"Hello Liz, hello Huo. English bad, me can't speak much."
Federico saw how Huo had grabbed and lighten the cigarette, and without hesitation he offered him a smile.
"Quizas te he juzgado antes de tiempo. Thank you" (maybe I've judged you too soon, thank you)
He took the cigarette and before putting it in his mouth he saw how Bruce seemed to be fighting and prepared himself to absorb things with his powers if it was needed.
Federico saw how Huo had grabbed and lighten the cigarette, and without hesitation he offered him a smile.
"Quizas te he juzgado antes de tiempo. Thank you" (maybe I've judged you too soon, thank you)
He took the cigarette and before putting it in his mouth he saw how Bruce seemed to be fighting and prepared himself to absorb things with his powers if it was needed.