In this form, Zasareth still resembles a human in some ways, however his features are no longer at all what they were. He becomes a far more muscular figure, and his attire changes into more barbaric clothing. Around his skull, horns bend and form a sort of barrier from outside forces, and his armor that he wore changes to better suit this form. He grows to a good, even, six feet and he becomes a good 300 pounds, yet none of it is visible as fat. If anything, it's because of muscle and whatever changes to the bones he received.
In this form, the air is also extremely cruel, as if wanting you to crawl into a ball in Zasareth's presence. His skin goes from white, to a sort of whitish-green color, and his face becomes just a set of eyes, and a sort of tear in the flesh. Apparently, this was his mouth. Teeth could just barely be visible behind it, however they were far more jagged. A sort of blue haze started to seep from the very center of his palms, and he looked at you menacingly.
This was the nightmare that lived within Zasareth.
The katana that Zasareth used to become this creature is nowhere in sight, but it was easy to forget all about that katana with this new, massive creature staring you down. There was a pressure attempting to weigh you down to the ground as this creature was there. It was a sort of unseen force, and it was becoming harder to resist the more you tired yourself out trying to fight it. It was strong.
He creature let out a horrid, spine-tingling roar as it looked at you, and then clenched its fists.