I never done anything like this either so I may be slow and need some help.
natsumehack said
Slow Slow Slow.
Seravee said
Still waiting for confirmation from some people.And actions from important people. Like the killers.
Awson said
When we stop killing Nat every time, that's when they'll make him the Wolf.Solution: never stop.
Sherlock Holmes said
So excited for this to start up -- should be fun! ^_^
natsumehack said
Are you going to deduce who the wolf is by the first post like the real sherlock would?
Sherlock Holmes said
If I was to, I wouldn't necessarily share that information, would I?
natsumehack said
You would with this super special snowflake of a person right?
Sherlock Holmes said
Nope. Sharing was not in my job description.
natsumehack said
Not even for this super desu snowflake, hyper special player?
Sherlock Holmes said
Super nope.
natsumehack said
Damn sherlock, you must be the wolf.
Sherlock Holmes said
I guess you'll have to find out, won't you? XD
natsumehack said