Ryou KurodaAge: 17Sex: MaleSpecies: PsitaraeAlignment: Chaotic NeutralReligion: AgnosticWeapons: Dual Handguns that have ivory grips. On each grip is a stallion on the inside. On the outsides of each pistol, signaling which is which, the right handed gun has "Fate" engraved along the barrel, and the left has "Destiny" engraved along the barrel on the outside. The grips are ivory of both guns, and the rest of the guns themselves are made of an obsidian.
Appearance: For the most part, Kuroda Ryou (last name is first, first name is last in this order. Japanese tradition) appears to be perfectly human, however, his arms and legs are completely cybernetic-looking. However, they are not powered by electricity of even radiation or what cybernetic things would be powered by. His arms look robotic, and he always wears a set of dark blue shades. They don't really hide his eyes; they are transparent enough, but they do distort whatever his eye color would be. They appear to be blue, as well. He wears a red, sleeveless shirt so as to make his arms more comfortable in their range of motion, and his hair is silvery in color. His legs are always covered by pants, hiding the fact his legs are what they are, as well. He stands 5'4" tall and weighs 194 lbs overall. From his back, a set of cybernetic-looking wings have developed. When his wings are completely condensed, they appear to be a set of dark gray batons attached to his back, paralleling his neck, poking above either shoulder barely. Fully extended, they reach out for a total wingspan of six feet. History: He doesn't much talk about his history, however, should you get close enough, he may open up...
Ryou's Abilities: His range of powers is extremely limited. His arms, not being regular arms, are extremely strong. As long as Ryou focuses on it, he can almost accomplish any level of strength in his arms that he needs. The symbiotic relationship he has with the material that has nested within his body means that his arms can adapt to nearly anything after a first time. The only real power he has is the ability to heal.
His Guns' Abilities: His guns fire bullets that have trocar tips that split apart into eight different parts, while the rest of the bullet would still fire as normal. When the bullet stops its movement—through contact or otherwise being suddenly stopped—the bullet will explode with black energy that results in atoms being smashed. The pieces of the trocar tip that break away upon contact will impale into anything, however, when they are hit with the atom smashing effect of the main bullet, these pieces fling together and cause any remains of the explosion to implode into themselves, leaving nothing in their trace.
Ryou is the host of a symbiote made of a material called "Tylapatad", which acts very much so like a living metal. It is naturally as hard as diamond, however, should it be subjected to forces that would shatter it, as long as it survives the attack, it can adapt to make itself stronger. The relationship that Ryou has with the Tylapatad within him is difficult to notice. While the Tylapatad gives Ryou the ability to survive easier and fight better, Ryou provides the blood that it needs to survive. That said, as time progresses onward, Ryou loses his blood, which in turn becomes more Tylapatad, but this makes the Tylapatad stronger. Being that it is metal-like, that means his arms are able to withstand a lot of damage before he even remotely notices that they are damaged. He does have nerves within his arms, however, they are dulled so much that it would take a lot for him to feel pain in his arms and legs.
(Will be updated as he fights)