Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Raven came over and knocked, one of the other house guest got the door, and escorted her over to Kris, "Want to hang out?" she asked, with a nice smile, she had body hugging but normal clothing on, though she did have knee high heeled boots on...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"Yeah, sure," Kris said with a smile. Raven was her only friend at the moment and it was good seeing her. "You look good," she said as she walked with Raven.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well I didn't want to show up in my other outfit, and make everyone uncomfortable" she said as they walked, "Would you like to go to the club for hanging out, or just walk around and hang in around here?" she asked, she also had a shoulder bag on her... "oh that's right" she remembered, "your uniforms will be delivered to you, and also an assortment as well for if you want to wear some other outfit... you can wear them normally too.. each club member is given a license for every outfit we have at the club, including the naughty ones that are straps..." she winked, then blushed, "anyways how is your day, It was nice t have you at work last night, I didn't feel so alone"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"My day's been kinda boring ever since we left the club. Want to go back? I mean, I may as well get to know the place better. I'm happy that I made you happy," She said with a smile and her cheeks got slightly pink. "Oh, that's good that I get my own uniforms." She started walking out with Raven to the club again, "How long have you been working there anyway?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"About 5 years" she said, maybe more, "I am glad I made you happy to" she smiled as they walked enjoying it.

Once to the club, they were let in, no questions asked, "Want to change?" she asked, "as a employee on shift or not you have all rights to the changing room" she commented, Opening her bag to reveal her usual club outfit. "I think we stand out to much in normal clothing... but that is up to you if we get changed or not..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"Yeah, let's get changed." Kris decided and changed into the same thing she had on before. She waited for Raven to finish changing and stuffed her normal clothes in a locker. She sat on a bench in the changing room and kept pushing her sidebangs out of her eyes.
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"okay, strange girl." he looked at his watch "night is still young. killing time." he put the hat and suit on and walked to the car. "lets kill a man today." he started the car and drove. well not really on the road... more on the pavement. "YE HA" as he hit people in the street to the ground and bounced them off the bonnet. that's when the police turned up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"What do you mean? Really? Okay bye." Damien put a phone down. "I really have to do night shift because I fake called in sick? Ahh!" Damien walked down outside and went down the road. "I'm going to fall asleep at work, yay!"
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

the doctor hand braked turned and sped towards the police. he was slamming the horn and they were slamming the lights. he whizzed passed them and sped towards the house. he saw whats hos name, Strange kid?. no! al-well he'll do, the police went following but they would be close. he leaned out the car.... grabbed him and sped off. "morning kid" he said locking the doors "were Gunnar have some fun!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Raven changed and came out, also in the outfit she normally wore for work and helped Kris with her hair... "Well let me think where to begin, we have privet rooms, each employee, or in our case since we work as a pair, we get our own room, where we can sleep, play, and entertain Special guests" she shows a card with a sticker on it, and hands it to her, "In which case you are mine, and if you want I can be yours... the things can't be counterfeit because only one worker or pair can have one SG at a time " she said, then moved on.

"We can also entertain normal guests, but they have to pay, and we have rooms for all kinds of Play from S&M to... well standard toy cars and kiddy stuff... some people are still into that..." she took Kris's hand and walked with her, "Then we have the themed rooms, eating places, Stripper lounges, VIP Lounges, so on an so forth..." she said. as they walked showing the directory and pushing to show what each one looked like... "Our job is basically to wait on people, that we think suit us, that can admire us but will only act if we ask them for their time..." she stopped at their room, and opened the door, "since we are not on shift, you don't have to worry about Azra's training, or her getting after or making requests of us..." she closed the door.

The Room was dimly lit, and smelled rather romantic, but not the been used for acts romantic, just soft and smooth romantic, that could kind of lul you to sleep... like lavender and other flowers can... but it was nice... kind of relaxing, and really well adorned, like it was fit for a princess, the room was set up also to Kris's liking... Raven sat on the bed, switching, from her boots to some thigh high stockings, that were the same material... "You can take your boots off in here, but outside of here, you should keep them on, how are you getting use to them, they are made so they don't hurt your feet as much as you would think... i am not sure how though."

(We can work with the time in PM ^_^)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The doors wouldn't lock for him... Eve looked at him, "I told you there was a spell on this place,... you can't use it to get out of your trouble." she let the cops in.
"Ma'am got to love this place, you can be the best assassin and hide here but if you break the law and drag us over here, it will let us get them..." he laughed, and Eve smiled, "Go have fun boys, just don't kill him..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

User said
the doctor hand braked turned and sped towards the police. he was slamming the horn and they were slamming the lights. he whizzed passed them and sped towards the house. he saw whats hos name, Strange kid?. no! al-well he'll do, the police went following but they would be close. he leaned out the car.... grabbed him and sped off. "morning kid" he said locking the doors "were Gunnar have some fun!"

"Fun? What are you a porn star?" Damien make this remark before realising he had just been pulled into a moving car.
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(the lock was on the car, and it was outside the house. the boy was the guy working the etra shift. so actuly no police in as the grab happened out on the road outside the house)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

(^_^ my mistake sorry have fun.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Is posting OOC in IC the new fad?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

(We are just waiting for our People to post LOL, and I made a mistake... we are allowed to post little things :3)
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"hello, im Doctor Richardson" he flashed his badge "dont do anything you will regent or ill kill you"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Eh, I regret 95% of my life so don't hold your breath, Mr Creepy" Damien realised immediately what he said.
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"for that reason wont kill you" he smiled "NOW SMILE" he kept driving the speed of the Bentley was faster than the police cars.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Click here and on the video first.

It was dark out, and it poured rain on the roof of Weiss's car as he drove into town.
He parked in front of the night club and checked the address on a piece of paper that was rapidly fading in the downpour.
After finishing his cigarette he entered the club.
With nothing to declare and picking the free night without hesitation he got in quickly and scanned his surroundings.
It was this kind off place.
Weiss sat down at the bar.
"Please tell me you've got a whiskey on those shelves somewhere love."
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