Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by glibglobb
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In a world long ago dominated by humans and their foul steam machines, the surviving faery hang onto life in impoverished urban districts called Blights, little more than ghettos pressed in on every side by man's urban sprawl. The illustrious highborn, Seelie and Unseelie, once the rulers of vast kingdoms now hold court in the shadows, reduced to criminal gangs and vigilantes. Within the greenlight districts, encircling the ghettos like an infection round the rim of a sucking wound, the elves, most regal and beautiful of the fair folk, prostitute themselves in dens of debauchery. In the factory districts, gnomes, once the great craftsmen of the fae, sit chained to production lines, their creative intellects sentenced to endless drudgery. Beneath the city, goblins, once lords of the underworld, scrape by on the scraps of humans, building villages of trash in the dark pockets of polluted sewers. Beyond the city the dwarves labor as virtual slaves beneath the earth digging ever deeper for the noxious black ore the steel beasts of men crave. Those fairies not able to find a niche in this new nightmare live upon the streets or below them, beggars, thieves, pests. Special police armed with hated iron round them up like stray dogs and by the hundreds they stream into the detention camps, destined for forced labor and the experimental labs of human alchemists. In this grim future of fading magic and hope, you must decide whether to try and rekindle the mythical glory of your people or embrace the hopelessness of the Blight.

Brief History

Originally the fates of men and fae were reversed. Humans were little more than animals. Wild, they lived in isolated tribal bands, domestic, they served the faery courts. Tame humans were kept as 'pets' but also served a purpose. Devoid of magic, humans could be filled with arcane energy, a process called enchantment, and used as the equivalent of a magical battery. Enchanted humans lived in a waking dream, minds twisted and perceptions altered by the magic coursing through their veins. During this time, the two faery courts fought an endless war whose original cause was all but forgotten. The Seelie considered the Unseelie evil and ignoble, the Unseelie considered the Seelie haughty and arrogant. Some faery races, like the notoriously Unseelie goblins, threw in entirely with one court while others, like the elves, were split down the middle by the conflict. Then came the first wizard. His origin is legend for the art of wizardry itself is long lost to humans, but the stories claim he found a way to peel back the fog of enchantment. Fairies called him Dreamwalker and his magic was said to be limitless in its power. In the decades which followed he took apprentices and the Fae soon faced a full fledged rebellion. Although the Dreamwalker found only a few who could practice his art, he knew the Fae's weakness and forged weapons of iron for his army of freed and wild men. Human historians call it The Wizard Wars while Fae remember it as the War of Broken Names for the manner in which wizard magic tore and transmuted the natural world, changing the very essence of things: their true names. In the end the faery lost, betrayed by the own, a race of elves now known as the Jarnalfar or Grey Elves, who attempted a ritual to allow them to wield the steel weapons of men. The rite worked but in the process ripped the magic from their bodies leaving them as pallid, emotionless husks. Reevaluating the war with their new, cold reason, they determined to swear allegiance to man. Their betrayal assured the downfall of the Fae and their own place of prominence as the trusted servants of powerful humans to this day.

Magic, Steel and Steam

Since the beginning humans have depended upon iron, and later, steel. Iron, more than wizardry, won them their freedom, for the faery abhor the touch of ferrous metals. Among the magically gifted, simply being near iron causes nausea and for nearly all Fae, the touch of iron or steel burns like a hot poker causing the skin to split and blister. Grey elves, the betrayers, are the exception to the rule. Dogs of their human masters, they patrol the Blights armed with their steel rapiers and revolvers, hunting their own kind without remorse.

Modern humans no longer practice the art of wizardry. In fact, most scholars consider it to be merely a metaphor for technology. Human power is based not on the arcane but the scientific. Their technology is largely steam powered, fueled by a glossy black ore called dross. Dross burns with intense heat allowing boilers to create superheated steam driving truly massive machines. Rifles and revolvers are standard weapons among human soldiers and police. A powdered form of dross, blue powder, propels their lead missiles and complex actions feed automated firing mechanisms. Advancement in technology is driven by an elite class of learned scholars called alchemists and, more than they would admit, enslaved gnome inventors. Not satisfied with the phenomena of combustion and explosion, many explore the magical biology of faeries and fomori (monsters) employing tortuous methods of vivisection and radical surgery.

Faery sorcery, glamer, operates differently for each race of the fair folk. Elfin magic involves empathy and telepathy, while gnomish magic allows for supernatural speed and dexterity. Dwarves can use their glamer to read and even shape stone, while goblins can meld with shadows becoming all but invisible in the dark dank of their sewer homes. Grounded as it is in their biology, faery magic is instinctive but severely limited in scope. Not only is their magic restricted, it tires them like the flexing of a muscle and in places barren of magic like the urban human sprawl they tire far more quickly.

Faery Kind

The fair folk are a diverse people unified only by their magical inheritance and their hatred for iron. Although many faery races are marked by their beauty and slender pointed ears, these features do not hold true for all kinds, certainly not for the twisted goblins or statuesque trolls. Faery culture also varies widely, though, all venerate the essential nature of Names. Each faery possesses a true name, held in secret, and given only under oath, intoxication or torture. To violate a command given with one's true name, a so-called geas, is to bring a curse upon one's head. Whether real or not, most faeries believe so intensely in the power of oaths and true names that they become self fulfilling prophecies.

Others- The fae are a diverse assemblage of races, but I leave the rest to be designed either by players or by me during the course of the game.


Although humans are no longer enslaved en mass by faery nobles, many remain enchanted. The difference is that these humans seek it out. Many prefer the waking dream of enchantment to the harsh reality of working life and dens exist both within the Blight and along its edges where humans drink in magic and drift in a euphoric haze. Modern enchantment (collectively called glams) comes in a variety of forms: an inhaled vapor called aether, an imbibed liquid nick-named mana, and a snorted powder called, unsurprisingly, fairy dust. Enchantment addicts often wander the Blight and usually end up dead and penniless in one of its rancid gutters. Some humans, however, are reminiscent of the wizards of old and are able to channel magic when imbued with it. Unlike the legends, however, these persons are not wise and thoughtful magicians, but deranged maniacs who have little to no control over the wild energies they unleash. These so-called wyldings make up one of the most feared gangs in and outside the Blight and can be spotted, at least when they are glamming, by a bluish glow around their irises.


Called fomori (fomor, singular) by the faery and simply monsters by humans, they are savage creatures and beings who lack any pretense of humanity though they may take vaguely humanoid shapes. Like the faery they abhor the touch and presence of iron and like the faery they exhibit inherited, intuitive sorcery. Unlike the fae, most are vicious predators who fed upon faeries and each other in the primordial enchanted forests. Some are cunning and intelligent like the serpentine gorgan and far-sighted cyclops. Others are brutish and savage like the massive, hideous ogre or the flesh eating minotaurs. Lacking the culture and organization of the fae, the fomorians never created kingdoms or courts. They existed and still exist in small groups, packs and clans. Although in the past they presented a real threat to both fae and man, many have now been hunted to extinction and those that remain exist either in hiding or beyond the fringes of civilization.

Iron Police

The Iron Police or Iron Brigade play the part of the boogyman in the nightmares of countless fairies. The law enforcement arm of the Office of Faery Affairs, they operate independently of the human police and with far fewer restrictions. Armed and often armored in iron, they patrol around and within every Blight investigating any case involving a fairy perpetrator and detaining any faeries they find outside Blight boundaries without the proper working or travel papers. They respond with particular aggression to instances of faery on human violence and often execute suspects on the spot. Although the bulk of the Iron Police are human ex-military they also employ Grey Elves, their most feared operatives. Unlike their human coworkers who favor heavy armor and weapons, the Jarnalfar prefer lightweight leather and small, precise weapons: rapiers, revolvers, and rifles. Ironpolice can always be identified by their badge, a crest similar to those worn by regular officers but marked by a sigil of crossed hammers.


Every human child knows the story, a brother and sister steal into a fairy palace. After pilfering the valuable mithril jewelry of the fairy queen, they are about to make good their escape when they come upon a bountiful table heavy with colorful fruits and succulent meats. Against their better judgement they take just a taste, but gluttony enraptures them and they stuff their faces. Unbeknownst to them the food was enchanted and eating it bound them forever to the magical land of the fae. Unable to leave fairyland they are trapped forever, forced to become servants of the fae queen's court. Stories like these, still told to children, are actually based in truth. Faeries are magical creatures and like all magical creatures they must consume magic in order to survive. Without it they loose their glamer and eventually wither and die like an animal deprived of an essential vitamin. Humans on the other hand lack magic and the staple crops which feed them: grains, taters, sprouts, beef, chicken and pork, also lack it. Eating faery foods in large quantities can even, as happens in the stories, enchant humans, though the effect is not nearly as profound as the drugs like mana designed specifically for that purpose.

While human produce come from vast cleared farmlands, barren of magic, the fae must take care to grow and nurture their crops in enchanted soils. Unfortunately the enchanted forests are all but gone and faeries, restricted to the urban Blights, can hardly engage in farming. The solution to the problem comes in the form of greenhouses and gardens, many fed on artificial lights. Mushrooms, grown in the foul loam of Blight sewers, also contribute to the faerys' caloric needs. Faeries hold varying opinions on carnivory. Some raise cockatrices in coops the way humans do chickens. Others like elves sneer at the idea of flesh eating equating it with the foul fomori. Goblins are probably the least picky eaters, snatching and gobbling down any Blight rat which looks queer on the hunch it might be magical. Despite these options for sustenance, hunger and wasting remain constant problems in Blights. The wasting afflicts fae who try to subsist on human foods or eat foods poor in magical content. Their bodies, starved for magic, will begin to break down their own tissues to keep them alive. The more magical a faery race, the more prone they are to the wasting and, not surprisingly, highborn elves (Sidhee) are among the most sensitive. Those afflicted by the wasting for long periods can permanently loose their glamer resulting in sad sights such as grounded pixies and crippled trolls. Eventually the condition is fatal. A plague upon the Blights, the wasting claims hundreds of faery lives across the world every day and has reduced fae life spans considerably from the multiple centuries they saw during antiquity to 90 years if they're lucky.

Local Setting

Drezlen grew up along the southern rim of the Ellendacks, the steep snow-capped moutain range which slices across the northern border of Torreth, the largest and most influential of the three nations of man. It is a constitutional monarchy ruled by a royal family, the Torr, who can trace their lineage back to warlords and wizards who battled the lands original dwarf, elf and gnome inhabitants. Torreth's power derives from dross and Drezlen, with its easy access to the deep earth mines of the Ellendecks and the stable flows of the Blackwash River running south to the sea ports, is the source of that power. Although not the capitol (that would be the port city of Nyssus, at the mouth of the Blackwash), Drezlen is the second largest city in the nation and the third largest city in the world. Enriched not only by dross, but minerals, gems, and mithril which lace the ancient mountains, Drezlen's mine bosses wield power comparable to the royals in the south. Like all cities in Torreth, magistrates and officials are elected by male human land owners, but everyone knows that the executives of mining and smelting companies hand pick the available candidates.

The city itself owes only part of it's stone architecture to human hands. Much of the merchant and all of the noble districts are the carved stone remains of an ancient Dwarven clanhold, its true name now long forgotten. The magistrate and the city council (representatives of all major business interests) reside in the old Dwarf King's palace, a domed structure which juts out above the granite cliffs like a stone aviary. The rest of the city spills out of the peaks and into the foot hills like an alluvial fan. At the base of the city, the Blackwash springs fierce from its underground confines and barges jostle for room on her sloshing surface. The Blight festers like a sore between the docks and the impoverished commons where human laborers rent tenements only slightly less fire-prone than those which house the fae. The Drezlen Blight provides most of the dwarf labor for the mines and foundaries and gnome workers for the metal shops. Its greenlight district caters to prospectors, gamblers, drunks, enchanted and other desperate fools who think a pouch worth of mithril dust will buy them happiness. Faeries rounded up by the Iron Police are either imprisoned in the city's massive dungeons (another artifact Drezlen's dwarven past) or shipped south to the dreaded detention camps in the secluded spruce forests.

Details, details, details

Below are optional hider topics for players who want more detailed information about the world. Be aware that some of the material below could be considered spoiler.

Characters and Game

The game will focus on faery life within a Blight so obviously faery characters are preferred, but I will also accept humans if the concept is creative and relevant to the setting. Players may use one of the major races listed above or create their own species. For those choosing the later option, please limit your selection to known Western mythological archetypes and be aware that I reserve the right to veto anything that is, for lack of a better word, stupid. In a hider below the skeleton is a guide for designing a faery race without making the GM head-desk. New characters can be submitted using the skeleton below or one of your own making, so long as it contains all the necessary info. If there are elements of your submissions which should be secret please PM them to me or type them as spoilers.

True Name:
Court (if applicable):

The game itself will depend entirely on player choice. I will follow my regular philosophy and place only two restrictions on player choice. One, at least try to keep the protagonists grouped together (I recognize this isn't always possible) and two don't completely ignore main plot. Although there will be a main plot, it will weave in and out of the game allowing for large amounts of filler and character-focused subplots.

Rules and Crap

The usual shit.

1) Adult players only. This is a story with mature themes like sex and drug use so yeah, 18+ only should go without saying.
2) Be mellow and don't harsh the GM's vibe. It's a game, so let's have fun and not take things too seriously
3) One post a week bare minimum unless RL calls, in which case just say something.
4) Decent writing. I'm not expecting literature, but make an effort and make it comprehensible. Grammar is meh, but dont B, sobad... I cant evn understan wat yr sayin??!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by glibglobb
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


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Cannot wait to get started. (:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elsa


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I am wierdly excited about those things... they weren't on the old vBulletin site were they?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yay I'm here :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm here! :D

@Elsa: No, the old site didn't have tabs. There were separate sub-forums for OOC's and IC's. I have to say that I'm liking the idea of tabs as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rata Tat Tat

Rata Tat Tat

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I'm here, apologies on my recent absentia. I'll have the adjustments to Needle up at some point today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here and ready to party.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm here and waiting on you. :) PM'd you everything
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


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@glib - If you want, you can have Mahz change the title of this thread if you want the [OOC] to be omitted. I believe there is somewhere you can go to make that request.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So we got a Prostitute, a Cavewoman, a Drug Dealer, an Escort and an Ex-Cop. This should be fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Whose the cavewoman? *innocent look*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

cthulu said
Whose the cavewoman? *innocent look*

Probably Fallon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 2 days ago

I won't be joining this after all. Best of luck, ladies and gentlemen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


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K-97 said
Probably Fallon.

LOL WHAT. I am offended.

Hank said
I won't be joining this after all. Best of luck, ladies and gentlemen.

Awe. ):
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Delphi is the cavewoman. ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nah I like K-9's viewpoint better :P Delphi's not a cave woman, she's a sweet innocent flower who happens to mess with your head if you annoy her. ^_^ GAH I love our GM for letting me write Gorgon back story/history. I've loved their concept and constantly reread their stories and even found obscure links in other countries stories. So it's going to be awesome...besides Delphi is only HALF Fomori?

Aww no @Hank WHYYYYYYYY?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gotta love them Cavewomen, better standards than those escorts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elsa


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Glib, are you writing up the OP any time soon? Assuming you are writing the OP for us...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by glibglobb
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay sorry for the delay, seems whenever I have free time rpgguild is down. So we have the first player made race, Wisps up. Check them out, Ichthys did an awesome job. With them comes his character, Lior.

And, yes, Elsa, OP for the IC is coming, don't jump the gun :-P. Here is what I usually do. I'll post three or four brief scenes in order to give everyone a better sense of the setting and some preexisting events to connect your characters to. The hook for the mainplot might come in the first round or it might be later. You'll know it when you see it because the mainplot will have world altering consequences which will either be obvious or foreshadowed. Failing that I will just point and say, "There Main Plot Uuugg."
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