =D

Mass Effect/MLP Crossover

Time-frame = Galactic year - 1258 A.R. [After Reapers]

Main characters = Equestrian Races crewing a ship meant to facilitate inter-stellar exploration. Possibility of players using characters of other races as well.

Primary RP Races =
Equestrian Races - the 3 base pony races, 'possibility' of alicorns [fairly moderated], Changelings [possible royals, or at least different evolutions, available], Diamond Dogs, Thestrals, Potentially 'Nocturne ponies' [Dark themed Unicorns, Earth ponies, and Pegasi], Dragons [of a certain age range], Artificial constructs [likely magical in origin, such as a golem or senthetic platform with a soul bound to it], Minotaurs, Various other Equine races for those interested, Moon inhabitants [from the comics], Breezies? [Not likely useful as a playable race, but for secondary crew roles such as maintenance in small places], Kirin, Longma [and variants].

The Other Standard Races - Human, Turian, Salarian, Asari, Rakni?, so on, the other Mass effect races =D. possibly 'new' synthetics, or who knows, maybe there was some corner of the galaxy that the shockwaves didn't reach.

Sangheli [Suggested by Draconilian]

Mana Tech Automaton [Designed by Equestrian's, Their version of Synthetics, minus the 'artificial' intelligence]

Current plot Details = Arrival of a Galactic Council Diplomatic vessel with 2 Spectre's as escorts, 1 as a person guard, and a second leading his own ship.

contact has been established and a preliminary diplomatic crew of Equestrian's has been organized, Mainly made up of crew that had been intended for a newly constructed long-range ship... Given that it seems a piece of the galaxy abroad has come to the Equestrians, the chance might as well be taken to gain some early experience for the crew.

Universal Summary:

Naturally, once the Reapers were defeated, the Galaxy put all of it's effort into the recovery of the devastated Civilization... It wasn't an easy process, especially when the wave of destruction that erased the Reaper threat also killed every synthetic lifeform and shut-down every ship that was currently active. Cut off from interstellar travel, the Reconstruction efforts of each star-system were focused on their vicinity first.

Naturally the civilized races sought to rebuild their network of travel and after decades of stabilizing their current 'safe zones' they set to studying the freshly studying the remains of the Relays and the Reapers, Though around earth where the Citadel and the Crucible remains lay, these were included in their research... It'd be centuries before experimentation lead to a successful jump to one of the other star systems, and centuries more before new dedicated relays were being built en masse... They are a farcry from the original relays and require frequent maintainance to ensure functionality, but the important part is that the galaxy is getting back on track.

Centuries later still, The Citadel has been rebuild, sans 'psychotic murderbot entry portal technology'... just incase... And Galactic civilization has finally reached a point where it can take stock of the state of the galaxy overall, access the once more newly connected star-systems, and get to work on cleaning up the 'trouble' that has begun to rise up from some of the isolated systems that began to take on a less 'friendly' attitude during their survival efforts.

Despite the Reapers being defeated and failing to truly wipe out the races of the cycle, The Galaxy was essentially still 'reborn', The Galactic Council has taken on a greatly hardened bond of cooperation with the races involved, Systems that have been isolated for a millenia are still being discovered and reconnected, And the fruits of a thousand years of Technological reconstruction are being reaped and shared the galaxy over... But more importantly, the races of the 'new cycle' that would have begun with the erasure of the previous Civilization have begun making appearance on the galactic playing field... 'Now' the ultimate question is, what will happen between the now even more numerous races of the galaxy? things are barely stable again, and new races are being thrown into the mix, what kind of chaos is going to break out in this new age of Galactic life?


RP Specific Background: [I can probably do better with the stuff below when it's not 5 in the morning, but I'm too eager to get this RP actually started to just let go right now XD feel free to provide suggestions or modifications, I'm open to anything that can improve the RP :D]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Brief Sangheili Snippet of Info:

The Sangheili are biologically identical to their description in the Halo canon. But their history is a bit different, replace all instances of Forerunner in their history with Prothean, and remove the rest of the Covenant, and it's basically complete.

Sangheilian First Contact was bloody, similar to humanity, but peace was called, diplomacy was made, and now the Sangheili are the newest sentient species on the galactic stage, or at least, newest for now. Sangheili have been in the galactic community for three hundred years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aay, Shor! Long time no see!

Is this still open? I'm bored and need something to pass the time, and there's not really much else I honestly want to take part in. >.>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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Cs comin' tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Will try to get a CS up today, if not today then hopefully tomorrow.

As a side note, I just had an interesting thought. Between the versatility of unicorn magic, the supernatural ability to work the land of earth ponys, and the ability to control the weather of the pegesus ponys; equastrian colonists would kick ass at terraforming planets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

eeey, raddum, long time indeed, and sure it's still open =D Nice ta see ya again.

Also, hurrah, CS's coming =D I'll put together... 2 XD but only one will be my primary character, the other'll be sort of an high profile NPC sorta dealy.

And oooh, Kilty, You're right =D They could totally buy uninhabitable or even damaged planets cheap as shit, and with magic and unnatural perseverance turn a massive fucking profit! XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Quick question; Are you going to put up an offical CS or do we wing it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

you can wing it =D I think the closest i'm going to get to an 'official' CS from now on is going to be 'my' CS XD I'm not sure why but out of the various tasks of creating an RP the CS skeleton designing is one of the most tedious now... perhaps because it's always almost the same XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Oh, also, i would like to find out =D what do you think of the structure of a changeling being based off of 'this' picture? In my opinion it fits a 'sci fi' setting more XD plus, you know, centuries of time to make 'changes' XD

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

in short, my opinion is summarized thusly

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Oh my lord. Raddum and KiltmanBagz. Long time no see! I'm kind of interested, Shoryu, but I'm reaaaally busy these days. I'd love to keep track of this though, with your permission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

YO FRETTZO! Man I'm so glad all these familiar faces are popping up! The guild is starting to feel like home again.

Anywho, that changling set up works for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Frettzo said
Oh my lord. Raddum and KiltmanBagz. Long time no see! I'm kind of interested, Shoryu, but I'm reaaaally busy these days. I'd love to keep track of this though, with your permission.

by all means, keep track of it...

and it should be 'Raddum, KiltmanBagz, and Shoryu!'... I was there too TnT wherever there was >.> ... probably... Lol i'm messin with ya XD

Draconilian said
in short, my opinion is summarized thuslyHOLY FUCK THAT IS BADASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heheh, i know right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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Here we go:

Name: (First Name Unknown) "Hammer" Gael
Age: 28
Race: Human
Backstory: Gael was space-born, like many other children. Her parents weren't that special. Her father was a simple doctor's assistant, and her mother was an engineer who worked primarily on engines. From a young age, Gael had a large amount of technical prowess. She was able to disassemble machinery and put it back together with relative ease (under slight guidance from her mother). Years passed, and Gael began to work as an engineer, but inside of a docking bay. It was a normal day. Gael worked on engines, and made sure that the ship could move, but disaster struck. Someone, or even something had snuck near the engines while the ship was docked at some other place, and put a bomb inside. Gael saw the bomb, and did whatever a normal human would do. She yelled the word "Bomb" and she ran for cover. She barely lived. Her face was another story. It had been burned, torn up, and skinned. When she awoke from the blast, she was in a small clinic in the slums. The doctor treating her that an officer had brought her in, and that all of her records stated she was dead. With nowhere left to go, she studied about medicine at this clinic, and read books about technology. She even made a mask to cover all of her wounds. After some time, she began to do some odd jobs. Fix something, hack into another, and 5 years of work experiences later, she became somewhat of a mercenary, freelancer, if you will. Under the pseudonym "Hammer", she took on any mission as a support role. She rarely fought, but instead, hacked into systems and protected the main troops. After a while, she was hired by a professional ship as their Technology and Communications Officer.
Tech: Through Gael's own development, Gael has made a great amount of tech she can use.

Drone Swarm: Gael sends in around 5 flying drones to gun the enemies. After their heat is fully built up from firing, they crash into an enemy, or land and turn off.

Electro-Deactivation-Virus: Gael sends a virus into the machine, fully corrupting all of the machine's data, and removing it's subsystem programming.

Overload: Standard

Guardian Angel: Gael's greatest creation. The Guardian Angel is a small ship, about the size of the landing vessel that regular ships use. It is loaded with four H-15 Repeater Turrets, 2 Aegis Disruptor Cannons, and 12 incendiary bombs. Because of it's restraints via size, and weight, it can only keep sustained fire from turrets for 8 seconds. It would take around 2 minutes for the guns to cool, and be reusable, so it's usually a one time thing for the ship to come down.
Equipment: Omni-Tool
GAU-39 Heavy Pistol, fully modified by Gael. It is much lighter to carry, at the cost of sustained fire accuracy
Not much armour, other than a light-weight body-suit under her clothes that give some defence.
She has one hell of a shield, though.
Forgive me for mistakes, me tired and too lazy to proof read.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So, can changelings actually shapeshift into non-Equestria races? Would it take time and practice? or just be impossible.

Also, are we just going to forgo the language barrier and say for fuck knows what reason Equestrians speak human english, or does it need to be sent through a translation matrix system
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 22 days ago

I'm pretty sure I'd love to be a quarian--I actually have an old CS that I'd be willing to share, if you've no problem with me dusting an old character :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Frettzo said
I'm pretty sure I'd love to be a quarian--I actually have an old CS that I'd be willing to share, if you've no problem with me dusting an old character :p

go for it =D

As for changelings, given that they've never encountered them before, it'd say some practice would be needed, not to mention sudden turning into a bipedal creature when you've been quadrupedal for years would be rather disorienting until ya get used to it XD It'd be easier to just not need to disguise XD

Aaand the language barrier... I don't know actually XD reminds me of that conversion bureau story i came across once XD of course in that case, Celestia initiated some 'low grade mind fuck' to auto learn english and then help the ponies learn it XD that could be one of those side mission things, coming up with a dedicated Cypher for translation. Communication not matching up could be troublesome for some stages of the RP XD but it could also add some entertaining substance, plus, it can be temporarily bridges with some 'bull shit magic that lets them understand eachother' XD

Also, Hammer looks acceptable to me so far, anyone else got anything to say about her? also, that veritable 'attack craft' is gonna need a bit of regulation at times XD that said, being that it's described as more on the scale of the transports that were used, I think i can allow, at least unless it gets troublesome somewhere.

On that note, I should also mention, once we all go 'off planet', we're going to all be on the same single ship, it'll make things much smoother for interaction and transportation.

Aaaand, Oh my GOD there's always another question i have to ask myself about this RP and then consider if anyone else has an opinion on it XD

Hrm! what is the general opinion on the RP Starting 'at the very beginning', meaning everyone is liable to be seperate at the time and likely be called up to meet somewhere, which could of course take a while, Or start the RP on the official 'first contact' meeting with everyone in some specific location this encounter is taking place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Or we could all do flashbacks right before we meet with the magical-flying-pink-horses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

SilverDawn said
Or we could all do flashbacks right before we meet with the magical-flying-pink-horses.

technically it may be a white one, or a blue one, or a purple one, i might just randomize which one it is XD but that's not a bad idea, a flashback'll do nicely =D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 22 days ago

I think it's better to start in something dynamic. You know, instead of having to go through the pain and risk of a whole IC day of awkward introductions, we could start at first contact or at first briefing.
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