Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Kingdoms of Rheagonn: Norsia
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"And so it was, that in their grievous sin, the people's of Rheagonn drank freely the blood of the Gods, giving unto them great powers. Affronted, the Gods left their children, to despair in the doomed world they had created. The world burned in the fires of blasphemy, great kingdoms of those who thought themselves gods sprawled over the world; to rise and fall with the turning of the centuries... All turns to ash."
~ The Chronicles of Light, Book Two

Chapter One
The Fall of Beron
* * *
Chapter Two
Dawn of a New Reign

Lores and Histories of Norsia

Nordic Pantheon
The Voyage of Hjaldr, Blessed Amongst Men

Welcome to Norsia, an ailing kingdom nestled upon the crown of the continent of Nirn, in the world of Rheagonn. Ages ago, over two thousand years, mortals declared war upon the Gods, jealous of their power, and seeking to steal it for their own. The Gods retreated from the world, leaving the people's of Rheagonn to destroy each other with their usurped magic. After an age of Darkness, where constant war and strife reigned, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves and Men finally began to seek peace, building kingdoms across the lands in order to keep peace and power. One such kingdom is Norsia.

Odin, The All-Father, the greatest of the Gods gave birth to Thor, a great God born in the All-Father's image. Thor lived among mortal men and taught us the ways of the Warrior, to live by a code of honour and strength. His jealous brother, Loki, took what was taught and twisted it, embracing shadows and darkness, he imparted to us the way of the Crow, to strike silently and deadly. Many others instead wished to follow Odin himself, nurturing the rheag and prospering from its gifts, following the way of the Patron. It is these three Gods that Nords worship and live by. By embracing and respecting these three paths, perhaps we can find forgiveness for the sins of our ancestors.

How To Play

Their is no real objective in Norsia other then what you make for your own. Do you wish to become King? Sit upon the Royal Council? Conquer the lands of your fellow Jarls? Or build a Nord Empire spanning the continent? Perhaps you just wish to live in peace? The choice is yours, and expect the world to change and react to your decisions. The mechanics to the game are fairly simple, but before we get into that, first you need to sign up.

Signing Up

This is the kingdom of Norsia. As you can see, for the most part, it is a blank slate, waiting for your dynasty to move in and fill your fiefdom with settlements and terrain. Based on what you would like for your territory, I will fill in the map accordingly. After you decide which territory you wish to rule, fill out a character sheet and post it here...

Jarl(ess): The name of your ruler, and main character
Path: Way of the Warrior (bonus to battle rolls), Way of the Patron (bonus to loot roll), or Way of the Crow (special stealth order every turn). The path of your Jarl is set for the tenure of their rule. If you wish to try another path, you must IC a new Jarl coming to power.
Household: The minor characters of your house, such as your spouse, children and vassals. A Jarl typically has up to two Arls serving under him, as well as a number of Thanes, the Nordic version of Knights, and Thralls or slaves.
Dynasty Bio: A brief description of your ruling dynasty. Unlike other kingdoms, the strong rule in Norsia rather then bloodlines, so it may be typical to see power being shared by many different families over the course of the generations.
Province Name and Number: State the number of the province you want, followed by the name
Fiefdom Bio: A description of your land, please be as specific as possible so I may fill out the map, giving rivers, lakes, terrain and up to 3 major settlements, you may even wish to provide your own map here for me to emulate.

The Jarlmoot
Each season of the game will start with a Jarlmoot, a gathering of the Jarls where they discuss and debate issues facing the kingdom. It is here that Jarls can propose wars, trades, laws, and general administration of Norsia. Players can expect events of some kind to be central to the Jarlmoot, players may also wish to bring forth their own events pertaining to their realm to fit in with their IC stories. Following the Jarlmoot, which closes after a week RT, players submit orders to me through PM.

Typically player get two types of orders, Military and Diplomacy. Military orders are tasks given to your army per season. Be aware that your army needs to rest and reform ranks after prolonged use. Morale will decline after a battle, and you risk losing your entire army should a demoralized army is put to the field. Your army is your main tool for projecting your power throughout Rheagonn. Use them to raid and pillage, or conquer or destroy a rival.

Diplomacy is your main source of income, and is a broad term for administering your realm to make gold. This can include anything from trade with another player, organizing a grand hunt or a tourney, to throwing a wedding for your daughter. This order can be nearly anything you can imagine and earn you gold.

Crows also have a special stealth order they may issue each turn. This order has a fifty/fifty chance of success and failure runs the risk of exposure throughout the realm, so use this order wisely. Assassinations, ransoms, sneak attacks, any order that requires secrecy can be done here.

Players given a seat on the King's Council also get a special order per turn, but more on that later.

Please format your orders in the following way,
Character Name Orders for turn 1,
Military - order 5000 troops under the command of Arl Frostbane to attack Jarl Alfdor
Diplomacy - Throw a great hunt to slay the feared dragon Visroth in the mountains of Misthigh

Try and be brief, yet include specifics that you would like me to include in the update.

Players should keep an eye on their stats in order to gauge their best course of action per turn. Stats are kept fairly simple, and just serve to supplement your ICs.

Trait: Warrior, Patron or Crow
Titles: Rank, Lands held, and council seats are listed here
Gold: Each player begins the game with 50 chests of gold
Army: Player's begin the game with 5000 troops
Navy: Players begin the game with 10 Longboats, with a capacity to carry 100 troops each
Fort Level: Player can upgrade their fiefdom's defenses by building holdfasts and castles that will slow invaders and buy you time to defend your realm. Players start at level 0, with each level
Infrastructure: Upgrading your infrastructure, such as farm expansion, building towns and roads etc. will make the lives of your people better, and thus make more willing to fight under your banner. Each level increases your army by 5000 troops.

Magic exists in Rheagonn, though few can wield it. Magic exists through IC only and is not represented by stats, and should be kept small scale. Summoning beasts and ice shards is reasonable, but waking whole armies of undead is a bit much. Use your own judgement when writing about magic, i just ask you keep out of the realm of god modding. You can be a powerful mage, but you are still mortal, and not invincible.

Magic is power usurped from the gods thousands of years ago. Today, only the descendants of those who waged war on the Gods are able to wield magic, and even then, intense study is needed to perfect the art. Guilt has carried on through the bloodlines at stealing power from the creators and sending them to flight from the world. Many seek to atone by using the power of Magic for good, or not at all.

The Combat System
The combat system in Rheagonn is fairly simple. Armies form three flanks against each other. Each flank throws a combat roll, plus any trait bonuses attributed to the leaders of each flank. The higher roll wins the battle and goes on to the next round, until the last flank stands victorious. Though Warriors have a bonus to battle rolls, this in no way guarantees victory. Crows may plot to steal enemies' bonus battle rolls, and wealthy Patrons and Jarls may hire mercenaries to supplement their forces. Despite advantages gained through your traits, the battles of Rheagonn are based upon the luck of the die.

For example, here we have two armies facing off. On one side is the king Varian of Gothra. With him are two of his vassal armies, a Saxon and a Gothic duke. Their enemy are the fallen Dwarves of Highathar led by King Logain. Though Logain has no player vassals with him, his army is still split into 3 flanks, led by his character, and his NPC vassals. The NPC's do not earn trait bonuses, giving an advantage to the side with more Warriors. However, this is offset by schemes or mercenaries purchased that can bolster the flanks with up to one bonus roll each.

Duke Matthew Wolfe.....................King Varian of Gothra.................Duke Wilhelm Von Saxon
Patron, 1 combat roll...................Patron, 1 combat roll................Warrior, 2 combat rolls

Mercenary Company.....................King Logain Deftspear..................Master Grimbeard Rockhammer
Strategist, 2 combat rolls................Patron, 1 roll..........................NPC, 1 combat roll

As you can see, the Goths are content with Wilhelm's Warrior trait to win the battle, whereas Deftspear, lacking the same in his force, appeals to the tactics of mercenaries, earning him a bonus roll and evening the odds.

Spending Your Gold
There are several things which you can buy and upgrade in order to strengthen your position in Norsia. It does not take up an order, military, diplomatic or otherwise, to make purchases with your gold. So feel free to buy units and upgrades along with your usual orders.

Mercenaries are purchased for 25 gold per turn, and number 1000 troops. Not only do they add a warrior bonus to any battle, they also act as a buffer, shielding you against casualties for up to 1000 troops.

Unlike troops, that are cheaply recruited among your populace, Longboats need to be built, requiring resources to purchase and shipwrights to pay. Longboats are built in blocks of 10 and cost 10 gold.

Fort Level
A 50 gold investment allows your stewards to construct holdfasts and castles to better defend your realm, slowing invaders and inflicting heavier casualties on those that dare cross your border.

Investing 100 gold to increase your level will boost your army by 5000 troops. The gold goes to expanding your settlements, building towns and farmlands and improving the quality of life for your people

The King and Council
Overall it is in the best interest of the Jarls to maintain a united kingdom. Not only does this protect the Jarldoms from outside threats, but it also allows for a royal treasury and council to administer the kingdom. The royal treasury is separate from the personal wealth of the Jarls and even the king, though the king is the de facto administrator of the treasury. The king may use this wealth to aid the Jarldoms through disasters, hire mercenaries in times of war, conduct good will missions to allied kingdoms, or anything else they will. Typically the treasury is known only to the king or queen and their council, though they may disclose this information to the Jarls if they wish.
Aiding the King is the King's Council. A small group of trusted advisors that aid the king in administration of the realm. On the council is the Marshal, The Steward, and the Spy-Master, with a fourth seat given to a special advisor that I will control, but more on that when the game starts. Each councillor is given a special council order as well as their regular war and diplomatic order. They may choose to use this order for the betterment of the kingdom, or use it for their own needs. The King may give councillors their order, though it is up to them to follow through. It is up to the king who sits on this council, it can be their own characters for greater control or other players to foster alliances among the Jarls and make use of ruler traits.

It should be noted that the treasury is susceptible to thefts by outside threats and the Jarls. If a Jarl is planning a revolt, you can bet their first move will be to raid the treasury to mitigate the power of the king...

The Marshal
Though the king is the realms chief general, the Marshal is the top military advisor and viewed as the second in command of Norsia's armies. It is often the Marshal who oversees the defence of the realm in the king's absence, or leads assaults upon enemy lands. The Marshal is also the commander of the Hirdmen, a special warrior order that carries out the will of the Council.

The Steward
The king's chief administrator. The Steward oversees the kingdom's coin counters and is chiefly occupied with the finances of the realm. This councillor has an opportunity every turn to bolster the funds within the treasury at the behest of the King. In addition to finances, the steward is also the chief diplomat of the realm, and is expected to be the face of peace representing the king to the outside world.

The Spy-Master
This Councillor's main concern is intelligence gathering and clandestine operations, commanding spies and agents with the aim of furthering the King's peace. A very skilled spymaster will operate with such a deft hand, that his operations remain known only to the king and the council.

Your character, whether by your choice or not, may very well die over the course of the game. This can be aggravating as you will be forced to alter the direction of your personal story, but you should always be prepared for this outcome, and realize it is part of the game. If your Jarl dies, an heir of your choice will take his/her place and a new trait can be selected. Aside from your player dying, your Jarldom may also come under occupation. If this occurs, your dynasty is exiled, forced to live at court of an ally, and unable to reform ranks, and earning gold becomes harder. You always seek to win back your Jarldom, but once exiled, this becomes difficult. To avoid exile, you may wish to treat with a conqueror and come to terms, perhaps declaring fealty in order to remain in power.

The Moth Order
The Moth Order is a group of warrior-monks that live in the central fiefdom known as the Pale. They serve as advisers to the Jarls and the High Moth sits upon the Royal Council. The Moth's safeguard Thor's Hammer, a priceless relic of ages past believed to be a gateway to the spirit realm. The Moths remain neutral in times of war and fight only to defend the Hammer and the Pale. Moth's Hall, located on the western coast of the Pale in central Norsia, is historically the meeting sight of the Jarlmoot, and is considered sacred ground. To spill blood within the hall is a grievous crime, punishable by death. The High Moth is the mediator for the Jarl Moot and claims loyalty to Norsia above all else, even the King.

Kingdoms of Rheagonn
The Elven Kingdom of Galadriel is rather a loose alliance of several petty kingdoms working in cooperation with each other. The petty kings, known as Therons or Therains, have shown to have a benign rule toward their subjects. They are a peaceful race, blessed with long life. They are currently showing a cold stature toward the Dwarven and Orc kingdoms.

The High Kingdom of Highathar is the mountainous home of the Dwarves. Dwarves are known for their lust for gold and riches and are primarily a trading kingdom. Highathar is ruled by the High King, names so as he rules the sky above, while his vassals, the Under Kings rule the mountain cities carved beneath the rheag. They are cold in stature toward the Elves and Orcs.

Wild men that live in scattered clans. They are divided and leaderless and considered weak.

A kingdom of men that are known for their hostility and hunger for power. The King of Gothra, with his duke vassals, rule with an iron fist, and suffer no rivals. They are cold in their stature to all kingdoms, especially Norsia.

In the far west, is the land of Vorduun, where brutish clans of Orcs make their vile home. It is a barren wasteland, where life struggles to survive. They are in a near constant state of war against the Elves and Dwarves.

Recent History
Norsia has been a prosperous kingdom, boasting strong warriors and rigid codes of honour. In the past, Norsia pillaged and raided all along the Rheagonn coast, proving themselves fierce on both land and sea. They have warred with near every kingdom in years past, though relations with most have warmed of late.
The last King, Beron the Bard, was a popular king. He fought a grueling war against Gothra, and was able turn aside their invasion and even sack the fortress city of Wallachia. A white peace followed shortly after, and the King of Gothra signed a treaty to pay tribute and cease hostilities. King Beron ordered all coastal raids to cease and began fostering closer relations with Highathar and Galadriel, seeking trade and prosperity. There were some that held misgivings for the way he ran the kingdom and considered such actions weak, though he was a charismatic figure, and as such few took up arms against him.
Beron himself, however, grew restless under a life of peace, and arranged an expedition north, to the fabled land of Everwinter. Many called him mad, insisting the land did not exist, others agreed, though they argued it did exist but was wrought with peril. After months of no news, a single ship finally returned with the body of the King. They did not find Everwinter, just a viscous storm that took many lives, including Beron the Bard. The High Moth has called a Jarlmoot to convene in the Pale, to decide whom among the Jarls should lead in this tumultuous time.

Gods have mercy on Norsia. May they give the Jarls strength and wisdom to weather this storm...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maps of the World

The Continent of Nirn

The Kingdom of Norsia

Kingdom of Norsia

Monarch: King Henrik Havarr, King of Norsia, Jarl of Tyr, Protector of the Realm
Treasury: 0
Crown Laws: Jarl Elective
Crown Authority: Autonomous Vassals
Taxes: None

Crownland of Tyr




Hjaldr's Vale

Isles of Wolves


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Now open for sign ups!

Reach me at Coldfront IRC here
enter a nickname and type /join #Norsia
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Duc de Canard

Duc de Canard

Member Offline since relaunch

Could I 'reserve' the number 9 area? It's 2am here right now but I'll get to writing my sheet in the morning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bishop, would you like me to manufacture a map based on those specifications?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Number nine is reserved for Canard.

You are free to create your own maps, definitely. I will take whatever you create and do my best to transfer it onto the main map.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jarldom of Týr

Jarl(ess): Henrik Havarr of Týr

Path: Way of the Warrior (bonus to battle rolls).

  • Jarl Henrik Havarr:
  • Age 68, Jarl of Týr and Head of House Havarr. A former friend of King Beron the Bard, he served alongside him both in war and peace and has never dared to come to odds against the king, even at the behest of leading the king to ruin -- many have seen this as potential cowardice, or a desire to usurp the king, but Henrik instead resolved to follow the King, because he was the King. Henrik's eyes are stern, his hair white and his beard thick.
  • Arl Kyongar of Whitefall:
  • Age 54, the Arl of Whitefall is relatively small by Norsian standards, even stranger still due to the allegations of him being half-elf. Within Týr, a challenge of sorts exist within the children of Whitefall, that if you were to snatch the tight fitted cap Kyongar often wears off his head and prove that he does in fact have pointy ears, they would be appointed the next Arl of Whitefall. No such allegations of the Arl have ever been proven, however.
  • Arl Faushear of Klongsbern:
  • Age 51, Faushear is the Arl of the mercantile, coastal city of Klongsbern on the East Coast. This is a thriving arldom that is responsible for small textiles. Faushear is devoutly religious, but keeps these facets well known to him only in private.
  • Hyundar, Thane of Havarr:
  • Age 32, The Champion of Tyr, Hyundar is a proven champion of the blade -- brandishing a pair of long braids alongside his mighty war axe. He carries with him scars from past battles, and there are tales of his maneuvers in the Gothran Wars. He is a local folk hero in Tyr.
  • Kaspen, Thane of Havarr:
  • Age 24, The newest Thane of Tyr, Kaspen is an aspiring raider turned thane who's ambitions are less than fruitful by his desire to be drunk more often then sober. These are often dismissed however for his lethality with a sword and buckler, having taken part in over one hundred duels and never having lost a single one -- drunk or sober.
Dynasty Bio: the Havarr Dynasty is closely related to the former King of Norsia, Beron the Bard; linked through marriage of Beron's wife's cousin, who was married to Henrik for six winters before she passed away. Henrik had ever been a staunch ally of Beron, serving alongside him in the Gothran Wars. Henrik himself was asked by one of the King's liege to follow him to find Everwinter, but he declined, as in his old age (nearing seventy winters), he had not the lightness of step or fierce endurance he had in youth. Henrik is seen as charismatic and cautious, often times even obstinate. The Havarr dynasty follows largely reminiscent of the Old Ways, where bloodlines were preferred over brute strength -- but this is not the Norsian way and this has seen many challengers approach the Havarr dynasty, hoping to fell one of the weaker links in the patronage and steal the Jarl away from the Havarr dynasty.

Province Name and Number: 12. Týr

Fiefdom Bio: The largest demesne in Norsia, it is the least developed and seemingly underwhelming. Huge tracts of grassland are pock marked with farms, and both the Arls, Whitefall and Klongsbern are located on the West and East coasts respectively. Trails dots the land, as the jarldom is a central location and also sits right beside the Jarlmoot, and thus is frequently traveled. The roads are often overwatched by the Jarl's men-at-arms to keep the road through the jarldom and to the Jarlmoot free of bandits and obstructions. Small villages located in the central regions do exist, but make up less than fifteen percent of the entire population of the Jarldom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwiftOnRPGuild


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm working on my empire info right now. Can I reserve Territory 4?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwiftOnRPGuild


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Province of Arda’Njor

Jarl: Koval(The Greater) Brute-Blade

Path: Way of the Warrior (bonus to battle rolls)

-Jarl Koval Brute-Blade-
Age 54, Jarl of The Province of Arda’Njor, and head of the Brute-Blade clan. He is the fourth member of the Brute-Blade clan to rule over the frozen lands of Arda’Njor. A once honored and respected warrior who led the armies of the Arda’Njor against the enemies of the King, he and his ancestors have traditionally offered the absolute fealty of The Arda’Njor Province to the King of Norsia. This tradition of fealty ended when King Beron the Bard ended the war against Gothra, whom the Brute-Blade clan have had a long lasting hatred for. When the King went missing on his quest to find Everwinter, it was Jarl Koval who refused to send any of the Arda’Njor to help find him.

Jarl Koval is an immense man of grand and imposing stature, his long braided hair is dark with hints of greying, and his eyes are of a stark blue and affirm his confidence in his Province.

-Arl Koval Brute-Blade-
Age 29, Arl of The Province of Arda’Njor, and first son of Koval The Greater. Koval The Lesser is the most likely heir to the throne of Arda’Njor, though some question his chances of ascension. A skilled and talented warrior like his father, he has yet to prove his bravery and courage on the field of battle against a real foe. He is also arrogant and dictatorial, lacking the understanding and steady-handedness of his father, the Jarl.

Arl Koval takes after his father in appearance more than attitude, as he too is a man of grand an imposing stature. His hair his long and braided, though is more fair in color.

-Arl Toral Stone-Fist-
Age 42, Arl of The Province of Arda’Njor, Governor of the City of Cold Port, and head of the Stone-Fist clan. He is the seventh member of the Stone-Fist clan to govern the coastal city of Cold Port. For the last two hundred years the Stone-Fist clan has remained fiercely loyal to the Brute-Blade clan, and have helped them maintain their rule over the Province. Toral, as head of the Stone-Fists, has sworn to maintain this loyalty so as long as his friend and mentor, Koval The Greater serves as Jarl. Some have questioned this swearing, curious as to whether or not Toral will remain as loyal to Koval The Lesser, should he ascend to the throne as Jarl.

-Bathar Black-Blood, Thane of Arda’Njor-
Age 39, Thane of The Province of Arda’Njor, Governor of the City of White Plains, and head of the Black-Blood clan. He is the ninth member of the Black-Blood clan to govern the city of White Plains. The Black-Blood clan is the eldest of all clans to still hold power within the Province of Arda’Njor. Five centuries ago, the Black-Blood clan waged a brutal civil war against the other clans that then made up the bulk of the White Plains; in their conquest, they took ownership of a majority portion of the farms that cultivate the rich and fertile soil. As such, the Black-Bloods have ensured their place of power, so long as they control the primary source of farmland in the Province. When the Brute-Blades came to power, they immediately saw the need to keep the Black-Bloods close, and granted the title of Thane to whomever leads the clan.

-Voloh Broad-Trunk, Thane of Arda’Njor-
Age 47, Thane of the Province of Arda’Njor, Governor of the City of Gray Sands, and head of the Broad-Trunk clan. He is the first member of the Broad-Trunk clan to govern the city of Gray Sands. The Broad-Trunk clan has traditionally been a clan of woodsman, and tree herders. But when the Stone-Fist reign came to an end, they were the first clan to join the Stone-Fists in supporting the ascension of the Brute-Blade clan. For their loyalty to the Jarldom, the Brute-Blade clan granted the Broad-Trunk clan the governing rights to the City of Gray Sands, as well as the title of Thane to the leader of the clan.

Dynasty Bio:
The Brute-Blade Clan’s place as rulers of The Province is afforded by the loyalty of a large contingent of the most prominent clans that dot the landscape of Arda’Njor. This place however, has not always been guaranteed, as Koval The Greater is only the fourth Brute-Blade to claim the throne of Jarl. Before the reign of the Brute-Blades, The Province was ruled over by the head of the Stone-Fist clan for five hundred years; their reign brought to an end at the hands of Gothran assassins. For this transgression, the clans of Arda’Njor have all held a long lasting hatred of Gothra.

While Jarl Koval Brute-Blade’s merit as a warrior and competent leader has never been called into question, the same cannot be said for Koval The Lesser. Arl Toral Stone-Fist himself has questioned whether Koval The Lesser is the right choice to ascend to the throne if and when Koval The Greater passes. This has raised the concern of the other major clans of Arda’Njor, as the word of the head of the Stone-Fist clan carries great impact. In fact, Koval The Greater has himself expressed concern regarding his son’s merit as a leader of The Province, and this has lead to a strenuous relationship between the two.

Though it is expected that Jarl Koval will officially name his son as heir to the throne as Jarl of Arda’Njor, the rumor has arisen that he will instead choose Toral Stone-Fist as his successor, thus bringing and end to his own clans rule of the Province, and restoring the Stone-Fist reign. Whatever Koval chooses, the clans of Arda’Njor trust that it will be for the betterment of the Province as a whole.

Province Name and Number:
4. The Province of Arda’Njor.

Fiefdom Bio:

The land that makes up The Province of Arda’Njor had long been a barren wasteland, devoid of civilization. Legend had told tales that the land had been carved by the Goddess Frigga, as a gift to her husband, the All father, Odin. So cold and remote that no man could ever tame the land, and ruin it’s beauty. At least, that was until the great ancient warlord Arda’Njor ventured north with his armies at the end of a great war. He saw the land as a challenge, and with the spoils of riches gained in his conquest, he began to cultivate the land.

His armies were made up of the great clans that had once been so widespread throughout Norsia, but now congregated together in service to their warlord. Legend holds that It wasn’t long until Arda’Njor ordered these armies to tear down the White Mountain, a peak so grand that it dominated most of the central land. It is said that it took the lives of every last of Arda’Njor’s men to flatten what was once the greatest peak in all the land, and that when the task was done, Frigga shed a single tear at the loss of her beautiful mountain; this tear fell upon the land where the mountain once stood, and made the soil fertile. Thus the White Plains were born, lands so fertile that they can grow any crop regardless of the snow that falls upon them.

Satisfied that he’d cultivated the land to his liking, Arda’Njor declared the land his Province, and welcomed the lesser clans of Norsia to migrate north. It is said then, that Arda’Njor went further north, and founded the city of Frostmourne, wherein he would rule his Province. There he died, and was later laid to rest in the catacombs beneath Great North Hall.

In the wake of his passing, the lesser clans gathered in Frostmourne to determine their new leader. It was decided that a Jarl would be named, and that from then on, he would name his successor. If the Jarl failed to name a successor, then there would be another meeting of the clans to choose his successor. In the time since, the clans have only met to choose their Jarl twice, most recently when the Jarl Torak Stone-Fist and his heir were assassinated. The clans then decided to name a Brute-Blade as their Jarl.


Geologically, The Province of Arda’Njor is made up of rolling hills to the west, a great region of flat plains in the north central, and a great range of mountains to the east, called The Hold Mountains. The north central region is home to the most fertile farmlands in all of Arda’Njor, and are the primary source of food in the Province.

There are seven major cities spread throughout the Province. The northern most city and capital of Arda’Njor is Frostmourne, where the Jarl and his family reside. South from Frostmourne is Broad Hill, the fourth most populous city in Arda’Njor. Further south is the city of Gray Sands, so named for the gray volcanic ash that make up the shoreline. To the southeast of Gray Sands is the southern most city of Arda’Njor, Fort North; built from the ruins of Arda’Njor’s first encampment on his journey into the land. To the northeast of Fort North is the third most populous city of the Province, the city of Cold Port. Cold Port is the primary hub of transport and trade into Arda’Njor from the Shivering Sea. Excess crops raised in the fields of White Plains often make their way there to be traded throughout Norsia. Southeast of Cold Port is the second most populous city of the Province, and the agricultural center of Arda’Njor, the city of White Plains. Finally, to the far east is the least populous city of the Province, the city of Windy Shores, which borders a steep cliff side over looking the Shivering sea.

May make more changes later, if need be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jarl: Ragnar Wolfsbane

Path: Path of the Crow

-Ragnar Wolfsbane, 34, is the current Jarl of Coldmarch and has been for the past 15 years. He prefers the warmth of his Moot robes too the cold metal of armour. Do not think that he is weak though; he will never back away from a fight and will do whatever it takes to keep his people safe. For many years he has been acting as a ‘Kingmaker’ never actually making a play for the crown but always indispensable to the man with it. While some of the leaders deal in blood and death he deals in treaties and plots. He is an ambitious man and will always try to get his way.
-Gilgak Wolfsbane, 14, is the son if the Jarl. As is tradition of Coldmarch Gilgak is the son of one of the numerous maidens in his father’s haram however he feels no shame in this and regularly jokes about this with the nobility in his own and others holds. Much like his father he is ambitious and tries to act much older than he actually is in an attempt to emulate the man he idolises, his father.
-Fredrik Starok, 38, is a Thane of Coldmarch. This is one of Jarl Ragnar’s best friends and has been since childhood. His is a veteran of many battles and leads Coldmarch’s forces during times of war as Ragnar steps down to his superior knowledge during war time.
-Olaf Greystone, 22, is a Thane of Coldmarch. Olaf made his position in Coldmarch as an expert at running the lands. He can move gold and organise the economy like no other man in Coldmarch, though is still no match for the greatest of Norsia, and regularly is left to organise the peasantry and industry when the Moot and politics take Ragnar away.
-Erik Longtooth, 66, is the final Thane of Coldmarch. Erik has been a Thane for three previous Jarls and is trusted by them all. He made his position through knowing the people and keeping the support of the masses. Through this he is used a lot by the Jarl to drive the masses in a direction that better suits the goals of Coldmarch and years of honing this skill have made him an expert.

Dynasty Bio: The Wolfbanes have always ruled in Coldmarch. Only because they have always been the strongest. The Jarl commands a harem of women that take his fancy and he fathers many children. However one is selected at the age of 10 to be the protegee and next Jarl. He is tutored and taught by the current Jarl as well as the Thanes of COldmarch in running the fief and dealing in the politics. Also in the dark rooms of Colmarch he is trained in clandestine activities that are renowned around Norsia. The Wolfbanes have always been adept at pushing buttons without being seen and this is a heritage that is passed won very strongly. Many of the Wolfbanes have been Spy-Masters and despite one moment when a Wolfbane made for King they have been content there. They find being king is simply to high a perch to fall from and that they are better served playing from the sidelines.

Province Name and Number: 2, Coldmarch.

Fiefdom Bio:
Red = Gullkliff, this is the home of Coldmarch’s navy and the bay between the island and mainland is where most of the Longboats are prepared for war.
Green = Coldmarch, this is the capital of the Coldmarch an houses the Jarl and his retinue during times at home. It also is the home to Coldmarch Castle, the only castle in Coldmarch to have a stone keep surrounded by wooden walls.
Yellow = Brazenhill, this is the main mustering point of the army. It is surrounded by fertile fields to feed the force as well as empty fields for housing the army before marching to war.
Blue = These are all of the fortified villages in Coldmarch. The Jarls have been making preparations for many years to protect themselves from other Jarls ambition and by reinforcing border villages with large palisade walls it makes the borders much easier to protect.

This is WIP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Jarl: Bertil Reenburg

Path: Way of the Patron (bonus to loot roll)


Province Name and Number: 7 - Escgor

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Duc de Canard

Duc de Canard

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Jarless: Eyildr Crowsfoot, the White Crone, Jarless of Hjaldr's Vale.
Path: Way of the Patron


Eyildr Crowsfoot, aged 74, the venerable Jarless of Hjaldr's Vale for some fifty years of peace and prosperity. She is of small, occasionally uncertain physical stature and walks with the help of a heavily bejewelled cane wrought from oak wood. Upon her head she wears a woven diadem of bronze studded with amethysts, and heavy and imperious robes. Wrinkles adorn her face heavily, with crow's feet at her eyes and a sunken, aged mouth. Grey hair is drawn back into intricately woven styles by countless maids. Her eyes, however, remain sharp and keen - pinpricks of greying light that take in all around her with a keen and unyielding accuracy. When she speaks she does so slowly and carefully, and does so freely, unafraid to offend those around her by her observations. It has been Eyildr's diplomatic coolness, however, that has fostered amicable relations with the Elves of Galadriel and her own men of Hjaldr's Vale, and has allowed her realm to acquire some wealth in this manner.

Asmund Crowsfoot, the Unyielding, aged 33, heir to the Jarldom of Hjaldr's Vale. Asmund was Eyildr's third son with her long deceased husband Glithli, after Torvigg and Hallfrid, but upon the deaths of the latter at sea in a great storm within the Icevein Inlet he found himself heir to the Vale and to his venerable mother's title. Asmund is a warrior at heart, much at contrast to the careful and unwarlike ambitions of his mother. He has fought where necessary at the behest of his aged mother, and in times of crisis and war it is he who leads the banners and armies of Hjaldr's Vale against incoming menaces. A tall and inspiring commander, he wears his flaming orange hair loose around his head and grows a great beard.

Kalli (24), Hjelda (21), Birna (18) Crowsfoot, the Unmarried Maids of Hjaldr's Vale. The three youngest daughters of Eyildr are some of the Kingdom's most eligible maids. A marriage to one of them could easily be a way to secure the fealty of the Vale.

Arl Tormus Watervale of Red Reach, aged 43, is the most prominent Arl in the Jarless' domain. His town of Red Reach rests extremely close to the border of Galadriel, and it is through him that much of the trade passing through into Hjaldr's Vale and the Kingdom at large comes. He is therefore the richest of the men in the Vale after the Jarless herself, and his smooth disposition and uncharacteristically anti-war opinions have led him to be distrusted by many of the Kingdom's councillors. Some suspect him of attempting to influence the aged Jarless. He is married to Eyildr's eldest daughter Faelina and by her has two sons and a daughter aged between 13-3.

Arl Baveer Hawksbane of Grassmarch, aged 21, is the 'Boy of Grassmarch'. He is the lord of much of the fertile grasslands that compose the eastern portion of the Vale. Raised in the court of the Jarless as a boy after the death of his parents in the same sailing mishap that killed Eyildr's eldest sons, he has been as much as a surrogate son to the Jarless and through this has an unyielding loyalty to her that secures at least the most fertile area of the Vale as continuously leal to her.

Thanes Aldrun Hawskbane, uncle of the current Arl of Grassmarch (41) and Haaken Moonsfall (28) a distant cousin of the Jarless and noted military wonder.

Dynasty Bio: The Crowsfoot dynasty have ruled the Vale since the arrival of Hjaldr Crowsfoot the Red Rooster onto its grassy plains some five centuries ago, largely uninterrupted since then save for insurgencies by many petty lords during times of crisis or unsure succession. The family has maintained its grip on the region largely due to its unstoppable fertility - the current Jarless has twelve children and has used them, as she and her siblings were used before her, to maintain carefully cultivated marriages and matches with those around her. There was even talk of one of her daughters being married to a petty king of the Elves. The Crowsfoot have not ruled with an iron first, but justice unto those who have sought to usurp their power has been swift and exacting. The preferred method of execution in the Vale is drowning in the River Stael.

Province Name and Number: 9, Hjaldr's Vale.

Fiefdom Bio: The Vale holds some of the Kingdom's most fertile lands, and along its east and south great fields of wheat, barley and corn are grown in the lands of Grassmarch. Its southern location also allows it to be somewhat warmer than many of the northern fiefs and so it often escapes particularly harsh winters. The western and northern coasts have developed extensive maritime cultures that foster travelling between the fiefs and also southwards towards Galadriel, and exploration along the Elven west coast has also developed in this time. The fief's largest city is Firsthold, historically the first place where the eponymous Hjaldr set up camp upon his arrival into the Vale. It rests in the far north of the fief on the coast of the Icevein Inlet and is the seat of the Crowsfoot family. Other large cities include Red Reach, which nestles extremely far south, near to the border of Galadriel and so has a culture influenced by Elven architecture and a higher than normal number of Elven and half-Elven residents, and Grassmarch, which rests on the south-east edge of the fief and maintains dominion over the extensive agricultural land that is used to feed many of the areas of the Kingdom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Duc de Canard

Duc de Canard

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If anyone is seeking a spouse for their Jarl, then they could potentially be married to a Crowsfoot woman. Eyildr has several as-of-yet unnamed daughters and the Crowsfoot are well known for their fertility and longevity, which may make them attractive brides to the Jarls of the land.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Duc de Canard said
If anyone is seeking a spouse for their Jarl, then they could potentially be married to a Crowsfoot woman. Eyildr has several as-of-yet unnamed daughters and the Crowsfoot are well known for their fertility and longevity, which may make them attractive brides to the Jarls of the land.

I ask that you guys be cautious when joining your dynasties in marriage pacts. Work out amongst yourselves who has creative control of the spouse and children. If two main characters marry, be especially careful as your ICs will become intertwined and this could lead to problems down the road if you are both trying to tell two different stories.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'd like to reserve region 1 if I can, will get a NS up today hopefully.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Sheets up. I had to condense it because I was accidentally writing a mini-novel, which probably would have sold on Amazon Kindle Store for 00.01 British pounds. However I think what's there should get me past the starting line.

If anything needs an axe taking to, just say the word and I'll get it changed.

EDIT: I see everyone gave their minor characters fully fledged descriptions... I'll follow suit, but I'll have to go and dream them up. Stay tuned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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The House of Wolves

Jarl: Zarathustra Metsamees(The Old Hound)

Path: Way of the Warrior

Dynasty Bio:

Province Name and Number: Amriel, The Isles of Wolves, Region One.

Fiefdom Bio:

Edit: Still need to add another Arl, tell me if I need to change or add anything else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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If we can get at least a couple more sign ups, we can start the game tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sounds good...cant wait...can you put an accepted list or something into the first OOC post so we can see who has Jarls and who their Jarls and fiefs are.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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gowia said
Sounds good...cant wait...can you put an accepted list or something into the first OOC post so we can see who has Jarls and who their Jarls and fiefs are.

yes, I'll work on that this afternoon along with your starting stats, and I should make it clear that you have all been accepted along with your choice of territories.
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