Yeah, there's going to be a bit more after that dance! xD
Dark Revenger Knight said
No, just about posting, don't want anyone to get left behind. So I'm gonna come up with a simple posting rule so everyone has an equal chance to do stuff and this doesn't become a 1x1 RP.
Crimson Flame said
Thank goodness!Posted. I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge every single one of you at the town gates, but there are too many people there to acknowledge... >_<
deadpixel101 said
OMIGOD I'M SO BEHIND WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION. So, I just read all the posts I missed and realized Vick is totes going to be left behind, I cannot think of a good way to get him in the group, as everyone else kinda just ran along with them, it would feel a bit forced if I did it too, plus it's a tad out of character. Any suggestions? If not, I can...jimmy rig some little npc things or something. I'm sorry for being inactive (if anyone really cares hah hah sob sob) I tend to blank out some RPs by accident then fall behind and feel like too much of an arse to catch up and say "Yeah guys i'm totally a part of your already developed RP!" But i'm totally doing that right now. So deal with it.Please. Sorry.
Silver Fox said
Ok. XDAnd Dragon I wouldn't call a girl who is 6'0 short lmao xD
DragonBeastMode said
compared to my 6'8" char that short enough lol
kittenlover said
I feel so short IRL! I'm only 5' 6 1/2"! Dx
Silver Fox said
I'm exactly 5'0 xD
deadpixel101 said
Silver Fox said
Fear the shortness xD
deadpixel101 said
I want that on a shirt with absolutely no context whatsoever to go along with it.