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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

The year is 1655. Jamaica has fallen to the might of Admiral William Penn's forces and Santiago de La Vega now goes by a different name: Port Royal. The event shocks nearby Tortuga, governed by the French but swarming with enough pirate scum to make it their de facto base. The politics of the region has changed drastically, and it would seem that life for buccaneers is only going to get better, after all, rumours abound of letters of marque and riches beyond measure to be had if one were to go a-searching in the right places...

The great imperial powers, Spain, England, France and the Netherlands, are embroiled in a dirty political, economic and military conflict for imperial dominance over the new world, and whether peace there be in Europe or war, it is accepted by all who venture into the new world, there is 'no peace beyond the line' (referring to the lines of the tropic of cancer and prime meridian beyond which there is no protection for any nation's shipping.) Here, in the Caribbean, there is no place for the light-hearted, the good dare not prosper here, and heroes come here to die. Cowards, murderers, thieves and robbers have made of these islands a home, from the highest echelons of hypocrites to the lowliest thieving beggar rotting in some alleyway, from the self-righteous conquering navy boys who bring death wherever they sail and missionaries who come bearing their unchallengeable 'light' and 'truth' to the profiteering merchants ever on the look out for buccaneers who sail silent as ghosts, the shadows of shadows and ethereal as the mist from which they emerge. Whatever class of fiend you be, here in the pure new world, on the virgin soil of a new continent, you can defile once more, rise to the zenith of decadence and wealth or fall into the pits of poverty and despair. Whatever your path or destiny, it waits upon the high seas (or alternatively, between the legs of a tavern wench in a good ol' bottle o' rum, but who am I to say?)
The Map
Yellow: Spanish Ports (bar Santiago de La Vega which is now the English town of Port Royal)
Red: English Ports
Blue: French Ports
Orange: Dutch Ports

Character Sheet Skeleton: NOTE: Please PM me your Character Sheets. DO NOT post them here or anywhere else another player may be able to see them.

Name: e.g. Edward Teach

Alias/Nickname: e.g. 'Blackbeard' or; Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach or; Ed

Nationality: e.g English/Irish/Spanish/French/Dutch/Cherokee etc. 'Jamaican' or 'Mexican' or 'American' not acceptable.

Sex: e.g. Male/Female

Age: e.g. Thirty Three

Height and Weight: Not fussed about specifics e.g. very tall with a bit of a pot belly/ quite short but heavily built

Appearance: Picture/text or both, I'm not fussed, but if it is a written description I expect something decent.

Occupation: e.g. soldier/pirate/merchant/governor of X town/tavern keeper in X town/Dutch captain etc.

Preferred Weapon/s: e.g. Flintlock pistol, saber, rapier, cutlass or any other weapon from the period. A firearm and a melee weapon would be a good start, and any other weapons can be added as a side note (like a dagger s/he carries around or whatnot.) Do try to be reasonable, Roronoa Zoro-types are not acceptable.

Skills: e.g. fencing skills, instruments they play, charisma etc.

Personality: tell me about yourself (may want to include likes and dislikes, fears, interests, any personality quirks, kinds of values s/he goes by etc.) <-- not an exhaustible list, just a helping hand ;)

Brief History: I'm going to be blunt, I couldn't care less where your character's been, what horrible things happened tot them, how amazingly brave they were and the rest of it. I just want to see if you can put a few decent paragraphs together. If you can stun me with eloquence beyond comprehension that would be a bonus, but just show me you can write decently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

so could I send a character sheet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I will send you my CS as soon as it is finished dear sir. It should be done early tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vantas
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Vantas the radical

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

bro im so in pirates are hella bomb i ll make a cs in a bit
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jangel and Vantas, thanks for sending me your CS's, I will go over them as soon as I can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I've added 'Preferred Weapon/s' and 'Skills' to the CS Skeleton. I knew something was missing. A warning though, I might add some more as I remember, so if you notice anything important missing, do say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Added a list of ship types one expect to own or find in the Caribbean. For any particular details (like cargo capacity, crew capacity, number of cannons etc. just ask me)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


Member Offline since relaunch

My character is almost done. All I have left to complete is the personality and the history and afterwards i'll PM it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Just an FYI I think you got frigates and ships-of-the-line a little blurred. The picture you've got for the frigates is a classic 74, which isn't a frigate. At this time period, frigates only went up to ~28 guns, maybe ~32 at best with light guns (6-pounder to ~12-pounders, I believe.) It wasn't until late 1700s that we got massively armed, 44-gun, 32-pounder heavy frigates that beat speed records, but they were never really regarded as ships-of-the-line, and never really stood in the line of battle. Ships-of-the-line were in their own class and type of ship, and could easily blow your average frigate (with the exception of the latter type that I described which could go toe-to-toe with the smaller fourth-rates) out of the water. Frigates are fairly weatherly, I think you're thinking of the ships-of-the-line, which handle pretty horribly. ;D

I'll have my CS as soon as I can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ah, thank you for clarifying that. The concept of the frigate never ceases to baffle me tbh, I was under the impression that a frigate was just a general name for a wide range of warships and could therefore apply to a ship of the line or lighter warships which were fearsome in their own right. I will edit so that ships of the line are excluded though, thanks for that.
If you note any errors with the other ships don't hesitate to tell me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

No problem!

Generally, frigates were in the middling class of warships --In between the lightly armed sloops and privateers that took merchant ships and terrorized shipping, and the slow, heavily armed ships-of-the-line that dished it out in line combat. Frigates usually operated independently or in small squadrons, often acting as patrol ships, scouts ahead of the combat line, or as merchant raiders. They were the most versatile warship of the day, and probably the first example of a multi-role military unit. Hope that clarifies their role somewhat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I think I'll be adding that to the description.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Haha, sounds good. They're my favorite type of ship, I can go for hours talking about them. :p

They were also commonly used as escorts, forgot to mention that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Your frigate knowledge will definitely come in useful as we (if we?) progress through this RP. How's your knowledge on the other ship types?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


Member Offline since relaunch

CS Sent-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vantas
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Vantas the radical

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

when do you think we'll be starting and all?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Not sure about which specifics to get into, but brigantines were considered unweatherly and top-heavy, and generally undesireable to take out into deep sea. They tended to easy pitch over and sink in storms. They were second only to frigates for coastal warfare and escorts, though.

Merchantmen, or East Indiaman, were "heavily" armed trading vessels. They often looked like ships-of-the-line, and indeed, tried their best to look like one. They would pierce additional gun ports to give the appearance of a fierce warship, and often had a large number of guns. They never stood up against a proper warship however; the crew of such ships were generally ill trained, and the guns aboard were pretty much 6-pounder popguns. It was a pretty big deal if an East Indiaman did anything besides surrender.

Not too familiar with Spanish galleons and the like, but vessels such as the sloop, barque, and the brigantine were pirate favorites.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Vantas said
ohwhen do you think we'll be starting and all?

I've received 5 CS's, which is good enough to start, but since Click This has been so helpful I think we'll wait a tiny bit till he (?) has sent one. I'm currently writing the summaries and once they're all up I'll open the IC - that will be the signal that this has begun. My ideal would be to get this started today.
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