Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

[still accepting!!!]

Billions of years ago, the Green Lantern Corps was created by the Guardians of the Universe to protect the 3600 known space sectors. Chosen for their ability to overcome great fear, each alien Lantern was armed with a power ring capable of constructing anything the wearer could imagine. The ring itself powered by one's own willpower and the willpower energy absorbed and filtered through the Central Power Battery on the planet Oa in sector 0. The ring's energy however is not unlimited and the weapon must be charged on a personal power battery each Lantern is also issued. With the recent return of the Guardians, the Corps is back to recruiting new Lanterns from all corners of the galaxy.

Before the site relaunch this was one of my bigger games even with the stat system. However this one will be straight up RP'ing without stats however my basic CS requirements sheet will be a little different for this game. For example, since all Lanterns can shoot energy blasts, create force fields, and fly... to make your Lantern have their own personality, I'll ask to list a few choice constructs so that nobody's really making the same thing unless we need to.

Finished Character Sheets must be PM'ed for final approval before being reposted in the OOC, but you can post Works In Progress here. Accepted players/characters will be listed below at the end of this opening post.

Name -
Age -
Sector - [1-3600, nobody from 2814!]
Homeworld - [again, nobody from Earth]
Personality -
Experience - [1-12 months, everybody's still kinda new]
Constructs - [at least 5]
Former Occupation -
Alien Power - [you can be physically stronger, faster, more durable, have a tail, etc... when i say an extra alien power I mean something like heat vision, invisiblity, insanely strong, telepathic, shoot plates of natural body armor from your hide, etc...]
Appearance -
Notes - [anything about your alien race we might want to know for example...]

You can use whatever cannon aliens DC Comics has in their stable or create your own. I've actually used Ben10 aliens for inspiration a time or two. I'm looking for about 7-10 players or so...

The Kid Lantern / Aurik Warlo / Bgztl - Additional Info

Lucian / Kor Gunnar / Thanagar

riurik / Tharas / Rann - Additional Info

vancexentan / Hapalo Ren / Bismoll - Additional Info

ForgeJim / Garren Deek / Braal - Additional Info

Fearless_2814 / Crux Hesiod / New Genisis - Additional Info

BlackSam / Magnar / Caervornia - Additional Info

GreenGrenade / Kavud Huv / Ven - Additional Info

[accepted players should repost their own CS's!]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name - Hapalo (Ha-Pal-o) Ren
Age - 21
Sector - Sector 3493
Homeworld - Bismoll

Personality - Hapalo is a humble and kind individual whom doesn't like to brag about his accomplishments. However he does sometimes tend to slip into a sarcastic or slightly prideful demeanor under certain circumstances. He has an extremely intense will and refuses to let anything get to him proving to be an intense individual when the need arises while still able to be patient and respectful even to enemies. He hasn't yet faced the choice of killing people but he does maintain the thought that some individuals are not worth saving. However he does view the majority of people more often than not as worth saving despite the cost to him. He is selfless and is not afraid to share with others. He enjoys consuming things sometimes mindlessly doing so out of habit more than anything but he doesn't like to consume in mass unless he has to. He doesn't like rude individuals. He loves to grin but it is more out of being a generally pleasant person than genuine happiness. He likes cracking a joke every now and then but doesn't do it excessively in fact he is mostly a reserved individual. He believes strongly that everyone has the willpower to succeed and that they need only to strive for it to become stronger. He hates obsessive people and views them as people whom have lost control of themselves and thus lives a life of moderation himself. He is a shy individual around females he has not met before and tends to stutter nervously unless he has important business in which case he can control himself but has trouble making eye contact.

Experience - 6 Months
Constructs - Steel Wall - Humanoid Mace - Bubble - Machine gun - Chains/Handcuffs - Neck restraint - Sword - Spiked Fist
Former Occupation - Store Tender

Alien Power -
Bismollian Physiology: Hapalo can eat any substance in any amount at super-speed. He can consume an unlimited amount of matter in any form - solid, liquid or gas.
Content Analysis: Bismollian super-taste buds can instantly analyze the compositions of various foodstuffs and even detect substances which are poisonous to non-Bismollians. As well he can determine the nature of various chemicals in substances.
Digestive Enzymes: Their power to eat hard objects, like steel, without having super-strength or invulnerability, stems from the Bismollian ability to produce a variety of digestive enzyme that act on specific substances, making them easier to chew and digest.
Metabolism Induced Super-Speed: Bismollians can metabolize food almost instantaneously, and if needed, they can consume tons of food in minutes. Bismollians don't normally possess super-speed but as soon as the digestion process begins, the matter consumed is immediately transformed into food energy by the Bismollian "stomach". That energy fuels the person to move at a faster and faster rate of speed, as long as the energy supply keeps coming. When the person stops eating, the excess energy is collected and stored, in concentrated form, in cells very similar to human fat cells. Over the course of a couple of days, this stored energy is micro-diffused out of the body through pores in the skin.

Appearance - Hapalo is a young humanoid male with Greyish brown hair and light brown eyes with a slender figure. He stands at 5'10 and weighs in at around 210 lbs normally. He has no notable scars and he is a slightly 'handsome' individual but leans towards average but is by no means an 'ugly' looking person.

Brief Biography -

Born on his people's planet of Bismoll he was the son of a shop keeper and his mother had no real occupation since becoming pregnant with him. He was raised in an overall decent environment despite his parents' heated arguments with customers and friends and normally him being a buffer for his parent's anger by being yelled at on occasion. However he was by no means abused merely yelled at and even as a child he learned to deal with it and he wanted to become a scholar when he grew up. His younger years saw him reading a lot and not making many friends but had a few select ones that he cherished beyond anything while his dad taught him tricks of his trade while his mother tried to find a job with little success.

However his uncle was a honorary member of the Legion and wanted his youngest nephew to join the group before his dad shut down the idea cold leaving a rift between the two men. He loved his uncle dearly and he admired how fit and strong his uncle was but he didn't think the he was cut out for that line of work instead he wanted to do something more simple. However at school he was constantly picked on for not wanting to join in with 'the popular kids' and the fact that he didn't eat as much as the other kids. This is due to the fact that Hapalo wanted to let his close friends eat more and because he wanted his family to be healthy even at his own expense. Much later in life he graduated from school with rather high marks and and known for his clever nature he was praised as a great man and one of the best his school had raised. One day a group of space thugs stopped by his father's store and were thrown out and in retribution he was knocked out and dragged away to a undisclosed location to which he was not fed for weeks on end. His parents and friends searched high and low for the young boy but to no avail. He spent many months with minimal chances to eat anything around him which was hard on even him but he didn't break once nor beg throughout the entire ordeal.

His willpower was tested for the few months he was held captive but one day he received a chance to break away. One day through the window in his cell a green ring came to him and he accepted it. Using his new found powers, and knowing of the green lanterns through an old story his father used to constantly tell him he managed to use his raw will power and managed to bust out of the prison eating and consuming most of the food around there before another green lantern rescued him and brought him home. He said his goodbyes to his parents and his friends before going to the lantern academy and was told his predecessor died from old age. While at the academy he was told that he was a natural and he took pride in that despite believing that he wasn't special.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riurik

riurik Fighting evil, so you don't have to

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Tharas
Age: 17 Earth Equivalent
Sector: 2682
Homeworld: Rann
Personality: Intense, brash, hot-shot. Tharas knows no half measures; he puts all of his youthful energy into whatever he's doing, giving him drive and willpower, but also leaving him prone to extreme emotions. This can cause him to be quick to action, but sometimes this comes at the cost of planning or thought.
Experience: 3 months
Constructs: He prefers animals, especially the prehistoric Megafauna of Rann, including a Mammoth-like creature for sudden impacts, a dinosaur-like creature for sustained mass damage, Rannian lion-lizard for its razor-sharp bite, etc.
Former Occupation: student
Alien Power: none
Appearance: Humanoid features with pale, yellowish skin and pointed ears
Brief Bio: Tharas' mother was killed during the Rann-Thanagar war when he was young. He was raised by his father, a paleontologist, who told the young Tharas about the exciting creatures that once existed on Rann.
Notes: Due to the death of his mother, Tharas despises Thanagarians. He tries to avoid working with the other Green Lantern of his sector, Kor Gunnar, because of this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

I need to hop off the iPad to my laptop and repost my CS.... Get this thing moving. Where's all the accepted people at?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No clue have you sent PM's?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

Been PM'ing people for days now. If everyone interested or who had a half finished CS finished them... we'd have a full cast...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

then I got nothing dude. Try another interest check this time on the general section.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sent a few more PMs to interested parties and here's my CS...
Name - Aurik Warlo

Age - 22

Sector - 2813

Homeworld - Bgztl

Personality - calm, light hearted, determined

Experience - 6 months

Constructs - spirit/ghost, a twin energy-bladed scythe [Like Deathsythe Hell, Gundam style], daggers, armor Armor Pic, a personal starship resembling that of Space Ghost's

Former Occupation - R&D engineer of 'ghost tech' [tech that can become intangible like the people of Bgztl or invisible]

Alien Power - Intangibility

Appearance -

BRIEF Bio - Aurik was a young engineer fresh out of college who was a key player in the development of ghost tech on a world where people could phase through objects like ghosts. Now so could their devices and household items, etc. But as well as the phasing Aurik discovered invisibility second to none as far as cloaking tech capabilities [this will be brought up later on in-game with a War with the Ghost Planet]. Sometime later a lab accident sent the young man from his plane of existance into ours [in this DCU]. He was issued a power ring from the GLC after saving the life of his lab partner before the ring found him and transported him to Oa seconds after the accident occured.

Notes - ^^^Mentioned above we're going to have a War with the Ghost Planet at some point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm assuming the Jim guy won't be joining he hasn't posted ANYTHING for an entire week.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

Eh sometimes if they're not apart of an active RP, sometimes players don't post anything anywhere. But he's one of the ones I've PM'ed today as well as other interested parties like Damo and Grammar Nazi. Lucien has already been accepted as well and I tried touching base with him too since he's in my YJ2020 RP already...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

I also PM'ed arguably one of the best GLC Rp'ers of any of my past games from another GL centric site, so hopefully he'll jump in this!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

well we'll see what happens.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

The old RPer from the other site's interested and I think working on a CS as we speak [he's viewing our old stat card thread on the other site LOL] so long as we have 5 or 6 players touching base we can move forward. Currently it's you, riurik, and myself...

Here's a titanpad link if anybody wants to chat or discuss character options and possibilities.

Lantern 'Pad

I'm there now!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well I'm not one for using chat sites and what not so I'll pass.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

Well apparently Lucien is out for now, no clue if he's in my YJ2020 game or not, but Fearless is working on finishing his CS and joined me in the titanpad.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

that makes four I believe?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 11 days ago

Damo will probably whip something Tamaranian up out of the last two Tamaranians she used for my Legion and Justice League Beyond games... also the Dominator guy will repost his profile soon cause I was just exchanging PMs back and forth with him yesterday...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

in the mean time have some fun with this lantern

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fearless_2814


Member Offline since relaunch

Hey, everybody! I'm Fearless, the new guy, and here's my CS for the game:

Name: Crux Hesiod [Pronounced like “Crew”]
Age: Undefined [Observably late 20’s-early 30’s]
Space Sector: 0038
Homeworld: New Genesis

Personality: Quiet, meditative, and the only thing quicker than his mind is his wit.

Experience: 8 months

• Nanorobotic swarm
• Energy blast aimed through optic visor
• Hover Harness [Emulated off of Orion] {PIC}
• Source Wall [For defensive posture]
• Takion [A blinding, scorching construct]

Former Occupation: Scientific Researcher

Alien Power: Technopathy [Able to telepathically communicate with and control a wide variety of technology, robotic lifeforms and sufficiently-advanced computers included, though more rudimentary tech often eludes his prowess]

Appearance (Courtesy of K_L)

Brief Biography: Born to the New Gods of New Genesis, Crux seemed to be destined for greatness. Possessing a keen scientific mind, a genius even by the impossibly high standards of the New Gods, Crux was apprenticed to Himon and quickly proved himself as one of the top intellects on the planet and set about advancing the cause of New Genesis against their eternal enemies, Apokolips. As Crux grew older, though, he began to resent his work. There was no real movement on either side of the conflict between New Genesis and Apokolips. Crux began to fear that his research and endeavors were for nothing, all useless. Within Crux burned a deep desire to incite true change, to make a difference regardless of the obstacles before him. His opportunity came with a glowing Power Ring, relinquished by Kraken.

Kraken had been a Green Lantern before Crux, a former dreg of Apokolips who, inspired by the example set by Green Lantern Raker Qarrigat, was rewarded for her hope with her own Green Lantern power ring. She joined Raker in his crusade for a time before being selected as an Alpha-Lantern. This conversion from organic to synthetic-organic hybrid proved to be her undoing, as her mind was made hollow and thus easier to manipulate by those on the other side of the war. It was never made clear to Crux what the fallout was from this infiltration- the information was never freely offered and Crux never felt compelled to ask. What was clear was this: Crux was offered a chance to become a true hero to his people, to take the fight to Apokolips on his terms with his tech and, hopefully someday, free the lowlies from the tyrannical rule of Darkseid.

Crux readily accepted the power ring, and his induction into the galactic peacekeeping force sparked a renewed motivation that resulted in some of the most innovative and powerful technology New Genesis had seen since the Mother Box.

• The subject of his eyes/visor is a sore subject, particularly why he never removes it even off-duty.
• He has been quietly working on a way of integrating Mother Box technology to work in conjunction with his Power Ring, but so far has had little success. This goes against the wishes of both the New Gods and the Guardians of the Universe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright glad to see someone else along for the ride. Assuming Lantern accepts the CS if he hasn't already.
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