Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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This is a one-on-one RP between PopeAlessandros and Raafling, if you're not us, don't post! Also, this is a M/M plot, so if you don't like, don't read.

Plot -

A dragon, forsaking his people takes the form of a human and leaves to go live among them. Meets someone in a village and becomes friends. The friends sets out on a pilgrimage(Or something like it) and the dragon goes with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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I was thinking that maybe the dragon comes to the village is is very blunt, and awkward, and the villager takes a little pity on him when the dragon realizes he's hungry and can't exactly go hunting like he use to. He of course would be insulted, but this would give him somewhere to start. After that I could see them, say, camping or something, and they are attacked by bandits? Or even some dragons from his own clan that want him to return. He would change to fight off whatever we decide does the attacking, and then have one of those moments where the dragon is unsure if he's still welcome by his human companion. What do you think?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

That sound like something that could work. So if I understand correctly, the human doesn't know the dragon's nature at first? At first the dragon would only see him as a necessary annoyance, but by the time his true nature is revealed he likes him enough to try and stay rather than fly away to find some place else.

I think bandits would work better. I was thinking of having the motivation of the dragon to be boredom brought on by loneliness, so it wouldn't make sense for him to have a clan. Maybe later on there can be a dragon that wants to take him away from the human, but that conflict is more interesting once they have a connection I think.

So I'm thinking this is best set somewhere in the past where humanity was a little less present overall? It doesn't actually have to be set in a version of our world at all, of course. Do humans know about dragons or not? The whole idea of dragons being hunted to extinction by humans is a little overdone, I think, so I would like it if we made up something else. Not sure what, though, I'll think about it :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yes, yes, yes, on all points. It's your dragon, so motivation for his actions are all yours :P I also agree that the setting should be somewhere not earth, perhaps a place with two moons, I've always found the pretty. Perhaps we could go with something like they simply are having a harder and harder time making connections with others of their kind because their very nature is shifting into something that makes getting close an issue. This would go along with your idea of the dragon going to humans out of loneliness. Human, despite all the infighting we tend to have, have never had a problem getting close to one another :P

As for do humans know about them. . . . .How about on the cusp. Like, they believe in their existence, but it's just been so long that people are starting to believe they've all died out or moved somewhere else or something. Your thoughts?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I really like your ideas. Maybe these dragons are tied to some kind of natural force, that had it's ebbs and flows across the ages. In the past they were abundant, but times have changed and a lot of the dragons have gone dormant or withered away. They know their time will come again eventually. The ones that are still awake will find their natures become less grounded, which can cause strife. With my dragon it causes a restlessness that eventually leads him to live amongst humans.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Sounds good, and it works perfectly. I think we're almost done, and now I just wanna get a basic look for the village and surrounding area as well as some character sheets and we're ready. Unless you have something else?

For the village, no more than 100 people? You know, everyone seems to know each other's business and the like. A balance of ages, maybe 2 pubs, a large Inn for travelers, and the rest would be small shops and people's homes and small gardens/farms? Mu guy would live on the outskirts and prolly be self employed with tack repair or something like fletching. Running through town would be a decent road that runs from one major town to the next, with the village as a kind of way station. One way would be mountains and on the other side a city, and in the other would eventually lead to the ocean and a port city. the other two directions would be. . . The mountains curve so that they are basically on two sides, and the other way would be rolling hills that lead to a large forest with a huge lake in the middle of it :P

That's what I see, what about you?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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It sounds really nice, lot's of directions for us to go in. As for the technological age, I was thinking Middle ages? We can play around a little, but have the most advanced projectile weapon be a crossbow and the most cost-effective transport be horse-and wagon or something. Ordinary people would be able to afford very little of those luxuries, making the world a dangerous place. Very few people travel far, and if they do it tends to be permanently. There is a law enforcement system, but there is little they can do to completely safeguard the wilderness, do bandits are very common among the roads.

Originally I was thinking of having the dragon come from the mountains, but now you mention the lake that also seems like an interesting option. I like the idea of a water-influenced design and he would have had enough contact with humans to at least have a decent idea on how to imitate them. Water is also often associated with change and transformation, so that would give an explanation for his powers.

What do you think?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A very fine Idea and I support it completely. I also agree with middle ages. I so see the local law enforcement some partially drunk guy sitting outside the jail with a crossbow propped up next to one leg and a jug of mead resting on the other.

So, I think we're into character sheet realm now. . . . .I can see the place clearly, and the history is there in my head. What choo think?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sounds good :) I'm already pretty far into a sketch of the dragon form of my character, and the human form would be easier to describe with words. Same format as the cs for the other RP I presume?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I always use the same one! I'll get to mine as soon as possible :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Name: Autharyx

Race: dragon

Age: Several centuries. He experiences time differently in his dragon form, so he didn’t count.

Height: 6’0’’

Weight: 150 lb

Hair: Thick and black, in a braid reaching halfway down his back.

Eyes: blue/green

Skin: Pale

Build: He is somewhat slender of build, with wry rather than bulky muscles. His movements are fluid and graceful.

Appearance as a dragon:

His scales are a deep, iredescent blue/green. His mane and eyes are the same colour as his human equivalent’s

Clothes: He wears the somewhat fancy garb of a more wealthy type of trader. The tunic is dark blue, with embroidery in a rich green along the bottom, sleeves and collar. The pants are black. Although the clothe are of a high quality, they are wrinkled and the seams are unravelling in some places. He wears leather shoes that were soft before they got soaked and dried a couple of times.

Accessories: He wears colourful beads and shiny shells braided into his hair. He has a small embroidered shoulder bag filled with various knick-knacks he couldn’t bear to part with.

Powers/Skills(If Applicable): He’s attuned to the energy of nature, particularly of rivers and water in general. He can shift between his human and dragon form within moments, but cannot consciously alter the appearance of either form. Even in human form, his senses and strength are superior to those of mortals.

General Personality: Curious and inquisitive, but does not like to show if he doesn’t know something. He looks down on mortals in general, which can quickly turn into animosity if they try to take something that is his. Like all dragons, he has a penchant for shiny and wondrous objects, which he will defend with extreme prejudice. In spite of all this, he keeps his word and always pays his debts. He prefers to talk around the truth rather than lie outright.

Background: For most of his existence he found humans a nuisance: just a more disruptive type of mortal that moved in his territory. Over time he came to appreciate the things they could make, even if he didn’t really see the point of their fast-paced lives. When dragons started pulling back, he could also feel his own nature fluctuating. This made him restless, which eventually led to him to seek out a human city, if only to keep his mind off things.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sweet. I WILL get to the character sheet tonight! I am sooo sorry it took so long, but I only have a few days every once-in-a-while to work with my Aussie friend on our novel. However, we got our next chapter planned out, and all 9 new characters agreed upon, so we should be good for a while! (Would you believe we fought over one small aspect of one side character over an aspect of her that we'll never actually write about for 12 hours? It was insane!!!)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Haha, sounds like quite an undertaking :p I hope you managed to come to a compromise, even though you'll never actually write it :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Oh, any objections to the character being not human? I have this odd idea forming of my guy being a half breed human. . . . .Thus making him more acceptable to the Dragon, but if not, he'll be human.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Half-breed dragon you mean? If so, then I would like to hash out the dragon mythology a bit more before we begin. I don't mind half-breeds of any kind though :) It would make the dragon more intrigued, especially at first I think. Would he know he is a half-breed himself, or would it come out in the RP?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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I'd have him a half-breed something else mortal, and maybe he's trying to keep it a secret from everyone, but the dragon can tell :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to your cs ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here he is!

Name: Viltez (Villagers call his Tezy)

Race: Half-breed

Age: 23

Height: 5' 9”

Weight: 135lbs

Hair: Scraggly, gray, shoulder length, but very uneven. He tries to keep it parted, but it doesn’t listen very well.

Eyes: And odd shade of Blue-green.

Skin: Very lightly tanned.

Build: Fit, well muscled, like a track runner, so not scary in the muscle department.

Clothes: Simple purple rough spun tunic with black leather belt cinching it at the waist. The tunic is longer than most and almost touches his knees. Bottoms are a pair of well worn brown breeches with a strange furry “Belt” around the top. He wears old hard soled brown leather work boots most of the time.

Accessories: And old bronze ring given to him by his father. Engraved on it are a wolf and a lion intertwined with one another. The ring has been passed down in his father's side of the family for generations.

Powers/Skills(If Applicable): His belt is actually a tail he inherited from his father's side of the family and despite his never using it in an effort to hide his heritage, with a little practice it could become a formidable weapon. Other than that he's rather strong from years of hard labor working around the village, and he has a basic understanding of a multitude of handy skills.

Extra: His tail is long enough to wrap around his body twice, and about as thick as a grown woman's wrist. It's covered in fur that matches his hair in color, but is more like the furn on a Russian blue. At the end if a seven inch long, sharp, bone blade, shaped like a hawk talon and pitch black. He keeps the tail wrapped around his waist under the tunic like a belt with the hook tucked under the tail in the front.

General Personality: Viltez is a very open and honest person. He's very likable, and is kind to those in need. He feels that everyone deserves as many chances as it takes for them to “Get it right”. He's always quick to tell a joke or do a little shtick to get a laugh out of someone who's down. The only time he seems secretive is when asked about his family. When the topic comes up he'll either change the subject or say he'd rather not talk about it and go quiet until someone else does. He gets easily irritated with people who take advantage of other, or are ungrateful for a kindness they've received, and more than once he's decked someone for being an ass. However he doesn’t like hitting people and does everything he can to avoid it.

Background: As a young child Viltez grew up with his father at the edge of a great forest. He didn't know that they lived there because father's people kicked him out for having a child with a human, nor did he know his mother was killed by her family for bearing a child from a Beastwalker. The long bloody wars between the two races were never known by the little boy. He spent his days with his father, fishing, hunting, learning to weave and work with wood. Eventually the embers of war once again were fanned into a blaze and they could live in peace no longer. Viltez was twelve by then and able to fend for himself for the most part.

His father brought him to a nearby human village in the middle of the night and gave him a long tunic. He told his son that he had to hive his tail and just be a human. That would make him safe, if he could just be human. He said the words over and over until he was sure Viltez understood. His father left that night and he hasn't seen him since. At first he lived just outside of town, coming into town each day to just look for work. He was careful to keep his tail hidden and eventually there was a fire and the town was in need of a few extra hands to do the repairs. While working with the other men of the village he overheard a lot about the war, and that is how he found out why his father had made him pretend to be a human in a little backwater village.

Hunting for his own food and repairing his own clothes, Viltez eventually saved up enough to build his own hut at the edge of the village and has lived there ever since. He has no real shame in his heritage, but even after getting close with many of the villagers he knows they would turn on him in a second if they found out what he is. As such, he's never been in any kind of romantic relationship, despite several of the village girls' attempts to change that fact. He keeps to himself most of the time, but when he's out and about he keeps up a friendly face and is rather content with his life.


So, what do you think?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Merule
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ooh, I like him :) Sound like there will be a lot of opportunity for butting of heads, so that''ll be interesting ^^
How shall we start? The original idea was Autharyx causing some kind of ruckus, wasn't it? Perhaps he tries to pay for something with antiquated money, and he get's huffy when the human talks down to him? Or he can catch Viltez' ire by being a dick to a human for some reason? Or perhaps Vilez has a market stall (furs? leather?) and when Autharyx sees him, he realises there is something different about him and we go from there?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Viltaz is a hired hand by trade, so he doesn't run a stall, so I think any instance of yer guy being a dick for any reason would be good. It's up to you :P Do you wanna start? Or would you rather I do?
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