Banned because your avatar implies that I should 'deal with it'.
orcpunx said
banned for being online at the time of this ban.
Larfleeze said
Banned for not being online constantly.
Nevermind said
Banned for using tumblr. :o
Larfleeze said
Banned for not using tumble town, chek ur privlig
Nevermind said
Banned for daring to ban anyone with MI master race avatar.
Larfleeze said
Banned for not having Wonder Woman Master Race profile pic
Nevermind said
Banned for having a .gif sig that jerks back and forth.
Larfleeze said
Banned for having a static image of Django
Nevermind said
Banned for not appreciating the effectiveness of a still image.
Larfleeze said
Banned because I stand by my original statement.
Nevermind said
Banned because you've had several statements, be more specific.
Larfleeze said
Banned because you can't figure it out.
Nevermind said
Banned for assuming I couldn't figure it out just because I complained that you weren't specific.
Larfleeze said
Banned because you're pretending you can figure it out, when in truth you can't.
Nevermind said
Banned because you have revealed the terrible secret that I am, in fact, incapable of figuring out simple things.
Larfleeze said
Banned because you have terrible secrets.