Name: Shadrack Rumancek
Nationality: American of Romanian gypsy descent
Profession: auto mechanic

Biography: Shadrack was born in the back of a camper van in Glacier National Park and has been moving ever since. His parents were gypsies, part of a larger family of gypsies, which migrated from state to state looking for work. He was in at least two different schools every year the entire time he was growing up, and sometimes three.
His father, Alin Rumancek, came from the old country. He was an auto mechanic and taught his son the trade. He was a quiet, taciturn man who drank to much and had a hard hand. He died in an auto accident, while driving under the influence, when Shadrack was only fourteen.
Shadrack's mother was born in Colorado and grew up in the migratory lifestyle of the gypsies. She is a seamstress of great skill and makes pottery as well. She is a loving mother, though somewhat over protective. Since her husband's death she has taken on a series of lovers, but never remarried.
Shadrack was in the car when his father had the accident, and was badly injured. He ended up in the hospital, in intensive care. It was there that he first shifted into his wolf form, destroying his hospital room in the process, and badly scaring others in the hospital. No one actually saw the transformation, but his mother, and she claimed her son walked off on his own, despite his broken bones and brain injuries. The wolf was chased by security guards through the hospital, and quickly escaped the building and ran off into the woods. Turning healed him, so he never returned to the hospital. When his mother returned home, she found him sleeping naked outside their camper.
It is time to move again. Mother and son have taken to their RV camper and moved to a new town; Hemlock Grove. He has been held back in school, because of his moving and eventually dropped out, so is working on his GED, so that he can get a job at a mechanics shop. His mother has taken a job waitressing at the local dinner.
Nationality: American of Romanian gypsy descent
Profession: auto mechanic
Biography: Shadrack was born in the back of a camper van in Glacier National Park and has been moving ever since. His parents were gypsies, part of a larger family of gypsies, which migrated from state to state looking for work. He was in at least two different schools every year the entire time he was growing up, and sometimes three.
His father, Alin Rumancek, came from the old country. He was an auto mechanic and taught his son the trade. He was a quiet, taciturn man who drank to much and had a hard hand. He died in an auto accident, while driving under the influence, when Shadrack was only fourteen.
Shadrack's mother was born in Colorado and grew up in the migratory lifestyle of the gypsies. She is a seamstress of great skill and makes pottery as well. She is a loving mother, though somewhat over protective. Since her husband's death she has taken on a series of lovers, but never remarried.
Shadrack was in the car when his father had the accident, and was badly injured. He ended up in the hospital, in intensive care. It was there that he first shifted into his wolf form, destroying his hospital room in the process, and badly scaring others in the hospital. No one actually saw the transformation, but his mother, and she claimed her son walked off on his own, despite his broken bones and brain injuries. The wolf was chased by security guards through the hospital, and quickly escaped the building and ran off into the woods. Turning healed him, so he never returned to the hospital. When his mother returned home, she found him sleeping naked outside their camper.
It is time to move again. Mother and son have taken to their RV camper and moved to a new town; Hemlock Grove. He has been held back in school, because of his moving and eventually dropped out, so is working on his GED, so that he can get a job at a mechanics shop. His mother has taken a job waitressing at the local dinner.