Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

near the moon, a single spaceship floated in space as it looked over the earth. The ship did not move, and was instead simply watching over the targeted planet. Inside the spaceship, several workers were walking around and pressing several buttons, doing what they could to make sure that their vessel was fully functional once more.

Withing the heart of the ship, a single figure stood next to what seemed to be a pod. The figure pressed several buttons on the console next to the pod and watched as the pod hissed and released a light fog into the room. Minutes had passed and the hissing finally stopped, causing the figure to smile as another button as pressed. The door into the pod opened fully to reveal a figure larger than the one who had opened it. The figure outside waited patiently for his leader to awaken, and stood by the console until a grunt could be heard.

The figure in the pod slowly took a step forward, leaving the pod that he was just previously in.The last that he had remembered was that he had just failed to claim the power that he wanted. He had no idea where it went, so he ordered his men to search for it and wake him when it was found. He didn't know how long he had been waiting, but he didn't really care all that much.

The figure looked to his second in command expectantly, silently asking him why he was awake. The other figure bowed with a smile on his face and looked up to his leader. "Sir, we have found them, and we are near them as well. It should not take long before we invade the planet and take what we deserve."

The leader nodded with a small smile as he looked at his assistant, who rose back up and looked at the taller being. "Good. What is left of our empire?" He asked, wanting to know if it had thinned out or not during his slumber.

"A few ships are no longer within our control, but the other will arrive in time. We are the first to get close to our target, and the other are being called to this little galaxy If we face no problems, we will have them soon..."
On earth, a young man was currently holding a new piece of equipment that had been developed for Zerplus, a laser-targeted drill. It was meant to be used to help when deep underground, and the lazer would shine at where the tip of the drill would come in contact with whatever it was drilling into. He aimed the drill like a gun, and pointed it at one of the walls in the testing room. Activating the laser showed him that the laser created an image of the Zerplus logo, a diamond with an italicized 'Z' in the middle of it. He then pressed a button which spun the drill, and smiled as he let go of it.

Looking at the one who had made the device, Hikari Shoku, he glanced back at the drill and set his hand on another button. "So this one is supposed to make is so you can take off the drill and replace it?" He asked her, receiving a nod from the developer.

"That's right. If you're going to press it, though, don't point it at me." She told him as a warning, making him nod at her and point it in the opposite direction of her. He knew that she didn't want to get hurt if something were to happen while it was aimed her way, and with a small smile, he pushed the button and hoped for the best.

Much to his surprise, the drill head went flying a good distance and hit the ground with a large thud. Hikari chuckled nervously as she looked at the drill head, and moved her focus back to the young man who had the rest of the drill. "See Kouta. That's why I didn't want you to point that thing at me." She sighed lightly as she entered the testing room, taking what was left from the drill from Kouta. "I guess I need to adjust it so it doesn't do that.." She said to herself before smiling at the young man. "Well, thanks for helping, Kouta! I'll call you if I need anything else tested. That is all for now."

Kouta nodded at Hikari and walked out of the testing room as well as the developer's personal office. He wasn't really sure what to do now, so he decided to simply wander the halls of the small company building for the time being.

As he walked around, he couldn't help but notice the gems that were on display near the front doors. He had never seen them before, and wondered why he hadn't noticed them when he walked in this morning. Shrugging, he continued to walk around, hoping that something would happen so that he had something to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Koyoru entered the office building through the front doors quietly, glasses that lacked lenses hid her eyes behind black frames. She walked up to the secretary and told her that she was the appraiser and she was here to examine the gems. The secretary nodded and gave her the keycard in response and she told Koyoru "The gems are over there. They're on their way to meet with you,"
Koyoru nodded and bowed slightly saying meekly, "Thank you,"

She then went over to where the gems were and she looked at them. She had to admit, they looked beautiful all by themselves. After looking at them, she looked towards the halls, waiting for the CEO to come. He was supposed to be there as she would appraise the gems. Since he was the owner of Zerplus, he was the one who had to know the value of the gems they just dug up. She adjusted her hair that was held up by a barrette, feeling uncomfortable in the open space around a lot of people that were either waiting in this hall or were just on their way to go and do their jobs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Iwao had been driving mix trucks for Zerplus for about ten years now and he enjoyed it. Sure he would probably never get a management job, but his lack of a college education meant that applied no matter where he worked. Besides the pay was good, and the fact that he spent most of the time in the cab of his truck meant that as long as he made sure to get to his destination at time there was a lot of time to relax and just enjoy himself. So usual he had his I-pod with him so he could listen to music.

However his shift was almost for the day so Iwao drive his truck back it's storage, and made sure to put his I-pod back in to his pocket in such a way that it was invisible before exiting the truck. The only things he had to before he could go were paperwork and basic maintenance. Seeing as he already knew all the fluid levels were in order, the less tedious part of his remaining work consisted merely of checking the air pressure in the tires, as well as once again cleaning the truck. After checking all tires he got out the high pressure hose and sprayed the truck clean starting with the drum.

Just when he was done with that his fellow driver Daichi Kikouchi approached him. "Hey Mori! You got any plans, you got any plans for the rest of day?" The younger man asked him. "Just the usual." Was all the answer Iwao gave, not mentioning that the usual meant that he would be hitting a burlesque cabaret club and have a few drinks.

Naturally first there was the standard paperwork. Luckily there were no accidents or even minor damages to the truck so he only had to sign the standard forms, which he had practically memorized by now. After he was done signing his name a couple of times he decided to leave via Zerplus's main building, since there was a new display he had heard some rumors about. Apparently it was a set of gemstones that when found gave off some kind of energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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It was a normal day for Hikari: get up, shower, then put her 'work clothes' on--essentially, the same vestments she'd wear if she needed to urgently take care of her infinitesimally small church--really more of a converted shop--or doing charity work. Soon after, the blonde arrived and set to work preparing the kitchen for lunchtime, though since she cleaned it every day there wasn't all that much to do in the morning; the building was small enough that if anyone wanted lunch early she wouldn't be terribly hard to find--plus they could actually request something specifically.

It was nice of Zerplus to let her hand over the food at-cost rather than trying to turn her cooking into an industrial money-making machine.

The tall blonde had opted to spend the rest of her time sitting in a chair near the front door, shamelessly ogling the gems on display. The stones were so pretty and Hikari fervently wished that they were less valuable than they looked, hopefully the company would then sell them off for cheap and she could get some pretty jewellery made with the things. Vanity was such a poor trait... but the gems were too beautiful to allow to go to waste.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Kouta continued to walk around, he continually found himself at the lobby in the front. He didn't know why he was attracted to the gems, but something about them just called to him. After looking around, he found that he was one of two people currently in the lobby, and the other person seemed to be attracted to the gems as well. Looking at her curiously and glancing at the gems, he decided that it wouldn't hurt to get a little closer to the gems, and it was only a simple glass case that stood in between him and the gems.

Curiosity was getting the better on him, and his personality was telling him to touch one of the gems. "It wouldn't hurt to just touch one... Right..?" He asked himself as he got as close as he could to the gems. Now more than ever, one of the gems was calling out to him, and he could only focus on the ruby for the time being. He didn't bother to question the fact that these mysterious gems were simply in a glass case, rather than being locked up in something that would actually protect it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Koyoru found herself looking at the gems even more, never noticing the two people in the room, one a boy, and the other a woman with blonde hair. Curiosity grew as she stared at the gems in the case, and felt the compulsion to hold the sapphire in her hands and just start examining it right away, without the CEO. She asked herself why she felt this way, only to not find an answer to her own question. She could only somewhat surmise that it was the beauty of the gem that was so captivating to the human eye.

She snapped out of her somewhat hypnotized daze when she heard the boy's question, and she cleared her throat trying to get his attention before speaking, politely and shyly, but still trying to show that she had at least some authority, "Excuse me, sir. I'm afraid you can't touch these gems...at least not yet. You'd have to wait until I'm done appraising them with the CEO,"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Iwao entered the main building through the back entrance and without wasting any time headed for the front door where the display was supposed to be. When he got there he noticed three other people who also seemed to be interested in the gems, a blond girl wearing a black dress, as well as a young man with black and a girl whose white hair made him think she was an albino.

Ignoring all three of them he walked over to the glass display case, and was kinda disappointed by it's contents. Sure the gems were nice looking, but after all the rumors he had heard, he expected more.Just as he was about to leave the green one caught his attention. He didn't know why as it didn't really look different from the others, but for some reason, he wanted to have that one specific gem for himself. "If only those others weren't around I would try and take it." He thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A well dresses and fairly ages man stepped out of his car and pressed a button on his keys, causing the vehicle to lock. Smiling to himself, he turned away from his car and over to the building if the company he owned and ran. He built the mining company from the ground up, and knew that he was lucky to have gotten where he was now. He wanted to talk to the appraiser about some of the more recent gems, and wanted to see what they would he worth in their current condition.

He tried all he could to make sure that nobody knew about the fact that they radiated energy when they were first found, but it seemed that a few people had been told about it. He wouldn't confirm or deny the energy that it contained, but would try to change topics instead. He had been told that after some time, the energy readings died down to nothingness, and the man known as Hatake Shoji allowed for the gems to be put on display out in the front lobby.

Walking through the door, he found a small group of people all talking about the gems, and smiled to himself. He had heard the appraiser say to an employee that he had to wait until after the appraising to touch them, but Hatake shook his head with a small smile. "I don't think that it would hurt at all to touch them. They can be cleaned before the appraising, and then we can see how much they would be worth. Gems as beautiful as those would surely have a high price at any market."

He looked at all of the employees in the lobby ad motioned towards the glass case before waking up to it and removing the glass himself. "Go ahead and pick one. The company has been doing very well and I can only assume that you all had a part in this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

While he had never seen the man in person before, Iwao recognized Hatake Shoji from pictures. For some reason Zerplus's owner removed the casing of the gems while he was surrounded bu a bunch of strangers. He surprised Iwao even more by allowing him and the others to hold the valuable stones. "Trusting guy, I hope no one takes advantage of that for his and the company's sake." Naturally Iwao didn't say that out loud.

"Thanks, Sir." While saying that he reached for the one gem that managed to hold his attention: the green one. As soon as he touched he felt a small shock, like static electricity, but he ignored it and picked the stone up. Iwao didn't know if it was just his imagination or something else, but all of a sudden he felt stronger then before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Koyoru turned to see Hatake Shoji, the CEO she had spoken to days before. She listened as he spoke, and after he removed the glass casing, she bowed to the CEO politely and she said "Thank you, Sir," After she had bowed to him once, she picked up the blue gem. When she felt the gem, it felt as if it was a cold piece of ice, but the cold feeling seemed to disappear.
She held the gem up to the light, examining how the light behaved when it hit the gem. She was careful to make sure not to drop the seemingly fragile gem. By now, the gem felt like it was at room temperature, and she wondered if the freezing cold she felt from the gem wasn't real.
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