If you haven't played Monster Hunter or you don't know what it is, please click this link. It has very useful things, like what weapons are available, different monsters and locations.
In a different world, a long time ago, there were monsters. Some aggressive, some passive and some peaceful...Carnivorous, omnivorous, herbivorous...
They can wreak chaos upon humans, some even able to end the world in a moments notice.
However, in this world, it falls upon select people to hunt these monsters.
Monster hunters. Heavily armored men and women sent out to hunt these dangerous beasts.
Taking jobs from The Guild, they go out to deserts, jungles, ruins and even sometimes the sea to hunt monsters. Hunting for resources? Yes. Hunting for food? Yes. Hunting to defend? Yes. Capturing a monster so you can kill someone you hate? Yes, as long as pay given, though don't expect them to be your lawyers.
This, is the world of Monster Hunter.
And you can either be the prey...
Or the hunter.
Anyone interested? :3
Character Sheets:
Appearance(Unarmored and armored pics if possible):
Weapon of choice:
The plot will be similar to MH4, hunters make a travelling caravan thing and travel to various villages for various quests.
However, at the end, there will be a big, big thingy to fight. I won't spoil what the thingy is.
Seeing as it's a caravan travelling whatever, your character needs one, specific skill to help the metaphorical boat metaphorically float.
1. No god modding.
2. Respect your fellow players.
3. Don't act too crazy. Swinging a great sword takes time and you'll have to lift it back up again. A monster will probably hit you in that time.
4. Characters can and most likely will die. There will be no 'this character will not die' thing in your CS. You have been warned. If you break these rules, your character dies in a hunt.
5. This is High free. we want atleast two sentences, people!
6. If you have read these rules, type 'GREAT SWORDS SUCK, DUAL BLADES ARE GREAT! ' Or dual blades suck great swords are great in your CS. Take your pick.