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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Finished. Now i made it so she was just among the nobles of House Rynir, but if you catch one where it still says shes a Rynir by last name let me know, I'll fix it. ^^

I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wow this is much bigger than I thought haha. I haven't read the full OOC yet but I will get to it soon and begin making my CS. I'm hoping t make a rather underhanded yet powerful Merchant who doubles as an information broker.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name :
Nicknames :
Wordy, an ironic name used because he doesn't often speak, but when he does he tends to talk a lot.
Gender :
Age and birthday :
22; Autumn of 1280
Origin :
A commoner in title, but Leeson's ancestors, including his father, was quite favored in some of the lower nobility houses for his skills in the forge. Leeson's family was well known for their general knowledge in metal working, and more importantly, sword crafting. Leeson's great-grandfather learned it from a highly skilled smith from a low nobility, and than passed down the knowledge to his sons. Leeson himself could have gotten the chance to rise his family to a better station, but then things happened...

Length and build :
Leeson stands at around five feet and five inches, and is rather portly. His muscles show that he is a man familiar with hard labor, but his guts also tells that he is a man who eats well. While not certainly as large as other men who lounge on their wealth, Leeson is deceptively larger than his clothing would reveal.
Weight :
Around two hundred pounds
Sexuality :
He is a heterosexual in that he stills to marry a woman, but he would not reject companionship with another man if he offers pleasant company.

Appearances :

Some would say that Leeson looks like a foreigner compared to some of his neighbors, such as his almond shaped eyes, fairly small nose, and other features. And while Leeson does not know exactly where his ancestors originate from (The furthest records are from his Grandfather's, who they only know migrated to Delias, but not from where), his father and his father before him were born and raised in these lands, and each one were a splitting image of each other regardless of the women they were birthed from.

Leeson himself has many scars and burns on his arms due to years in the forge, and his skin has darken to reflect this. One particular feature he tries to hide from the public eye is a scar that goes around his neck; savvy observers could tell that it would had come from a hanging. But since Leeson still lives, it's obvious that he was not killed by it. Not quickly anyways.

Occupation :
Currently Leeson is a blacksmith, though for how much longer is in question.

Favorite phrase/saying :
"Two things can control this world: Gold and Iron." To Leeson, this means that anyone could do anything so long as they have the money (Gold) or could potentially kill you (Iron).
"Bollocks." A generally used term by Leeson for any situation he finds disagreeable.

Favorite Food :
Leeson favors mushrooms that grown on the logs of dogwood trees, but he likes anything with a spicy taste to it.

Favorite Weather and Season :
Leeson prefers the Autumn, where it's near the end of the harvest season and the sun isn't so harsh, but it's not so cold that one could not enjoy a day outside. Weather wise Leeson actually prefers windy but sunny days, so that he could go for long walks and keep cool.

Patron God/Goddess :
Though Leeson isn't not a very religious type, when he must pledge his alliance with any god in particular he would chose Iatia, as he sees her as what true perfection is; always outside the reach of mortals, not too look down upon them, but so they know where the next goal lies.

Personality :
As many of his community might tell you, Leeson seems to be a fairly solitary man. Sure, he would speak to people, make his appearance present, but even amongst a crowd he would seem to be alone. Always doing his work, and his time with others often involve their assistance in his work. He's not a trouble maker by far, and indeed if you went to him for help he'll be willing to offer it however he can. He could not simply say no, just try as hard as he can, even if he will fail anyways. But that's what an observation from the outside would be if you don't ask him what he thinks of himself. He would be honest; he does not know if he is a good judge of character, least of all his own. His only desires is to be a person who can be relied on when asked, and to not be a burden otherwise. Leeson is a romanticist trying to be a cynic; he believes and sees the world for it's good and it's benefits, but feels responsible for the flaws and issues, so much that he feels he must confront them regardless if he has any reason to be involved in the first place. In a better world, he could have been a knight in shining armor, wandering the world righting wrongs and doing good for the land for the sake of making it a better place. But he knows these are just fantasies, but even so he tries to make them realities, as small and insignificantly as they tend to be.

That being said, Leeson is not a nice person. He is not an honest person either, and frankly can come across as rather blunt, sometimes even aggressive. To Leeson, he is simply trying to establish himself as someone who is not going to allow others to try to push or manipulate him against his will. His attitude, be it subtly or blatant, is made to convey a sense of control over the situation at hand. Depending on who you are depends on how subtle he'll make his attitude; close friends are more likely to get extreme reactions from him, where as strangers get more neutral, apathetic responses. And while Leeson does believe himself to be an understanding and reasonable person, he is either lying or a worse person than he appears when he still gives harsh judgement regardless of the circumstances. He believes in equality, sure, but it's not a balance; if he were a judge you would be executed for your crimes, be it petty thievery or murder. His ability to stand by his beliefs regardless of the opposition is admirable, but not always right.

History :
Leeson is the first and only child of Lee the Armorer, a well known blacksmith in the city of Delias. His family's claim to fame was that they knew the subtle arts of sword making and armoring, two skills that often take a normal man years to learn, and not both together. Leeson's father would often boast that the knowledge is carried in their blood, and that the sons would know how to work with metal like how a baby would walk. But this was mostly boasting; Leeson was indeed talented in his profession, quickly taking up the hammer and tongs at a young age of ten years. But his crafts consisted mostly of kitchen ware and cutlery; it took him three years of constant practice every day of the week before he was even allowed to start making things such as axe hands and shovels. Leeson's father would have taught him how to create swords and armor when Leeson was at an adult age too, where it not for one fateful day.

It was the spring of 1295. Leeson was fifteen years of age at that time, and while a skilled blacksmith for his age, he was no where near his father's ability. His father could provide arms and armor for ten men in a week, something that made him rather famous in the city. If Leeson could match his father's skill, the two of them could have worked together and raised their family up to at least a low nobility. But Leeson wouldn't get a chance, not for three years. But during the spring of 1295, Leeson's father headed north towards Nuale, to sell their wares there during a grand festival of some sort. But Leeson's father never returned. A month passed since Leeson's father left for his trip, and when Leeson and his mother asked what had become of him, they could only discover that during that time, there was a high rise in bandit activity in southern Nurvlin. In all likelihood, Leeson's father was captured by the bandits, or killed. Leeson never saw his father after that day. And after that day, Leeson's life became to crumble around him.

His mother, grief stricken, married off to another man, a merchant, who left her only son to their family forge. Leeson himself, while skilled in the forge, had no experience on how to run it as a business. For a while, he tried to take care of the forge himself. He did rather well too, for about three years. But by then he soon discovered that for all his skills in working with metals, without his father's knowledge no one cared for what Leeson could do. Blacksmiths who could shape pots and pans were a dime a dozen; Leeson could hardly forge a decent dagger, let alone a masterwork weapon. He tried to get by as a mundane maker of tools and kitchen ware, picking up some knowledge in making chains, locks, hinges, even managed to make himself a fairly decent war axe, but as he grew older his business slowed down. Leeson knew that he had three, maybe five more years before his business would be forgotten, and he'd be forced to sell his family's forge just to survive. Leeson came to terms with his fate, and tried to live the rest of his life as comfortably as he could. He made friends with various people including a mine and smelter owner, and was sweet on an herbalist girl back in his community.

Cut to now, the 1302 year since the empire was formed. Leeson still owns his forge, albeit he only gets by providing pickaxes for the local iron mine and occasionally repairing weapons and armor for local guardsmen. Leeson spends most of his time at the forge trying to make works of art out of the materials he gets, which he can occasionally sale for enough money to keep his shop afloat. No longer concerned about trying to keep his forge afloat however, Leeson spent much of his time experimenting with whatever metals he gets, making them into shapes and things that he hopes one day would have great use in the future. Sometimes he and a few others in his community would sometimes come together at a tavern and write poetry and sing ballads for more money, but it was mostly for entertainment. When they weren't trying to earn money and company at the tavern, they would be out and about the city, doing foolish youthful antics. One such antics nearly ended with Leeson hanging himself, though he luckily managed to cut the rope before his life was snapped out. Nowadays, the fairly young smith is considering traveling the world, to find a place to settle down or die peacefully.

Theme song :
What plays in his head when he's about to do... Well, anything.

Clothing and/or armor :
Leeson wears a dirty woolen robe of sorts that goes a bit towards his knees, pants, gloves, and a strange set of shoes. The robe was blue, but after many years in the forge, it's something of a coal black. He also has some gloves made of wool and deer leather, which he got so his hands would stop getting burnt in the forge. His footwear is strange in that it looks like fairly normal pair of shoes made of cloth, but inside there is wood at the feet, giving his footprints an odd rectangular shape. He also has a leather belt with many loops on it so that he made tie or hang things from them. He also still keeps his blacksmith apron on, which he mainly uses so he has pockets to store things in. The only form of armor he really owns is a hard leather helmet, which he found in the forest when he was looking for mushrooms to eat.

Tools and weapons :
Name :
Wooden Staff
Description :
Leeson's staff, which he uses as a means of measuring something, balancing, and occasionally whacking a particularly aggravating person. Made from a sturdy oaken branch and laminated.
Appearance :

Name :
Ring Dagger
Description :
A dagger Leeson made for situations that require things to be cut or stabbed. He calls it a ring dagger because he put a ring on it's hilt so that he could fasten it onto his staff and make it into a spear.
Appearance :

Name :
Description :
Leeson carries a large length of rope in the event something needs to be tied up. Highly versatile.
Appearance :


Skill/Abilities :
Smithing - Leeson is a very talented smith, and while the realms of making his own complicated weapons and armor are out of his reach, he has some experience repairing such things, and is more than able to make more mundane items such as kitchen ware, farm tools, chains, locks, and even has experimented with other things that people may either see as useless garbage or great ingenuity in disguise.

Reading/Writing - Unlike some commoners, Leeson is actually literate in the common script. While he's never read any books, he's something of an amateur poet and often writes in his journal his daily observations, notes, and poems.

Young and Healthy - Despite his appearance, Leeson is quite an athletic fellow, a fast runner and a bit of an acrobat (He can do a backflip). He's hauled his own ore from a mine before and is accustomed to traveling long distances with a heavy load, to the point that a hundred pounds on his shoulders may as well be his evening wear.
Could be considered a quiet type as he doesn't seem to speak out, but when he does, oh boy, he says a lot. Most of it is rambling, but if you could piece together his thoughts you might be able to get an understanding of what he's trying to say.

Leeson is fairly creative, though not to say that he's all that impressive with his creations. What he makes is quaint and maybe something worth conversing about, but hardly anything life changing. Usually. Often, Leeson is able improvises tools and such with whatever is around him. Usually it involves a lot of rope.

One could say that Leeson has something of a noble spirit. He does not simply stand down when faced with injustice, especially noticeable since he's just a commoner. Always willing to lend a hand, to stand up for his fellow man (Or woman), and will give as much as he can get. Though there are times were he seems to be rather confrontational, he does so out of good intentions.

I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baron


Member Offline since relaunch

Man I just got in at 11. My CS's are gonna have to wait until tomorrow. I hope you'll still have room then :(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


I am not sure if I should accept as you still have :

''Aideth typically wears armor that exposes her assets to distract her foes and with meetings she will still wear her armor over her noble clothes.''

This is more based on realisme than anime. Though I am part of an anime RP, such features like that are going to get you killed. With something exposed, it will be easier to finish you off as well I am not sure if the armor is fitting for the setting. I will leave that to Roran to decide.
-Lucius Cypher

Though I wouldn't like the influence of other cultures, he only has the appearance. I am going to be cool with that,as you have made a CS that is very much to my liking. Accepted.

I am sure we still have some room. So far the CS's are coming at a more faster speed than I had anticipated, but the only way we wouldn't have any room is likely when we reach over the thirty characters in all of a sudden? (x3 , no worries, the RP is still large enough to allow many people in it.)
Roster updated. I think we will start this weekend with the first chapter. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


I can't resist this. Damn you Alice for recruiting me.
Here we go.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Approved. Like her very much. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Finished the requested character for you. Now I need to go to work.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


Member Offline since relaunch

Sorry for the delay!

*I will have more information up on the Ranger Corps later on. It will have a detailed history as well as any other important information. If anybody has any questions regarding the Corps, or is interested in making a character for it, please fire me off a PM and I'd be happy to give you more info.*

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After seeing Girvus Rynir, I'm gonna have to reconsider my character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@ LittleAlice, sorry that was left over from before i got your guy's feedback that I missed in editing. I fixed it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago


after months of trying we finally get to be parents!


im gonna be the best mom everrr! seriously, i got this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Oh, accepted.

Love him. Accepted.

I get the idea you were expecting a more chivalrous noble? I was the one that requested such a leader. It doesn't mean that your Rynir or such doesn't have to be cunning/backstabbing. ;3

I know. <3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 7 days ago

Mother!? Are you with child!? I didn't bring any gifts!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago


*pats her head*


well in character your 8 years late. but dont sweat it. maybe a surprise might come later on? who knows XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@ LittleAlice: er... what about me?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 7 days ago

I don't get it, but I'll be sure to bring stuff next time I see the baby!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No worries Dame GM
Ive initiated negotiations to be a Ranger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I had better get on with my CS :P I'll start it now and have it up tomorrow :)

Ah and almost immediately I hit a snag. I was hoping to be an untrustworthy Mechant who doubles as an information broker and deals in the black market etc but you say if I'm a commoner there are no criminals allowed so I guess I have to scrap that idea?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Sorry, will review it now.

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