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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Optimist


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Reginald slipped through the forest as silently as a mouse, disturbing nothing as me moved. His blunderbuss was by his side and held a charge ready to fire. He was dressed in a green great coat with muted black buttons and a brown hunting suit. A short sword was on his belt. His long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the base of his neck and his handsome face was clean shave, except for thin sideburns which stopped at the bottom of his ears. He sniffed the air, making sure he kept down wind from his prey.

It had been a fortnight that he had been hunting, taking three stags and as many geese and small game. Still, his true prey had been illusive; the white doe. She was legend, and had been spotted again a month before. It was this which had brought him to the Enchanted Forest. He was here to make history, but hunting her down.

He had caught glimpses of her flashing through the brown trunks, but she was ever a set ahead of him. For a day now he had not slept, trying to keep up with her. He did not know how she still had the energy to run from him. It was as if she knew that she was being hunted, though that was impossible. He was too good a hunter to allow that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Greek Myths Rock

Greek Myths Rock

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The white doe was named legend well that's what people called her. Her true name was crystal and she was a stunning white doe with glowing white fur and brown string on her antlers. She ran through the forest swiftly as she knew she would be hunted this time, she was always ahead of the game unfortunately for that hunter.

She jumped over a bush and saw a lake ahead of her and sighing she leaps through the air and landed on the other side of the shallow part. She then kept running till she come to the sacred ground of the Indian tribes lands she was once in there. She ran around and then jumped through more bushes and came to a large meadow and small stream running through it. She drank from the river swiftly and hears a click. Her head shot up and looked over toward where that hunter would be. She stared at him for the time, calm and collected and then took off running. But she ran strangely, she did zig zag.

After about an hour she kept running without any stop and then came to the mountain base and got up on the mountain and smiles as she was finding her resting spot as night drew in. She would watch that human tonight as if watching him to anlizine his movement and patterns. She stood there unseen by the snow that night watching him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Optimist


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He swore that he saw her more than once, but she was still illusive. He thought she was almost toying with him, though that was impossible. Deer simply did not operate like that. He finally realized that he had reached the end of his strength, and that she had outlasted him. He had to sleep. The sun was setting and the moon rising, as he crossed a meadow and a stream. Once he brought his gun to bare and cocked it, but then she was gone again. Finally he reached the base of a mountain.

He stared up at the mountain, with a sinking heart. He did not dare try to climb it in the dark and with a lack of sleep. He could almost feel the deer staring at him front up the mountain, taunting him. It took a half hour to set up a round lean-to and start a small fire. He cooked a rabbit over the fire, ready to relish the taste of it. His pursuit would have to continue in the morning.

After a full dinner, he put out the fire, and lay under his rough shelter. Soon he was sleeping lightly, ever aware of the forest around him. His gun lay to hand, ready for defense if a bear or an Indian approached. In the morning he would climb the mountain to look for signs of the white doe. He was exhausted by the twenty four hours he had spent in constant hunting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Greek Myths Rock

Greek Myths Rock

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The white doe watched him that night she never grew tired she stepped down the mountain and crept forward making not even a sound. She stared at him for a bit looking at him. When she got close enough she looked at him then watched him. As the night drew to a close she stepped back and eyes widen as a rope tied around her hoof and she jumped and made. As swishing sound and snow flew up Infront of her. When the snow settled she was gone once more up the mountain leaving very light tracks. But that was impossible the trap had caug all the other animals.

She ran through the mountain secret ways and came to the tip where she stood and was ready to face whatever this hunter might bring with him. She wasn't afraid of him she was merely interested she wanted to see someone like him. She then stood and waited as the afternoon came she saw him get to the top but made no move. She just stared at him, her blue green eyes stared at him wisely and no fear in her eyes. She actually stepped closer to the human slightly her antler glows gently in the sunlight.

put the gun down you don't know what it has done the deer seemed to whisper in the wind it's eyes flashed one more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Optimist


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With the morning the hunter rose and stretched. He stripped to his waist and cleaned up as best he could in the stream in the meadow, before scattering his shelter again and taking up his supplies. He ate a cold breakfast of salted rabbit and then headed up the mountain.

It was slow going, and he still felt as if eyes were watching him. The rising sun illuminated holds in the rocks, which let him rise upwards. As he went, he was ever vigilant, still looking for his prey. He had spotted her hoof prints at the bottom of the mountain and was certain she had climbed it.

The climb took him half the morning, but eventually he was on the top of the mountain, facing a valley. He could see that there was a lake in the valley surrounded with trees. He started to look for signs of the deer's passing, but wasn't successful. With a sinking heart, he decided to head down into the valley, where the ground was surely softer. Maybe there he would pick up some trace of her. In nothing else, he could take a real bath in the lake, and after a fortnight of hunting, he needed one. Soon he was creeping through the trees, headed toward the lake, his gun in his hands.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Greek Myths Rock

Greek Myths Rock

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What he would find was a small girl sitting near the lake smiling gently giggling gently as she pet a wolf head gently. She looked around slowly and saw the hunter. Her Indian feathers in her hair she was young only around eight years old looking she was small girl. She looked at him and climbed into a. Tree swiftly and the wolf was gone like the mist of the lake. The lake gave off a scary feeling almost like a ghost, looking down gently she smiles at the hunter eyes glowing greenish blue. The feathers shifted in the wind slightly.

The wind blew the trees side ways and lake started to stir. Coming from the lake was the white doe her white pelt shines gently looking around. She liked at the hunter and glares gently looking around slowly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Optimist


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The hunter raised his gun slowly, unable to believe the beauty of the animal. He had been startled to see the little girl petting the wolf, and wondered if it was domesticated. Maybe it was a hybrid? He calmly sighted down his gun and squeezed at the trigger gently. It was such an easy shot, after such a long chase. It was to easy. The deer had out distanced him, and fooled him again and again. Why was it just standing there now.

He paused, unsure of why he wasn't pulling the trigger all of the way home. There was something majestic and regal about this doe. She seemed to be looking at him like a queen viewing a disobedient child. Finally, he lowered his blunderbuss, amazed that he was not going to claim his prize after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Greek Myths Rock

Greek Myths Rock

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Th white deer looked at him blinking her sharp eyes and seemed to incline her head slightly at a bow before running up to the tree and bellowing out at it. It rattled the tree slightly and the small girl giggled and came down and hugged the white deer happily .

"Great mother Crystal of the forest your safe" the little girl giggled gently. The deer eyes glow gently and before the humans very eyes it shifted into.....into a very pretty female with glowing eyes and feathered hairs. Was this deer something much more then a deer? The girl looked at he hunter blinking gently.

"Why do you hunt the white doe of the forest?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Optimist


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He was taken aback by the doe's transformation into a woman. "I... I hunt for the challenge, and I hunted the White Doe because she was the greatest challenge that I have yet encountered." He sat down heavily, beside the lake, laying his gun aside. "You are the white doe? I don't understand what has transpired." He rubbed his eyes. Surely it was all so trick, or he might have eaten something hallucinogenic.

His eyes swept over the beautiful woman. She was dressed like an Indian, but she looked like a white woman. It was all rather confusing, as was the little girl. He could swear he had stepped into some fairy story, like he had learned on his grandmother's knee.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Greek Myths Rock

Greek Myths Rock

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The girl looked at him slowly "did you not read the fine myths about the white deer before?" she asked amused as she sat down and the little girl ran off into the forest. She smiles gently "i am Crystal queen of nature's forest" she said humbly and bows head gently. The other deer stood behind her gently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Optimist


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The hunter found himself sinking to one knee. When she said she was a queen, he believed her. He did not know what to say to her. She was so regal and beautiful. Finally he spoke. "Your majesty. I beg your pardon. I did not mean to hunt in your forest, if it is protected." For the first time in his life he felt a bit of shame for his profession.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Greek Myths Rock

Greek Myths Rock

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She looked at him and sighed and crouched Infront of him "rise hunter. You may have done bad thing but it's no different then natural life" she said and got him onto him slowly. She smiles and looked at him gently "come on" she said "take your gun and fallow me" she said and turns into a deer and walks toward the forest swiftly eyes looking around alertly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Optimist


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The hunter rose and picked up his gun and followed. As the white doe walked through the forest, he followed in her wake, as silently as ever. He did not know why he was following, or where they were headed, but when a queen told him to follow, he followed. He was unsure which of her forms was the more beautiful; the doe or the woman.
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