Name: Autharyx
Race: dragon
Age: Several centuries. He experiences time differently in his dragon form, so he didn’t count.
Height: 6’0’’
Weight: 150 lb
Hair: Thick and black, in a braid reaching halfway down his back.
Eyes: blue/green
Skin: Pale
Build: He is somewhat slender of build, with wry rather than bulky muscles. His movements are fluid and graceful.
Appearance as a dragon:

His scales are a deep, iredescent blue/green. His mane and eyes are the same colour as his human equivalent’s
Clothes: He wears the somewhat fancy garb of a more wealthy type of trader. The tunic is dark blue, with embroidery in a rich green along the bottom, sleeves and collar. The pants are black. Although the clothe are of a high quality, they are wrinkled and the seams are unravelling in some places. He wears leather shoes that were soft before they got soaked and dried a couple of times.
Accessories: He wears colourful beads and shiny shells braided into his hair. He has a small embroidered shoulder bag filled with various knick-knacks he couldn’t bear to part with.
Powers/Skills(If Applicable): He’s attuned to the energy of nature, particularly of rivers and water in general. He can shift between his human and dragon form within moments, but cannot consciously alter the appearance of either form. Even in human form, his senses and strength are superior to those of mortals.
General Personality: Curious and inquisitive, but does not like to show if he doesn’t know something. He looks down on mortals in general, which can quickly turn into animosity if they try to take something that is his. Like all dragons, he has a penchant for shiny and wondrous objects, which he will defend with extreme prejudice. In spite of all this, he keeps his word and always pays his debts. He prefers to talk around the truth rather than lie outright.
Background: For most of his existence he found humans a nuisance: just a more disruptive type of mortal that moved in his territory. Over time he came to appreciate the things they could make, even if he didn’t really see the point of their fast-paced lives. When dragons started pulling back, he could also feel his own nature fluctuating. This made him restless, which eventually led to him to seek out a human city, if only to keep his mind off things.