Another time, another placeA quiet, peaceful autumn afternoon. Trees rocked and swayed back and forth within the pleasant breeze, their red and gold leaves cascading to the ground. In the middle of a small cottage’s garden, the chains of a little swing creaked as it rattled back and forth ever so gently. A small girl sat on it, her eyes facing the ground.
Crack, crack, crack“Heya Largo…” The small girl’s tiny voice called out.
“Hey Estelle! How’d you know it was me?” The larger man’s boisterously jolly voice replied, as the mountain of a man joined her.
“You’re the only person big enough to crush leaves like that…” The girl replied.
“Hey, hey! Are you saying I’m heavy?!” Largo laughed. He gently put a hand on Estelle’s shoulder, and then with it falling onto her back, he started to push her. “What’s wrong, Estelle? Your mum said you’ve been out in the garden here doing nothing all afternoon. Why don’t you go out and play?”
“I don’t feel like it,” Estelle replied.
“Don’t feel like it? Why not?”
“Cus…” Estelle stopped short for a second. “Because I don’t have anyone to play with.”
“Nobody to play with? Why not?” Largo asked again, scratching the underside of his chin as his mammoth hands pushed Estelle’s back each and every time she swung back. With each push, the swing rose higher and higher. “A girl like you should have lots of friends!”
“I don’t have any friends.” Estelle replied, her voice littered with sadness. Largo fell silent.
“Why not? I know this is a really small village, but you should have some friends…?”
“Nope… I tried, but every time I do the other kids bully and laugh at me. They call us poor and call me and my mum bad names.” Estelle’s nose started to sniffle.
“What?!” Largo’s voice bellowed. “Why on Ddaear would they do that?!”
“I don’t know… cus I’m different, I guess.” Estelle’s shoulders slumped down even lower. “They laugh at me cus I don’t have a dad, and they laugh at Mum’s leg too. I know we’re poor and all but… why does that matter?”
“It doesn’t, Estelle.” Largo smiled. “Don’t listen to them. These kids don’t know what they’re talking about… sometime soon, Estelle, you’ll find some friends. Good friends, friends that will stick with you and stay by your side forever. You’re a good kid, and don’t ever give in to bullies. They want you to be upset, you know. So don’t give them the satisfaction! Smile, laugh and be happy!!”
“But it’s so hard…”
“If your mum wasn’t cooking you dinner right now she’d wallop you for saying that!” Largo laughed again. “C’mon, you already have a friend, don’t you? I’m here, and we’re playing! So c’mon, laugh a little!”
“I don’t feel like-”
“I said laugh!”
Largo pushed Estelle with an unbridled amount of force, and the swing rocketed at unbelievable speed, launching the little girl high, high into the sky. Largo’s face immediately dropped, his eyes bulging in horror upon realising that he just used far too much strength then he had meant to.
The Lion dashed out, running as Estelle started to fall again, skidding just in time to catch her before she hit the ground, safe inside Largo’s big arms. He looked down at her, fear gripping his heart as he saw how much Estelle started to tremble.
“Sorry about that Estelle, I didn’t mean to use so much strength there. Are you okay? Look, if you don’t tell your mum about what just happened, I promise to buy you all the ice cream you could eat and-”
“Ahahahaha!” Estelle started laughing. “That was fun! Fun! Again, Largo, again!!”
Largo smiled as well.

“I am going to suck what remains of the life from you, and then I am going to kill every last one of your friends and Abraxis…
“Abraxis will walk free.”
Vandrell: Hawthorne Manor: Grand HallEstelle felt the life in her body ebb and fade, as her strength and resistance left her, passing through her body and out into Lucifer’s own through the conduit of his hand. She tried to fight, tried to resist… but was unable to.
Her heart began to slow, and Lucifer’s pumped ever faster. His smile grew wider and wider.
Thirty seconds passed, and Estelle did not move. Lucifer sneered, and threw her body towards the Manor’s entrance, his other hand unleashing another calamitous strike that ravaged and tore at her body. As Estelle fell to the ground, Lucifer’s hands swept across his body in another cross shaped attack – powerful slashes tore at the supports of either side of the Manor and brought them to ruin. As they crumbled to the ground, the fire engorged roof above collapsed and rained down into the ground.
Lucifer turned and started to walk away.
And then he stopped.
His head slowly turned, looking back… his mouth and eyes widening in disbelief.
“Im… impossible. How…?!”…sometime soon, Estelle, you’ll find some friends… "Yaknow, Estelle? I think you're cool! You're a lot funner than that other guy."
"Hang tight, kid, this should help numb the pain. So long as he didn't break anything.”
"That was pretty brave of you, Estelle. I've never seen anything like what you did back there with Gaoh. A bit reckless, of course, but I'm still very impressed."
"Girl, you have a lot to learn. You see, I caused a punch explosion. Beat the shit out of pretty much all of the bandits, single handedly. Because, quite simply, I am awesome. Ask her!"
“Come back here, you!” “Nyahahaha~” “No kitty! Bad kitty! Cool down!”
"Hey, Estelle! I've never seen a magitech sword before! Where did you get something like that?"
“I’m here to follow you anywhere, Big Sis!”
"Really!? You guys will let me come along even though I tried to arrest Mr. Sylvester? Of course I'll go with you to Fenaru! Besides, I can handle myself pretty well!"
“Gorilla girl! Er, I mean, Estelle! It’s been a while, huh? (Not long enough but…) How have you been? You still with girlyman? What are you doing here? What’s up with all of you here, actually? There a convention in town or something?”
“My name is Dylan Sanders, new Guilder and Matter Artist! And it is lovely to meet such a beautiful warrior as yourself. Your kind is a rare breed, and it warms my heart to think that I shall be working with you.”
"I'll have you know, Lucy is the manliest name around. The name is Lucien, she just likes giving me nicknames and what can I say, I'm powerless against the power of cute nicknames, besides, I'm rather cute myself."
"Of course I'll help. … ... ... ... Um, I mean, I'd be... happy to!"
“Hmm… No, I’m not. I’m a Guilder, one of Julius’ friends. My name’s Celeste! Pleased to meet’cha! So, how’s the tartar?”
“Your name is… Estelle? …thank you, Estelle. Thank you for saving my life…”
…good friends, friends that will stick with you and stay by your side… forever.Standing amidst the burning rubble, the flame haired swordswoman stood still. Her body decorated in wounds and blood, exhaustion running rampant throughout, Estelle stood strong, tightly clutching onto her sword. It didn’t matter what Lucifer would do to her, even now, because she would not stop.
She could not. Because if she did, Lucifer would go on to kill her friends… every single one of them. And she couldn’t allow that to happen.
She would not let him.
IRON“How are you…? No, it doesn’t matter.” Lucifer’s fangs shimmered with the reflections of the surrounding flames. He lifted his hands up, ready to strike and put a final end to this.
“I’ve had enough of this. Now… now you die!!”His body became an indistinct blur, before vanishing completely. To the naked eye, Lucifer was now gone, but his presence was felt all over. Fresh scratches suddenly formed within the walls, floor and ceiling, wicked slashes emerging where Lucifer, moving at unbelievable speed, tore into. All around where Estelle stood, the Hall became battered and destroyed, as Lucifer neared closer and closer, toying with his victim, elating as he desired her fear to mount and her will to break before he finally destroyed her body.
But her will did not break.
Estelle simply stood still and waited. Waited, until –
Her hand launched out and then swung downwards. Lucifer’s body collided with the floor from where Estelle had found and grabbed his head, pummelling him into the ground.
Left in the darkness
Here on your own
Woke up a memory
Feeding the pain
You cannot deny it
There's nothing to say
It's all that you need to fire awayThe wooden fire drenched floorboards splintered and broke, and Lucifer’s body bounced back. This time, before he could react, his head was grabbed and dragged along the floor as Estelle dashed directly forwards, climbing the stairs two at a time, straight towards the approaching wall.
Oh damn, the war is coming
Oh damn, you feel you want it
Oh damn, just bring it on todayVandrell: Hawthorne Manor: CourtyardThe southern wall of the Manor exploded into the courtyard, as the two figures Lucifer and Estelle tore through. Lucifer was pushed outwards by Estelle, and a deft swing of her sword drew a mighty gash across his body- dark midnight blood falling down and intermingling with the sorrowful rain above.
This night was not over yet.

Vandrell: Hawthorne Manor: 4th Floor: Master Bedroom“Estelle!” Lisette weakly called out. Trixie, Amy, Syed and Moira all snapped their attention to the archer, racing towards the window to see exactly what Lisette could. And sure enough, far away… throughout the howling chaotic maelstrom of a thunderstorm outside, they could see her. A flash of red that would not ever give up.
“Supersis!” Trixie screamed in joy. She knew it, she knew it, she knew it! Her Supersis was invincible, and she’d never lose! Never ever! “Supersisssss!!” Trixie screamed, her tiny voice a squeak amongst the howling wind and crack of thunder, but it didn’t matter. Trixie didn’t know what she could do, but right now, this was it. She’d support and encourage her supersis to fight and win no matter what!!
“Supersis you can do itttt!!”Moira’s eyes flicked to Trixie, watching as the younger girl screamed relentlessly. The others were fighting to stop the ritual, by switching Abraxis’ summoning off before he could appear. Estelle was fighting Lucifer, and she… she wasn’t doing much of anything. She couldn’t with Syed in the form that he was, otherwise she’d be standing against the chaotic energies bombarding her friends on the balcony too. But this… shouting… shouting she could do.
“ESTELLLLEEEE!!! KILLL THAT FUCKEEEERRR!!!”“Supersissss! Kill that fuckeeeerrr!!”Lisette meanwhile closed her eyes… closed her eyes briefly before then drawing her bow, and the last arrow she had left. She said nothing, only drawing it and aiming it towards the battlefield below. She didn’t know what else she could do, or what firing an arrow would achieve especially in a storm like this, but it didn’t matter. She would fight alongside her friend no matter what!
Syed stumbled behind her, as close as he could, resting besides Lisette, one hand on her shoulder.
And Amy, sitting on the torn up bed behind everyone, closed her eyes and concentrated.

“Everyone!!” Selan screamed out, her ponytail whipping about behind her as she struggled to stay standing, let alone move forward. This… this might, this magic and sheer evil was almost unfathomable to comprehend, to withstand, to even recognise. It was so powerful and yet… they couldn’t back down, they could not shirk or quit. Before them Abraxis was almost there, and they were within reach to stop it! They had to move forward, had to keep going, no matter the pain! “Hold onto each other!” Selan yelled. “We can do this!”
She held out her hands, and in one, Don took it. She looked to him, to see him smiling at her reassuringly, before turning and clutching Dylan’s hand next. Her other hand was gripped tightly by Trent, who’s spare hand was then taken by Nikki, and then Lucien. Dylan’s other hand was gripped by Julius, who also held onto Celeste.
They formed a chain, and against the unstoppable force assailing them, they walked forwards.
They would not be broken.
Vandrell: Hawthorne Manor: CourtyardRaised in this madness
You're on your own
It makes you fearless
Nothing to lose
Dreams are a joke here
They get in your way
That's what you need to fight day by dayThe dark night was lit up with the sparks from Estelle’s sword clashing with Lucien’s fingertips, each fighter continuing to attack and parry the other’s blows. Each would move and dodge, avoiding the other’s attacks at the last second, back flipping and jumping across the beleaguered and torn ground, ducking, diving, lunging and swinging without pause to hit the other. And slowly, gradually, their attacks began to hit home, each fighter’s exhaustion beginning to mount. Fresh cuts formed upon both Lucifer and Estelle’s body… and it was only a matter of time before Estelle would fall.
Lucifer’s body was so much more powerful, rejuvenated each and every time he had feasted upon Trent, Lisette and Estelle’s energy, whereas Estelle had no such benefits. Her strength was rapidly draining, but it didn’t matter. She would keep fighting, keep attacking no matter what! Until she won!
Blown away from Lucifer by another parry of the powerful man’s claws, Estelle landed on the cracked ground, already dashing forward, her sword drawn close for a lunging thrust. Lucifer’s body spiralled back, his right hand unleashing another air cutting slash that tore into Estelle’s shoulder and pelted the ground with blood, but she keep moving, keep sprinting with the aid of Marcus’ magic and was upon Lucifer again. Her sword swung out, gashing into Lucifer’s own shoulder.
He winced slightly, a fist swinging out and punching Estelle in the face, for her to land hard against the ground, immediately swinging her body back up and away to avoid another slash aimed directly where she just was.
“C’mon guys!!” Don screamed. “We can do it! We can!!”
“Y… yeah! C’mon everyone… Big Bro! Selan! Lucy! Everyone! We can…!”
“Damn… straight… we can…!!”
“This… y’know, this actually… tickles a little…”
“Nyahahaha!! You’re so funny, animal man~”
“Goddamnit, shut up cat!!”
“Trent… now’s not… the time…”
The swordswoman’s feet danced up and down along the ground again as she dived towards Lucifer, her sword slicing through the air. Her teeth grit together, Estelle dived forwards, pushing on, and on, and on. Backed by Marcus’ magic propelling her speed, Estelle surged forwards, relentless, like a force of nature. It didn’t matter how bad the situation was, how desperate the odds, she would never give up. She would win!
The winds shifted.
“Goooo, supersis! Gooooo!!!” “MURDER THAT MOTHERFUCKERRRRR!!”She could hear the rallying cries of her friends.
She smiled.
Estelle jumped forwards again, propelling her body with all her speed towards Lucifer, taking him by surprise and swinging her sword down at him. With all her Magispheres spent, she had to fight and win by pure grit and determination alone. And she’d prove it was enough!!
“Foolish girl!!” Lucifer bellowed back, his rage beyond compare.
“You never learn, do you!!”Lucifer’s body vanished from sight again, Estelle’s sword sailing harmlessly through thin air. He reappeared behind her, his hand snagging Estelle’s ponytail again, his free hand open as he brought it in close with the intent of draining every last bit of life from the Guilder’s body… and then snapping her neck for good measure.
But then a brilliant burst of light streaked through the sky, cleaving the air in two and bursting through Lucifer’s hand, penetrating through the ground and leaving a smouldering hole behind. As everything fell into slow motion, Lucifer turned, looking to his hand and the clear hole burned straight through, utter disbelief left on his face.
“What… how…?!”“I have friends in high places.”
Estelle’s body turned, using the momentum of Lucifer pulling her body back by her hair. Her sword was the first to swing out, cutting off her ponytail and sending the strands of her fiery red hair falling to the ground, with Estelle’s right foot following through and cracking against the villain’s cheek, sending him barrelling backwards.
Estelle’s feet landed on the ground, and she stood up defiant, not yet ready to give up.
In the manor’s master bedroom, a bowstring became relaxed, and a pigtailed blonde girl collapsed to her side in exhaustion with an electrically sparking mage beside her.
“Go! Estelle! Win!!”Estelle’s eyes shot up, facing the recovering Lucifer, who finally skidded to a halt, his head rising up to face hers too. Those glowing orbs narrowed, and sinister white teeth flared ever sharper in the glow of another streak of lightning and echo of thunder. Enough was enough.
Estelle waved her arms, and sheathed her Magitech Sword. This was it… she only had enough strength for one more attack.
“Almost… there…!” Eight pairs of feet crunched atop the rain slicked balcony, the Pride inches away from the slowly appearing, glowing red magical circle that stood before them as the Gate for the Ritual. A magical circle with eight points upon, shaped like keyholes were littered along the giant glowing circle. Releasing their hold on each other, all of them stood as strong as they could, baring the brunt of the unheavenly forces assailing their bodies, fighting against the unimaginable force of gravity to lift the hands up that held their keys…
Before them, the giant, malevolent creature flickering between dimensions in the centre of the spiralling storm in front of them turned, and unleashed an ear splitting scream. Lifting a massive, powerful arm, it reached out towards them…
Oh damn, the war is coming
Oh damn, you feel you want it
Oh damn, just bring it on today“Enough… is enough…” Lucifer panted, gritting himself for the next strike. The final strike.
“Now… now you die!! Once. And. For. ALL!!”His powerful wings beat against the ground, propelling him forwards with his mightiest speed yet. He surged forwards, claws raised towards his prey, towards Estelle, ready to end it once and for all!!
Her eyes flicked open.
She had no Magispheres left… none except…
Her hand reached into her satchel and bought out that last one- the strange and inexplicable one she recovered from the ancient ruins of Museo. Her hand quickly opened and inserted it into the tip of her sword, and closed it shut. Power and energy automatically enveloped the blade, pulsing outwards and enveloping Estelle’s whole body, her body lighting up like a beacon in the darkness. Power swarmed through and sparked across her sword’s sheath, as Lucifer closed in on her.
On the balcony, shaky hands reached the keyholes. Unanimously, the Pride inserted the keys into the gate’s lock, as Abraxis’ giant hand reached out to smother them.
“Estelleeee!!”“Everyone!!!”]“WIIIIINNNNN!!!!!!”“DIE!”You can't live without the fire
It's the heat that makes you strong
'Cause you're born to live and fight it all away
You can't hide what lies inside you
It's the only thing you've known
You'll embrace it and never walk away
Don't walk awayEstelle’s sheath exploded as her Magitech Sword burst outwards from the sheer power coursing through and bursting without, its speed as fast as a rocket. Estelle’s hands gripped the handle. Her body turned. Her arms swung. Lucifer reached out.
The keys turned.
Don't walk away
Don't walk away
Don't walk awayThe world was bathed in a brilliant shining light, the thunderous black clouds above and the catastrophic energies of Abraxis swept apart and destroyed.
Estelle’s Magitech Sword sliced diagonally through the air, cutting straight across Lucifer’s passing body… leaving a terrific gash across his body and severing his forearms.
“No… no… fathe…!”Lucifer’s body tumbled and collapsed into the wet ground, shining with the reflection of the morning sun’s rise.
Estelle staggered forwards, her body heaving and falling, the wild energies contained in her sword dissipating. Her legs buckled and gave way, and she fell to her knees, using her sword to support her body up. She breathed heavy.
“She did it…” Moira stared incredulously. “She… she actually fucking did it!!”
“We did it…!” Dylan smiled happily, himself and the others all collapsed upon the balcony, overlooking a smouldering forest opening itself up to the morning sun, devoid of a terrible dark god threatening to destroy all life as they knew it. They had done it. They had brought forth the morning. They’d won!
Estelle lifted her head back, staring directly at the sky above. A beautiful blue shade filled with light and life. She stared back over her shoulder, looking towards Lucifer, and seeing his body remain still. It was over, she had won, and –
“RAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Estelle clamped her eyes shut and roared as loudly as she possibly could. They had done it! They had done it! They had done it, done it, done it!!!
And then Estelle’s Magitech Sword shattered, and her body started falling to the ground, her face filled with horror at the fragments of metal tumbling to the ground.
She fell into his arms, who gripped and embraced her tightly.
“You did it, Estelle.” Marcus smiled. “You won.”
“My mum’s going to kill me…”
Estelle fell into a deep sleep.
The sun shone brightly.