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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

So what color is Jira dominantly wearing? Brown or black or grey? Could you specify that in his CS please, Reap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I know I may appear delinquent, but I swear I'm writing something right now. I'm about halfway through it. I was hoping to have some interaction with other players, but I'll just leave her open to interaction instead because of how quick these posts are coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I can't believe we don't have any Gorons or Zora...

Corpy Corp, there may be something for you in my recent plot-relevent post. Check it out if you haven't seen it. That post was for quite a few different people, but also geared a bit for Mila.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: Magus
Age: 22
Race: Twili

Gender: Male


No living creature of the world of light has ever seen what Magus looks like under his hooded robe and the man has little desire to enlighten them of his true appearance. The only three things that define Magus as male are his voice, his insistence that he is male and the slowly glowing blue eyes that seem to stare out of the depths of his darkened hood. Those who listen to him when he moves can't help but hear some kind of clinking sound, as if his body was made of wood...

In truth, Magus's 'Physical' form is that of a pool of shadows and shadowy tendrils due to the nature of how he arrived in the world of light. Unable to survive in direct sunlight and lacking a humanoid form, Magus came across a strange scarecrow that was designed to move about in order to scare off birds with movement and noise. Binding himself to the wooden body much like puppet strings to a puppet, Magus uses the scarecrow as a frame to house himself in order to keep himself out of the sunlight. The robe he wears was once a worn out brown thing, but it covered his whole body and with the improvements of twili enchantments it is now completely black while keeping everything within bathed in shadow as an additional level of security for his well being; Magus isn't 100 percent sure of what would happen to him if his borrowed wooden body was exposed to sunlight and he really doesn't want to find out unless he is truly despite. He tends to wear black gloves for much the same reason.

Theme Song: http://warlordofnoodles.bandcamp.com/releasesWayfaring Stranger[url]

Personality: Inquisitive, Distant, Determined, Intelligent, Cold

Once upon a time, Magus was a young Twili researcher of their peoples dark magics and in discovering ways for them to exist in the world of light without being killed by the presence of the light that made the world its home. During one such experiment however there was an accident that resulted in Magus being sent into the world of light and transformed into a living mass of shadows. By pure chance he had appeared in Hyrule during the night and was thus not destroyed right away, but he was completely cut off from home and trapped in a realm that was deadly to him half the time.

Searching frantically, Magus discovered a strange wooden scarecrow that had been designed to move its limbs about in order to frighten birds with movement and the clicking noise of its joints rubbing together. Somewhat despite, Magus poured himself inside of the wooden shell and used his new form to act as strings to move the puppet around. While clumsy at first, he was able to get the scarecrow free of its poll and found a nearby abandoned build to take shelter in from the day. Once night came about, he inspected the building and discovered an old brown robe that would pretty much completely cover his wooden frame. Out of paranoia and legit worry, Magus spent several days enchanting the fabric in order to better provide protection from harsh light, as well as cover up the fact that for all intents and purposes he looked like a living scarecrow.

Once he had managed to enchant his cloak to the point that he was willing to test it, Magus made a few lesser tests by sticking his arms out into the sunlight. When he failed to suffer horrible pain, he considered it safe enough to try going for a walk and thus became the first Twili in a long time to 'walk under the sun' without dying.


1)Shadow puppetry- Due to his new physical form, Magus has been forced to adjust how he gets around the world around himself. By using strands of himself as strings for his wooden outer shell, Magus can make it move. Since any movement on his behalf requires that he use this ability (The act of remaining standing on both feet requires this ability) Magus has gotten very good at doing this.

2)Shadow Enchanting- Magus was an enchanter back home and he is incredibly grateful that his skills translated over to his new state of being. Given time and an idea of what needs to be done, Magus can enhance an object with some Twili magic; effects can range from enhancing somethings defenses, giving a magic edge to weapons and of course, enchanting something so that the shadows they cast are highly resistant to the light. Depending on the enchantment, the process can take days.

3) Carpentry - A very recent skill that Magus has started to learn. The wooden frame that he pilots to give himself a humanoid form is made out of wood and standard wear and tear would start to effect the pieces sooner or later; Magus has thus made keeping his wooden frame in good repair to be a highly important goal.

4) Engineering - His wooden outer shell was the result of inventive engineering put to practical use, but it was limited by the minor function it was meant to play. Along with maintaining his frame, Magus has also taken an interest in improving upon the design to allow himself ease of movement and faster reaction times.

5) Sewing - Much like his wooden body, Magus's cloak is vital to his survival and thus its upkeep is an equally vital requirement.

6) Combat Dark Magic - Unlike the rest of his kin Magus cannot simply teleport away or disappear the moment trouble arises, thus forcing him to stand his ground in order to defend himself. To that end, he has began to put into practice ancient twili combat spells of both offensive and defensive abilities, often times having to rediscover or reinvent parts the spells he is trying to perform. While currently limited to firing small 'spears' of dark magic and creating small shields of shadows to protect himself, Magus is actively seeking to improve himself whenever he has the chance.

7) Knowledge of ancient Twili relics and history - All twili know the basic knowledge of their history and how they came to be, but the path that Magus took in life required him to dive much, much deeper into their past in order to affect the present. As such, Magus knows a lot about the ancient relics of his people and the powers that they wielded that caused them to be banished into the twilight in the first place.

Goal(s): While returning back home is one of his major goals, Magus is taking advantage of his ability to have an interdependent physical form to attempt to reclaim some of the relics of his people sealed away in the world of light and using their power to restore himself to his original form and possibly get back home.

Inventory: 1 black hooded cloak (Enchanted)
1 experimental scarecrow (Wood)
1 pair of black gloves (Enchanted)
1 tool box (Carpentry)
1 tool box (Engineering)
1 sewing kit (Fully stocked)
1 large leather bag
1 pair of goggles (Need to be enchanted)

Wallet: 23
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It's not very interactive, but it's there. She's open to anyone, and it's possible that a wide range of characters would recognize her. Took a small cue from the prior post and had the cauldron smoke be violet. Can't think of a better signal than that. She's pretty obvious to everyone else, as well, little girl with a fairy tailing her, performing magic in the middle of the street.

EDIT: Almost forgot, the tune to the Goron's hymn is a lyric to the tune of Saria's Song. In case anyone cared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Memories of Conquest

Memories of Conquest

Member Offline since relaunch

Glad I found this when I did, definitely interested in this. Thinking of making a light mage character who doesn't actually have any innate magical power, and instead uses powers granted to him by a vile cult religious order dedicated to bringing equality to the kingdom of Hyrule. I'll try to have something done shortly.

Though, would the round-eared humans (who appear to make up the majority of the population) of the TLoZ universe be called? Would they just be Hylians?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Yes, they are still Hylians. Those with traits that more closely resemble the royal family, such as pale skin, blue eyes, blond hair, and pointed ears, may be considered superior by some biggoted prudes, but it's not meant to be like a major societal problem in Hyrule en masse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Geez. Guys posting faster then I can think. I'll have something this weekend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Bright_Ops, I'll get to your CS soon. Hang tight.

For everybody else, here is some more important information about fairies I want you all to keep in mind.

Firstly, fairies will rarely ever divulge exactly where they originated from, but everyone knows that companion fairies are at least summoned by the Great Deku Tree and assigned to Kokiri children within their first few years of life. The Great Fairy commandeers most pink fairies. Companion fairies do not typically posses the ability to heal, but that isn't a very well known fact amongst most of the other races, who generally seem to associate all fairies with healing. Most pink fairies have made a vow of silence as well-- so they aren't the most talkative bunch.

Referring to whomever manages to catch them in a bottle as their temporary "master", they choose to stay trapped inside even though they have the ability to conjure up a blast of wind strong enough to pop open the cork of any bottle. (Perhaps they all suffer from stockholm's syndrome...) When a pink fairy revives someone, the story I'm going with is that their light goes out and they must quickly find a place to rest before they lose consciousness. This is usually some place away from the person that was revived, as they will need a good deal of time to rest and "recharge". That being said, it is improbable that someone would keep recapturing the same fairy over and over again.

Fairies themselves are also extremely durable to the elements so long as their light is going strong. This conclusion is being made based on the fact that Navi travels with Link into volcanoes and places with freezing cold temperatures. Although she also goes with Link underwater, Fairies will be unable to breath underwater-- they possess the ability form maneuverable air bubbles under water instead.

Any questions?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, put in the CS that he's in all black
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Awesome, thanks!


Firstly-- please number his skills. An easy fix. Haha, I really need to add that requirement to the CS.

Secondly, I'm cool with Shadow Enchantment, but it seems kinda vague as it is now. "Interesting benefits", especially, has endless possibilities. I would prefer if you more specifically laid out exactly what sort of enchantments he can do.

Finally, and this is more of a comment/warning, I'm hoping you're already aware of the other twili character we currently have in the group. Cain is from a different dimension and time period where Zant is attempting to overthrow Midna, so if the two ever chummed up and got talking I imagine things could get somewhat confusing. Entertaining, no doubt, but also quite confusing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Confusing is fun. Makes for lots of writing material.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Okay, made the editing that was required.

I've decided that if Cain asks, Magus has never heard of Zant or Midna since a) They were not yet born/ well known yet and b) Magus was kind of a hermit researcher and thus didn't get out much to here about news.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I get the time difference thing, but I feel like no matter how reclusive someone is, they would probably hear the name of their ruler/queen/king at least once if even only in passing (i.e. going out for groceries, supplies, etc.). I make this point because if Cain does ask, I don't think it will be very believable for him to just shrug his shoulders and say "Beats me, man." You know? He could at least know that it's not anyone named Midna.

In the end, it's up to you though. You know you're character better than I.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Oh, if asked I'm sure he would know who the current monarch is. I'm just saying it wouldn't be Midna because either she doesn't exist just yet or Magus doesn't know she exists just yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Yeah I got that. No worries, it's fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

And Magus enters the scene. Maybe not my finest intro but he is there and being relatively social (Even if certain people would rather avoid talking to him).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Which one of us is the sly one?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

No idea. I think the one trying to woo our fish merchant might be the 'Dumb One' and I know for a fact that Magus would most likely be code named 'Dark One' (Seriously, he looks like a Wraith).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Well, don't we have two Twili competing for dark one?
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